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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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other mining industry, and household use, that is, household appliances or any other electronic products that we widely use in production at btu. the microelectronics manufacturer became the first resident of the cosmos ecosystem investment project. the decision to create it was previously made by governor evgeny kuyvyshev. the industrial technology park will unite scientific and production sites for various it companies under one roof. so they will get it in one place. all the basic technologies they need, our the task of these kids is to bring everyone together, to help them line up in a cooperative chain, to help them use the opportunity on equipment that each person cannot buy separately, to produce , indeed, high-value products, such complex microcircuits that are not currently produced here in the country, but for us it is a vital necessity. construction of the technology park is planned to be completed by the end of 2025, but in the meantime all technological processes and basic...
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technologies of the space ecosystem will be integrated into the digital platform. dmitry nemytov, denis urazbakhtin, vesti ural. now there is a short advertisement, then the program is a newsnet with philip trofemov. my legs just go numb. such bells may indicate bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angian helps improve microcirculation. reducing the risk of blood clots strengthening the walls of blood vessels keep blood vessels normal for the first time on screens meet on avito khvatamba has arrived on avito and discounts for people from people only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things from cabinets to auto goods on avito go to the moss exhibition, or maybe it’s better to come to me at a tasty point, check out the clips. a real reason to meet
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a superbox with hello kitty clips and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, we present the new, perfect taste of baltika 7 without alcohol, brewed from one hundred percent malt and hops grown in altai, the new baltika 7 is non-alcoholic, feel completely. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a delicious point, new sauce curry in chicken premium and chicken hit curry, try it for a delicious point, i’m the chef of the kotaganez, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, it’s important... the right sauce, astoria,
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now it’s definitely delicious, everything was drilled , paints, quabras, everything for the home, dacha, construction and repairs for all tools ru, attack credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, collect all credit card debts on one floor , conveniently pay off in 24 months, and don’t forget, oh installment purchases holva - simple techniques installments. alexander nikolaevich, july 16th slaughter for sais? no, i have ice delux. so, the third one. no, i have a big hit. delicious calendar, delicious, period. every day, a new favorite product at a super price. only in the app it’s delicious, period. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. connect
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to a sberm subscription, more categories of cashback to choose from, access to films and tv series wokka and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket, in sber it is more profitable with prime, this is done at the philip trofimov studio. china - the absolute leader in inventions in the field of artificial intelligence, if we count the number of patents and the conclusion of a study conducted by the world intellectual property organization, a un structure. according to its data in the field of generative artificial intelligence, china generally accounts for more than 70% of all patents, if we count from 2014 to the twenty -third year. in absolute numbers, this is almost 40,000 pieces, with the usa in second place by a huge margin, their share is 11.5%. next come south korea and japan, followed by india, uk, germany, canada. in last place are israel and france, with
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about half a percent each for the rest of the countries, collectively accounting for 4% of all patents. if you look at the leading companies, then the chinese are again in the top. aka google and one south korean, but obviously samsung. however, this concerns the calculations themselves, in terms of hardware, that is, in the sense of processors, neural network accelerators and other microelectronics, american companies have absolute leadership here, but they have the implementation of artificial intelligence is now a different complexity, environmentalists are unhappy with the fact that neural network calculations require a huge amount of energy. which leads to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, for example, google was recently forced to announce that carbon neutrality is being postponed and, in general, over the past 5 years , emissions due to its fault have increased by one and a half times, precisely due to the development of data centers for neural network computing, and also their cooling
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requires large volumes of water, over the year its consumption in google increased by 17%, it is not known what to do with it. huawei: no more will be, according to the morning post , the chinese it corporation is selling its stake in the aita automobile brand. these machines can be bought in russia, although according to huawei itself, they were never officially delivered here. the buyer will be the second partner in this project, the seres company. she was responsible for the physical production of cars while huawei dealt with their electronic component, starting with the premium m9 crossover , virtually everything except the assembly itself. autopilot systems to the overall design, ultimately the result is an electric car that can travel more than 1,200 km, well, the truth is that in the so-called hybrid version with a built-in gasoline generator, without it it is half as full filled with all possible and impossible digital wonders, for example, its matrix
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headlights can be used as a natural projector, project pictures and videos, but only of course monochrome, users liked the car, as reported in the first 3 months before... 60,000 rather expensive crossovers were sold, and a portfolio of pre-orders with a non-refundable the deposit exceeded 100,000 cars. and now huawei is selling a stake in this project for $3 billion, as stated, the company intends to focus on supplying ipo components for automakers, and not on competing with them. however, this does not mean that one of the largest it corporations is completely abandoning its not very core assets. for example, recently. huawei has released a smart home in the truest sense of the word, not a set of individual components, but an entire 38 m house, ready to be installed anywhere , even with a small terrace, well or a balcony, of course amazing energy efficiency, if the entire roof is populated
