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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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ايضا بالنسبه للازمه في غزه والحرب القائمه على غزه مثل ما ذكرت فخامه الرئيس نحن نسعى بان ننهي هذه الحرب من خلال التفاوض مع الطرفين وان this is the case.
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وغيoffs خ et bowing الرئي# iodذ هذا الدance اللي غز et ووو stick الافالا# ss والواnds how photography قلوا # etذال__. lf لا تووو futory دوله فلوله فيوق القural الدوليه المlf عود وود 1976 واوا ussف اوimes هذام ال bow دولdom اlf دولdom اlf دlf دولdom دimes دول#lement فلovern فimes bow ول اولا ال نن and what is happening now is unacceptable, the destruction that we are seeing in the gaza strip, tens of thousands of children, women, and just civilians who died as a result of these events, a palestinian state must be created within the borders of 1967, i know that the russian federation supports.
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rubles of investment, 600 jobs for the tula region, this plant for the production of vanadium and its oxides is one of the largest investment projects in recent years. its products can be used in metallurgy, chemical, and oil industries throughout the country. production will start next year year, and while builders are working here, the large-scale site is being shown to the minister of economic development of russia maxim rishetnikov. this is a production facility located in the special economic zone of uzlov.
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only one western company refused to cooperate, and thanks to favorable conditions for investors, its place was immediately taken by other enterprises. the canadian company makey, which left the russian market, has now been bought by a large group of the company evka, will also do large-scale food production, more than 15 billion investments, chocolate icing, processing of oilseeds, various oils and production of sauces, that is, also here. this is how a food cluster was formed naturally. os uzlovaya is one of the five most effective economic zones in the country. and considering that the zone is generally quite young, this is, frankly, a very, very good result. and these are already meetings on the development of the economic zone. to implement further projects , new infrastructure is needed, and here the region needs federal support. investor he doesn’t just come, he sees the roads, he sees the substation, he sees the gas. so that
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there are the most effective projects, projects that right now provide us with structural adaptation, structural restructuring of the economy, economics of supply, and the tula region is one of those regions that clearly benefits and will be a clear, so to speak, beneficiary of all this policy. rub 235 billion a record value for investment for the turk region was achieved last year, the region is in fourth place, therefore the indicator in the central federal district is in fifth place national rating of investment attractiveness. moreover, nodes. not the only zone with a special economic status that operates in the tula region, plus two priority development territories have been created in the tula region, these are tor aleksin and efremov, we are planning to create about 14 thousand jobs in total, we now have 100
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investment projects , who are supported both in the field of industry and in the field of agro-industrial complex, also dmitry milyaev and maxim reshetnikov we also discussed another economic component of tourism development in the tula region. last year, more than 1,700,000 tourists visited the weapons capital; this year, according to plans, the figure will be even higher and exceed 2 million people. vitaly matorin and alexey chichvadze, host tula. ftb. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for the subscription. open the cumulative vtbet with. we present the new perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100%
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malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. feel the perfection taste. under the silver foil is a delicious chocolate layer. inside there is a beautiful, ideal, plumbeer, airy, natural, happy mick in the heat and julia, carries a silver bullet. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million. every 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles.
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open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services financial market from the moscow exchange. gac m8. minivan executive class. unique radiator grille. electromagnetic suspension. luxury salon for your maximum comfort. gac m8 - place first. go to the moss exhibition. or maybe come to me, better at a tasty spot, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, a superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, sensoy,
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sensa, m, sensa. this is how asian taste sounds on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7th. the czech town of žatec is famous for its good rest on the square of three cups. enjoy the žatec goose non-alcoholic beer, register codes and collect your collection of mugs to have a good rest, žatec goose non-alcoholic, collect nice mugs. remember what you need. they told you when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs,
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open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on a business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. now economic news, briefly: inflation may return to target four.
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this was announced by the federal property management agency. most of the income - 8 billion - came from the sale of shares rosspirtprom. this deal was not. was included in the plan; in total, the ministry of finance lists 30 large enterprises for possible privatization, this is a company with a state share of more than 50%. russian railways plans to transfer about 61 million passengers during the summer season. the general director of the company, oleg belozerov, stated this in an interview with our tv channel. he named the south of the country as one of the key areas. belozerov also commented on the construction of the moscow-st. petersburg high-speed railway. the highway has already been designed to... 60%. the rolling stock itself, the approach itself - this is already the next level in high-speed
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traffic, now the cruising speed is about 330 km/h, in the world as a whole, we have set ourselves the task of reaching 360, the maximum is 400 km/h, accordingly we set the task, as always, to be in the lead, and we we know for sure that we can provide this. the european union has introduced import duties on chinese electric cars. this statement was made by the european commission. the fees range from 17 to 37%, depending on the manufacturer. and it will be added to the already existing ten percent duties. brussels is dissatisfied with state support, which chinese authorities provide assistance to their automakers. weight. it is believed that subsidies could harm european industry, just like chinese ones. electric vehicles are much cheaper than european ones, so any retaliatory measures from beijing were called unlawful in advance. it
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was economic news, briefly. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pentalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. for the first time on... screens, meet on avito khvatamba has arrived on avito and discounts to people from people, only until july 7th hvatamba for so many things, from wardrobes to auto goods on avito, travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and get a super cash on air tickets, this alpha friday, july 5th we are giving 30% cashback on flights in sochi. not just profitable, alpha profitable! this have not happened before! russian cold!
