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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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the samina show, which started in kazakhstan, is perceived by western countries as a counterbalance or even a challenge to the old world order, a quarter of the world economy in one community, there is something to worry about, for them and something for us to rejoice about. vladimir putin arrived in astana today and held a series of discussions on
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energy and diplomacy; the president of tursa proposed to hold the next meeting in his homeland. mister president in my country. thank you very much, i will definitely remember. it is generally very important what kind of relationship between leaders, because it often determines the possibility of resolving any disputes, i understand that it is not entirely correct to compare, but look at what difficult, sometimes tragic pages our relations with our belarusian brothers went through, let me remind you how not so long ago there was a high-profile story when our guys were arrested and it seemed that all relationships will be terrifying now. these are our
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closest partners, these are our brothers shoulder to shoulder with us, today is a big holiday, and besides, mind you, this is very important, this is what this holiday is called in belarus, that’s what it’s called, independence day, independence day, from whom, oh, this is not the day of independence from the soviet union, this is not the day of gaining sovereignty, when suddenly it’s unclear, we ourselves destroyed our country and now we say, here we are...
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then for he will say with his back, well, the old man is completely out of his mind, the old man, my god, what to do , what to do, just don’t call me, what did i say, yes, well, this, but this is this, and here are the leaders of sovereign states, confident in that they have the right, that the will of the people and historical destiny stand behind it, in at the end of the day there was a meeting between vladimir vladimirovich and... the leader of
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the people's republic of china, comrade sidinpino. i would like to remind you that our countries were at the origins of the creation of the shanghai cooperation organization in 2001, with the expansion of the circle of participants, and tomorrow belarus will become another full member of the organization, the organization has strengthened its role as one of the key pillars of a fair, multipolar world order, we will certainly support china’s chairmanship to the sco in... 2024-25 more than once with full nato stated that russian -chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction are experiencing the best period in their history;
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they are built on the principles of equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other’s sovereignty. our cooperation is not directed against. some associations are expanding, some are losing members, russia has suspended participation in the work of the osce parliamentary assembly, how many years ago we said here that enough of this vulgarity, that
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enough of wasting public money, unknown for what. i remember how at that time some politicians said: “no, no, on the contrary, it is important to be on any platform, we are here, here we are.” return the money, but sometimes our diplomats say: no, why, come on, don’t, let’s use rubles, let’s just give up the ruble, clap, we can use dollars, we can use euros, nato decided to stage a revolt, despite all the rumors that trump will tighten conditions for
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the country, the alliance is not even going to discuss increasing defense spending, there is discord everywhere, as the american media write, a black cat ran between obama and biden, supposedly formerly. the united states does not believe in the victory of the incumbent. johnny is despondent, but simply because he does not understand what they are saying around him. he continues to try to convince the public of his ability to win the election and last another term in the white house. well, of course i don't know. maybe, of course, a person can hold out for another term. but this is increasingly beginning to resemble the late soviet union, when it merges. regaining consciousness, he began to work, but look how this one, he has human emotions, here he is loves blacks in our opinion, african-americans in theirs, so i
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don’t want to say anything, but what was that about? really, what was this about? let me remind you that he once gave a pearl about his hairy legs, after he fell in love with children jumping on his lap, that is, this is all somehow endless, it’s excruciatingly painful to look at, but he reads the prompter wonderfully, knows, more people die from extreme heat than from flooding hurricanes and tornadoes combined, repeat again combined, more people die from heat, than from...
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or a degenerative disease that can cause such memory lapses, yes or no, if you don't know, why don't you, as one of his senior employees , know it, i have. for you, are you ready? yes, the answer is no, i hope you ask the other guy the same question: you just reminded us that president biden had a cold on thursday, what medications did he take in the days or hours surrounding the debate? this question has been asked several times already, he did not take any cold medicine, was he taking any medications at all that could affect his performance? he didn't take any cold medicine, that's what i can tell, i asked his doctor, that's what he told us. was the president examined by a doctor after the debate, did he undergo a neurological examination, a neurological examination?
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look, all i can say is that it was a bad night, we understand that it was a bad night, and the president spoke about it, he understands it, so i can't say. nothing more than what i just did shared: the president regularly undergoes annual medical examinations, which we publish in a detailed report. we're going to keep doing this, i don't have anything else to add. it’s stuck, maybe it’s the way of the democratic party, when you enter the white house, you immediately freeze, well, excuse me, but at the same time, let’s not relax.
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i got everything here now, we need to start a recruitment campaign again, that is, give people the opportunity to go, i ask where the dsaf is, there is a janitor now, where is the dsa, has anyone heard, seen him, no, where are the sites, on which adult, serious men could be preparing now, who understand that war will sooner or later come to every home, because the west sets the task of destroying our country, not on this, on the ukrainian issue, but on the next one, we must understand. that everything is to study, study, study military affairs in a real way, as was said
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by the classic, lenin. let's realize that we are at the most serious stage in our history, and to win requires extreme efforts and serious systemic relationships. today i tried to observe carefully so that what is happening in kazakhstan and we can now. after all, what is the difference between the meetings there of the same seven, or well, or the american satellite
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meeting that is taking place today, the united states stands there, everyone else is unlikely, that is, they simply carry out their will, this is unity of command, an elementary military system of vertical integrated control, no one there doesn’t ask, run wherever you want, that’s what our president is conveying about the new order, which is based on equal rights, tells us: why don’t you you create alliances, that is, you don’t have such a fear that something else will attack you there, well, firstly, we are conducting joint exercises with all the countries that are represented today.
