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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. inflation will return to 4% by the end of next year, the peak should be passed this month, such forecasts were voiced by deputy chairman of the central bank alexey zabotkin at the financial congress of the bank of russia in st. petersburg. my colleague dmitry can tell you what other figures were announced. apparently one of the key topics of the session
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today was the prospects and risks for the russian economy in the next 3 years. if we talk about prospects, they are associated with an increase in labor productivity, also with the high investment activity that we have observed in recent quarters, but the risks , primarily inflationary, are also associated with the shortage of personnel and sanctions. now the economy is showing good dynamics. in the first quarter, gdp increased by almost 5.5%. but at the same time, phrases are heard about "overheating", high growth rates are accompanied by high inflation and the reluctance of inflation to slow down, and this shows that in fact the economy is running into its production capacity limits, demand is growing faster than the economy is increasing its potential, this creates additional inflation, we need, again, to go through some period of tight monetary policy in order to bring demand in line with these growing production. the peak
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of annual inflation will probably occur in mid-summer, then in august-september it will begin to slow down and by the end of next year the central bank promises to bring it to the target of 4%. in this case, according to the regulator, the increase in the key rate may amount to more than 1% at the next meeting, so that the rate will still have to be raised, representatives of the country’s largest banks agree. why can't you not raise? we see today.
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intermediary and infrastructure and what does this mean for customers? first deputy chairman of the board of sberbank, kirill tsarev, took part in it. after the session, he also touched upon the topic of winding down the preferential mortgage program and the main question here is how long will it take for the market to recover? this period may actually be a year, or it may be more, because recently the share of subsidized programs was, of course , very large, that is... another key issue discussed at the congress is the creation of an independent financial system in the global south. participants say that it is necessary to act here as carefully as possible so as not to run into the risks of new sanctions restrictions.
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urgent news comes from the moscow region. the area of ​​the fire at the site with wooden pallets in odentsovo has increased to 1,600 km. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. let me remind you that a warehouse with pallets is on fire in odintsovo near moscow. it is known that in addition to wooden pallets , a private house and the siding of a nearby shopping center are also on fire. there are currently 60 people working on site, as well as 15 pieces of equipment. information. there are no casualties yet, we are monitoring developments. for the first time on screens, meet na avito on avito. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba has so much to offer. from smartphones to sneakers on avito. when do you live at x2 speed? without sparing his
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belly, he can let you down. open bespatolin duo for the pain of bloating so as not to lose your rhythm. you are not alone, we are a duo. dispatolin duo. order from pharmacies plus. alexander nikolaevich, july 16 at buenos, no, i have ice delux, which means there is no third, i have, a delicious calendar at a delicious point, every day, a new favorite product at a super price, only in the app it’s delicious and a point, hello, my name is boy, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket, for example, professional color washing machine for... 199 rubles. business needs acceleration? open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb. we help with action. this is not mating season for parrots. this is a promotional code for 100% cashback from ostrovka.
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book a hotel apartment, take part in the drawing. selfish, that is. it already gives me heartburn. it's burning, we'll put it out. and i have your ides. heartburn, this is easier, heartburn from eating, take it, extinguishes, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, active from the first minutes, extinguishes heartburn, extinguishes, nibal, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i'm not now i’m late, there are a lot of vacancies on avito, work, you will find not just a job, but your place, a real one hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, 100 lotto. magnet - the price is what you need. mon coffee 419.99. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under
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20. i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank. it turns out that you can have your own marketplace for money at once, it turns out. open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. what? world blockbusters on yandex market. what are you doing were you waiting? there may be a teek smartphone on pova 6 with a 16% discount. go to the moss exhibition. or maybe to me? better at a tasty point. check out the clips. a real reason to meet. superbox with clips. hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, you ate something wrong, what to do, in case of enterum poisoning, a new generation enterosorbent removes toxins while preserving useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning, on avito khvatamba,
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discounts for people from people to july 7, right on target, this is a goal, this is a victory, this is a victory once. russia, russia, russia, russia, will you throw out the trash already or not, so, attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win, sign up for a sberprim subscription, more cashback categories to choose from, access to films. series wokko and music in sound, and cashback up to 70% in the megamarket in sberbank is more profitable with prime.
