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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

9:30 pm
dad can, dad can, only dad will tame it, dad can, dad can, have a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, sausages, dad can, what is this square, interesting, let me show you, this is a marking code, an honest sign, your assistant for safe shopping, cash register it checks and does not allow suspicious goods through, labeling protects your purchases, that’s it. cash register. this is an honest sign. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands. when the main trophy of 20 million is right in front of you. every 15 minutes. for only 100 rubles. hunting. come out to win. gold. i am chef kote aganezov. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes. and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria,
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9:32 pm and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb. let's help things happen. khvatamba. discounts for people from people until july 7th. we reveal the secret of an excellent grill. when purchasing miratork pork shish kebab. get champignon and freshness magnet for 1 rub. magnet - the price is what you need. hello, about the main legal the events of the day will be told by the correspondents of the program, hosted by the duty department and i, maxim movchan. massive accident in the rostov region, there are victims, terrible footage of the car accident was captured by the video recorder in the car of one of the participants in the accident. in the video's fatal maneuver , the car suddenly flies into the oncoming lane and collides head-on with a truck. the impact is so strong that the car is literally torn into pieces; the larger load with the broken wheel, meanwhile, itself rams another oncoming car. as a result of an accident in
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the autonomous okrug. the main antihero former ministry of finance official, yuri chekin, will be responsible for organizing contract killings 20 years later, that’s how long he was hiding from justice. in his last word, chekin again insisted on his innocence, but themis failed to move to pity. in the hall of the khantemansky district court, the former head of the control and audit department of the ministry of finance of khmau, yuri chekin, like a local celebrity, arranges a press conference for the journalists who surrounded him. the retired pensioner broadcasts directly from the glass.
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attitude towards the organization of contract killings yuri bederina, do i understand correctly that you were hiding for 20 years? sought the transfer of the case, the investigation, it seems, the finale of the trial, the inventive check-in decided to turn it into an enchanting one-man show, gathering a full house of journalists in the hall, but the production failed. the court of the autonomous okrug, today issued a guilty verdict, it was established that the defendant committed the theft of funds from one of the state enterprises, organized the murder of the prosecutor of the autonomous okrug yuri aleksandrovich bederin for a monetary reward, also according to two entrepreneurs were killed on the defendant's order.
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yuri chekin disappeared without a trace in the early 2000s, immediately after the murder of district prosecutor yuri bederin. investigators came to the conclusion that it was chekin who ordered the high-profile crime. yuri bederin then... was involved in the case of chekin, who at that time served as head of the control and audit department. the prosecutor was sure that the auditor was involved in the theft of more than 15.5 million budget rubles. and even when it was not possible to prove this in court, bederin continued to look for evidence. then chekin, it seems, decided to eliminate the stubborn security officer. bederin was quite a principled person. chekin decided that, in principle, you cannot physically eliminate the district prosecutor.
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and so to speak, pretend that i just disappeared, lay low, and thought through a security system, that’s all. a rented apartment in the center of hantemanski became a criminal’s lair, he did not go outside, he understood that surveillance cameras and a facial recognition system... would instantly give him away, he also did not use the telephone and the internet, while allegedly managing the financial affairs of his son, a lawyer, and so successfully that he managed to earn several tens of millions of rubles without leaving the apartment where he was hiding for many years, chekin even equipped a gym in one of the rooms, in this room there was
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a film studio, where the former official and his niece alena filmed videos for adults, there was in the home there is a secret niche under the window sill, its size could allow the man to hide in case... from the security forces, but it seems that at the time of the assault he did not have time to use it. apparently, mr. chekin is a person with a complex character, otherwise it’s difficult to explain why the son, even despite the fugitive father’s long financial successes, eventually handed him over to the security forces, but for alena’s niece, the sentence to the former official was a blow. she came to court dressed all in black, hiding her face behind glasses and not holding back her emotions. please don't, it's a matter of checkino. was considered by a panel of jurors who returned a guilty verdict; today the hantemansky district court announced the final decision. yuri chekin was sentenced to life imprisonment, he will probably be able to easily get used to life behind bars, because in fact he spent the last 20 years in prison and did not even leave
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the house. by the way, chekin’s lawyers have already announced that they intend to appeal the verdict. alexander mostovaya, sergey soldatov and artyom ryzhikov, lead the duty unit from the khantemantsiysky autonomous okrug. all the most interesting things, after a short advertisement, don’t switch, a lot of things can be confused, but with a choice.
