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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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the market has an idea, i now see the main problem in the reluctance of issuers to enter the capital market and attract equity capital, and everyone is more comfortable working with debt, and there are still enough investors, but if our large companies entered the capital market, then maybe there would be the question is how to stimulate investors, yes, but now we still have investor interest, if someone comes out. with interesting debt for the ipo, we are oversubscribed, just multiple for some companies, we see a lot of investor interest here, colleagues, please, tatyana, tatyana chubasova, interfax agency, in april at the congress of russian banks, the association of russian banks, one of the bankers raised the question that perhaps the time has come to increase the minimum capital requirements for banks, you then said that you would think about this issue , last time promotion.
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happened when banks were divided into banks with a basic, universal, systemically important license, but is the central bank discussing this issue in detail now or is the time not yet ripe, these are times of turbulence, i basically i have a positive attitude towards this idea, because our capital requirements are absolutely set in nominal figures, from an economic point of view, this is much less than it was when these requirements were introduced, probably, we are really now focused more on...
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yes, it is discussed, but not for everyone, but for long-term deposits or irrevocable certificates, we discuss depending on the period, from the type up to 2 million to 2.8 million rubles. it seems to us that differentiation needs to be done here, because banks really have very short-term liabilities, it is necessary to create economic incentives for...
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please give, reta, margarita mardovina, rbc, i also have a question about the proposal of sanctions on the moscow exchange, does the bank of russia, as the main shareholder of the moscow exchange, consider the sale of the exchange's share in the kazakhstan stock exchange, there about 13 percent, we are talking about whether such a transaction is being discussed specifically, because colleagues from kazakhstan noted that they are considering the option of reselling this share to someone else or buying it back for themselves. and can it be agreed upon by the bank of russia, how long will it take? it may take? thank you. well, the decision must be made by the shareholder, the shareholder is the stock exchange, and we, we are a shareholder in the stock exchange, yes, we haven’t looked at this issue in detail yet, i don’t know, maybe the stock exchange has, but our specialists have, but i haven’t looked at it yet. colleagues, well, that ’s what i understand. masha, yes, please, and
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information agency maria stepanova, in connection with the reduction in the activities of certain foreign banks in russia, are you considering the possibility of revising the list of systems we will appoint. banks, thank you, well, we have a list we regularly update systemically important banks, in the fall, we will update this list, we consider systemic importance in different aspects, well, we’ll see in the fall, we need to analyze how the situation has changed this year from the point of view of the bank’s systemic importance, thank you, colleagues, thank you very much, good job on the forum, thank you very much, thank you. so, this was a live broadcast of a press conference by the chairman of the bank of russia, elvira nabiulina. the european union increased duties on electric cars from china from 17 to 38%. the official reason is that beijing allocates
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government subsidies to support its manufacturers. thus, european car companies are deprived of equal and fair competition. for now, the eu's decision is temporary. taras kuchuren knows what china's response will be. chinese electric cars are pushing out competitors on all fronts; over the last 3 years alone, imports of such cars into the eu have grown more than sevenfold to $11.5 billion. residents of europe are pragmatic, why overpay for theirs when you can get a similar car from china for 20% cheaper. officials from the european commission did not like this situation, they exchanged beijing's support for local automakers and even created a group that began to investigate. the european commission did not tell about such a terrible crime for them, how they collected evidence, but the verdict was delivered confidently in june, the accused is 100% guilty, punishments were imposed on chinese electric cars from 17 to 38%, the sentence will be carried out on july 4th. without
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these steps, european brands are not ready to honestly win the battle for customers against their chinese counterparts. current lineup electric cars from leading chinese brands consists of... cars that are not only not inferior, but also superior in some scientific and design developments to their direct european competitors. there were duties in the eu before, but at the level of 10%. how the new fee will work depends on various factors, for example, the european commission will give relief to those chinese manufacturers who have admitted to receiving government subsidies; for them the duty will not exceed 21%. those who refuse to share data will receive the maximum tariff. i don't think so tariffs could prevent chinese cars from entering the european market as they are extremely competitive in terms of value for money, even despite the tariffs. the decision of the officials once again confirmed: there is no smell of european unity in the union; france
