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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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it's 10:31 in moscow. today in kazakhstan there is a meeting of the council of leaders of the sco countries, vladimir putin is taking part in it, the focus is on the prospects for joint work within the framework of the association, as well as key regional and international topics. before the meeting, the heads of the sco countries signed documents on the admission of belarus to the organization.
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a precise strike by the russian iskander on an aircraft parking lot in the dnepropetrovsk region. according to the ministry of defense at the dolginsovo airfield, the destroyed mik-29 fighter, aircraft weapons and vehicles engineering service of the armed forces of ukraine. the exact hit was recorded by objective cameras. the peak of annual inflation will occur in july. deputy chairman of the security council alexei zavodkin stated this in an interview with our tv channel. according to him, a gradual decline in indicators is expected from august to september, only by the middle of next year inflation may drop to 4%. in addition, the key rate may be increased in july. in the regions of russia, more than 300 natural fires are currently being extinguished; almost 80 were extinguished in a day. the most difficult situation in the east of the country, where there is currently abnormally hot weather and thunderstorms. the number of fire areas is also growing in the irkutsk region. yakutia
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was enveloped in smoke from fires in the amur region and transbaikaria. and let's continue talking about the weather, the hot anticyclone is not going to lose ground yet. forecasters promise another temperature record in moscow today. will this be the end of a prolonged heat wave in the center of the country? let's ask anna volkova, she will join me. anya, good morning. yesterday there was a thundercloud in the capital, can we say what? a harbinger of a change in the weather, it was a small warm-up before the big thunderstorm, but thursday will be the peak of the thirty-degree heat, which has been going on for the fifth day. on the eve of the evening, a thunderstorm broke out in moscow, the cause of which was a cold atmospheric front stuck in parallel streams, along which scattered masses of cumulus rain clouds were concentrated. the clouds crossed the capital from the southwest to the northeast and were marked by showers, squally winds and impressive thunderstorms. thunderstorms, it felt like we were
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we are in the tropics, in just a few minutes the cloud brought up to 7 liters of water per square meter to some areas, after the rain it became noticeably fresher, but now the atmosphere is warming up intensively again, the unprecedented heat has already led to the fact that the water temperature in the moscow river has become higher, than in the black sea, now it is 24-25° versus 18 in anapa and 22 in gelendzhak. city services continue.
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in the north and northwest of the rest of european russia, thanks to the anticyclone, sunny weather will linger. in the area of ​​this outbreak there may appear here and there scattered masses of thunderclouds. however, they will not have a noticeable effect on the temperature regime, in the middle zone there will still be a record +30-35 during the day, extreme heat will reach even beyond the urals, the middle ob region, the strongest overheating will be observed in the south, where the thermometer will rise to +33-38 , as a result, the extreme heat zone in the country will reach its maximum extent, compared to yesterday, its border will advance... by 500 km at once, and now there will be unbearable heat will be felt in almost all densely populated areas of russia, where 12 of the 16 million-plus cities are located, and in some megacities the thermometers, midday hours will rise above the historical maximums
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recorded back in the last century, we are talking about perm, ufa, nizhny novgorod and moscow. now in the capital it is +23°. the thermometer is rising in the middle of the day. reached its highest point this season, the 1938 record of +33.7° may be updated. in the evening around 21:00 there is a chance of short rain. thunderstorm, on friday the air will still have time to warm up to +30, but on the second half of the day on saturday night, with the passage of a cold atmospheric front , heavy rains with thunderstorms will fall on the capital. on weekends it is fresher and the abnormal heat subsides to +24-26. thank you anna, it was anna volkova and the weather forecast. let's take a short break now, after advertising on the air of the fifth studio program. i say goodbye to you with this, see you tomorrow, good news. knee pain,
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business needs acceleration, open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help business. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. i i welcome everyone who has joined us, the fifth studio is on air, the place where we traditionally have a look, we have the opportunity to look at the events happening around us a little more closely than the dry news format allows, let’s start with the country where the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization is taking place today, of which belarus has become a member, in fact, the summit began with this today, and it is held under the slogan of strengthening multilateral dialogue, the desire for sustainable peace and development, and separately, as participants always emphasize,
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that this format is aimed at the prosperity of all participating states, unlike many other similar associations, in no way is it aimed at confrontation with similar blocs. contact us vladimir dzhabarov, first deputy chairman of the international affairs committee of the federation council, vladimir mikhailovich, hello, hello, from your point of view, the sco, an organization that is generally gaining strength. as we see, heads of state and members of the organization are talking about this, can it become one of the important elements of the configuration of this very new multipolar world, which has been talked about a lot lately? well, actually it can’t, it has already become, in general, one of the new centers of the multipolar world. look, today we accepted the tenth member, belarus, which has completed all the necessary procedures, which means, in addition to the fact that we have 10 members.