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with solar panels, then they seem to provide more electricity than the house consumes, the electronic part is based on the branded harmony os, of course, everything physical can be controlled by voice, in terms of rubles. less than 5 million for a ten-ton structure, ready for occupancy. well, robotics news. mit students have developed a delicate packaging robot. globally, it’s just a manipulator that picks up goods from a conveyor belt and puts them in a box. well this is a scenario, for example, for an online ordering point or even just a grocery store. but there are several original solutions. firstly, the flexible grip of the manipulator is tactile. sensors, as the student’s own development assures, they allow the robot’s algorithms to select a force that will be enough to prevent the object from falling, but not crush it, but something else is more interesting, information from the same sensors is processed by algorithms that rank all objects, including number
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unknown to the robot, according to the degree of fragility, softness and weight. in other words, the robots were taught to assemble a basket according to the human principle: heavy ones, hard ones down, put the soft ones aside. before the start of the event there is a traditional photography ceremony. the main theme of the meeting is strengthening multilateral dialogue, the pursuit of sustainable peace and development. as a result, the summit participants plan to sign packages with more than 20 joint documents,
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as well as adopt a joint declaration. there may be pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. we'll do without it, are you still thinking about ideal housing? come to domklik to find housing for any, most daring taste, with a mortgage for building a house, a new building or a resale, choose what everyone will like, at domklik everyone will find housing for themselves, all saws, mixtures, shovels, everything for the home, dachas, construction and repairs for all tools ru, wanted to open a deposit under 18? it turns out you can get about 20 percent, i thought about
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opening a deposit in one bank, but it turns out you can open a deposit in different banks at once, for your own money marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%, financial services, financial market from the moscow go exchange to the moss exhibition, or maybe come to me, better at a tasty point, check out the clips, real. sign up for a sberim subscription, more cashback categories to choose from, access to films and tv series
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wokka and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket, it’s more profitable in sber with prime. in mvidira. what a benefit. tv 55 inches for 54.999, video eldorado, the main expert in technology. our new name is t-bank. don't change your name bank he's the only problem cystitis is known to many women. the main cause of cystitis is bacteria. cyston helps fight cystitis. when cystitis, then cyston. for the first time on screens, welcome. on avito, on avito. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba has so much to offer. from smartphones. sneakers on avito. the sber-thanks loyalty program
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has been updated. pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money to sber for free from other banks and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners. you. apparently with a subscription i’m an egoist, which means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have heartburn from your food, this is easier, heartburn from food, take it, it extinguishes, fight heartburn with pain and heaviness with increased acidity in stomach, is active from the first minutes and extinguishes gasitrin. development of the special economic zone uzlovaya. this is the central
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topic of the meeting, which was held in the tula region by the head of the country’s ministry of economic development maxim reshetnikov. there are now five enterprises operating in this territory, and the same number are planned to be launched by the end of the year. what other prospects are there? vitaly matorin will talk about this. 20 billion rubles investment 600 jobs for the tula region. this plant for the production of vanadium and its oxides is one of... the largest investment projects in recent years, its products can be used in metallurgy, chemical, and oil industries throughout the country. production will start next year, but in the meantime , builders are working here, a large-scale site shown to russian minister of economic development maxim rishetnikov. this production, located in the uzlovaya special economic zone, is more modern and technologically advanced than the existing plant of the same company in tula. how much more productive is there? and this plant will be 40% more powerful than the one that is currently in operation, well, powerful, and
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productive in terms of output per person, in terms of output per person, i think it’s 20 percent, in the uzlovaya special economic zone it’s now 28 residents, with five production facilities already launched, five more are planning to launch this year, the hub zone itself will expand not only economically, but even territorially. sanctions, say economists in the uzlovaya special zone, were overcome, only one western company refused to cooperate, and thanks to favorable conditions for investors, its place was immediately taken by other enterprises from the russian market , the canadian makey company, which has now been bought by a large group of fc companies. also do large-scale food production, more than 15 billion investments, chocolate icing, processing oilseeds into various oils and the production of sauces, that is, we also have a food cluster that has naturally formed there, our hub is one of the five most effective economic zones in the country, given that the zone is generally quite young , frankly
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speaking, this is such a very, very good result, and this is already a meeting on the development of an economic zone for the implementation of further projects. new infrastructure is needed, and here the region needs federal support. investor he doesn’t just come, he sees the roads, he sees the substation, he sees the gas. our trip today was dedicated to how to make the next stage with the amount of federal support that will now be available to the regions on the instructions of the president. and we, of course, as the ministry of economy , are interested in having the most effective projects, projects that are right now for us to implement structural adaptation, structural restructuring of the economy, supply-side economics. rub 235 billion a record value for investment for the turkic region was achieved last year, the region is in fourth place in terms of this indicator in the central federal district and fifth in the national ranking of investment attractiveness. moreover, uzlovaya
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is not the only zone with a special economic status that operates in the tula region. plus was created on the territory of the tula region. two priority development territories, these are tor aleksin and efremov, we are planning to create about 14 jobs in total. we now have 100 investment projects that are being supported, both in the industrial sector, so in the sphere of the agro-industrial complex. dmitry melyaev and maxim reshetnikov also discussed another economic component of tourism development in the tula region. last year, more than 1,700 thousand tourists visited the weapons capital. according to plans, this figure will be even higher.
