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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 3, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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at the front, our soldiers are gradually squeezing the enemy out of their occupied positions, stopping attacks on populated areas, everyone understands that every unit of enemy military equipment and artillery destroyed means dozens of lives saved. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead zaporozhye region. together with our friends we will build a great country. the inscription on the poster, which perfectly conveys the supposedly bright future awaiting ukraine. the main builders of this beautiful distance, as we see, will be the same. it is them in the conditions of catching the kiev regime declared the male population to be the mainstay of the state. all female roles are listed right there: miners, welders, agricultural workers, workers, and they will have to work not only in enterprises, but also, of course, raise children. well , you don’t have to go far to find out who will be appointed to the roles of fathers of the future ukrainian nation. the only man in the dream of a great country is depicted as a migrant from some african country.
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the military are sitting in the trenches, they believe that they are fighting for their land, they are not aware that the land is no longer theirs. remember how several years ago independent media called news about the massive sale of ukrainian black soil to western transnational companies fake. now they don’t call people anymore, they just remain silent. the sale of the country is a fait accompli. the only thing left for ukrainians is to work for hire, as an ordinary employee. and the ukrainian leadership was in the process of selling land and
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attracting these investors, hoping to get their reward from this, and most likely they are getting their reward received during the entry process, that is , the poroshenko administration was actively engaged in this, and yermak is doing the same thing in the zelensky administration. let me make a reservation right away: ukraine is a gray zone and you shouldn’t expect exact figures from there, and publishing them is not beneficial to anyone, but here’s what is known, at a minimum. 17 million hectares of arable land, more than half of all ukrainian black soil already belongs to the three largest transnational food corporations, the american dupont, kargel, and also monsanto, which in fact, it is also controlled from the united states, that before the rest of the land, more than half of what the industry giants did not get is the property of smaller foreign companies, as well as local oligarchs. industry leaders have long been licking europe's most fertile region.
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monsanto, for example, has been operating in ukraine since 1992, but began real expansion, which coincided with the 2014 coup d’etat, at the same time kargel and dupont began to increase their investments through affiliated companies. after 2016, almost no one was hiding, although there was no open ownership, but nevertheless, traces of such companies as well, big companies and... accordingly their tentacles, like blackrock, monsanto, these famous transnationals, cargio, all this was present. who are they, the new masters of ukraine? don't think that this is some kind of faceless business. the key shareholders of all three agricultural giants are investment funds, black rock, veengard and black stone with a huge amount of finance under management, almost $20 trillion, equal to the gdp of the entire eurozone. these companies are in the business of managing.
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money from the world's largest investors, to put it into simple language, they are linings, thanks to which representatives of the us financial elite take their real wealth into the shadows. there is, for example, the rothschild family, according to the famous force list, their fortune is about 500 billion dollars, but business publications attribute to them the ownership of as much as 20 trillion. at the same time, according to bloomberg, the roshals manage assets worth 250 trillion, how... is this possible, just through investment funds. rothschilds, rockefellers, morgans and further down the list, that is, this is it the american financial elite, who are behind black rock, behind other funds that work in ukraine, they understand that the treasures that they will take from ukraine, these are the riches of ukraine, they are gigantic. of course, we cited the rothschilds solely as an example; there are simply estimates based on them. as for the ukrainian scam. then
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the du pont billionaires definitely got themselves into it, who continue to manage the company of the same name through funds, by the way, they got rich by supplying gunpowder to the american army, but about the rest surnames...
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a country that is interested in ukrainian land remaining in the hands of ukrainians is russia. at the forefront of the northern military district, the center west grouping occupied more advantageous positions. during the day, zelensky’s formation lost about 1,800 soldiers, mercenary officers, three tanks and nine other armored vehicles, as well as 30 howitzers, self-propelled guns and rocket systems, mostly western-made, were destroyed. air defense forces shot down 39 combat drones with three hymers shells, about the work of tank crews, pavel prokopenko. t80 is sent to combat work under our artillery cannonade, in the avtoevsky direction, as usual, very loud. our reconnaissance copter saw an
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enemy support position in the forest belt; the tankers of the center group of troops were hitting there with their large caliber. the vehicles operate from a closed position, which means that the target... they cannot see, but immediately after firing they themselves can become a target. we are being watched, we understand all this, we also try to secretly advance to our own positions, stand up accordingly, disguise ourselves, we do everything promptly, quickly, all people understand, the crew works great and coordinated. for camouflage, tankers literally use everything under their feet, that is, under the tracks, so that they blend in with the terrain, as if it were not so noticeable, iron reflections, so that... the sun does not fade, so they cover themselves with everything that can be found, with which even more rubbish, the more secretive you will be, guys with a character as solid as ural granite, a crew from the smertlovsk region, mechvod even named his tank ural by analogy with the legendary truck, you
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don’t even need to rev it up, you just got in and drove off right away after a combat mission, preparation for the next replenishment of ammunition, inspection of vehicles, t-72 - t-80 and the like.
