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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. they demolished the enemy's support post with direct fire. there are no obstacles for them, neither drones nor mines. dnepropetrovsk arrival at yuzhmash, what the company is known for, why the locals are not afraid to film the consequences of the work of our armed forces. in ukraine, the sale of the homeland is in full swing. already, 52% of the country’s land fund belongs to western agricultural holdings. i wonder if the new owners
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of the square can take and remove all the black soil? he did not allow the enemy to land on the dnieper islands. volunteer sniper from the zone svo. knight of the order of courage. what is the mission of a soldier with the call sign pioneer today? official extremist cell of society. the activities of a couple of foreign agents who are not blind are prohibited on the territory of russia. property confiscated, what have they managed to acquire in a country that is cursed? so, let's start with a resonant video, which will most likely surprise even those who carefully monitor all the content from the special operation zone, who would seem to be accustomed to how often spectacular footage comes from there, specifically this shooting.
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an enemy who seems to be out of principle threw literally all available forces into its destruction, but even so did not succeed, anton podkovenko will confirm, anton, hello, greetings, well, the crew turned out to be somehow invulnerable, yes, because they have excellent combat training and, of course, a character of steel , such pressure and fearlessness that no one could resist, our t-72, a mountain motorized rifle formation of the group of troops-center, smashed the enemy’s stronghold with direct fire. despite the hail of drones and
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mines, the tank is rushing, it is rushing, look at the speed towards the ukrainian armed forces support column, here it is the first strike on an armored vehicle, either a mine from a mortar, or an fpv drone, the armor didn’t even move, the second attack again had zero effect, hit, bang, shake, you look around what you can, well, the main thing is inside the car, so that everything is fine, on the way we had already begun to be surrounded by mortars and artillery. fifevyshki to the line, even the tank is inexorably moving towards the firing line, turns around, the sun is blinding the eyes or this is how we see it, in any case, the driver does everything clearly and in general the whole crew acts extremely smoothly the crew everything is clear did, completed all his tasks, everyone minded their own business, the enemy attacks again with drones, this is what it looks like, the ukrainian bopla appears outside. one second
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there is an explosion, immediately the tank fires back, immediately another shot, and then another, our t-72 hits with direct fire, this is when you directly see the target and shoot to the enemy’s supporter less than a kilometer away, it’s really cool and the guys are just great, brave with iron with nerves, as they fought on the kursk bulge, as they fight now, the most important thing is to suppress the enemy’s stronghold with fire, and then of course. that is the territory is only occupied when the attack aircraft come, clearing it of dust and gunpowder, our tankers with this blow cleared the way for the assault groups, the tank seems to have shot off all its ammunition, it’s unlikely that there was at least one dryer left in the support area, they immediately fled there, i think , for the purpose for which we were working, there was no movement visible there, well, naturally, well, it demoralizes them, but on the contrary... it supports
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our infantry, the tankers, bringing their vehicle to the front, understand perfectly well that now literally everything that the enemy has at hand will begin to work with it, and in the video, by the way, we see a situation where the crew, despite such fire opposition, effectively carries out its combat mission, dismantles the support and, importantly, goes into the zone intact waiting in the reloading area, this is evidence of the highest courage of the crew of the highest skill. yes, they fired back and rushed back to their own to replenish their ammunition, also under enemy fire. the tank does not slow down, explosions crackle all around. fpv drones are cracking on armor, but the crew returns from the combat mission unharmed, there were also a couple of troubles during the return, they returned, everything is fine, you are going and the most important thing is to roll back, the crew so that they remain alive, they know that there is a crew that brazenly
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acts, just we get stuck stupidly, doing our job and struggling. tank commander. this is not to mention the many artillery pieces of the rszzo installations from the m37 howitzer to the czech vampire, and the losses of manpower from the kiev regime are consistently high in the donetsk direction, where the area has been completely liberated the new city of chasov yar, about 450 militants were destroyed in the ssu, on the ovdeevsky front up to 420.
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about the situation on the contact line, report by alexey baranov. from the forest area where these reactive systems are based. hurricane salvo fire battery leaves after receiving a combat mission, an open area is chosen for work, there are several points for crews to choose from, the commander of one of the vehicles of the west group of forces with the call sign jaeger tells us about the targets being hit. infantry, manpower, vehicle, column, day, night, morning, evening, rain, snow, and what's the difference, soptomstvo comes, the war is changing, there were no drones before, now there are drones. the bases of the rszz units are protected from air attacks by pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun systems; this particular unit protects the personnel and military equipment of the central military district operating in the ovdeevsky direction. we
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are in the cockpit of the pantsir s anti-aircraft missile and gun complex. it is armored, the doors are armored, the roof is armored, even the glass is armored, it all protects driver not only from automatic weapons. well, even from fragments, the machine works, but for sure, let’s say, there are no such goals that are too difficult for it, so we are working on everything as usual, combat experience is growing, and as for the machine, the life is complete, stable communication is all right, battery of multiple launch rocket systems the hurricane, meanwhile, having worked, has already replenished its ammunition and frame.
