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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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i want to express my gratitude to you for the invitation to visit kazakhstan on a state visit, of course, it is most rational to do this in connection with the csto summit, we will definitely do this, and i am grateful to you for this invitation, it is certainly accepted. a referendum on the introduction of nuclear energy is planned for the fall in kazakhstan, and if the outcome is positive, rosatom is ready to get involved. i will honestly tell you, as a big secret, just between us, that we will have... the most advantageous offer for kazakh partners. meetings take place one at a time on the other, delegates and the chinese press come in next door. astana greets the delegates of the congress with a comfortable +20 with a little sun and rain mixed in. in general, here , even in the south of the country, the average summer temperature is only 4° above moscow. and yet, in the first quarter of this year, kazakhstan bought 985,000 of these cups from russia in terms of the retail price of ice cream. and it would, perhaps, take first place if not for...
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china, which for the first time in history became the main importer of russian dessert, spending on it costs more than a million dollars in the winter months. however, countries have not been counting in dollars for a long time: 90% of trade is in national currencies, and balmuzdak, that’s how ice cream will be in kazakh, is only a microscopic part of this trade turnover of 230 billion dollars last year, although recent plans assumed 200 by the end of this year, dear friend, russian-chinese relations are comprehensive. partnerships and strategic interaction are experiencing the best period in their history; they are built on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty friend. our cooperation is not directed against anyone, we do not create any blocs or alliances, we simply act in the interests of our peoples. my dear friend, the agreements reached between us are being implemented. our
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multifaceted cooperation is steadily moving along the planned course. in the context of a far from difficult international situation, we need to remain committed to friendship, work hard for the well-being of peoples, and enhance the unique values ​​of chinese-russian relations. in countries dozens of joint working groups, five intergovernmental commissions, in other cases one is enough. the tourist flow exceeded 1,200 thousand people, groups travel without visas. and it was with beijing and astana that moscow signed the first document on the creation of a single digital corridor. last year, the number of personal meetings between vladimir putin and pina exceeded 40; each subsequent one brings the anniversary figure closer: fifty negotiations, which is called eye to eye, an outstanding result in world practice. the russian president also sees his azerbaijani colleague often, almost once a month, according to ilham aliyev, but there are always topics. last year , business missions from russian regions traveled 25 times.
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language, this creates such a good base, prospects for maintaining and developing our relations for the future, about a million, which means that students are taught in russian, this means that future generations of our citizens will also actively interact and speak as we do with you in russian, and azerbaijan is also becoming part of the most important transport corridor, north-south.
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before the meeting, the target for the three countries with russia and iran is 30 million tons of cargo in 6 years; the strategy of the islamic republic should not be changed in early elections. it is becoming a very serious transit country and very serious traffic flows will pass through these corridors, so this is a very important project for iran. leaders from 16 countries came to this samet; they were greeted with local flavor and a horse, which symbolizes the harmony of national dishes. camel milk. camel milk? yes, is this what you offer to all guests here? yes, sure, wants to try. the next interlocutor of the russian leader has all this. however, he was not interested, he was already in a hurry to the meeting room. this meeting with vladimir putin, if you take a closer look at the turkish media, has been expected in the republic since the beginning of the year, but it was expected, however, in turkey itself, but it will take place here in astana. putin’s visit is still on the agenda, it’s just that the presidents’ schedules are complicated.
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on the countries' agenda is the ukrainian crisis and security in syria and gas partnership. a large decline in trade turnover, but it remains at a fairly high level, 55 billion dollars, for a long time my dear friend and i were not able to meet; we had telephone diplomacy, but our ministries were in constant contact. the turkish press, ahead of its president's trip, wrote about
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the pressure that washington was exerting to force him to join the sanctions, but such a policy, as the head of the country's intelligence noted, would play against turkey itself, so they are resisting.
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part of mongolia, as well as western directions, roads connecting the far east of russia and the people's republic of china through the eastern connecting the tva republic, through the western part of mongolia, with chinese partners. by the end of this year, ulaanbaatar will sign a free trade agreement with yas. russia almost completely supplies mongolia with imported fuel, and through the joint venture of the ulanbatov railway, it organizes 80% of transportation. the tracks will now be upgraded, creating a transport corridor to china.
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that is, countries with half the world’s population agree on the future world order; tomorrow they plan to consolidate this in the final declaration of the sco summit. alexey kanopko, magomet otsaev, viktor kazakov, andrey baroukhin, broadcast from astana, kazakhstan. the american press today was seriously excited by the news from venezuela, where a detachment of the russian northern fleet entered the parking lot. this includes the missile-carrying frigate admiral gorshkov, which had previously moored off the coast of cuba, and now, as part of a long-distance voyage, has reached the bolevarian republic.
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boris ivanin will tell you how our sailors were greeted there and what the geopolitical significance of such visits is. a majestic silhouette on the horizon. so the russian frigate admiral gorshkov enters the largest port of venezuela, laga aira. together with him, the tanker, academician pashin, is lowered to the shore to the sounds of a military orchestra. there was a solemn ceremony right at the pier; we came from caracos to meet our sailors.