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terrorist organization, afghanistan , the decision that they are no longer will continue to represent themselves, will represent the country in this organization as an observer, eight more candidates, and there are state-populated countries with large populations, like bangladesh, like vietnam.
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but nevertheless actively developing, probably, as you agree with me or not, this is, in general, also an alternative vector of development, which we now see, which is gaining strength, well, look, after all, when the west began such a crusade against our country in seeing thousands sanctions, seeing attempts to limit contacts with us, advise other countries, does not come to moscow, does not support putin,
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now i know that a visit is planned, perhaps in november in kazakhstan and a number of other countries, in particular yesterday erdogan, the president of turkey, persistently invited our president to visit turkey, although this is a nato country, as if a faithful ally of the americans, nevertheless our president is in excellent excellent political shape, physical uniform, god bless him, as they say.
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the leadership of the osce parliamentary assembly warned in advance, i repeat, six months in advance, that we hope that we will receive visas, we hope that we will be accepted normally, we they will give us the opportunity to express our point of view, but you know the answer and they didn’t give us a visa, and yesterday a resolution was adopted that was absolutely anti-russian, russophobic, wild, we were accused of everything, of international terrorism and...
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we will return to normal work and will be ensured equal rights for all participants to take part in the work and vote and be elected to the bodies of the osce parliamentary assembly, of course we will definitely return, but i think that sooner or later we will come to this, we must be patient, and most importantly, we must finish victoriously a special military operation, i assure you, this rusakovsky ardor will greatly diminish all the enemies of our country. who now, feeling impunity, insult us on all parliamentary platforms, but we do not pay attention to this, our diplomacy has achieved serious success recently, and
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parliamentary diplomacy will also try to work in this direction for the benefit of the interests of our homeland. in the context of what you said about the last meeting in which you took part and the atmosphere, what is going on there, well, frankly speaking, is not working, what can we expect from the chairmanship in...
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russia is a permanent member of the security council with the right of veto, you know, there are five countries in total, in general russia has this right, russia uses it, no matter what the americans do there , british or french, russia still enjoys authority, in general. that many countries support it, yes, sometimes they are afraid to publicly express support, but in general , they support many of the decisions that the russian country makes or proposes, but so what will happen there our speaker is the minister of foreign affairs, vasily nebezen is there, we have a permanent representative, they know how to correctly place accents when they speak, in general, you know, everyone freezes and listens very carefully, the authority of russia, i think that you are the only one...
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however however, it is quite obvious that this is a wide representation, given that the national association of rights and marine lepine have not been frightening children in france lately, this is generally a rather impressive result. from your point of view, will this have any real impact? political events? i think it will, definitely will. yes, we know that if earlier maria lepen openly supported our country on many issues, then after the start of the special military. addressed to russia, but i think that all this is more like a political game, of course, the french are tired
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of the policy pursued by the pro-macron party, because what has been happening in france in recent years is one side shied away on the other, these are threats of participation in military operations in ukraine, the constant defeat of the french in africa, from where almost all of them were expelled... he was forced to suggest that young french people should go and vote against national unity, but this does not fit into any framework at all, that is, everything was mixed into
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one pile, politics and sports.
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development and establishment of true multipolarity, a step in this direction is the initiative of the sco member states on world unity for a fair world of harmony, a decision to put forward, which we must take today. this initiative is clearly aimed at developing confidence-building measures in the field of stability and security. first of all, in our common eurasian region, such measures that would guarantee conditions for sustainable growth for everyone equally, regardless of the political and economic system, belonging to a particular religion or denomination, or particular cultural structure. by the way, russia’s proposal to create a new architecture
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of cooperation and indivisible security in eurasia is in the same vein.
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that the shanghai cooperation organization has traditionally been closely involved in the problems of afghanistan. we support the idea of ​​resumption activities of the sco afghanistan contact group. we think this will contribute to further normalization of the situation in this country. unfortunately, other potential outbreaks still remain on the eurasian continent, in greater eurasia.


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