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high-precision weapons in the workshop of a ukrainian enterprise where large volumes of ammunition were produced. what kind of military-industrial complex object are we talking about? speech, the department did not specify, but there is every reason to assume that the comment concerns morning arrivals in dnepropetrovsk. according to the official version of the kiev regime, a harmless shopping center was attacked there, but the photos of its damage, be it broken glass or a partially collapsed facade, clearly do not resemble the consequences of a direct missile strike, which would certainly have demolished several spans, rather it looks like... another blunder by the notorious air defense forces. moreover, a little later an objective picture of events arrived, and ukrainian social network users shared it. the footage they published showed columns of smoke above a well-known building. this is the southern machine-building plant named after makarov or simply yuzhmash, which apparently was hit by
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several missiles at once. and for what reasons did it become a legitimate target for our armed forces, why even strict censorship could not hide the fact of its demilitarization, elizaveta khramtsova, elizaveta will explain. hello, hello, alexey, well, they come out to make such videos, the locals are no longer afraid, well, people understand that they are hitting where there are simply no civilian targets. impressive footage. the size of the cloud that rose over dnepropetrovsk this morning spread across social networks so quickly that it was possible to break through the information blockade that had been built in ukraine for years. even the information dump unian admitted that the so-called air defense of ukraine could not cope with the combined strike. first , a russian drone, orlan 10, flew over yuzhmash, and then a missile flew at the enterprise. it is the missiles, the most advanced and powerful in in the world during the soviet years, the southern kobs became famous. here they created the most powerful ballistic missile voevoda, also known as satan.
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this one can fly up to 15.00 km. the rt-23 utth, well done, strategic missile systems with intercontinental ballistic missiles, which are based on the ghost train, were also designed here. and, although modern ukraine has done a lot to lose all the achievements of soviet science. it’s unlikely that anyone will believe that this morning in dnepropetrovsk they flew into a civilian facility. since ukraine gained independence, well, the rocket programs were practically curtailed, although the zenit rocket remained, which worked, let’s say, on launching satellites, now this is actually an enterprise, but it is a defense enterprise, quite high-tech, of course it produces missile systems, drones, poizhmash has already arrived, so in the first year of the special military operation...
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coped with the lack of money in different ways, so in the first years of zelensky’s rule, the enterprise assembled trams and trolleybuses, about the authority that it enjoyed then the president among zavochan, says this video, one of the leaders of yuzhmash reports to the head of the administration, bogdan. zelensky tries to insert his 5 kopecks, but they brush him off. the first tram has been shipped, more than six months have already passed.
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some technologies to the chinese or an attempt to sell, that is, of course, well, the enterprise tried to survive as best it could, they had been sitting there for the last few years without electricity, with non-working bathrooms, all the young specialists had left there, there were only, roughly speaking, pensioners of pre-retirement age. remained to work, that is, it is always some kind of series of corruption scandals. and with
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the start of a special military operation, kiev came to the point of preparing a provocation with a dirty bomb at the once leading rocket manufacturing enterprise in the world. in 2022 , it was reported that a dummy rocket was created in dnepropetrovsk, which could be filled with radioactive material, and then shot down over the exclusion zone of the chernobyl nuclear power plant and accuse russia of a crime. finally no turn. he was finished off, of course, by a complete break connections with russia, that is, when they stopped supplying launch vehicles, it was not particularly possible to cooperate with the west in this direction, that is, there were emergency launches, that is , of course, this factor of loss of communication with russia, he finished off this enterprise and how , most likely, it will finish off ukraine as an independent state, and of course the morning arrival in dnepropetrovsk once again proved another one. and this deception cannot be hidden, like clouds
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of smoke over the city. elizaveta khamtsova, and analysis of the attack on yuzhmash. eight employees zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant was damaged as a result of an attack by ukrainian militants on the energy dar. several komikat drones attacked near raduga station when zas specialists were engaged in repair work there. rusatami said that russia is waiting for kiev’s assessment and actions from magatte and llc. since we are talking about a demonstrative violation of nuclear safety rules with details evgeniy nipot. three drones in the armed forces of ukraine attacked the raduga electrical substation in the energodar. the militants were already hitting it at the end. june , a new attack occurred at a time when zas employees worked there. the facility provides energy to both part of the station territory and the city itself. the drones arrived at intervals of 7 minutes. the time was chosen by odla, it was at that time that a team of our guys was working, workers of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant at the raduga substation
