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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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right at the airfield, the strike was carried out by iskander’s crews, what else is at the front? there are parliamentary elections in britain, and prime minister sunok discusses culinary preferences on a tv show. you know, i really like sandwiches, but actually i always eat on election night, my butcher always makes a special election pie. but there probably won’t be much time left for lunch on downing street, the prime minister’s rating is breaking records, and labor is counting on triumph. alexander khabarov will talk about british politics. and in transbaikal, dozens of forest fires are being extinguished outbreaks, the capital has peak heat levels, but in some regions they promise downpours and where exactly? a multipolar world has become a reality today, vladimir putin said at the sco meeting in astana. according to the russian president, the circle of states advocating for... a fair
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world order is expanding. vladimir putin also noted that the security of the sco member countries remains a priority in the organization’s work. and before the start of the meeting, the heads of the sco signed documents on the admission of belarus to the association. our boss will tell you more about everything central asian bureau, robert frantsov. the work of the ostonino summit of heads of state of the shanghai cooperation organization began with a historic moment. belarus became a full member of the organization. i would like to greet the president of the republic of belarus, dear alexander grigorievich lukashenko. in a short period of time, your country has completed all the necessary procedures on the way to full membership in the shanghai cooperation organization. if there are no objections, i propose to begin the meeting with the ceremony of signing the admission documents of the republic of belarus into the member states. sco, please, ladies and
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gentlemen, the ceremony of signing decisions on granting the republic of belarus full membership in the shanghai cooperation organization begins. heads of state of the shanghai cooperation organization members sign. decision of the council of heads of state, members of the shanghai cooperation organization. on the completion of the procedure for admitting the republic of belarus to membership in the shanghai cooperation organization and granting it the status of a member state of the shanghai organization cooperation. following the meeting in the capital of kazakhstan, the leaders of the sco countries signed 24 documents, the main one of which was the declaration of the astonin summit. in it, in particular, the sco countries call for an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector. they also.
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devices and ready to resolutely defend their legal rights and defend traditional values. new centers of power and economic growth are emerging and strengthening. we are convinced that the shanghai cooperation organization, along with brix, are the main pillars of the emerging new world order. exactly these associations act as a powerful locomotive of global development and approval processes.
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fighting, save human lives , start negotiations. dear colleagues, we are grateful to the participants of the shanghai cooperation organization for their proposal to resolve this conflict. russia is certainly ready to take into account your ideas and initiatives. the shanghai cooperation organization opposes the dictates of one specific hegemon, but does not claim to be a new hegemon. this is precisely the new format of mutually beneficial cooperation. an example of such mutually beneficial cooperation is the relationship between russia and iran. this is already from bilateral negotiations between the russian leader and the acting president of iran. last year, our
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level of trade turnover slightly adjusted, but this year it has decreased; this year it has grown by 14% compared to the same period last year. relations with the russian federation is a plan that was developed by the spiritual leader of iran and he constantly monitors the progress of its implementation. i would like to note that in connection with the ongoing elections for a new iranian president, our relations with russia will continue to remain unchanged. the number of people wishing to participate in
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the new format of the shanghai dialogue is expanding, which certainly indicates the growing authority of this organization. robert frantsev, arman baidauletov, tatyana safarova, kazakhstanis. near belgorod, four people were injured during shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian troops used a drone to drop an explosive device on two cars on a regional highway. it is known that among the victims a twelve-year-old girl with shell shock. according to the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov, the child was sent to the children's regional clinical hospital. the head of the region also added that on the same section of the highway , another drone attacked a truck. the driver saw the drone in the rearview mirror and... braked, as a result the drone detonated on the road and the man was not injured. now about the progress of the special operation in the dnepropetrovsk region, the ukrainian mig-29 fighter was destroyed. footage of the attack on the aircraft parking lot at dolgintsev airfield, published by our ministry of defense. it is reported that
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aircraft weapons and vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces engineering service were eliminated. the iskander missile system was launched at the target. objective control cameras recorded it. an exact hit, well , additional aerial teams and equipment were deployed to transbaikalia to fight natural fires, two more outbreaks were localized in the region within 24 hours, and dozens continue to be extinguished. anton kolganov is monitoring the situation in the trans-baikal territory. one of the most difficult situations took shape in the kolar district, where there are already several. forest fires have been burning for days, the entire north of the region is shrouded in thick smoke, this is how the situation looks from the air. the day before , the head of the region assessed the situation on the spot; due to the house curtain, it was possible to arrive in the district
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only in the afternoon. hello. as of july 3, there were 18 active fires in the county. additional forces were mobilized to fight the fire, including paratroopers and paratroopers from the security air force and volunteers. special thanks, i would like to say this to our citizens, i thank them very much for responding and i haven’t seen anything like this, people are being recruited en masse, they themselves bring containers and participate in putting out fires. special thanks to the contracting organizations that are involved in this process, this is the provision of equipment in the form of bulldozers, this is the equipment that transports the bulldozer. yesterday, a special mention was made of udakan copper, inteka sibir, alliance, mk bamk. the elements failed to reach residential buildings; localization work continued even in the dark, but the fight against the fire, despite the fact that it left the villages of chara and the new chara must be
