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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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today is the second day of work of the council of heads of state of the shanghai cooperation organization. they will discuss the prospects for joint work within the sco, as well as key regional and international issues. as a result , a declaration and more than twenty joint documents will be signed. a meeting is planned in the sco-plus format. it is expected that vladimir putin will have a separate conversation with the acting president of iran, mahammad mahber. the day before, the russian leader had already held a series of bilateral meetings. in particular
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, conversations took place with the presidents of mongolia and azerbaijan, the prime minister of pakistan, the chairman of the people's republic of china, the heads of turkey and kazakhstan. and a special military operation is carried out, temporary deployment points and enemy guns are destroyed by the artillery of the vostok group from primorye. the soldiers are working on targets from the malka self-propelled gun, the most powerful and long-range in our army. there are no shelters to protect yourself from it, so it appears.
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useless, due to the fact that the gun is located below ground level, there is, let’s say , a good chance of hiding from observation. the main specialization of artillery the crew of the vostok group from primorye are the enemy’s guns, which are located tens of kilometers from the front line. ammunition arrives in a timely manner in the required quantities, so the work is very active. they destroyed a lot of things, enemy control points and... guns , they destroyed a lot, they even lost count, as if they initially marked where they destroyed them, now they seem to have even stopped marking them, temporary deployment points and gun command posts destroys with one shell, neither concrete floors nor basements can save, well done, another one, due to its destructive power and incredible range, malka is one of the most difficult targets for the enemy, but... one of
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the highest priorities, they don’t like it when we work and like to find us, our enemy, for this vehicle, for the defeat of this vehicle, the one who hit it is awarded the title of hero of ukraine, but the enemy cannot yet calculate, let alone hit, the small number of artillerymen from primorye; the gun continues to support the offensive in the southern donetsk direction every day. kharchuk, lead the way. russian citizen passport handed to the former ukrainian military maxim likhachev, the same one who stole a t-64 tank in may of this year and drove it to russian positions. they were already waiting for him there by prior arrangement. in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces, the fighter served as an attack aircraft. he was mobilized after returning to ukraine from poland, but quickly became disillusioned with the service. then he decided to return to the lpr, where his family lives. my friends suggested me to steal the tank - they said. that it’s safer this way, the experience
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of driving a caterpillar tractor helped. at the ceremony , lekhachev pronounced the words of the oath and became a full-fledged citizen of our country. us scientists called on nato not to accept kiev into the alliance. they concluded that it would only get worse. ukraine could become a springboard for a nuclear confrontation. and all the details are in our report. american journalist tucker announced an interview with zelensky. even congress got involved. ask zelensky where our money is, tell him to conclude a peace agreement with russia to end this war. hungarian prime minister orban, who personally tried to convince zelensky. predictably, it didn’t work out; too many in washington and europe want blood. about this with bitterness. orban
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came to him yesterday in kiev to demand a ceasefire, this shocked all sensible people who want war. and indeed europe does not even want to hear about a ceasefire. in my opinion , we should never support a ceasefire that aims at the capitulation of ukraine. the united states no longer pays attention to kiev. the white house does not respond to zelensky’s hysterical complaints. all the attention is there locked in his own battle for the presidency. biden is not a bad, even a very good person. yes, he is experienced, but not smart.
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when you start a conversation with him, be well prepared because he may ask you very important questions. my interaction with him was very positive. the neferams are not helping; even the democrats themselves are turning away from biden. congress is preparing a collective letter demanding that they refuse to participate in the elections, but other candidates from the democratic party also confuse many. billionaire david sachs argues how a successor can deal with the consequences of biden's policies. this is happening against the backdrop of american cluster bombs. were used to kill russian citizens on the beaches of crimea, dangerous times for an inexperienced and untested president, and as if the stars themselves were against the supply of weapons to the ssu. we start with news from arkansas, where there was an explosion at a defense
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plant this morning. the plant is known to produce explosives and warheads for missiles. america and europe no longer make sense to allocate weapons and increase funding. it was all in vain, i commented on the situation like this. "the soldiers are angry at zelensky, he puts them in a position where they cannot win, all they can do is go die. many military personnel are depressed, you know, russia has really improved military doctrine, strategy and tactics in recent years. the russian army operates like an engine at full capacity, we know that russia has successfully completed its task. maryadilka, elizaveta nikitina." news. and today great britain will pass early parliamentary elections. at the same time, recent public opinion polls indicate a catastrophic defeat for the ruling conservative party. voters are fed up with the economic crisis and tore's bellicose rhetoric. but prime minister sunok did not draw
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any conclusions. anton dadykin will tell you in detail. labor is already welcoming its leader. votes and approximately 430 seats in the house of commons, this is close to a historical record, and the torah will get a measly hundred mandates, some
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current ministers have already fallen into despair. it is absolutely clear that lei boristov is waiting incredible breakthrough. the victory is bigger than in 1997, bigger than in 1900.