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were restoring the lost power supply, everyone received assistance within the framework of the fmba, fmba specialists got involved very quickly. they have their own unit, but this is, perhaps, the first attack where employees were deliberately put under attack zaporozhye nuclear power plant, this is not just a compromise of the magath safety principles, these are demonstrative violations of them, and of course we really want this to be given. alexey likhachov said that a dangerous precedent had been created, requiring a quick and adequate response from international organizations. representatives of magat who are at the station notified about this terrorist attack. we remember that rafael grossi has repeatedly said that the life of nuclear cities, station cities, the lives of people, especially the lives of nuclear workers power plants, these are necessary, simply, i would say, sacred elements of nuclear safety, today they were simply defiantly violated, those injured due to the terrorist attack of the vzo were promptly taken to the medical
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unit, it is reported that one of the wounded employees is in a condition of moderate severity, as a result of the... drone strike , nine employees of the zaporozhye station have been injured at this moment, who were engaged in work to optimize the city's power supply scheme in preparation for the upcoming autumn-winter season, which means all employees were provided with prompt medical assistance, one... employee, unfortunately, with a traumatic brain injury, in a state of moderate severity, is in hospitalization, the rest are in a state of mild severity, both transformers at the substation were damaged, as a result of the attack, the standard circuit was disrupted power supply to the city, the normal functioning of the station facility, which is located outside its perimeter, has also been disrupted, while measures to
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ensure nuclear safety are carried out in full, beyond radiation situation in the area of ​​the station with... from representatives of the federal medical and biological agency. the radiation background remains within normal limits. the damage to the rainbow substation in energodar did not affect the operation of the station. we continue constant monitoring. after the attack , most of the energy supply was de-energized, and this was during the peak of the heat. now emergency services are working to eliminate the consequences of another ukrainian strike. there is water supply in the city, said mayor eduard senovos. there are problems with the supply electricity, because it has practically been taken out.
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the energy infrastructure around the station and the city of nuclear workers is always included in the concept of a nuclear facility and its safety is inseparable, because not only the moral, but also the physical condition.
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together with our friends, we will build a great country, the inscription on the poster, which perfectly conveys the supposedly bright future awaiting ukraine. the main builders of this beautiful distance, as we see, will be women. it was them, in the context of the capture of the male population, that the kiev regime announced hopes pillar of the state. all female roles are listed right there: miners, welders, agricultural workers, and they will have to work not only in enterprises, but also, of course, raise children. well, for the answer... who will be appointed to the roles of fathers of the future ukrainian nation, you don’t need to look far. the only man in the dream of a great country is depicted as migrants from african countries. and judging by current events, this is very likely. after all, ukrainian companies are already hiring foreigners, because they will definitely not be accepted into the armed forces of ukraine. in general, if such propaganda were distributed among ukrainian militants, some of them might have asked a reasonable
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question: what are they actually fighting for, especially since even the land in which tarasov will be buried has already been sold no longer belongs to the state called ukraine. the proof will come from evgeniy deshkavets. evgeniy, good evening. hello. and we managed to sell a lot. alexey, half the country, at least. for sale, the ukrainian military is sitting in the trenches, believing that they are fighting for their land, they are not aware that the land is no longer theirs. remember how a few years ago square the media called the news about the massive sale of ukrainian black soil to western transnational companies fake. now they don’t call it anymore, they just remain silent, the sale of the country is a fait accompli. the only thing left for ukrainians is to work for hire, as usual. hired workers, and the leadership of ukraine, which was in the process of selling land and attracting these investors, expected to receive their reward from this, and most likely they
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received their reward during the entry process, that is, they were actively involved in this poroshenko’s administration, and yermak is doing the same thing in zelensky’s administration. let me make a reservation right away: ukraine is a gray zone and the exact numbers come from there. it’s not worth it, and publishing them is not beneficial to anyone, but here’s what is known: at least 17 million hectares of arable land, more than half of all ukrainian black soil already belongs to the three largest transnational food corporations, the american dupont, cargil and also monsanto, which in fact is also managed from the usa, as for the rest of the earth, more than half of what is not went to the giants of the industry, this is the domain of smaller foreign companies, and also... monsanto, for example, has been operating in ukraine since 1992, but began real expansion,
