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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the parliamentary elections are taking place against the backdrop of a record low rating for prime minister irisha sunak, only 1% of those surveyed in britain believe in the victory of the conservative bloc . our correspondent's report: the heat in the capital is reaching its peak, where else can we wait for records to see how powerful the new thunderstorm front will be, let's ask our meteorologists. and let's start the release with news from... where the meeting of the council of leaders of the sco countries took place. the sco anti-terrorism structure will be transformed into a universal center that will respond to all spectrum of threats, vladimir putin stated. the president of russia emphasized that the security of the state remains a priority task in the work of the association. and before the start of the meeting , the heads of the sco signed documents on the admission of belarus to the organization. and now the head of the central asian news bureau, robert frantsev, joins the broadcast from astana. robert, welcome. what else
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was discussed today and what statements were made? hello, dari, indeed, the work of the ostanino summit of heads of state of the shanghai organization the cooperation began from a historic moment. belarus became a full member of the organization. here are these historical shots. i would like to greet the president of the republic of belarus. dear alexander grigorievich k'.
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the heads of state of the member states of the shanghai cooperation organization sign the decision of the council of heads of state of the members of the shanghai cooperation organization on completing the procedure for admitting the republic of belarus to membership of the shanghai cooperation organization. thus, the number of permanent members of the shanghai organization cooperation has increased to 10. russian president vladimir putin congratulated his belarusian colleague on this significant event: i want to greet all of you and, of course, the president of belarus. russia attaches great
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importance to partnership interaction within the sco. we note with satisfaction that this interaction continues to develop progressively on the principles of equality, consideration of each other’s interests, respect for cultural and civilizational diversity, and search. collegial solutions to pressing security issues. according to the results meeting in the capital of kazakhstan, the leaders of the sco countries signed 24 documents, the main one of which was the summit, the main one of which was the declaration of the astoninsky summit. in it, in particular, the sco countries call for an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector. they also condemn the numerous civilian casualties . countries. the sco advocates
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comprehensive reform of the un in order to strengthen its authority. we are talking about building a new architecture, global security. the president spoke about the new world order, which is already taking concrete shape. russia, vladimir putin. a multipolar world has become a reality. the circle of states that support a fair world order and are ready to do so is expanding. affirmation of true multipolarity.
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the key principle that all sco countries adhere to is that security throughout the eurasian space must be ensured. crisis that arose as a result of the absolutely unceremonious policy of the united states led by its satellites. we have repeatedly put forward specific proposals in this regard. let me remind you that in mid-june we presented another
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a settlement option, which, if the ukrainian side, and most importantly its western sponsors, are ready to accept it, would literally allow. to cooperate. the shanghai cooperation organization opposes the dictates of one particular hegemon, but does not claim to be a new hegemon. this is precisely a new format of mutually beneficial cooperation. an example of such mutually beneficial cooperation is the relationship between russia and
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iran. this is already from bilateral negotiations between the russian leader and the acting president of iran. last year. our level of trade turnover has slightly adjusted, but this year it has decreased, this year it has grown by 14% compared to the same period last year. the free trade agreement between the eurasian economic union and iran will certainly contribute to the further strengthening of our economic ties . member states of the organization are considering iran's application to obtain state observer status with the eurozone.
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also on the sidelines of the summit, vladimir putin held negotiations with the representative of qatar. it must be said that qatar is not a member of the shanghai cooperation organization, but it is a member of a wider group , and the number of people wishing to participate in the new format of the shanghai dialogue is expanding, which certainly indicates the growing authority of this organization. robert, thank you, the head of our central asian bureau, robert frantsov, spoke about the agenda in vastan. what do we bring from our travels with avito?
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solovyova, willingly joins the broadcast. natalya, greetings, tell us more about what the deputies are working on today, what they are discussing? dasha, hello, of course, today the focus is primarily on the budget, amendments to it, the state duma is going to consider the changes immediately in the second and third readings, they will primarily affect only this year, 2024, they are related to the president’s message to the federal assembly, namely those big ones social... financing of this program, a program to support families with three children in the presence
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of a third child, when a third child is born, a family that has support in the form of a mortgage can receive 450,000 rubles from the budget to write off part of the mortgage loan, it is extended until the thirtieth year , and accordingly, almost 50 billion rubles are provided by the end of the year. another amendment initiated by the speaker of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav volodin provides for additional funding in the amount of 650 million rubles for slavic universities that operate on the territory of the ias and the cis, i will remind you that they have 20,000 students studying, and of course it will be interesting to see what else is on today’s agenda; in the second reading today the bill on additional indexation of pensions will be considered . military personnel are proposed to increase this percentage, it will not be 4.5, but 5.1,
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and, of course, it is always interesting those bills that deputies will consider in the first reading, one of them, as you have already noticed, concerns specifically labor legislation, these are several amendments at once, in particular, one of them provides for the preservation of earnings for employed citizens at those enterprises that have been affected, for example, by some kind of crisis, they can move freely and temporarily. secondly, the bill regulates the issue of one employer providing their workers to another employer; it is impossible to provide workers if there is a labor conflict or strike at the enterprise, and they are trying to use workers as fine workers, it is impossible to provide for harmful, dangerous working conditions, an interesting bill,
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which deputies will also consider in the first reading today, sounds about the early termination of the powers of deputies or ... other restrictions for such departure, but even in a friendly country, if it is a member of an international, or rather , if ana is subject to the jurisdiction of an international criminal court, there may be problems, these problems from a private personal problem of an individual deputy can become problems of the country, so that such problems do not exist, today the deputies will consider this bill, by the way, colleagues from united russia
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are already ready to support the a just russia faction, patriots for the truth, they have announced that they will vote. for this proposal, so far such news from the willing row, daria. natalya, thank you, natalya solovyova spoke about the main topics of today’s state duma meeting. the federal antimonopoly service notes a downward trend in prices for chicken eggs. the head of faz, maxim shaskolsky, spoke about this in an interview with our tv channel. results of inspections of retail chains. is it possible to talk about an unreasonable increase in prices for other goods, for example, building materials, and what changes may already be made in this. year to adopt in relation to yellow signs next to road signs. watch this interview right now. maxim alekseevich, good afternoon. good afternoon. today we are recording an interview on the food market, how competition works here. as you well understand and this can be seen here. we have high competition, a large number
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of manufacturers, sellers, and measures antitrust regulations are not always applicable in this market. in the same time. removal at affordable prices, this is a very very important component of the cost of agricultural production, then we can say about ensuring equal access of agricultural producers to subsidies from the budget, we check the regulations of the constituent entities of the russian federation that regulate the provision of subsidies, in some cases we find violations, in just
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last year we examined about 400 such acts, in eight cases we found violations, violation concerns.