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the prosecutor general of venezuela spoke about the importance of a strategic alliance with russia, saying that this opens up broad prospects, not only in energy and oil and gas, but also in areas such as judicial cooperation. bad weather will hit a number of people today regions of the siberian federal district, this is a warning from the ministry of emergency situations, heavy downpours, thunderstorms with large hail, squally winds are expected in tuva, on the territory of kusbas in... and the irkutsk regions, accidents on networks, damage to buildings, equipment and breaks in communication lines are possible. the israeli army again fired at a refugee camp in the gaza strip, powerful strikes destroyed buildings around, dozens of people were buried under the rubble, as reported in the media. olivan hezbollah fired 100 rockets at two israeli headquarters. most of the shells
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reached israeli cities and burst into flames. fires. early parliamentary elections will be held in britain today, while fresh public opinion polls indicate a catastrophic defeat for the ruling conservative party. voters are fed up with both the economic crisis and turi's belligerent rhetoric. but it seems that prime minister sunok did not draw any conclusions from this. anton dadykin will tell you everything in detail. labor is already hailing its leader as a winner. kirstan promises to carry out health care reform, reduce the number of migrants, find money for the transition to clean energy, tax private schools to support public education. however, the reason for the sharp increase in the popularity of labor is most likely not their program, but the complete failure of the ruling conservative party. for 14 years in a row
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, chaos, discord and failure reigned in our parliament. you can of course choose to continue this, or you can. votes and approximately 430 seats in the house of commons, this is close to a historical record, and the torah will get a measly hundred mandates, some current ministers have already fallen into despair. it is clear that ley an incredible breakthrough awaits the borists. the victory is bigger than in 1997, bigger than in 1931. don't believe the polls and vote tory. this is
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the choice of the future for our country. conservatives are increasing defense spending. what will kirstarmer do? a nato summit will take place in his first week in office and will ruin these plans, sending a signal to our adversaries like putin of our weakness. a unique case. for the first time in history, the prime minister himself may not receive a mandate. in the constituency where he is running, sunak is not very favored, the newspaper notes guardian. among his competitors, for example, is an outrageous candidate who calls himself count garbage head. the pseudonym clearly ridicules the mental abilities of politicians coming into power. the count calls himself nothing less than an intergalactic warrior from the planet sigma. among other things, he promises to limit the prices of croissants and send former prime ministers to the army. in previous elections. fought theresa may and then boris johnson. everyone has the right to express themselves in elections, no matter how idiotic their program is, or how complete
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he looks like a moron. don't be afraid, i won't name names, but we have another right, the right to hold our leaders accountable. trashhead was probably referring to the leader of the uk reform party, nigel farage. he intends to take away votes from conservatives. the tories say: vote for us, because our opponents are even worse. labor says: vote for us, vote for change, without saying what the change will be, and i say: let's get low tax rates, start controlling our borders, stop poison children in schools with poor quality food, then we will become a great country again. british society is tired of promises, according to the newspaper. and telegraph, the welsh government is going to prepare a bill that would allow politicians to be stripped of their positions for lying. a sharp decline in trust in government institutions poses
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an existential threat, according to wales. in the meantime, politicians are either fooling voters or fooling themselves to the fullest, such as the leader of the liberal democrats, the fourth most popular party in great britain. anton dadykin, news! and at the end of the day, vadim zavodchenkov will tell you everything in detail. the heat in russia will reach its peak today; 12 million-plus cities will be in the zone of extreme overheating. current weather analytics on channel russia 24, i’m vadim
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zavodchenkov, leading specialist at the phobos center, hello, the country is covered in unbearable heat, as we predicted, the day before the record for the maximum temperature of 1917 was updated in the capital, by the end of the working day the air is... thus, the previous one maximum turned out to be surpassed by half a degree. even livay could not prevent this. the unprecedented heat has already led to the fact that the water temperature in the moscow river has become higher than in the black sea. now it is 24-25° versus 18 in anapa and 22 in gelendzhuk. the volga region is also melting from the heat. on wednesday in togliatta it was +33, in the outskirts of the city two dust tornadoes were noticed at once, that ’s what a thermometer left
