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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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the leader held a number of bilateral meetings. the chief of the central asian news bureau, robert frantsov, joins the broadcast from osana. robert, greetings. what is the agenda today and what statements have already been made? hello, alexander. indeed, a meeting of the council of heads of state of the shanghai cooperation organization began in astana. state leaders gathered at the palace of independence in the capital of kazakhstan, where they were greeted by the country's president kasym zhumar takayev. among the guests is
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belarus, a member of the sco. please. ladies and gentlemen, the ceremony of signing decisions on granting the republic of belarus full membership in the shanghai cooperation organization begins. the heads of state of the members of the shanghai cooperation organization sign the decision of the council of heads of state of the members of the shanghai cooperation organization on completing the procedure for admitting the republic of belarus to membership of the shanghai cooperation organization and granting it the status of a member state of the shanghai cooperation organization. solemn
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part of the work program, which promises to be intense, the signing of 24 documents is expected, the main one of which will be the final declaration of the summit, in which, in particular, an initiative on world unity for a just world will be formulated, and new decisions are also expected to be made in the fight against three main threats: separatism, extremism and terrorism are traditional trends. work for the shanghai cooperation organization, in addition, a number of innovations are expected related to the expansion of the organization, in addition, participants of the shanghai cooperation organization plan to discuss deepening relations on the development of contacts in the political sphere, economics, security, and the development of humanitarian ties, in general , a really busy program, but it is clear that the agenda is much broader, we are talking about building a new architecture of global...
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order, in this context, of course, another meeting is very important, which will also be held today in astana, already in an expanded format of the shanghai plus organization, it will be attended by not only permanent members of the organization, but also dialogue partners in the broadest sense of the word, these are countries such as azerbaijan, turkey, mongolia, qatar, the united arab emirates, turkmenistan, we are really talking about building. new global security architecture and this is the main topic not only of today’s meeting, but also of the bilateral negotiations that took place the day before, russian president vladimir putin had a very busy negotiating program, great attention was focused on his meeting with president of turkey tayyip rajep erdogan, during which they talked not only about issues on the bilateral agenda, but about global challenges, in particular, they discussed...
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and other topics: the ukrainian fighter mik-29 was destroyed in the dnepropetrovsk region. footage of the attack on the aircraft parking lot at the dolgintsevo airfield was published by the russian ministry of defense. it is reported that the liquidated aircraft weapons and vehicles of the engineering service of the armed forces of ukraine.
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the crew of the iskander missile system was launched at the target. objective control cameras recorded perfect hit. and in the south-donetsk direction. sergei samokha observed the work of the military. this pit is 5 meters deep and malk’s gun fits entirely in it. this was done primarily for camouflage; in addition, it is also a very strong protection against fpv drones, which simply flood the sky here. the location of our guns. the enemy often calculates using the acoustic systems of high-altitude drones, but in such a position it is practically useless. due to the fact that the gun is located below ground level, there is, let's say, good chances of hiding from observation. the main
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specialization of the artillery crew of the vostok group from primorye is enemy guns that are located tens of kilometers from the front line. ammunition arrives on time in the required quantity. destroyed, we’ve even lost count, as if from the very beginning they were marking where they were destroyed, now they seem to have stopped marking themselves, temporary deployment points and command posts of guns are destroyed by one shell, neither concrete floors nor basements can be saved, well done. due to its destructive power and incredible range, malka is one of the most difficult targets for the enemy, but also one of the highest priorities, they don’t like it when we work and like to find us, our enemy, for a given vehicle, for the defeat of a given vehicle,