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i’m fighting for life and the right to be useful, this is how a special operation veteran with the call sign pioneer presents himself, whose story now inspires many military volunteers. anatoly kolchinsky was a sniper in one of the brigades of the northern fleet, received many wounds, but each time he returned back to the front line, however, one of the combat missions ended with such a severe wound that it took many months to recover. as a result, as the fighter himself admits, it will no longer be possible to return to the north military district zone for health reasons, but he still wants to serve. in my country had not gone away, i had to look for a way to show my abilities outside the front line. thus, in fact, the active work of the pioneer began for the benefit of our defenders, about patriotism and unbroken will, evgeniy petrukhin. they
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were practicing combat missions in the kherson direction and three enemy boats moved towards them at once. command order to prevent the enemy from landing on the dnieper islands. the sniper pair did it. impeccable. the vsushnikov were greeted as they should be. the landing of the militants of the armed forces of ukraine failed due to fire. the enemy was in the carriage, covering the island with cluster munitions and firing at ours. and then, when we reached deep water on the dnieper, we saw that a
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kamikaze drone of the enemy was flying towards us. and this moment, the footage was published by the ukrainian side, you can see how the drone is approaching the boat and a black field. this is what the ukrainian media wrote then, saying that a russian boat with a crew destroyed, but in fact, this drone ended up on our boat. to the left stern, we wound up further and swam to the end, seriously wounded, but not broken or thrown off course, and we also saved our comrades. here is the call sign pioneer, anatoly kolchinsky, it’s him and his comrade, that heroic sniper couple. the pioneer went to his zone on the first day of mobilization, to volunteers, because he said he could not do otherwise. a professional sniper, he worked as a matchmaker...
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on the dnieper, where he received multiple injuries, he was already ready to return to the combat zone not an option, long and difficult rehabilitation, here is a pioneer on the uneven bars, but not everyone will repeat this, a will that cannot be broken. kalchinsky has a new mission today, he is collecting humanitarian aid for fighters in the northern military district zone, so in fact, he is still in the same ranks with his comrades, working for the same goal. i help specifically with technical equipment. division, that is , expensive cars, sights, birds, this
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is what helps save the lives of soldiers, well, to carry out combat missions, that is, it’s like i’m here, well, partially with guys, in the last month it turns out that three cars have been bought, kalchinsky’s military family is all helping the front, his mother, for example, has thermal imaging blankets, the soldiers already have hundreds of them, protection from the enemy’s thermal imager, our serviceman camouflages artillery pieces in this way, for example, so that the enemy the drone did not notice the heat spot. but motorcycles for the front, already in the hands of soldiers, will be needed where you need to get through quickly. these are the snipers of the 80th arctic brigade thanking the car for the humanitarian aid that kalchinsky will absolutely try to send again again. in the near future, i plan to personally deliver to the soldiers a whole minibus of what the front so desperately needs.
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rifle casings, bullets to make electronic warfare systems, fish, birds, blankets and much other technical equipment, i want to go to the nearest islands, if it is possible to go by boat. senior sniper kalchinsky intends to go to his kherson direction and shake hands with his comrades and commanders. and continue to help our front line. a stalwart pioneer he sees the new mission in exactly this way, opening up new opportunities both for himself and for the front. the editors of cnn tv channel spared no airtime today to justify joe biden's dependence on naps. the senator from california acted as a lawyer for almost 9 minutes, she argued that the us president often hangs out at public events because he cannot take a nap in the middle of the working day, which means... he should be given such an opportunity, but however, judging by opinion polls, sleep until the elections
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biden may not make it in time, since even the electorate of the democratic party, which is loyal to him, insists on an urgent replacement of the candidate. our subcorrespondent in the united states, dmitry velnikov, has the details. what the us president was thinking dreamily and tenderly while stroking the hand of a black environmental activist cannot be explained even in the white house, although finding justification for such an absurd and frightening act by biden has become the main task.