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150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass! try! a real plombir! russian cold! great, incredible taste! hello! my name is cashboy! i help you buy with maximum profit at megamarket! for example, sber smart tv for 32,990 rubles with 50% cashback. how do you like the class, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%, vtb, together everything will work out. we don't know exactly what is behind your request: for flowers or to cool off? yandex maps will suggest places and build routes so you don’t have to think about it. what we bring back from traveling with avito, cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel will go smoothly...
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magnet - the price is what you need! remember what you did you say when you decided to open a business? yes, this is not a business at all. but you didn't listen. after all, you're doing everything wrong. continue. at alfabank? the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pintalgen extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel.
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the operating principle of a wind tunnel is simple; the air flow must be strong enough to lift a person, keep him in flight, but at the same time prevent him from falling or hitting the ceiling. also in the business sphere, it is important to maintain a balance, creating fair competition with the same rules for everyone. here we go? if it’s the same model, he’ll say it’s cheaper here. well, yes, yes, they take advantage of this, they copy our model and try to sell counterfeit goods. monopolization, yes, i ’ll tell you, not as a craftsman, but as an economist, leads to collapse in any market, competition must be fair, how it affects the economy, that’s what it is free competition? companies compete
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with each other, of course they optimize costs, invest in innovation and achieve effective economic growth. it is necessary to increase competition, new manufacturers must appear here, efficient, modernly equipped, ready to work in the required new format, to produce the required quality of this or that product. without competition there is no growth, but it is important that it is healthy. this is monitored by the federal antimonopoly service. the goal is not to punish businesses, but to prevent violations. for this we need rules that are understandable and uniform for everyone. for example, in 2023, the fas introduced new practices for how marketplaces work with sellers to combat counterfeit goods. since then, based on complaints from trademark owners , more than 7.5 million cards with goods from unscrupulous sellers have been blocked. one of the most pleasant stages for
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a manufacturer: the new collection is ready. clothes and prepare pages or, in professional language, cards for marketplaces, but then unpleasant surprises may occur when another seller copied the same dress, and sells it under the same brand, or sells his collection, but under someone else’s label, but for such cases there is already a solution, a year ago we could enter the page of our store in the morning and there were 10 sellers, all who... maybe it’s not possible, they are posted under our brand, hello, it was very tedious to get rid of this, it was all manual, it took a long time, it took from a week to a month to remove them, now there is less of this, marketplaces react quickly to this, erene gusmanova's program has a solution has arrived about a year ago, her clothing production enterprise was able to occupy new niches
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after the departure of a number of western brands, and it was on marketplaces that sales doubled, now as...
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consumers receive their favorite products at an affordable, affordable price, it turns out that if here there was one seller of vegetables and fruits, the situation would be different, from the point of view of consumers, of course, it would not be very good, how to maintain a golden mean between the marketplace and sellers, marketplaces occupy a dominant position in relation to their sellers and buyers, therefore they must provide non-discriminatory conditions and... all this concerns the procedure for payments, the procedure for concluding an agreement, changing the agreement, delivery, return, storage of goods, all these mechanisms must be clearly stated, issued. now we are working to eliminate the violations that we have identified, but have there been many such requests from businesses? yes, we have a lot of requests. 72.00 km and 31 million goods, but
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only 800 workers, this logistics hub is called a city where there are few inhabitants, each every day from here approximately 500,000 orders leave for customers, and what solutions are there to be sure? in their authenticity, if we want to know whether it is counterfeit or not, where do we start? water is a product that is subject to mandatory labeling, we take it and read it successfully, which means the system will allow it to be launched inside, but in the system not all categories of goods have an honest mark, so our own digital system becomes another protection, for example, the product is moving, you do you know everything about him? of course, we have each product individually scanned, by which i can check information from entry to submission by the client. and
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the new anti-counterfeiting practices developed by the antimonopoly service also influenced customer loyalty. the average number of purchases was 12 per year, now it is 22. the problem is that there is a steady demand for counterfeit goods and it is growing. how we deal with this, any unit of goods ends up in the system. digital traffic control system, we signed a partnership agreement with rosaccreditation, and if suddenly we we see that documents that are required to be not attached, then we also do not accept such goods. we have a very close relationship with fas, sometimes it’s just a recommendation, some kind of problem, what can be done to eliminate it. there is talk that marketplaces are unilaterally changing the terms of business, delivery conditions, storage conditions. the offer itself is a document that involves unilateral changes.