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this is a vivid symbol of the unbreakable russian-venezuelan friendship, which demonstrates our firm desire to further strengthen the strategic partnership in all directions and firm confidence in upholding the national sovereignty and independence in the emerging just multipolar world order. on the colorful streets of the laguira, russian sailors are warmly welcomed with latin american dances and national music. local cafes serve traditional food.
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usa, what does it mean to appear in laguire now? there is a clear answer to this question in the headlines of the local press. the visit of russian warships to venezuela in cuba underscores moscow's intention to maintain strong influence in the region and russia's strategy to maintain its presence in key areas atlantic amid tensions with the west. this is more than a display of the flag, as the washington post writes, a symbol of moscow's national interests. and no matter how the southern command of the us armed forces assures.
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which means that such an opportunity should be given to him. however, judging by opinion polls, biden may not have time to sleep before the elections, since even the democratic party electorate loyal to him insists on an urgent replacement of the candidate. our correspondent in the united states, dmitry melnikov, has details. about what thought the us president, dreamily and tenderly, stroking the hand of a black environmental activist, they cannot explain even in the white house, although they can find justification for such ridiculous and frightening actions of biden. the main task of his staff, perhaps at this moment the president wanted to give up everything to do something more
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pleasant, but biden’s schedule included a speech on climate change, which he habitually read from a prompter, including technical notes that were not necessary to read. more people die from extreme heat than from floods hurricanes and tornadoes combined. repeat this again, all together. more people die from heat than from these three disasters. life in the white house was divided between before and after the debate, and although staffers were told not to panic, the near-physical torment that biden's press secretary experienced at the first briefing after the debate was striking. does president biden, who is 81 years old with alzheimer's disease, have any form of dementia or degenerative disease that could cause such lapses in memory. i have the answer for you, are you ready?
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no. the official reason for biden’s failure at the debate has been approved in the white house, and is now repeated like a mantra; the president simply had a bad night; it is forbidden to look for other reasons. did the president undergo a neurological examination after the debate? neurological examination? the fact that it was a bad night, and the president said about it, he understands everything, the president regularly undergoes medical examinations, the results of which we publish, we will continue to do so, i’m more nothing to add. biden himself. at a closed meeting with sponsors, he gave a slightly different version: he explained his freezing, wandering eyes and incoherent speeches about fights with trump by transatlantic flights. not very wisely, i decided to travel the world a couple of times shortly before the debate. i didn’t listen to my employees, came back and almost fell asleep on stage. actually, this is
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a bad excuse; the president of the united states should not say: “i almost fell asleep on stage when there was a fear that he was too old.” for this work, but there is one more point, he is back from europe on june 15, the debate took place on june 27, giving him 12 days to recover from the trip. sources in the democratic party claim that biden was given exactly a week to regain the trust of the apparatus. otherwise, everything is already in place to overthrow a helpless and unpromising candidate. 25 house democrats are preparing to call on biden to withdraw his nomination.
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probably to personally assess his condition and chances of winning, but for now everyone is waiting for the last word from the biden family, who in a narrow circle are frantically deciding what they personally want the father of the family is in danger of leaving the election race, for example for hunter, who may be the first of the bidens to go to jail if dad ceases to be president. we learned that hunter, to the surprise of many, now takes part in high-level meetings, he began to communicate with elders. employees of the white house, he advises his father after the debate, trump, on the contrary, is celebrating one victory after another, donations after the debate are growing, as is the approval rating, and the verdict in the case of forgery in the payment of money to porn star stormy daniels was postponed by 2 months after trump's lawyers filed an appeal, following a sensational supreme court ruling that
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former presidents are entitled to partial immunity, which is why hillary clinton's voice sounds so nervous . who, thinking that she was talking to the former president of ukraine poroshenko, admitted in a conversation with russian pranksters what a disaster a trump victory could turn out to be? i know he's a very bad guy, and i know this personally experience when i fought with him in the presidential race. by the way, how is bill, what does he think? oh, he's very, very good, he's also helping biden, he and i, you know, helped biden in every possible way. countries of the bloc, and this will be another week when leaders fly to washington
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, a test for the president; preparing him for this summit is now the main task of the white house team. it is reported that the day before the head of the presidential administration gathered the entire white house staff for an emergency meeting, the task was to restore morale, which was noticeably wavered after the president's failure in the pre-election debates. it is unknown how staff can be motivated in the current situation; many of them have already started writing resumes to look for a new job. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. state and departmental awards were presented today in balashikha near moscow. the best canine handler of the russian guard, who trains service dogs to perform very difficult tasks, including at the forefront of special operations. these dogs can find explosives even where no one would notice them. an experienced sapper, and invariably becomes faithful comrades for the fighters. margarita semenyuk saw how they are trained to work effectively under conditions of extreme stress. from the first days of his partnership with his owner alexey, the canine handler of the russian guard
