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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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iskander, what else is at the front? there are parliamentary elections in britain, and prime minister sunok discusses culinary preferences on a tv show. i love sandwiches, but in general i always eat on election night, my butcher always makes a special election pie, but lunch on downing street probably won’t be long now, the prime minister’s ratings are breaking records, labor is counting on triumph. alexander khabarov will talk about british political cuisine. additional indexation of military pensions, as well as compliance with the law, key topics on the okhotny ryad, we are waiting for direct inclusion natalie solovyova, let's ask her about the budget. and in
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transbaikal they are putting out forest fires, dozens of outbreaks, in the capital, peak heat levels, but in some regions they promise hailstorms, where exactly? a multipolar world has become a reality today, vladimir putin said at the sco meetings in astana. according to the russian president, the circle of states advocating a fair world is expanding. devices, vladimir putin also noted that the security of the sco member countries remains a priority in the work of the organization. on the sidelines of the sco, vladimir putin also held a series of bilateral meetings. we will learn more from my colleague anastasia efimova. so, nastya, greetings, but the program is very rich, what other statements have been made? yes, lesh, good afternoon, i’ll tell you about it now. relations are built on a friendly basis and the trends in trade turnover are good. he gave this assessment of the interaction between russia and kator.
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it is through your mediation that it is possible to return children from both the russian and ukrainian sides to their families. in addition, you are known to be one of the most effective mediators in - in a crisis on the middle east between hamas and israel. we are well aware that you are raising very vigorous efforts to agree on a ceasefire position on an exchange of holdings.
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of course, i am interested in resolving global crises, including the ukrainian one, but a very important clarification, a solution must be found that is satisfactory for both sides, in other words, attempts to dictate terms cannot be considered acceptable for sure, i want to thank you, you noted the humanitarian role played by qatar, i want to assure you that we will continue to implement this work, thank you very much for the trust you have placed in... us regarding
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the issues of returning russian ukrainian children to their families, we would, of course, like this crisis to be resolved, but in a way that would satisfy both sides, and you mentioned the crisis in gas, the war that is happening there now, as i already said, we are striving to end this conflict through negotiations between the interested parties, we want a ceasefire, a stop to the war, we would like... .arrested, detained persons, prisoners, israeli prisoners, representatives of other states returned to their families. this meeting is taking place in kazakhstan on the sidelines of the sco summit, the heads of its member states, belarus joined them today, becoming a full member, and signed the astana declaration, a program document. in it, in particular, the quote “tectonic shifts in world politics and the emergence of a new multipolar world order” is noted. and the sco, as
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well as brix, vladimir putin emphasized, will become its main pillars. multipolar the world has become reality.
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and advocates a peaceful political and diplomatic resolution of the situation in ukraine, a crisis that arose as a result of the absolutely unceremonious policy of the united states led by its satellites. we have repeatedly put forward specific proposals in this regard. let me remind you that in mid- june we presented another settlement option, which, if the ukrainian one is ready.
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russia and iran, vladimir putin also met with the acting president of the islamic republic today, wishing tehran a successful holding the second round of elections and emphasized that cooperation will be strengthened regardless of the outcome of the vote. nastya, thank you, my colleague. efimova follows the progress of the sco summit in astana. the state duma will today consider the budget bill for the period until 2026 in the second main reading. also on the agenda are issues of additional indexation of military pensions and strengthening control over the compliance of russians with legal rights. our correspondent
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natalya solovyova works at okhotny ryad. she joins the broadcast. so, natalya, greetings. what else bills are also being considered by deputies today. yes, alexey, hello, today is serious. flared up a lot around the bill, which was heard in the first reading, it involves the resignation of parliamentarians’ mandates in the event of their uncoordinated travel abroad, we are, of course, not talking about business trips, as the speaker of the lower house of the russian parliament, vyacheslav volodin, said today, this should be reduced the number of people who are first elected and then want to ride around for free at the expense of the state and voters borders, in a word, always yes to baikal, but the maldives are now by agreement. i’m not much of a fan of traveling abroad, but nevertheless i wanted to ask a question: this serfdom without st. george’s day, for how long are you introducing it? i don’t really understand the comparison with st. george’s day, we are talking about the fact that this is
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the responsibility of a politician, a statesman to the country, we are talking about the legal consequences that can occur if everything is fine with you, if you are just... look, the number of those wishing to be elected will decrease and relax here at the expense of the state and their voters. well, such measures are dictated primarily, of course, by security considerations, not only of the citizen himself, but also of the state. let me remind you that all senators and
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some deputies, to one degree or another, have access to state secrets, and of course, in the event of any provocation by foreign intelligence services, in the event of detention. jurisdiction of the international criminal court, friendly if it is a member of the international, or rather, if it submits for such departure, but even in the country there may be problems, these problems from a private personal problem of an individual deputy can become problems of the country. for this bill in the first consideration, in general, such a norm is not often used by deputies, everyone voted unanimously in the near future, this project will be considered in the federation council, and after that...
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overcoming those tasks that face global challenges, and of course, the fulfillment of the social obligations that the state has assumed. alexei. natalya, thank you, natalya solovyova told about the main topics of the state duma meeting. now a short advertisement, then we will talk about the weather, as well as about the new russian high-speed trains. mom, guess who started a new job today?