9:39 pm
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9:42 pm
live broadcast of the law program vesti duty unit, we continue the broadcast. in turkey, doctors continue to provide assistance to russian and belarusian tourists. bus driver on lost control at high speed and crashed into a concrete pillar. the driver himself died, 20 tourists were hospitalized. olga zhurenkova has details. at the time of a terrible accident with russian and belarusian tourists in the turkish province of antalya, he was captured by street surveillance cameras. the bus crashed into a concrete pillar at high speed when entering the bypass highway in the manowata area. the impact was so strong that the bus was thrown up and turned around. the first footage from the scene of the accident was taken by random eyewitnesses, they also helped wounded. the main impact fell on the front of the bus. the driver, named shawki chobon, was pinned in his seat. he was allowed. rescuers, but the injuries turned out to be incompatible with life, another 20 people, of which 16 russians
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were hospitalized in the hospital, six tourists were diagnosed with fractures of varying degrees, one person is in intensive care, another requires consultation with a neurosurgeon, several tourists refused hospitalization because there are injured people, you must. five people, three belarusian and two russian tourists flew home on schedule; for the rest of the victims, the insurance company
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will provide compensation for accommodation until their return and flight home. the tour operator assists in selecting options. in addition to those five people who flew out and they were not even injured, they were not injured, and the remaining 20 people underwent what is called an outpatient examination, seven of these twenty were already released after a few. hours after the inspection, they are accommodated in hotels and will fly to moscow either this evening or tomorrow morning. experts note that package tours abroad always include an insurance contract. it is insurance companies that cover all costs for medical care in the event of an accident or other incidents requiring hospital treatment. as for financial compensation for the accident itself, all tourist buses to turkey are insured by a local insurer, a local turkish insurance company. and this company is obliged to pay financial compensation to russian tourists. sometimes
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the compensation amounts reach several tens of thousands of dollars. accidents involving foreigners citizens in turkey were frequently involved last week as a result of an accident involving two buses and a car. a thirty-eight-year-old russian woman died. the accident occurred in mersin in southern turkey. accidents involving tourists often make it into the news. so a few months ago, three buses, a truck, and three cars collided due to fog in the north. in the west of the country, more than 11 people became victims. last may, a bus carrying russian tourists overturned near kimir. the driver lost control and drove off off the road and crashed into a power pole. what caused the accident involving russian and belarusian tourists in the province of antalya is now being investigated by law enforcement agencies. turkish police worked at the scene of the accident all night and morning. law enforcement authorities initiated a large-scale investigation. the causes of the accident will become known soon. dmitry manushev. vesti duty department. the order of courage is worthy of the security forces who participated in
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repelling a terrorist attack in dagestan on june 23. head of the republic sergei melikov personally presented high awards. state traffic inspectorate employees celebrate their professional holiday, and day and night, in any weather and in all corners of the country, they
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ensure road safety, not only catch violators, but also actively engage in prevention, as a result of which there is a significant reduction...
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mikhail chernikov has always throughout his career he himself went to major incidents. already being the head of the traffic police, he and my colleague journalist eduard petrov drove from moscow to kursk unaccompanied and flashing lights, so that, as a motorist, you can assess the condition of the roads and how safety is organized on them. but here they are already at the opening of the motorcycle season this year, being an experienced biker mikhail chernikov, like no one else, knows that the improvement of the driving culture grows along with the development of the community.
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but also summing up over the past 10 years , the number of accidents in the country has decreased, but there is still a lot of work to be done, last year alone there were 132 accidents on russian roads, 14,500 people were killed and 1,666 were injured, in 5 months of this year the number of road accidents decreased by 2.3% compared to the same period last year. accept the right to stop. russia around the city and moscow, alexander bykov. for the holiday, they even shot a video for a song dedicated to the work of state traffic inspectors. they are carried through the years by reliable , strong men.
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the head of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the moscow region, viktor paukov, thanked his colleagues near moscow for their service. acting head of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the novosibirsk region kirill travin also congratulated his colleagues on professional holiday, in krasnoyarsk the ceremonial separation of personnel was conducted by the head of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the krasnoyarsk territory, alexander rechitsky. the work of road police officers is not only about pursuits, arrests and issuing fines, it is work at the intersection of various ministries of services, namely the development of digital services of the state traffic inspectorate, technical regulation in the field. the traffic police are faced with an ambitious task - to achieve a reduction in mortality as a result of road accidents by one and a half times by the year thirtieth and two times by thirty-six compared to twenty- third. fyodor eliseev, dina fitisova, lead the duty unit. dangerous waters. with the onset of heat, many rushed not only
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to plunge into rivers and lakes, but also to obtain licenses for small vessels. now is the busy season for rescuers. more and more accidents are happening on the water. special report maxim shevchenko. in hot weather, everyone is so drawn to the water, they swim more and more often in places where this should not be done at all. man, by the way, it’s not only swimmers who create dangerous situations. broken steering rack and broken body. this is what is left