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the guardian notes that his competitors include, for example, a flamboyant candidate who calls himself the garbage count, a pseudonym that clearly mocks intelligence.
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according to the telegraph newspaper, the welsh government is going to prepare a bill that will allow politicians to be deprived of their positions for lying. a sharp decline in trust in government institutions poses an existential threat, they believe in wales. in the meantime, politicians are either fooling voters, or they themselves are fooling around to the fullest, such as the leader of the liberal democrats, the fourth most popular party in the uk.
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anton dadekin, news! and now economic news! in january may, russia's gdp increased by 5%, as reported by the ministry of development, tell us, which sectors developed especially actively? tatyana manufacturing industry? in the first 5 months of this year it gained 5%. this data is provided by the ministry of economic development. among the fastest growing segments of steel are electronics manufacturing, including computers. the main drivers of this growth were the manufacturing industry and construction. for example, the production of computers, electronics and optics in russia in may 2024 increased by almost 40% compared to the same period last year, this is
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largely the result of government measures aimed at achieving technological sovereignty. retail trade turnover in russia is growing; according to rosstat, in may it added 7.5% in annual terms, approaching 4.5 trillion rubles. the result for the first 5 months exceeded 21 trillion, the figure increased by more than 9%. the turnover of catering establishments in may increased by 4% and exceeded a quarter of a trillion rubles. from january to may it gained more than 5%. we managed to get more than a trillion and a quarter. meanwhile, annual inflation from june 25 to july 1 accelerated by more than half a percentage point to 9.2%, the ministry of economic development reported and explained this dynamics as a one-time factor in the indexation of housing and communal services tariffs. and not taking it into account, a slowdown is observed. in the coming months , revenues to the
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counters of domestic vegetable harvest and other seasonal factors. the third stage of modernization of bam and transib will significantly increase the capacity of these railways. the head of russian railways, oleg belozerov, spoke about the mechanism of its financing in an interview with our channel. there are no federal budget funds there at all. but the financing mechanism is new, and the total figure is 3.700 billion rubles. well, the figure will be clarified as part of the design and adoption of specific technical solutions, but inside there are not only funds from the russian railways, but also, as i already said, for the four largest projects there is banking...
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and that’s all i have for now. and now about how they are fighting forest
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fires in the regions: almost 100 fires are being extinguished in the trans-baikal territory. the fire covered more than 230,000 hectares. the situation is complicated in yakutia, there are almost 50 fires there; in buryat, due to the abnormal heat, 14 fires were recorded; in the country as a whole, more than 5,000 people were involved in extinguishing work, plus 1,200 air firefighters and 62 air subs. and after during the prolonged abnormal heat , a heavy downpour hit moscow, all this was accompanied by thunder and lightning, and the wind in some places increased to 17 m/sec and tore trees from their roots. today there will be no trace of the bad weather, the heat will again break records, according to the forecast it is expected to reach 36°. but tomorrow , weather forecasters promise a new water hammer; up to 50% of the monthly norm of precipitation may fall. the development of the uzlovaya special economic zone is the central topic of the meeting, which was held in the tula region by the head of the ministry of economic
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development and trade, maxim reshetnikov. now on this there are five enterprises operating in the territory, and the same number are planned to be launched by the end of the year. which? more prospects, vitaly motorin will talk about this in detail. 20 billion rubles of investment, 600 jobs for the tula region. this plant for the production of vanadium and its oxides is one of the largest investment projects in recent years. its products can be used in metallurgy, chemical, and oil industries throughout the country. production will start next year, but in the meantime , builders are working here, a large-scale site shown to the minister of economic affairs. development of russia to maxim reshetnikov, this production, located in the special economic zone uzlovaya, is more modern and more technologically advanced than the existing plant of the same company in tula. how much more productive is this process? and this plant will be 40% more powerful than the one that is currently operating, powerful and productive in terms of output per person, in terms of output per person, i think 20 percent, in
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the uzlovaya special economic zone it is now 28 residents, while five production facilities have already been launched. they also plan to launch again this year; the hub zone itself will expand not only economically, but even territorially. economists say that the sanctions in the uzlovaya special zone were overcome, only one western company refused to cooperate, and thanks to the favorable conditions for investors, other enterprises immediately took its place. the company canadian makey, which left the russian market, has now bought the large group of companies efko, will also do large-scale food production, more 15 billion investments.