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there are many vacancies on avito, you will find not just a job, but your place. i am chef kote aganezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated. any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as earlier. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sber from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, we’ll save more money with a subscription. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people. july 7. the hot anticyclone
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is not going to give up its position yet. forecasters promise another temperature record in moscow today. will this be the end of a long period of heat in the center of the country? let's ask anna volkova. anna, greetings. so, yesterday in moscow there were thunderstorms and lightning flashed. was this a hint of an imminent weather change? wait, one might say, it was an easy warm-up before the big thunderstorm, but thursday will be the peak of the thirty-degree heat, which has been going on for 5 days. the night before , a thunderstorm broke out in moscow, the cause of which was a cold atmospheric front stuck in parallel flows, along which scattered masses of cumulus pre-nozzle clouds were concentrated. the clouds crossed the capital from southwest to northeast and were marked by downpours, squally winds and impressive thunderstorms. it felt like we were in the tropics, in just a few minutes the cloud brought up
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to 7 liters of water per square meter to some areas, after the rain it became noticeably fresher, but now the atmosphere is warming up intensively again, the unprecedented heat has already led to the fact that the water temperature in moscow - the river has become higher than in the black sea, now it is 24-25 ° versus 18 in anapa and 22 in elendzhak, city services continue. systematically water the streets of the capital in order to somehow cool hot asphalt. on the russian plain , the asphalt is not atmospheric in moscow, it melts, it was standing on the dc, it stuck to the wheels, that’s how the knuckle is going. i stopped here, scraping it out carefully into a bag so that it wouldn’t stick to anyone else. on the russian plain , the atmospheric situation will remain unchanged for now; today the main fields of rain clouds will continue to shift in the north and northwest; in the rest of european russia, thanks to the anticyclone
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, sunny weather will linger. in the area of ​​this outbreak, scattered thunderstorm arrays. clouds, however, they will not have a noticeable effect on the temperature regime, in the middle zone there will still be a record +30 +35 during the day, extreme heat will reach even the urals, the middle ob region, the strongest overheating will be observed in the south, where the thermometers will rise to + 33-38. as a result, the extreme heat zone in the country will reach its maximum extent. compared to yesterday, its border will advance. to the east immediately 500 km, and now the unbearable heat will already be felt in almost all dense areas populated areas of russia, where 12 of the 16 cities with a population of over a million are located, and in some megacities the thermometers at midday will rise above the historical maximums recorded back in the last
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century, we are talking about perm, ufa, nizhny novgorod and moscow. in moscow at 13:00 thermometers. nava dnh showed +31°. in the middle of the day, the thermometer will reach its highest point this season; the 1938 record of +33.7° may be updated. in the evening, around 21:00 , short-term rain and thunderstorms are possible. in friday the air will still have time to warm up to +30°, but in the afternoon on saturday night the cold weather will pass. next front, heavy rains with thunderstorms will fall on the capital, the temperature will cool down to +24:26 on the weekend and the abnormal heat will subside. thank you, anna, anna volkova told us about the upcoming rains and heat. now about the progress of the special operation, new data was announced by the ministry of defense, a unit of
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the north group of troops improved their position along the front line, immediately near five settlements of the kharkov region. on this. area the enemy lost a combat vehicle of the rocket system, two self-propelled systems and a howitzer. a unit of the west group of forces destroyed three field ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces. the fighters of the center group repelled six counterattacks of enemy assault groups in one day. the enemy lost almost half a thousand people. air defense systems shot down about 40 drones, a french-made hammer guided bomb and 14 hymers rockets were also destroyed. now there is a short advertisement, stay with us, sign up for a subscription let's collect, more cashback categories to choose from, access to movies and tv series in okko and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket, sber
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the peak of inflation will be passed in july, and by the end of next year it will return to the target of 4%, deputy chairman of the central bank alexey zabodkin announced this at the financial congress of the bank of russia. my colleague dmitry is there. morocco. so, dmitry, greetings. what topics were discussed on the second day of the congress and, most importantly, what other figures were announced? yes, alexey, welcome, one of the key topics of the session today was the prospects and risks for the russian economy in the next 3 years. if we talk about the prospects, they are associated with an increase in labor productivity, as well as with high investment activity, which we have been observing the last quarters, but the risks are primarily inflationary and are also associated with the deficit.
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to the transformation of the role of the intermediary and infrastructure, and what this means for clients, was attended by first deputy chairman of the board of sberbank,
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kirill tsarev after the session. he also touched upon the topic of winding down the preferential mortgage program and the main question here is how long will it take for the market to recover? this period may actually be a year, or it may be more, because recently the share of subsidized programs has been of course very large, that is, it is more than 70, i went to more than 80% of the volume of issuance, on the other hand, this is explained, among other things, by the fact that with a high key rate it is clear that... conditionally a market mortgage, it is at such, well, really high rates, not entirely attractive to clients. well, another key issue that is discussed at the congress is the creation of an independent financial system in the global south. participants say that it is necessary to act here as carefully as possible so as not to run into the risks of new sanctions restrictions.
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alexey, thank you, about key economic ones. indicators and other topics, said dmitry morocco.
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the recent drone attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant undermines several pillars of nuclear safety. this was stated by the director general of the international atomic energy agency, rafael grossi. according to him, drone attacks on nuclear facilities must stop immediately. let me remind you that the state corporation rosatom reported that the ukrainian armed forces hit the raduga substation in energodar with drones. nine nuclear power plant workers were injured. most of the city was left without electricity and water,
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local authorities said then. in the city of belovo, kemerovo region, the palace of creativity partially collapsed, there were no casualties, as the director of the institution reported, the children left the building literally 40 minutes before the emergency, there were employees on site, they also managed to get out. the causes of the incident are now being investigated, but the investigative committee has already announced that two criminal cases have been opened. the leader of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov was awarded the order of honor. the solemn ceremony took place at a meeting of the political executive committee of the council of the communist party of the soviet union in moscow. they discussed preparations for the second anti-fascist forum and the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the victory over hitler's germany. the decree on awarding the leader of the communist party of the russian federation was previously signed by the president of belarus alexander lukashenko. the document states that gennady zyuganov was awarded this award for his personal contribution to the development of bilateral cooperation, as well as strengthening friendship.


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