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of the jet ski after the accident in the waters of malaya nefka. in st. petersburg, near the lazarevsky bridge, its driver flew into a boat at full speed. the details of the incident are being clarified by law enforcement officers. the st. petersburg transport prosecutor's office will check all the circumstances of compliance with legislation on the safety of operation of water transport, if there are grounds. response measures, and this is another recent case, it is also already under control, those who have been on excursions along rivers and canals can it may seem like the video is sped up, but no, this is an extreme boat trip where the speed is strictly limited, miraculously none of the tourists were hurt, there is obvious ignorance of the rules for using a small boat. unlike the st. petersburg reckless drivers, natalya this year decided to broaden her horizons and master management. a boat, she already bought it. on oars, true, but in order to sail on a motor, you need a license for this, but first of all, i’ll probably go to the volga. in moscow, take the helm professionally
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help in several schools, however, they will first require you to study the rules. well, usually we have theoretical training for a month, practical classes begin at the same time, and somewhere else, plus 2 weeks, practical classes and examination activities continue for a month. we have. rescuing a drowning person and mooring to the shore, as a result of which a huge number of people, in principle, do not know how to operate a motor boat, go out on the water,
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do not know the order of movement of ships, we are active participants in the adaptation of this methodologies to the current legislation to the realities, this methodology will accordingly be extended to all gyms of the russian federation. someone will definitely think why lessons are needed when you can learn yourself, we decided to try. give the most difficult exercise of the test immediately moored to the pier, according to statistics, most often the exam is failed at this very moment, it’s already starting to get better, yes, almost a dozen attempts in a row and if it weren’t for collapsing on the shore, the exam would be considered passed, collapsing on the shore, this means too much there was a lot of speed when approaching the shore, which is why, the teachers emphasize, you need to practice at school, after which you go to a meeting with a strict gims employee, as alexander did. well, i’m interested in fishing, first of all, with this boat in mind. under the new standards, the exam takes about an hour. b - start of movement, b - departure from the pier
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, approach to it during mooring operations. we watched the process nearby. one of the main points in moscow where they conduct practical exams for obtaining a boat driving license - this is a large straginsky backwater. here the water area is spacious enough not to disturb anyone, so the gims inspectors give up. all efforts are made to accept those who wish, there are quite a lot of exercises, the exam is very extensive, and at the same time you can’t make mistakes many times, otherwise you won’t be given a license, for example, now one of the applicants on a boat was doing exercises to save a drowning person, and that’s just one thing of 19 exercises, the program also includes navigation through the water area, placing the vessel on anchor, various maneuvers, and of course theory, a person with experience, in principle, again did not take into account the special ones. however, inspectors warn
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that they are controlled completely differently, so if you want to increase the scale, it is important not to neglect additional practice with professionals so that going out on the water is a real relaxation, and not a stupid risk for yourself and others. maxim shevchenko, vitaly melkov, lead the duty department. defile to the prosecutor, a children's beauty contest in rostov -on-don caused a loud scandal, and the organizers of the event explain themselves to employees of the supervisory agency. the point is that in front of the public. in the center of rostov, in one of the parks, there is an open-air podium, models in swimsuits are impressively parading along it, only we had to cover the faces of the girls with computer retouching. the participants in the local beauty pageant are minors, some are 14. and this is already.
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photographs from the show, which on the same day spread across social networks and instant messengers, were taken by local blogger maxim anufriev, and called the competitions a holiday of pedophiles in rostov-on-don, swimsuits underwear, everything that happens at the competition is a perversion of the child’s psyche. would you like your child to stand in just his underwear on the street, in front of people? the organizers of the competition strongly disagree with the blogger. rostov modeling agency.
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it doesn’t change from year to year, but before, teenage fashion shows in swimsuits didn’t outrage anyone. we have an exit, it lasted 3 minutes, these are beautiful black swimsuits, a large white rose, this is a production, this is a musical arrangement, that is, this is just an aesthetic sketch, that’s all. in the modeling business 14-year-olds are already starting their careers, but as for younger models, the rules are really stricter here. for children, in a swimsuit, for which all this fuss flared up, but categorically.
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write down some specific rules for holding such a competition, including ensuring that this is done by legislation, everything is done from the right side, and the right one. others, including modeling professionals , see nothing wrong. children of models are needed in various areas of the modeling business, for example, advertising shoots for clothing catalogues. and shows at fashion weeks, advertising on tv, including swimsuits. and while this dispute does not subside, the supervisory agency now has to figure out who is right, kommersant reported this. the prosecutor's office will conduct an investigation in connection with the defile of schoolgirls in swimsuits at a modeling competition in rostov. this was reported by the press service of the prosecutor's office of the rostov region. the test is in full swing, its results are awaited by critics of the competition and its defenders. the first are indignant, the second insist that everything
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went within the framework. ekaterina lekhomanova news duty department. the entire operational news feed of legal news in telegram channels vesti duty department and honestly detective. subscribe, also our investigations and daily releases on the “watch” platform. go to the ether tab, turn on honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue, excuse me, to introduce you to today's agenda. they destroyed the enemy's support with direct fire, they were not hindered by either drones or mines, what a dashing crew of professional tankers is capable of. precision strikes against legitimate targets. what is the company known for?


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