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the principle of operation of a wind tunnel is simple: the air flow must be strong enough to lift a person, keep him in flight, but at the same time prevent him from falling or hitting ceiling. also in the business sphere, it is important to maintain a balance, creating fair competition with the same rules for everyone. here we go? if it’s the same model, they’ll say it’s cheaper here, i’ll buy it here, well, yes, that’s what they use, they copy it.
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it is necessary to increase competition; new manufacturers must appear here, efficient and modernly equipped, ready to work in the required new format. and provide the required quality of a particular product. without competition there is no growth, but it is important that it is healthy. behind it is being monitored by the federal antimonopoly service. the goal is not to punish businesses, but to prevent violations. to do this, we need rules that are understandable and uniform for everyone. for example, in 2023, the fas introduced new practices for how marketplaces work with sellers to combat counterfeiting. and from that moment on, due to complaints from the owners of the trademark, it was blocked. there are already more than 7.5 million cards with goods from unscrupulous sellers. one of the most
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enjoyable stages for the manufacturer. the new collection is ready. all that remains is to photograph the clothes, prepare the pages or professional language cards for marketplaces. but then unpleasant surprises may occur when another seller has copied the same dress and sells it under the same brand or sells his own collection. but under someone else’s label, but for such cases there is already a solution. a year ago we could enter the page of our store in the morning and there are 10 sellers, everyone who can and cannot be posted under our brand, hello, it was very tiring to get rid of this, it was all done manually, it took a long time, it took from a week to months to remove there are fewer of them now; marketplaces quickly respond to this. the program has a solution came to elena gusmanova about a year ago; her clothing production enterprise
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was able to occupy new niches after the departure of a number of western brands, and sales on marketplaces doubled. now that, after the intervention of the antimonopoly service, the market is cleared of counterfeit products, further growth is expected, because there are fewer losses. how can you assess the damage that someone takes and copies your products when our monthly sales there are eroded? but if trading platforms are now effectively blocking unscrupulous sellers, other rules are not nearly as transparent, says elena. a few years ago , marketplaces, in general, obliged everyone to switch to an offer agreement, this is such a small or large bondage of ours, where marketplaces themselves unilaterally decide to change the conditions, and what does it mean to change the conditions, you can find out in hindsight what has changed for you - the cost delivery without warning just today you have the delivery cost
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suddenly changed, do you agree or leave? why is it important for there to be fair competition? consumers receive their favorite products at an acceptable, affordable price; it turns out that if there was only one seller of vegetables and fruits, the situation would be different; from the point of view of consumers, of course, it would not be very good. how to maintain the golden mean between the marketplace and sellers, marketplaces occupy a dominant position in relation to their sellers and buyers, therefore they must ensure non-discriminatory conditions, all this concerns the payment procedure, the procedure for concluding an agreement, changing the agreement, delivery, return, storage of goods, all these mechanisms must be clearly spelled out, a warning was issued to the company, work is now underway... to eliminate the violations that we have identified, and there have been many such requests from business? yes, we have a lot of requests.