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decreased by half, and appeals related to antimonopoly legislation during these 5 years decreased by 9,000. at the same time, fas works with requests in a targeted manner. a striking example. in 2020, a number of services complained about yandex. a high-profile case about sorcerers. these are widgets with rich answers. upon request in the browser , they allow you to immediately receive the service without going to other sites. they will tell you how to buy, for example, flight tickets. that's just initially in these answers first.
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together they contacted fas, and dmitry gavrilenko, who worked in one of these companies, became the executive director of the entire association. we saw that we we are constantly losing traffic, we are investing in our services, but our growth is slow. the fas acted with rather exclusive measures and used non-standard approaches. as a result , no one was recognized as a violator, an approach was formed for absolutely all services, and not only we, those who contacted faz, but also any other service. gained access to those same sorcerers. alexander, good afternoon, are you in the house? knock knock. hello maria, yes, i’m in the hut, sometimes it’s convenient to work in
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silence, but as a company we are not in the hut, we open to dialogue. there was a certain dialogue, yes, we had a direct relationship with market players, but since the interests of some players were sometimes directly opposite, at some point the dialogue reached a dead end, it would have been difficult without... the monopoly service to figure it out, to find this balance, here we needed some kind of intermediary who, at the same time , deeply understands the features of digital markets, and on the other hand, has an understanding of how it is necessary to develop and maintain competition in the market. after this incident , did you have more partners? yes, we published truly transparent rules for access to these enriched answers; literally even in the process of this trial, we already had dozens of partners who began to take advantage of these new opportunities. now, i think, there are thousands of them without attracting them. we spent a long time sorting out this situation, but it was much easier to come out through a settlement agreement in other
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countries. gzhel, palik miniature, vologda lace and khokhloma painting. the latter, by the way, is one of the three most recognizable russian brands. what happens if one of producers will try to monopolize the fishery and will prohibit other artisans from using traditional manufacturing technologies. what solutions are there to ensure fair competition in the market? sasha,
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can you tell the difference? we are told that we are repeating something, copying something, but how can we repeat copying something, even if the equipment on which all this is produced was made here, here it comes from here, made by these hands and this head, entrepreneur sergei pavlov calls himself a man with a bunch of professions, a craftsman, economist, programmer, mechanic, and... for now also a little bit of a lawyer. the family business has been developing for the third generation, but in 2021 a large factory decided to challenge its right. i remember these dark times very well, i receive this letter by registered mail, that we have violated the nmpt, a bunch of different terms, they tried to explain to me clearly and clearly that we will no longer be able to paint with semyonov painting, that our nesting doll should be categorically different, or we won't
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do it. trips to court began, sergei ordered examinations, stood like a mountain not only for their business, other artisans of the city of semenov also received letters of claim. at some point, news arrived that they were trying to open two criminal cases against me. i wrote a complaint to the presidential administration. this letter was sent to the federal antimonopoly service, from that moment the case began to be considered from an absolutely objective, honest, fair angle. it turns out that the antimonopoly service gave us. work, you are entrepreneurs and want to register a trademark, but don’t know where to start, it’s easy to do this online on the msp.rf platform, it was developed under the national project for small and medium-sized businesses. there are already more than 850,000 registered users there. you can apply for support, over 800 different measures are available, and more than thirty
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online services for business operate in one window. in business , maintaining balance is much easier than in this tube, of course, in such a flight the most incredible somersaults are possible, but a competent instructor can do this and adjust the strength this way flow that balance will still be found. all episodes of the program have a solution, they can already be found on our social networks, but we are still flying. the decision made at the sco summit in pastana became more influential at the expense of minsk. the ceremony of signing decisions on granting the republic of belarus full membership in the shanghai cooperation organization begins.
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the president of russia has already spoken at the meeting, the astana declaration has been signed, what does it say? precise work, the ukrainian mig-29 was destroyed right at the airfield, impact caused by iskander’s crews, what else is at the front? there are parliamentary elections in britain, and prime minister sunok discusses culinary preferences on a tv show. you know, i really like sandwiches, but actually i always eat. it's election night, my butcher always makes a special election pie, but there probably won't be much time left for lunch in downing street, the prime minister's ratings are breaking records, labor is counting on triumph. alexander khabarov will talk about british political cuisine. additional indexation of military pensions, as well as compliance workers' rights. key topics on okhotsk ryad. we are waiting for natalie solovyova’s direct participation, we will ask her about the budget.


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