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investor support doesn’t just come, he sees roads, he sees a substation, he sees gas, our trip today was dedicated to how to make the next stage with the amount of federal support that will now be available to the region on the instructions of the president, and we, of course, as the ministry of economics, we are interested in having the most effective projects, projects that are just now providing us with structural adaptation, structural restructuring of the economy, providing supply to the economy, and the tula region one of those regions that is clearly winning. will be a clear, so to speak, beneficiary of all this policy. rub 235 billion a record value for investment for the tours region was achieved last year. the region is in fourth place in terms of this indicator in the central federal district, fifth in the national ranking of investment attractiveness. moreover, uzlovaya is not the only zone with a special economic status that operates in
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the tula region. plus , two territories have been created in the tulen region with advanced development, this is our toor olek. you need acceleration, urgently, use instant transfers for business from vtb and the money will immediately go to any bank. open
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6:24 am
did you want to open a deposit at 18%? it turns out that you can under 20. have you thought about opening a deposit in one bank? it turns out that you can do different ones at once. it turns out that there is a marketplace for money. open a deposit with a rate of 20%. spectacular footage has appeared on the network from the frontline video of a swift and daring attack filmed directly from the armor of the russian t-72 tank, it rushes at full speed to the positions of the ukrainian armed forces and hits them direct fire. our correspondent anton potkovenko saw the recording. such pressure and fearlessness that. no one can resist, our t-72 mountain motorized rifle formation of the center group of forces destroyed the enemy’s stronghold with direct fire, despite the hail
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of drones and mines. here the tank is rushing, just rushing, look at the speed towards the ukrainian armed forces support column, here is the first strike on the armored vehicle, either a mine from a mortar, or an fpv drone, the armor didn’t even move, the second arrival again had zero effect, a blow, a bang, a shaking. "look around, what you can, the main thing is inside vehicles, so that everything would be normal, on the way we were already surrounded by minomi and artillery, even before the line. the tank inexorably moves towards the firing line, turns around, the sun blinds the eyes, or so we see in any case, the driver does everything clearly and in general the entire crew acts to the utmost. the crew did everything clearly, carried out all their tasks, everyone was minding their own business, the enemy attacks again with drones, this is what it looks like, a ukrainian bopla appears in the sky, a second there is an explosion, then the tank hits back, right away
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another... a shot, and then our t-72 hits with direct fire, this is when you directly see the target and shoot to the enemy’s support position less than a kilometer away, it’s really cool and the guys are just great, brave with nerves of iron, just like they fought on the kursk bulge, they’re fighting like that now , the most important thing is to suppress the enemy’s stronghold with fire, and then, of course, that is, the territory only becomes occupied when attack aircraft come and clear it. in dust and gunpowder, our tankers with this blow cleared the way for the assault groups, the tank, it seems, was completely the ammunition was shot off, it’s unlikely that there was at least one dryer left in the oporniks, they immediately ran in, for the purpose for which we were working, there was no movement visible there, well, naturally, well, this demoralizes them, but on the contrary , it supports our infantry, the tankers withdrawing their car to the front, they understand perfectly well
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that now they have to... work literally everything that the enemy has at hand, and that in the video, by the way, we see a situation where the crew, despite such fire resistance, effectively carries out its combat mission, the opornik disassembles and, what importantly, it goes intact into the waiting area, into the reloading area, this is evidence of both the highest courage of the crew and the highest skill. yes, they fired back and rushed back to their own to replenish their ammunition, also under enemy fire. the tank does not slow down, explosions crackle all around, fpv drones break apart on the armor, but the crew returns from the combat mission unharmed. there were also a couple of troubles on the return, we returned, everything is fine, you are going and the most important thing is to roll back, the crew so that you are alive stayed, knows that there is a crew that brazenly acts, we just fly in stupidly, do our job and get ready.
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the tank commander, call sign oper, the senior mechanic-driver, call sign stalin, the gunner , call sign guam, here they are, real warriors, confident in themselves and in each other, when they jump out on the front line, like a jack -in-the-box hitting the enemy with direct fire. one of the stations of the baikal-amur mainline will be named in memory of the editor-in-chief of the komsomolskaya pravda newspaper, vladimir sungorkin. the early platform was only numbered 1095. it's practically there. on the shore of lake baikal. it was decided to rename the station for the fiftieth anniversary of bam. let me remind you that vladimir sungorkin died in 2022. he just started his career as a special correspondent for komsomolskaya pravda at the construction site of the baikal amur mainline. then the whole union was watching her. this year sungorkin would have turned 70 years old.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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