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72.m and 31 million goods, but only 800 employees. this logistics hub is called a city with few inhabitants. every day approximately 500,000 orders leave for customers from here, and what solutions are there to be confident in their authenticity? if we want to know whether it is counterfeit or not, where do we start? water is a product that is subject to mandatory labeling, we take it and read it, successfully, which means the system will allow it to be launched inside, but in the system not all categories of goods have an honest mark, so our own digital system becomes another protection, for example, the product is moving, you know everything about it, of course, we have every product . an individual scan by which i can check information from entry to
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customer submission, and the new anti-counterfeiting practices that the antimonopoly service developed also influenced customer loyalty; the average number of purchases was 12 per year, now it’s 22. the problem is due to the fact that there is a steady demand for counterfeit goods and it is growing , how we deal with this, any unit of goods ends up in the system, a digital movement control system, we provide this information to sellers in a timely manner, this is such a very sensitive topic
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for sellers, they have increased these deadlines for mandatory informing the seller. if the company has already received a warning, but has eliminated the violations; the principle of soft law applies here, that is, without courts and fines. if in 2019 more than 3.00 antimonopoly cases were initiated, then already in the twenty- third their number was halved, and appeals related to antimonopoly legislation over these 5 years became 9,000 fewer. at the same time, fas works with requests in a targeted manner. a striking example. in 2020, a number of services complained about yandex. the high-profile case of sorcerers, these are widgets with enriched responses, they allow queries in the browser immediately get the service without going to other sites, they will tell you how to buy, for example, flight tickets, but initially in these answers the services of yandex itself were in first place, we decided to figure out how we managed to end the dispute with a settlement agreement, so with
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we try to turn at the same speed, this is important, why? when someone starts moving at a different speed than everyone else, it doesn’t lead to anything good; in the end , everyone loses—the service, the users, and the economy. when to reach an agreement with yandex succeeded, the online services together turned to fas, and dmitry gavrilenko, who worked in one of these companies, became the executive director of the entire association. we have seen that we are constantly losing traffic, we are investing in our services, but our growth is slowing down. faz acted. rather exclusive measures, used non-standard approaches, in the end no one was recognized as a violator, an approach was formed for absolutely all services, and not only we, those who contacted the fas, but also any other service gained access to those the most sorcerers. alexander, good afternoon, you are in the house, knock-knock. hello, maria, yes,
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sometimes it’s convenient for me to work in silence in the house, but as a company we are not in the house, we... dialogue with market players, but since the interests of the players were specific, and we had direct contacts with some of them, sometimes they were directly opposite, here at some point the dialogue reached a dead end, it would have been difficult to figure it out without the antimonopoly service, to find this balance, some kind of intermediary was needed here, who at the same time deeply understands the specifics digital markets, on the other hand, has an understanding of how it is necessary to develop and maintain competition in the market after this incident. there are more partners, yes, we have published truly transparent rules for access to these enriched answers, literally even in the process of this trial, we already have dozens of partners who have begun to take advantage of these new opportunities, now i think there are thousands of them without involving thousands. we sorted this situation out for a long time, but it was much easier to come out through
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a settlement agreement; we went to court in other countries would be 3, 4, 5 years, on the one hand... lace and khokhloma painting, the latter, by the way, is one of the three most recognizable russian brands, but what will happen if one of the manufacturers tries to monopolize the craft and prohibits other artisans from using traditional manufacturing technologies, what solutions are there to ensure fair competition in the market? sasha,
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can you tell the difference between daddy’s spoon and which one is daddy’s? this is it, and what? differs in pattern and in general it is large, we are told that we repeat something, copy something, but how do we we can repeat and copy something, even if the equipment on which all this is produced was made here, comes from here, made with these hands and this head, entrepreneur sergei pavlov calls himself a man with a bunch of professions, a craftsman, an economist, programmer, mechanic, and recently also a bit of a family lawyer. the business is being developed already in the third generation, but in 2021 a large factory decided to challenge its right. i remember these dark times very well, i receive this letter by registered mail, what. it is clear that we will no longer be able to describe the terms, they tried to explain to me, clearly and with semenov’s painting, that our nesting doll
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must be categorically different, or we will not make it. going to court began, sergei ordered examinations, stood up not only for his business, other artisans of the city of semyonov also received letters of claims. at some point , news arrived that they were trying to turn two angles on me. i wrote a complaint to the presidential administration, this letter was sent to the federal antimonopoly service, from that moment on the matter began to be viewed from an absolutely objective, honest, fair angle. it turns out that the antimonopoly service allowed us to work. you are an entrepreneur and want to register a trademark, but don’t know where to start. it’s easy to do this online on the msp.rf platform, it was developed under the national project for small and medium-sized businesses. now. there are more than 850,000 registered users, you can apply for support, over 800 different measures are available,