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and germany have the right to enter into or abandon a trade war with china. paris is an ardent supporter of tariffs. berlin believes that the eu could suffer seriously. in particular, german companies that produce electric cars in the territory china. beijing has already announced that the country has many levers to respond, for example, by banning the import of pork from europe. last year it reached almost $2 billion. in the long run, these tariffs will hurt both sides. in addition, increasing tariffs will harm not only european consumers, but also the healthy development of the european automobile industry. trade wars between china and the eu can have a positive impact on the russian automobile market, according to the russian automotive association. all the sanctions that the european union, and maybe the united states, are applying today, and in relation to chinese automakers, well, they are generally being pushed towards our russian market. this means that chinese manufacturers will feel that the russian market
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is more positive for them today, and perhaps therefore a higher priority. if the eu has found a formal reason to introduce duties on electric cars, then it will be up to us to explain the new initiative. more difficult, as bloomberg writes, the european commission intends to establish duties on all personal parcels sent and outside the eu. currently in europe there is a free threshold for goods up to 150 euros. the initiative will primarily hit large chinese retailers. taras kuchurenko, yulia sokolova, lead. the official representative of mitrossia, maria zakharova, commented on the message about the return of ambassador anatoly antonov from the united states, noting that everyone can have personal plans. earlier, some publications wrote that ambassador antonov, apparently, will return to moscow in the foreseeable future. in her commentary, tas zakharova indicated that she saw no reason for comment here, adding that the decision to appoint successive ambassadors is made by the president. tazim record in
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the krasnodar region. in one of the regions , representatives of the russian book of records recorded the highest yield in history. 110 centners per hectare. this. the result of the joint work of farmers and scientists, how was this achieved? andrey malevy? here it is spiky and powerful. before the start of harvesting, breeders thresh several by hand. kolosev, with an experienced eye, immediately confirms that there will be a record. at the wave of the flag, two harvester, within a few minutes they are hidden in a cloud of dust. this golden kuban field is like an olympic stadium. today this is the site for setting a record. this is a kuban school variety. today is his graduation, which will thunder throughout the country. the record-breaking variety is named after the kuban breeding school. it was developed by the national grain center named after.
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competent, accurate, targeted and prudent use of chemical plant protection products
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and chemical fertilizers. they applied aerochemicals and did soil tests according to these soil tests, we have already applied fertilizers in order to achieve a good harvest. agrarian scientists call records the engine of progress. the representative of the russian book of records adds that agriculture is one of the most technologically advanced industries; for example, one smartphone is enough to set a record. each harvester is connected. golonas. and at any second i can find out where the combine was and how much wheat it collected. the scales showed that a 10-hectare field milked by a combine yielded almost 11 tons per hectare. and the exact number is 109.7 centners were included in the certificate and handed to the head of the farm. last year's record of 103 quintals was beaten with a margin. however, judging by the dynamics of development of russian agriculture, the current one will not last long. andrey malyovan and vadim zhaleev, lead. the fall of the torah: the parliamentary elections in
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great britain that began today promise to be a failure for the conservatives, which means that for the first time in 14 years there may be a change of power in the united kingdom. so, absolutely all pre-election polls show that the laborites will bypass conservatives, and by a wide margin. here , according to the latest survey by surveation, taking into account the current rules for the distribution of votes based on the election results, libori. the party can get 484 seats out of 650, which is 3/4 of 75% of the seats. in this situation , the conservative party will receive only 64 seats. for 14 years, the electorate has experienced colossal disappointment with the rule of the conservatives, because during their reign there were indeed a lot of challenges, and it was not for nothing that the libristists called their parliamentary manifesto a change.
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another interesting feature of the current elections is precisely nalfarage, because he returned to big politics, well, for example, nigil farage, a well-known ideologist. in early june, he announced that he would again lead the right-wing pulist party reform uk, which he founded. this is the former brexit party and will take part in the elections. as a result, the conservatives were crushed on both sides. on the left are the laborists. on the right is the same uk reform, and there is a possibility that farage’s party will bypass the conservatives in the elections and become second in importance political force in the country, uk reforms focus on the issue of immigration, continuation of brexit, well, farage himself expresses things that are unacceptable for the western establishment, and so he publicly stated that the conflict in ukraine was provoked by nato and the european union.