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which is a coincidence with the coup d'etat of 2014, at the same time kargel and dupont, after 2016, almost no one was hiding, although there was no open ownership, but... nevertheless, traces of such companies as well , big companies and, accordingly, their tentacles like black-rock monsanto of these famous transnationals had all this present. who are they the new masters of ukraine? don't think that this is some kind of faceless business. the key shareholders of all three agricultural giants are investment funds: black rock, vengard and blackstone with a huge. the volume of finance under management is almost 20 trillion dollars, the same as the gdp of the entire eurozone. these companies are engaged in managing the money of the world's largest investors;
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to put it into simple language, they are pads thanks to which representatives of the us financial elite lead their real wealth. there is, for example, the rothschild family, according to the famous force list, their fortune is about 500 billion dollars, but business publications attribute to them the ownership of as many as... trillions. at the same time, according to bloomberg, roschilds manage assets worth 250 trillion. how is this possible? just through investment funds. the rothschilds, rockefellers, morgans and further down the list, that is, this is the american financial elite that stands behind black rock and other funds that operate in ukraine. they understand that the treasures that they will take from ukraine, these are the riches of ukraine, they are gigantic. of course, we cited the rosshalds solely as an example; there are simply estimates based on them. as for the ukrainian scam,
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the du pont billionaires who continue to manage the company of the same name through funds have definitely gotten themselves into it; by the way, they got rich by supplying gunpowder to the american army. but the names of the rest are unknown; i repeat, the system of investment funds exists precisely to hide ends in the water. leading american financial circles, they want only one thing, they want the united states to receive a gigantic, very large external supply, and ukraine with its resources is such a supply, you need to take everything that can be taken, this is land, this is infrastructure, this is industry, this is even public buildings, according to some estimates, up to 15 trillion dollars can be siphoned out of ukraine. the seizure of ukraine by tycoons can be called the beautiful word investment, but we can honestly admit that the people are being deprived of their future and continue to tighten the noose on independence dependencies. the latest news from the company.
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dpr zaporozhye region eliminated more than 140 enemy personnel. the enemy paid this price, including for three unsuccessful attempts to counterattack; in the neighboring area where the dnepr group operates, two brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and the formation of elite ukrainian marines, whose positions can be opened with the help of modern russian drones, came under massive fire damage. about their effectiveness, report by igor pikhanov. scouts dnepr groups go on a combat mission,
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the unit’s goal is to identify and destroy. enemy positions in the orekhovsk direction. now this is one of the hottest spots on the zaporozhye front. ukrainian nationalists daily make attempts to attack populated areas of the front-line region, using mortars, rocket artillery and kamikaze drones , a domestic drone called zala takes off into the air to search for targets. the advantage is that it has a long range and good communication. he stays in medium air for 3 hours, 3 10 hours. well, this drone can also serve as a communications repeater for the lancet complex. the drone operator is located at a great distance from the drone itself. in remote mode, he examines the line of combat contact. the operating range of the russian uav is 50 km. enemy electronic warfare radio stations are not capable of harming an air reconnaissance aircraft. the drone operator detected the enemy. all information has been transferred to the operational headquarters.
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now our birds are taking to the skies. go towards the ukrainian militants, each of them equipped with armor-piercing ammunition. the first target is the enemy's military transport, the armored car infantry fighting vehicles are in a hurry to deliver fresh forces and ammunition to the front line. the rotation attempt was thwarted with precision strikes and the convoy was destroyed. also , fpvidrones of russian fighters are destroying strongholds and observation posts of the ukrainian armed forces. during reconnaissance , an enemy bbiga was spotted on such a noisy quadcopter, they shot it down, one was shot down with small arms, the second was shot down. they shot it down with a swag drop, that is, they hovered over it and destroyed it. combat work does not stop at night, the enemy decided that he could not be seen under the cover of darkness. replenishment of attack aircraft has reached the position, drones are neutralizing the enemy detachment, the russian military says that on the opposite side of the front there are fighters from ukrainian nationalist battles and foreign mercenaries. our special forces resist the enemy thanks to their courage and professionalism. experience is gained during
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regular exercise training. positions they occupied, are stopping attacks on our fighters are gradually squeezing the enemy out of populated areas, everyone understands, each a destroyed unit of enemy military equipment and artillery means dozens of lives saved. igorkhanov, vesti zaporozhye region. now a short advertisement is what will happen next on our broadcast. he did not allow the enemy to land on the dnieper islands. volunteer sniper from the northern military district zone, holder of the order of courage. what is the mission of a soldier with the call sign pioneer today?
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