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belarus, for example, and we understand perfectly well that this is a single system, regardless of anything, at this stage this is a great achievement, which i believe exists, the same can be done with other countries, with china it will be more difficult, but this can be overcome, the language barrier is very serious, we understand what we are talking about, that is, signals, for everything else this can probably be done, these are precisely
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armor issues, because the air defense system is not an offensive weapon, it is pure defense of one’s own.
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at least the time periods that, according to us , the time boundaries are determined by the western world, well, for us this is a challenge, this challenge must be answered, for us the initial data for making a decision in order for us to respond in full, it is extremely clear that well, no ukraine will survive the twenty-ninth year, even if you crack, well, there just won’t be enough people, he will disappear, they will demolish him, at least not all women will be called up, it’s just not... realistic, i think this is also worth talking about, of course, all the talk today is about zelensky, there, let trump tell us what he will do after the elections, but he will do everything that concerns the interests of the united states of america, he doesn’t care about zelensky, about ukraine, about everyone else, three times there is no question about this, we need to merge and merge , christmas trees, we need to support, will support, america, will merge someone, but there was
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there is a case in history that america does not leak someone, this is the norm. yes, they don’t even understand what the question is, that is, what, and what if you believed, you fooled a fool with four fists, and i would like to draw attention to the latest events that are happening at the front, they are happening, but probably it’s not that we have something that is not advertised much, but i would like to raise this topic of the effectiveness of our high-precision weapons, because when we started 2.5 years ago, working... on a special military operation, but unfortunately, there were moments when something isn't right flew in, i’ll say it in a simple way, so that it would be easier for people to understand, but during all this time , industry has not only risen, we have greatly improved and modernized weapons, we are reaching a completely new frontier, if i remember, there are no bombs in the sums there was no pkk, in
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principle they were not even remembered, but today private enterprises, private enterprises, instantly mastered this topic,
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so i will say that the quantity and quality, that is, the number of missiles fired in terms of the quality of destruction, well, almost every one is on point, here this is the moment today, yuri borisovich spoke in the state duma, in principle, he clearly laid out the future of our space industry, they frankly listened to him attentively, asked many questions, including tricky ones.
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after which, well, probably, the western comrades will not have any particular desire to interfere here, there will be no desire to interfere here, there are many of me, i want to go back to history, many people ask me, the fourteenth year, but we could, no, we could with ukraine, but we were not ready to fight with nato then, that’s the main reason why in 1914 wait and there was society. at that time we had neither calibers, nor high-precision iskanders, nor
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any mpk, it did not exist at all, it was only payment, there was a widely ramified, embedded american spy network that operated in the media, in a number of political structures, in a number of educational structures , all the navalnovskaya bastard - what was that? and not only to this day, we see, yes, who is now the breeding ground for the ukranazis, who they recruit, who commits terrorist attacks, navalnov’s bastard, and what is it? it was all these years that an extensive spy network was created, not only collecting information, as it has now become clear, they are ready for terrorist sabotage activity on the territory of our country, unfortunately, some piece of this muck remains, but here it is necessary to place emphasis on that , what with...
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the initiative belongs to our those who are with us today, it can be directly, indirectly, whatever you want to call it, but let’s tell the truth that today’s summit in kazakhstan is worth a lot, i agree, only in my opinion, we are not finalizing, we are not finalizing in vain, because we have the experience of the great soviet union, we have the experience of the russian empire, we do not transfer the war to their territory, they directly discuss, including in scientific circles, as they see the future of russia, divided into two.
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arabic speakers, well, relations with arabs are fine, of course, existing migration groups, there are enclave existing in
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europe, i in general. well, for starters, the us ambassador's back will be kicked out for her words, well, they are a citizen of the countryside, she but she still admitted that yes, these are american weapons, and they support them, that is, de facto she admitted that she admitted that the americans killed our children in sevastopol, that is, de facto she admitted it and they say, well, we should leave the door open, why for poseidon, why do they want to open,
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what are we talking about, maybe knocking. dmitry, well , in general, speaking absolutely objectively, the fact that the turkish language is still not the official language of germany, but this is now without fools, is really strange, unfair and absolutely archaic, moreover, i believe that turkish should be the official language, if that’s what they want, the official language of office work, judicial proceedings, you see , sharia law will catch up, and of course.
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yes, these are difficult impressions, i don’t have the feeling that she is completely mentally healthy, but nevertheless she said, such very essential things, they buy time, by the way, she says that we must proceed from the worst-case scenario, this is right, it should always be done this way, but come on, let's start from the best scenario, well, we defeated them on
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the left bank of the dnieper, huh? nothing, after this they will say: oh, we were wrong, they will give up, but no, they will retreat to new frontiers, they are preparing them, they are very intensively reforming their military industry, but there is no need to tell that they are not succeeding there, this not so, they are doing a lot, in particular, for example, with drones, with strikes, they are succeeding, i think that they are on the way, a new generation of air defense systems is on the way, because they have understood their...
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