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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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and wants to stop the war in ukraine, we take this quite seriously, i am not, of course, familiar with his possible proposals on how he is going to do this, and this is of course the key question, but i have no doubt that he says this sincerely , and we will support this, allow the arrival of lime, now yes, please, yes, now, now, please, this is a businessman, vladimir vladimirovich, tell me, what do you think, uh, is it possible for a ceasefire along the line of combat contact with ukraine before the start peaceful negotiations, without preconditions, so that, at least in order to increase the chance of success, or is this also a subject of negotiations? thank you. yes, you know, i will remind you of some things that we received when our troops were stationed near kiev. a proposal and
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even a request from the western partners to cease fire, to stop hostilities, so that certain things were done on the ukrainian side, and we did it, there was such an episode, we did it, the ukrainian side did not stop hostilities, but then we were told that the ukrainian official authorities cannot control all of their armed forces. because there are supposedly those there who do not obey the central authorities, that’s what we were told, here i haven’t added or subtracted anything, this is the first, second, we were asked to withdraw troops from kiev in order to create conditions for the final conclusion of a peace agreement, we did it again and encountered deception, all the agreements reached in istanbul were thrown into the trash, and this happened more than once.
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army and be ready to continue armed conflict. we need to achieve , through violent mobilization , that the other side agrees to take steps that are irreversible and acceptable to the russian federation. allow us to continue the topic of termination. and therefore, a ceasefire without reaching this agreement is impossible.
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appears unlikely, primarily because it is unlikely that the intermediary will be empowered to sign the final documents, and moreover, not even to sign the final documents, but lead to the signing of even the final document, the fundamental question here is not only the competence of these intermediaries, but their powers, who can give the powers to the mediator such that they could put an end to this confrontation... i
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just think that this is unlikely, but mediation, like this, for example, mr. erdogan did this during our negotiation process in istanbul, we welcome mediation in itself, now now now now now, please, please, i ask you, yes, you are welcome, racina bodrova, zvezda tv channel, what do we know about washington’s plans to deploy medium- and shorter-range missiles? and what kind of territories could these be, how could they threaten our security? you recently spoke about the need to start production of rsnd strike systems, are we talking about some new weapons and only about production or deployment as well? i, if you remember, said that in connection with the withdrawal of the united states from this treaty and the announcement that they were beginning to begin production, we also consider ourselves to have the right to start env. development, in the future and
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production, so we are carrying out these developments, we are ready to start production, we have already, in principle, to say, given the corresponding instructions to the industry. as for the deployment, if you remember, i, if you remember, if not, i will remind you that i said that we are declaring a moratorium on the possible future deployment of our respective systems until these complex missile systems appear in some region of the world, and if the complexes medium and shorter range.
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in recent months, prices have decreased , at least compared to 22 the second year , so there is a decrease in value terms, but... in their opinion, in absolute terms, in volumes, everything is approximately the same as it was, well, i’ll check, but the point is not even to check, but to intensify our work, in general there is interest in this on both sides, there are things of an objective nature related not to the fact that someone is bothering us, but to the real development of events , well, for example, good harvest in turkey, their storage is full. but this has nothing to do with any restrictions from the outside, it’s just like
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the dynamics of the internal production of our bilateral relations, all issues can be resolved. viktor orban recently, now, now, now, it is possible, it is possible, i ask you. hello vladimir vladimirovicherkach world belarus is officially a member of the sco from today, what prospects does this give the organization and what opportunities open up for interaction between the sco and the eurasian economic union? thank you. belarus, in terms of its scale and territory, economy and population, is not comparable to the people's republic of china or india, where there are probably more than 1.5 billion people, but it is still an important element. with the shanghai cooperation organization, because belarus is already eastern europe and this is the official exit of the shanghai cooperation organization in the full sense of the word to the european continent, and for belarus itself, i also think this is a big plus,
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because after all, it via belarus via russia, and then through, say, kazakhstan, uzbekistan has a way out.