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travel the world a couple of times recently i didn't act very wisely, i decided before the debate, i didn't listen to my employees, came back and almost fell asleep on stage. actually, this is a bad excuse, the us president should not speak, i almost fell asleep on stage when there is a fear that he is too old for this job, but... there is one more point, he returned from europe on june 15, the debate took place on the 27 june, he had 12 days to recover from the trip. sources in the democratic party claim that biden was given exactly a week to regain the trust of the apparatus. otherwise, everything is already in place to overthrow the helpless, unpromising candidate. 25
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democrats in the house of representatives are preparing to call on biden to withdraw his candidacy in the near future. i think he should be honest with himself, this is a decision that he will have to make, because both the composition of the senate and the composition of the house of representatives depend on it, the consequences for the decade ahead depend on this decision, biden and democratic governors are demanding explanations from biden, publication politics reports that alarmed democratic state leaders have demanded an urgent face-to-face meeting with the president at the white house, likely to... assess his condition and chances of winning, but for now everyone is waiting for the last word from the biden family, who in a narrow circle are frantically deciding what the threat is for them personally if the father of the family leaves the election race, for example, for hunter, who may be the first of the bidens to go to jail if when dad stops being president. we learned that hunter, to the surprise of many,
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is now taking part in high-level meetings and has begun communicating with senior white house staff. he consults his father after the debate, here at trump's on the contrary, they are celebrating one victory after another, donations after the debate are growing, as is the approval rating, and the verdict in the case of forgery in the payment of money to porn actress stormy daniels was postponed for 2 months after trump's lawyers filed an appeal, following the sensational ruling supreme court that former presidents have the right to partial immunity, that's why hillary clinton's voice sounds so nervous, thinking that...
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to continue doing this, but petra, let 's take it step by step, let's work over nato, if the worst happens, if trump wins, we will all have to decide what to do, but i don’t think that will happen, biden will host the nato summit next week, when the leaders of the bloc’s member countries will fly to washington, and this will be another test for the president, to prepare him for this summit, now the main task of the white house team, it is reported that the day before... the head of the presidential administration gathered the entire white house staff for an emergency meeting. the task is to restore the fighting spirit, which is noticeably wavered after the president's failure in the pre-election debates. what
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impunity, but now they have appeared in a house, land, shares, in general, all assets that extremists could turn against russia will now go to the benefit of the country. the decision, by the way, is subject to immediate execution, which the bailiffs will work with, anastasia ivanova learned. those who are acting against russia are throwing mud at the residents. this , of course, is a phraseology, the house in st. petersburg. it still stands, but according to the law it is no longer the property of agent nevzorov and his wife, who are recognized as extremist. society,
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we are talking about this plot in the village of lisenos, as the neighbors say, no one, no one appeared here, for some time the mother of lydia nevzorova lived here, by the way, this is only part of the seized property, the total value of the property is already , by the way, not for his wife’s agent, only in this village more than 35 million rubles. these are three plots of land with a stable. besomo, but if you are an agent sponsoring the armed forces of ukraine and having renounced your homeland, you can say goodbye to your acquired wealth. there are also more serious articles, by the way, in the criminal code of the russian federation, one of these articles is called high treason, but the fact that these people are working against their homeland does not cause me doubts, and not a glance - this is not the only case in this regard, the fact that someone has left somewhere does not in any way relieve them of responsibility and does not give us any opportunity to not bring the matter to an end in part
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justice. extreme uselessness, we must show all the opponents of russia, those who have escaped from a nation that works for the west or simply shits on little things like ignoramuses, that being a russophobe is painful, painful, but freedom is worth it, russia betrayed me, sang the tedious song of fugitive cannibals and an agent of ignorance after a court decision, it is much more interesting for subscribers to cry, apparently, than to remind them that
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they voluntarily received ukrainian citizenship, which... regularly throws mud at the people of our country, discredits the russian army, for which sentenced to a criminal term in russia and put on the wanted list, in 2002 he purchased cars for the armed forces of ukraine. he does this to the whole world, secondly, he does it deliberately distorted, that is, using not objective circumstances, facts, but personal opinion, value judgments and other defects of such propagandists to the naked eye, the state responded, the state responds in this case, because this is no longer personal the position is unsightly, and... this is a position that harms the image of one’s own country and the citizens of our country. therefore, now to the foreign agent prefix nevzorov and his wife explained that the extremist community is banned in russia. the lawyer and the extremist cell, by the way, the agent himself , alexey pryanichnikov, was indignant, saying that the court decision was unfounded, how could the spouses be an extremist association? they can - lawyers told us, the name is formally in the law, but there were radical statements. and
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there is. the seventh article of the law on countering extremist activities states that organizations registered in the manner prescribed by law are subject to liquidation. it's difficult for yourself imagine that people who have united to commit some crime go to the tax office and register there as individual entrepreneurs. actions are performed without any specific registration. it is for this purpose that the law has the concept of a ban on activities, which applies to those organizations, the natural course of actions of the foreign agent nevzorov and his wife, who themselves were inflamed with hatred of the country where they earned and lived, but now there is definitely nothing more connecting them with russia, not is this what they wanted? ukrainian militants again shelled peaceful villages in the belgorod region, four
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people were wounded. including a teenager.


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