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on the roof of one of the high-rise buildings in rostov-on -don recorded. in the steppes of the astrakhan region, the air heats up to 37°. against the background of the heat, the south of the region attacked by hordes from arrancha. in such weather , the risk of natural fires increases even more, and european russia is still not on fire, like, for example, transbaikalia, where the heat is quite comparable to astrakhan. on the eve of the ministry of emergency situations, it was necessary to send a b-200 amphibious aircraft to protect the villages of chara and novaya chara from fire. in the trans-baikal territory , hundreds of thousands of hectares of taiga are now burning, clearly visible from space; the neighboring amur region and the southern regions are also covered in smoke. khabarovsk territory, here you can’t see a damn thing at all, speed 40, this is the report in the coming
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days. in transbaikalia, extreme fire danger will remain, the reason for this is record heat, up to +35-37 until saturday. local thunderstorms are expected in the region over the weekend, but they will bring little moisture, while lightning strikes can provoke the emergence of new fires. on the russian level, the atmospheric situation will also remain unchanged for now. today the main fields are raining. cloudiness will continue to shift in the north and northwest, in the rest of the european russia, thanks to the anticyclone , sunny weather will linger; in the area of ​​this source, scattered masses of thunderclouds may appear here and there, however, they will not have a noticeable effect on the temperature regime; in the middle zone during the day there will still be a record plus 30-35, extreme heat will break through even beyond the urals in the middle ob region, and the most...
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severe overheating will be observed in the south, where the thermometers will rise to +33-38. as a result, the extreme heat zone in the country will reach its maximum scope. compared to yesterday, its border will advance eastward by 500 km, and now unbearable heat will be felt in almost all densely populated regions of russia, where 12-16 are located. years of million people, and in some megacities the thermometer at midday hours will rise above the historical maximums recorded back in the last century, we are talking about perm, ufa, nizhny novgorod and moscow. in the capital on thursday , the 1938 record of +33.7° may fall, and the coming night will be as hot and muggy as
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at. previous, the air will only be able to cool to +23, which corresponds to the daily temperature norm in july. on friday in moscow it will again be above +30, but in the evening the city will be covered by a thunderstorm front, carrying cooler air and on the weekend it will freshen up to +24-26. that's all for me, goodbye. today in auston , a meeting of the council of heads of sco countries will focus on deepening joint work in the organization. russia intends to strengthen economic ties within the sco. what projects are we talking about? the regions are fighting
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wildfires. the most. difficult situation in transbaikalia, yakutia and buryatia. let's tell you the details. the financial congress of the bank of russia is taking place in st. petersburg. what issues will the participants discuss today? glova of russian railways oleg belozerov gave an interview to our tv channel, they talked about the development of the eastern training ground and the construction of new railways in russia. today is the peak of hot weather in the capital region, we are waiting for the weather forecast from our meteorologists. today there is a meeting of the council of leaders of the sco countries in kazakhstan. vladimir putin takes part in it. the focus is on the prospects for collaboration in within the framework of the association, as well as key regional and international topics. and the day before , the russian leader held a number of bilateral
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meetings. robert frantsov, head of the central asian news bureau, joins the broadcast from ostana. robert, greetings, what is the agenda today and what statements have already been made? hello, alexander, indeed, a meeting of the council of heads of state of the shanghai cooperation organization has begun in astana. state leaders gathered at the independence palace in the capital of kazakhstan, where they were greeted by the country's president kassym zhumar takaev, among the guests is belarusian leader alexander lukashenko. today belarus officially became the tenth full member of the shanghai cooperation organization, this is a historical moment. i would like to greet the president of the republic of belarus, dear alexander grigoryevich lukashenko. in a short period of time, your country has completed all the necessary procedures on the way to full membership in the shanghai
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cooperation organization. if there are no objections,


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