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the one who hit is awarded the title hero of ukraine, but have not yet identified, much less hit , the small number of artillerymen from primorye. the enemy cannot, the gun continues to support the offensive in the southern donetsk direction every day. sergey samokh, olek sakalshchuk, lead. authorities israel has declared an area of ​​almost 1,300 hectares in palestine as its land. this is stated in the official declaration of the israeli authorities. the human rights organization shalom akhshav drew attention to the document. it is noted that this is a record-breaking area of ​​palestinian territory that israel. simultaneously declared for the last 30 years. in total, according to the organization, since the beginning of this year alone , israel has declared over 2.0 galestine lands as its own. and, as experts emphasize, this practice of the israeli authorities kills any prospects for peace in this region. now
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could result in: 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort waste, give things a new life. and in continuation the theme of the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, let me remind you that it is taking place these days in kazakhstan. my colleague alexandra nazarova will talk about the economic projects that our country is implementing with our partners in the osh, and she will join me. sash, good morning, tell us what are the most promising industries right now? sash, in addition to trade and tourism, energy. options for expanding cooperation today. discussed at the council of heads of state, members of the shanghai cooperation organization. today the sco officially joined
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belarus. the necessary documents were signed at the summit in astana. this will open up additional opportunities for the republic to strengthen connections with other participants. russia also intends to strengthen interaction within the sco. the details were discussed on wednesday at bilateral meetings of vladimir putin with the heads of member states, observers and dialogue partners. by full membership. the organization has strengthened its role as one of the key pillars of a fair multipolar world order. we will certainly support china's chairmanship of the sco in 2024-25. it has been stated more than once, with good reason, that russian-chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction are at their best. trade and mutual tourist flows are actively growing. last year there were
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more than a million and a quarter trips; in january-may of this year , more than 2,006 thousand people used the visa-free group tourism channel alone. russia and china plan to agree as soon as possible on the terms and conditions for the supply of our gas via siberia-2 to the prc via mongolia. the maximum capacity of the project is 50 billion cubic meters per year. in addition, the possibility of chinese companies participating in the vostok oil oil production project is being studied. cooperation between the two countries is developing steadily. sham function. now the agreements we have reached are being fully implemented, and multifaceted cooperation is moving steadily along the planned course. in the context of a far from difficult international situation, we need to remain committed to friendship forever and work hard for the well-being of peoples. there is also great potential for development of economic relations between
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russia and turkey. last year our trade turnover was $55 billion. the goal is 100 billion. good. the tourism sector shows the results. our country is the leader in travel to the republic. last year , more than 6 million russians visited it. energy is also among the key growth areas. chokemli burm. we would like to see the akuyu nuclear power plant put into operation as soon as possible . in addition, we are conducting a dialogue on the construction of a second nuclear power plant in sinop. here, i'm sure we can do very serious steps. also. contacts between gazprom and botash continue. for kazakhstan , russia remains one of the main trade and economic partners. we account for more than 17% of the republic’s trade turnover and have almost reached $30 billion a year. the enormous contribution of russia, strengthening the potential of
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the schwanghai cooperation organization. in this regard, to the right. positive dynamics in partnership with azerbaijan: direct russian investments in this country exceed $4 billion, vladimir putin noted. trade turnover last year also continues to increase by more than 4 billion. in january-june it added 13%. at the same time, the share of national currencies in calculations is growing. they account for more than 70% of the import of azerbaijani goods, and industrial cooperation is developing about 50% of the export of russian goods. in particular, the parties discussed the assembly of our cars in the republic, and companies such as lukoil, novatek, tatneft and sibur
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are planning joint energy projects with azerbaijan. in addition, the republic is committed to expanding the infrastructure between. there are new ideas and our corresponding structures are in constant contact. relations with pakistan are developing in a business vein. trade turnover billion dollars potential for growth remains. we are increasing grain supplies and have begun shipping energy resources. we are also ready to increase their volumes, vladimir putin emphasized.