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more than thirty work in one window mode online services for business. in business it is much easier to maintain balance than in this pipe. of course, in such a flight there may be the most incredible somersaults, but a competent instructor can do both. build up the strength of the flow, then the balance will still be found. all episodes of the program have a solution, they can already be found on our social networks, but we are still flying. sberbank mortgage - for any type of housing. if only i had a house outside the city, an apartment in the center would be better. or maybe everything everywhere at once? find a property
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, submit just one mortgage application in domclick service. the sber thank you loyalty program has been updated. pay with any izber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. select up to five top categories each month. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sber from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners; it’s more profitable with a sber subscription. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. i'm a horse chef. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes. and so that it would be even tastier? real hunting is when
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the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, gold, all saws, mixtures, shovels. everything for home, cottage, construction and repair with all tools. travel with alphabank. choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets. and this alpha friday, july 5, we are giving 30% cashback on flights to sochi. not just profitable, alpha profitable. go to the moss exhibition. or maybe. better at a tasty point, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, a super box with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and
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win a trip, hello, my name is cashboy, i help you buy with the maximum benefit at the megamarket, for example, unison bed linen for 1.859 rub, cashback 25%. magnet - the price is what you need. ice cream fork 999. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. yes, this is not a business at all. but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong. continue. alfabank has the best program loyalty for entrepreneurs. open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfa bank. the best bank for business, for the first time on the screens, meet on avito, on avita, khvatamba has arrived, and discounts to people from people, only. until
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july 7 khvatamba for so many things from smartphones to sneakers on avito, connect to a sberp subscription, more categories of cashback to choose from, access to films and tv series vokko and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the megamarket in sberbank is more profitable with prime. now economic news, briefly. inflation could return to the target 4% in the middle of next year. deputy chairman of the central bank alexey zabotkin stated this in an interview with our tv channel. the july rise in prices will be followed by a slowdown in early autumn; as for the key rate, at the next meeting it could be raised to 17 or even 18% per annum. a significant increase, in our understanding, is an increase of more than one percentage point at a meeting. in june
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, the possibility of an increase by 17 to 17 or even 18% was discussed. most likely these alternatives will also be on the table at july meeting, whether they need to be expanded will depend on incoming data. revenues from privatization exceeded the annual plan by 10 times. at the end of the six months, the budget received 11 billion rubles instead of the expected 1,200 million. this was announced by the federal property management agency. most. 8 billion in revenue was brought by the sale of shares in rospirtprom, this transaction was not included in the plan; in total, the ministry of finance lists 30 large enterprises for possible privatization, this is a company with a state share of more than 50%. russian railways plans to transfer about 61 million passengers. the general director of the company, oleg belozerov, stated this in an interview with our tv channel. he named the south of the country as one of the key areas. also belozerov.
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commented on the construction of the moscow-petersburg high-speed railway. the highway is already 60% designed. the rolling stock itself, the approach itself , is already the next level in high-speed traffic. now the cruising speed is about 330 km/h. in general in the world. we set ourselves the task of reaching 360. the maximum ae is 400 e km/h. accordingly , we... set the task as always to be in the lead and we know for sure that we can provide this. the european union has introduced import duties on chinese electric cars. this statement was made by the european commission. the fees range from 17 to 37%, depending on the manufacturer, and will be added to the already existing ten percent duties. brussels is dissatisfied with the state support that the chinese authorities provide to their
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automakers in the eu. believe that subsidies could harm european industry, since chinese electric cars are much cheaper than european ones, so any retaliatory measures beijing was called out in advance as unlawful. it was economic news, briefly.
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russia 24, right now the main facts of this day in the studio are georgy podgorny and natalya litovka. but let's start with the obvious topic. today in moscow is another record hot day, but rescuers have already begun issuing emergency warnings about showers and thunderstorms that are approaching the central regions and regions of the country. let’s ask evgeniy teshkovets whether they will be the end of a protracted period of abnormal heat. yes, evgeniya, welcome, it’s hot, of course, in
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in some sense. i mean it’s bad, but it’s necessary.


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