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blocks, fittings, raw materials for ceramic tiles, cases have been initiated there, even fines have already been paid, this year the situation is calmer, we see seasonal growth, seasonal
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growth for certain types of building materials, it is not much different from inflation, we are talking about cement, according to there are large manufacturers regarding cement and we have filed antimonopoly cases regarding reinforcement. also around 10%. there are also large manufacturers in this market , an antimonopoly case has also been initiated regarding raw materials for ceramic tiles, we also have monopolists work and there is business there. the situation is under control according to bitom , also the building material is also seasonal, also large manufacturing companies are also sent to inquiries and we will check the economic feasibility of the prices set. there was information that in march and april of twenty-four, the mts company increased the cost of a number of services by 8%, but is this true, at what stage is this situation now? we are
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constantly engaged in cellular communication services, i must say that we have had many requests from consumers, deputies, senators regarding the paid distribution of the internet from subscriber devices. we have established that payment for this service is not economically justified, no costly operators. not four companies, they canceled this fee, bear it, so we issued a warning to everyone regarding changes in tariffs, if we see that costs are decreasing, revenue is growing, and investment programs are not being implemented, or there are expenses in the direction that are not related to improving quality and expansion of communication services, then we initiate a case and demand that the increase be cancelled. or define it an increase at an economically justified level, indeed now there is a case in relation to mts, that is , there really was an increase, there was an increase, and we see that it is economically unjustified,
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when will there be some decision, it will be in the next month, and what are the results of trade audits chains in terms of rising prices for chicken eggs, which can already be said, now the trend is to reduce prices, it has been going on for many months, the reasons for price changes in leading periods are clear - with them...
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hotel services, air tickets, dynamic pricing creates unreasonable price pressure on consumers, because if previously a person determined what price
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to set and could have made a mistake, he was restrained there... but artificial intelligence very clearly calculates many factors that affect the price and tries to sell tickets as much as possible, and here of course it is necessary research the algorithms themselves, we need experts, analysts, programmers who will study the algorithm, the coefficients that are used, we are doing this to the best of our ability, we believe that the mechanism pricing should be transparent and understandable. that is, the coefficients that are used must be explainable, you can easily see the same ticket yourself and literally in 10 minutes there will be a different price, of course it is obvious that many economically justified costs have not appeared during this time, that is, this is the work of artificial intelligence, which squeezes the maximum amount of money out of the consumer, and there is an understanding of what the price range is , how much it can be reduced if we revise these rules and make them transparent, here it may be necessary to develop
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a methodological approach. recommendations for deviations from the average price for the season, then the prices will be in some reasonable range, but the company will immediately answer you that they compensate for the outliers that they have in the low season, raising prices in the higher season, because the situation there is not the simplest, there must be a transparent calculation procedure, a transparent formula, understandable coefficients that will be used in calculations, there is an understanding. when can it happen? well, we will come to an agreement with the airlines in the near future about a mechanism that will control the dynamics of pricing, well, work still remains to be done, we discussed with you that no additional costs arise, and the price rises, maybe even doubled, so this needs to be addressed do something, and we believe that by introducing a transparent methodology, determining the coefficient that can be used and which cannot, we can get a good result for consumers. maxim alekseevich, another area
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your... work of the federal antimonopoly service is the fight against illegal advertising, this is what you are doing in this area now, how many warnings were there, how many cases were there last year, what are the dynamics of the statistics this year, well, what will you pay attention to? indeed, this is an important area, advertising misleads consumers in some cases, we have about 3,500 violations identified over the past year, it is important to say that there are fines and fines are increasing, especially for unfair financial advertising. services, we we are constantly working with this, we are faced with a lot of things, we identify individual violations that - you can see right now - these are the so-called yellow signs, but this is essentially advertising, if it were indicated that this is just the direction of movement, there, for example, uh, a residential complex, without a name, then well, here one could assume that this is not advertising, but what are yellow signs, that is, are they like road
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signs on the road? well, it’s next to the road sign, so we can see it right behind us - an example when it’s not indicated directions to a shopping complex or residential complex - or simply the sign of a restaurant contains a specific name, that is, this is actually an advertisement - of a certain enterprise, it appeared there in violation of the rules, in violation of the procedure for placing advertising, so this definitely needs to be dealt with, this needs to be fought, and this is not an additional receipt of funds, including to the budget , from...
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that you will be introducing some legislative changes to the state duma, thank you very much, maxim alekseevich, for the time that has passed, thank you.


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