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has been protecting both the fighters and the homeland. where, attention, was discovered. any of your things and evgeniy petrovich will find it, evgeniy petrovich, his name is evgeniy petrovich, well, we have respect for him, he is already retiring, so everyone addresses him as
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evgeniy petrovich, and his name is zhikser, from the gixer hid his wristwatch, completed the task in a minute, announced the find with a gesture, lay down next to him, the dog fulfilled his duty on the front line, at the front he discovered danger where it seemed there was none, we are starting to look for this with sappers and the entire unit. we can’t find it, then we open the fabric near the stairs, and there is a weapon, that is , we already thought that everything, he was mistaken, yes, that’s it, everything, we expected that he was alive, he’s alive, and he might make a mistake, he means there was more than one such case, there were probably seven such cases, look for it. loyal to the owner and in their homeland, dogs are raised in the canine center of the dzerzhinsky division, there are more than a hundred pets here, mostly belgian malinoa shepherds, they are fast,
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resilient, diligent in their work, with such employees you need to be calm and confident in every movement, they feel everything, they even if i start not move like this, that is, they will copy it all, that is, if i start to get nervous, he will also feel it all, well , as one whole, because we are a big pro... all conditions have been created for service dogs, here they are born, kept and pass through general and special training courses, but for now they are very small, hidden from the sun , they sleep carefree. this is the younger generation of service dogs, the canine center of the derzhinsky division of the russian guard. these babies are only 2 and a half months old, but they begin training almost from birth. at 10 months they undergo the appropriate certification, that is, they pass.
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dog handlers and service pets of the russian guard were awarded medals and distinctive badges for carrying out service and combat tasks on the occasion of their professional holiday. awarded employees deputy director of the russian guard alexey vorobyov. a large number of our specialists are participating in a special military operation; with their help, 328 militants of the ukrainian armed forces and their accomplices were detained. more discovered. viktor vasilyevich,
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national guard, army general zolotov of various calibers, on behalf of the commander-in-chief of the troops, i congratulate you on the 115th anniversary of its formation. was given at the russian creative week, which started in moscow, and it is no coincidence that family values ​​became the topic for the first strategic session of the anniversary forum. this year, the creative week brought together more than
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300 speakers, representatives of business, government, analytical companies, media and cinema. sofia sergieva will tell you what challenges the industry is setting for itself today. 16 creative industries, more than 300 speakers and dozens of cross-industrial discussions. russian creative week celebrates its first anniversary on a grand scale. lomanosov, bringing together the most ambitious minds in the field of innovation on one platform. any successful creative product, today it is at the intersection of industries. music, literature, cinema, computer graphics, and somewhere in between a new synthetic creative product arises, and the russian creative week provides this opportunity to get new contacts, possibly even get investors, be heard by the authorities, well, find comrades-in-arms. the creative week started with a thematic start session. for 3 hours in the brain storm format, public opinion leaders were looking for an answer to the question: how to set a trend for a strong
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family in russia? a strong family? family first happy, the fact that we are dealing with values, values ​​that then govern patterns of human behavior, it seems to me that this is a big deal. this year the forum is held under the slogan, we are creating a creative future for russia together, participants from various regions of russia come here on this panel and leave their notes, memos, greetings, some from ryazan, some from orenburg, guys this is where they create something creative. hello, what are you drawing? we draw superheroes. so, what is your favorite superhero? you? uh, iron man. and you? and i have a dead pool. over the past 5 years, russian creative week has become a meeting place and discussion point not only for business representatives, but also for government officials. this year, within the framework of the forum , the state council commission on creative economy was held for the first time. on the agenda are plans to achieve the task set by the president. and by 2030 , increase the share of russians employed in creative
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professions by 15%. reading, the modern reader is no exception, but there is no talk of the death of paper books, because today more and more publishers see technology is not a challenge or a threat, but an opportunity for collaboration. our joint projects today are not separate digital and separate paper, today our book consists of several parts, an electronic book, an audio book, and a paper book. i see an increase in interest in reading and predict that in the future it will be much more interesting, much more,
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maybe maybe books on... development will be a little shorter, or maybe we will consume a little faster, and we will drain our emotions from fiction. russian creative week will last until 7 july, not only in business, but in entertainment format. guests of the forum will be treated to dozens of events, workshops, presentations, film screenings and art exhibitions, and visitors to the tretyakov gallery will be treated to an exhibition dedicated to the history of russian design. sofia sergieva, dmitry arkhangelsky and dmitry chernikov, news. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pentalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. with silver foil, a delicious chocolate layer, beautiful and perfect inside.
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popolos, without a wild appetite, a snack won’t hurt, without a wild appetite, sausages, dad can, what kind of square is this, i wonder, let me show you, this is a marking code - an honest sign, your assistant for safe shopping, the cashier checks it and doesn't miss suspicious goods, markings protect your purchases, this is the cash register, this is an honest sign, real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, stoloto! i am chef kote aganezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important.


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