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the conservatives' problems began during the coronavirus pandemic. thanks to boris jones. a useful organization, let me remind you that it was created for the final settlement of all issues after the collapse of the soviet union, border issues with the chinese people's republic republic, which remained very unresolved in soviet times, between the new sovereign states and china,
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gradually gradually this organization began to gain momentum, and... in the modern world it has certainly become very popular, because it is obviously one of the independent centers of the new multipolar world, this is precisely what has become attractive for the participants of the organization and for those who would like to maintain constant contacts with this organization at various levels, both as guests and as observers. well, as you can see, desire to join the organization it is growing, it has become really powerful - essentially global in nature, almost half of the world's population represents the countries that are members of this organization, firstly, secondly, after all, this is a platform for
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coordinating positions between participating countries, here is the chinese people's republic, russia. india, pakistan, you know, there are no unnecessary contacts, then, besides everything else, if it is like that, has become powerful, big, then the principles that it declares also matter, when they disperse all over the world, well, for example, we agreed in the declaration and... in other documents it is stated that all countries of the shanghai cooperation organization oppose the placement of any weapons in space, this is still a signal to the rest of the world about that how we feel about the militarization of outer space, there are other things that
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are certainly seriously important, but i have already said, firstly, the trillion-dollar turnover is joint.
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rada is subordinated to this so-called ruling elite, which i mentioned, because she is illegally in power and does not even apply to the constitutional court for confirmation of her powers, because, as i already said, in 2015 the supreme court of ukraine already decided that the term of the presidency in ukraine is limited to five years and there are no reasons for...
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no one is saying that this is impossible or should not be done or should not be done, but it is necessary that we are economically mature for this, because in the european union, you know, a state with a weak economy when creating a single currencies, after all, many states with weak economies suffered because nothing can be regulated with the help of inflation, since everything is tied. to the euro, well, there is no drachma, for example, and greece could not regulate its internal economic processes with the help of the national currency, so it is necessary that
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the level of economic interaction be appropriate, and we have taken very serious steps in this direction, well, very serious, this concerns tax regulation, customs regulation, you know, these are, well, if they are revolutionary things, then they are very serious, we... are moving forward, taking into account international experience, and i think that we are doing the right thing. vladimir vladimirovich, a serious threat to security in the sco space, including the countries of central asia and russia, are terrorist organizations in afghanistan. the most dangerous of them, of course, is the islamic state that russia has already faced this year. the question is: should the taliban be involved in a dialogue on issues of terrorist threats, and do you
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think they are our allies or enemies in this? taliban, the taliban movement has taken on certain obligations; in general, there are issues that require constant attention within the country and the international community, but... in general, we must proceed from the fact that the taliban movement controls power in the country, in this sense, the taliban are certainly for us, allies in the fight against terrorism, because any current government is interested in the stability of its power in the stability of the state that it heads and which it leads, i am sure that and the taliban are interested in everything in afghanistan...
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thank you, dmitry laru, izvestia newspaper, afghanistan remains an observer, prishos, while the authorities in kabul have repeatedly said that they are interested in becoming a full-fledged participant in this organization, is this topic being discussed? sco line, given the resumption of work of the contact group, does russia plan to exclude the taliban from the list of prohibited groups? organization and if so, when this might happen. thank you. i have already said that we are in contact with the taliban, we have repeatedly received a signal that the taliban movement is ready to cooperate with russia in various areas, including on the anti-terrorism track, and we welcome this. but as far as full membership in the show is concerned, russia does not decide this unilaterally, it is always decided on the basis
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of consensus. here there are issues with various countries members of the shanghai cooperation organization, this also applies to the inclusiveness of power in afghanistan, i think that these are all issues that can be resolved and we must maintain relations with afghanistan, with real political structures that control this power in the country, we will do this, and i don’t see why we should somehow do this now... and what will happen in what time frame will depend on how the situation develops, the russian newspaper, can i ask a question? yes, now just a second, good evening, pavel zarubin, russia tv channel, a few months ago i managed to ask you a question, who is better for us, biden or trump? and you said then that biden, but now he’s coming out, it turns out that this bet is in question because after the recent us debate, everyone
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is simply horrified by biden and in general. his participation in the election race is in question, you may have been able to see some fragments of these debates, what are your impressions and, let’s say, have your political preferences changed, you said this bet was in question, nothing turned out to be in question, well, as i said then, what has changed, but nothing has changed, what was unknown to us, or something, what can happen is known, in this sense, nothing not...
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in ukraine, we take this quite seriously, i am not familiar, of course, with his possible proposals on how he is going to do this, and this is of course the key question, but i have no doubt that he says this sincerely , and we support this, there is news coming, now yes, please, andrei kolesnikov, kommersant newspaper, do you think it is possible for a ceasefire along the line of military contact with ukraine before the start of peace negotiations, without preconditions, so that, at least for this to increase the chance for success, or is this also a subject of negotiations? thank you. yes, you know, i’ll remind you of some things: when our troops melted down near kiev, we received...


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