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continued, the governor demanded. we have no rain forecasts, time in this case is working against you and me, given the situation that you are now reporting to me, that’s why it’s a long time for you. you can’t let him smolder and wander around the new spell, because the wind can rise at any moment and after that you won’t do anything with him. this morning there was brief rain in the north of the region. this is the kind of footage that is being circulated on social networks, but significantly on the fire hazard this did not affect the situation; the situation continues to remain tense; we would like to add that a restriction on visiting forests is still in effect in the region. anton kolganov, maxim labachev, lead the reading. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading and tomato cheese. try caesar rolls and other rolls only at a tasty point. thank you, the sber loyalty program has been updated.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. in great britain, the main topic today is the general elections to parliament. prime minister rishi sunah has already voted, but his rating is breaking records. he could become the first sitting head of government in history to fail to qualify for the house of commons. according to polls, the conservatives, who have been in power for 14 years, are facing defeat, while the liberists hope that their
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the numerical advantage over the opposition will be the largest in almost 200
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mps, the liberal democrats have 72, the scottish nationalists have only three parliamentary mandates , nigel farage's reform party, although according to the polls it was in third place. this is the specificity of british elections: the candidates with the most votes win the constituencies. farage's sudden appearance had already disrupted the routine flow of the campaign. he states that it is important for his party that it enters parliament. this is our first a significant step along the way. the longer-term goal, which is scheduled for 2029, also aims to create a grassroots common sense movement across the country. dejected by the impending defeat, conservatives are trying to cheer up. in desperation, they enlisted former prime minister boris johnson in a last-ditch campaign. all this time , poor old starmer is so afraid of breaking
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left-wing dogma that he refuses to explain the difference between a man and a woman, and just sits there with his mouth open and closed like... you know, i really like sandwiches, but actually i always eat on election night, my butcher always makes a special election pie, it's a little family tradition. the signature dish will apparently be his last meal at the prime minister's residence in downing street. sunok also risks losing in his constituency and becoming the first prime minister in
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british history to lose his parliamentary mandate. the only ones who remain calm in downing street are those who have overstayed their welcome. four prime ministers cat lari. it was brought here by david cameron. democratic procedures do not concern the cat, except for the frequent change of owners, but lari is already used to this. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, news: great britain. large-scale forest fires have resumed in northern california. the flames have already destroyed 15 km of forest. fire brigades are trying to contain the spread of the elements, but it is not going well. the prevailing dry weather in the region is a hindrance. strong wind. the authorities ordered the evacuation of 26,000 residents from the disaster zone, but there is no information about casualties yet. the name of vladimir sungorkin, editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda, which he headed almost a quarter of a century, assigned to one of the stations of the baikal-amur mainline. let me remind you that the journalist passed away 2 years ago. he just started his career as a reporter
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for the komsomolskaya pravda at the bama construction site; he lived in a train carriage and fell in love with these places for the rest of his life. this year. sungorkin would have turned 70 years old. it was on this date and on bam’s fiftieth anniversary that the renaming of the platform was timed. previously, it only had number 1095. it is located on the shore of lake baikal. record of winter crops in the krasnodar region in one of the regions, representatives of the book russian records recorded the highest yield in history - 110 centners per hectare. this is the result of the joint work of farmers and scientists. andrey malet found out how this was achieved. there is a mighty spike here. before the start of harvesting, the breeders manually thresh several ears of corn and, with an experienced eye, immediately confirm: there will be a record. at the wave of the flag , two combine harvesters bite into the experimental plot, and within a few minutes they disappear in a cloud of dust. this golden kuban field is like an olympic stadium. today this is a platform for
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setting a record. this is a kuban school variety. today is his graduation, which will thunder throughout the country. the record-breaking variety is named after the kuban breeding school. it was developed by the lukyanenko national grain center just a few years ago. the legend of domestic selection lyudmila bespalova evaluates it. was also used when setting the previous record, records encourage us to move on, we have become the largest grain exporting country, but of course we are not, well,
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now we are returning to ostana. well, here are the shots from the astona that we are waiting for, they they arrive in real time, let me remind you, trance, here, in fact, now there are new fresh shots.
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ولتاكيد يlf inct يخص جم التلتلتلتل الثoff lf ولlfدlf ولكbility >اuction ايجالا#het š مؤشرات جم التولتipp الجاومقار 52%. من الجانبين. وتشتعل.
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please contact us لى دعم قطر لانضمام لهذا المنتدى وهذا التعاون الاستراتيجي في قرات اس يا ونشكركم على هذه الدعوه ودعم روسيا منضمام قطر.
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مبنيه مبنيه فخامه الرئيس هناك we appreciate the relationships that have been achieved between russia and qatar, this is a very strong relationship. القطريه تبلغ تقريبا 13 مليار دولار في روسيا ونحن نطمح بان نزيد هذه ا worldwide moreover, the volume of qatari investment in the russian economy in projects in russia
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reaches about the order of magnitude.
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ايضا بالنسبه للازمه في غزه والحرب القائمه على غزه مثل ما ذكرت فخامه all rights reserved. يكون هناك وقف للحرب وعوده المحتجزين الاسرائيليين وايضا الجنسيات ا لاخرى and you mentioned the crisis in gas, the war that is happening there now, as i already said, we are striving to end this conflict through negotiations between the interested parties, we want there to be a ceasefire, the war has been stopped, we would like to see those arrested, detained, prisoners, israeli captives and others, representatives of other states.


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