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the issue of lng supplies is being studied. it seems to me that now the time has come to overcome financial and banking problems and resume and expand our trade relations under the terms of barter. this would be very good for pakistan, we would be able to overcome many problems. work on agreements between mongolia and the eac is nearing completion. it will open up additional opportunities for cooperation. one of the main areas of interaction with russia for her... the country is waiting for the implementation of the power of siberia 2 gas pipeline project and is discussing the possibility of building a hydroelectric power station. we are experiencing a large energy deficit, the economy is growing, and energy demand is also growing. my chinese colleagues and i built gas erdeneburn, this project is actively developing. at our meeting in beijing, i
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told you that it would be good to carry out a similar project with the russian federation, gas again gol. russia, china and mongolia also discussed a program for creating a joint economic corridor. sasha, cooperation within the sco is actively developing. thank you, sasha, today we will talk about him throughout the day. it was alexandra nazarova with a story about the main points of growth in russia’s economic relations with partners within the sco. but in st. petersburg, the second day of the financial congress of the bank of russia. on my colleague dmitry moroka works on the site and he is joining us now. dima, good morning, i know that you are not alone now, there is a guest next to you, what will we talk about, and introduce him, please. alexandra, good morning, yes, next to me is alexey zabotkin, deputy chairman of the bank of russia, alexey borisevich, good morning, good morning, so today you are moderating
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a session that is dedicated to the risks and potential of the russian economy in the next 3 years, let's make a little announcement, what are the risks and what is the potential? well, the session is dedicated consideration of economic development scenarios for the next 3 years on the horizon of our medium-term forecast, we will probably... from the speakers we will hear different opinions on this matter, i would like to get a wide range of opinions, if we talk about potential, then the main main opportunities are naturally related to growth in labor productivity, including how the growth in labor productivity will be affected by the high investment activity that we have observed over the past few quarters, in terms of risks, well, again, there will probably be many different factors at the session, but...
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the trend is to maintain high rates and rising prices. well, the third point is probably the story with preferential lending programs; if preferential lending programs are reduced, then this actually helps to cool demand, but if they remain unchanged or expand, then this can create additional pro-inflationary trends. yes. at the last press conference , the head of the central bank allowed a significant increase in the key rate in july. here how significant can it be? what scenarios have been and are being considered? well, at the press conference the chairman already answered a similar question that a significant increase in our understanding is an increase of more than one percentage point; at
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a meeting in june the possibility and feasibility of an increase of 17 to 17 or even to 18% was discussed. most likely, these alternatives will also be on the table at the july meeting, whether they will need to be expanded. from the incoming data, yeah, but how long is the period of tight monetary policy is needed in order to still contain inflation, when will we see its peak and when should we expect a decline? well , we will probably see the peak of annual inflation, now in july, including due to a significant increase in tariffs for housing and communal services, which is a one-time thing, but makes a big contribution to the annual inflation rate, because last july, i remind you, an increase in tariffs housing and communal services did not... happen further as the high growth rates that were in august, september, october, november of the past will come out of the calculation of annual inflation year, and also due to the fact that the current rate
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of price growth will slow down due to tightening monetary credit conditions, we expect to see a gradual decrease in annual inflation starting from august september, with a level of 4%, probably it will be reached somewhere in the middle or the second half,
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before that we had been calculating for a long time, calculating the rate both on the basis of exchange trading and on the basis of the data that we received in terms of over-the-counter trading, but these estimates were well almost identical, so the basis was taken as a more transparent, understandable exchange rate, but i would like to emphasize that the over-the-counter rates of the euro and dollar were practically no different from the exchange rates, now since the flow of data has... obviously disappeared, since transactions are not carried out there, now the internal foreign exchange market , it exists for these two currencies in the form of an off-exchange market; accordingly, we take the average values ​​of those transactions that take place between banks on the off-exchange market, but it is interesting that after sanctions against bridgeexchange, we even saw that the ruble has strengthened, but what is this connected with, how to explain it and what future prospects do you see for the national currency, well, i would say that if we put
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aside the currency pair here, from currency pairs, that is, it is going in fact, the gradual strengthening of the exchange rate, this is also connected with the effects of the ongoing monetary policy, which seems to have a restraining effect on demand , increases the attractiveness of the ruble as a means of savings, well, it probably has some effect - sanctions sanctions, which are holding back imports due to difficulties with
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calculations, but here the effect of this... in this part, i would not exaggerate the effect of this plot, since at the same time transaction costs, the cost of payments for supplies that are associated with these imports, are growing, because therefore, in general, it is possible that this story does not really have a big impact on the exchange rate, well , the exchange rate continued to strengthen within the framework of the trend that we have been observing over the past 6 months, oh well, alexey bolich, i thank you, alexey was with me zabodkin, deputy chairman of the bank of russia, alexandra. thank you, my colleague dmitry morocco was in direct contact from st. petersburg. for us, if it’s sports, then it’s with records. if it’s
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