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with whom should we discuss this topic on what platform and record such agreements? the first thing i want to point out is that the truly fundamental documents that underlay international stability and security were destroyed by the united states, well, it wasn’t we who withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty, but this was one of the cornerstones , and that means ...or a treaty on intermediate-range missiles or a treaty means a lot
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elements that underlay international stability were destroyed in recent years, we didn’t do everything, it was all done by the united states, that’s what we could only take note of and react to these actions, so we reacted in the military sphere, for example, to overcome ... the cancer defense system created by the united states, what did we do? they have invented and successfully overcome systems about this, let’s say the vanguards of intercontinental range planning blocks with hypersonic speed, this systems for overcoming intercontinental range ballistic missile technology. and some other things, we were forced to do this, but still the question of creating a legal framework
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for international security and strategic stability, of course this is a question, and whether these should be new agreements or a return to old ones, this is what experts should say, i know , even when i was studying at the university, i studied public international law, i studied private international law and that means relevant... from those who are interested in this, we sometimes hear from the united
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states that they want to resume conversations on this topic, well, it’s unclear, sometimes they want it, sometimes they don’t want it anymore, before - before, well, in the last period of work administration of president obama, they gave us signals that they wanted it, then suddenly they became unwilling, now - during the election campaign,
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well, as for global security, i just said, we need to wait until the new administration appears, to understand what their preferences are , views, what plans, and is there any they have a desire to talk about this, i repeat once again, they send us a signal from time to time that they want to resume this dialogue with us, but then suddenly they disappear somewhere, they begin to talk about some abstract topics that have no direct relation to issues of strategic stability. i repeat again, well, let us wait for the formation of the new administration and
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understand what its plans and preferences are, i want to repeat again, we are ready for this, well , thank you, thank you very much, all the best, vladimir putin replied following the sco summit to questions from russian journalists, plus one important member. moscow has reached the peak of the heat, but this is not for long, after the peak there is usually a recession? tomorrow the russian capital will be covered by a powerful hurricane. and everyone is preparing for x-day, what other regions have records and where they also promise? an accurate strike, the ukrainian mig-29 was destroyed right at the airfield, our
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iskander crews are back in action. what else is at the front? there are parliamentary elections in britain, the prime minister's rating is breaking records, and labor is counting on triumph. but really, let’s look at what the main ingredients are. british political kitchen and how they are going to see off arishi sun. the russian military hit two enterprises of the military-industrial complex, an oil refinery and a fuel storage facility that supplied military units of the armed forces of ukraine. this was reported by the russian ministry of defense. also , another ukrainian fighter was destroyed at the base airfield, this time
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a mig-29. yes, we will find out the latest data on the progress of the special military operation from our correspondent. with the supply of f-16s, otherwise the ukrainian air force is visible, on the other hand, there is reason to think about how save your planes, because all potential fighter aircraft stops in eastern ukraine are now within the reach of our missiles, as practice shows, here is footage of the next arrival, this time the dolgentsevo airfield, iskander combat crews destroyed the mik-29,
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engine engineering services and weapons, various missiles class. it is clear that the states are not eager to put their planes at risk, it’s a pity, at least, plus they need to preserve their image, there is every chance that they will suffer the fate of the abrams, who, no matter how much they praised, they have not proven themselves properly, they are only replenishing the treasury of destroyed equipment, which is why they are coordinating the supply of additional patriot air defense systems, certainly not for the sake of zelensky, the planes need to be saved, enhanced cover obviously will not hurt. at least 85 f16s and 12 french mirage fighters may be under attack, well, at least that’s what its partners promised kiev, but the story of regular arrivals via the airfield infrastructure can change everything at any moment. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles
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the mig-29 aircraft of the air force was destroyed by vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation at the base airfield. and two enterprises of the military-industrial complex, an oil refinery and a fuel storage facility that supplied military units of the armed forces of ukraine, a production workshop, a storage warehouse for attack uavs, as well as a concentration of enemy manpower and military equipment in 128 areas were also hit. ukrainian commanders are constantly making plans that are not destined to come true. here is one exact one strike by our artillery in the center group. there is no field ammunition depot, and yet vseushniki diligently equipped it on the outskirts of the village to make it easier to load and unload, but not this time, and this is footage from the leptsov region, the militants did not have time to properly equip a fortification there, prisoners of war also spoke about this repeatedly, who surrendered, leaving a line that was obviously deadly, as they said, they described it this way, they
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say they took refuge in the plantings, managed to dig trenches somewhere, but to where everything was more or less prepared, no... yes, and our fap will arrive, and then four at once, as in this short but capacious enough video, vdeevsky direction, there russian anti-aircraft gunners intercepted a ukrainian valkyrie drone, as a result, air reconnaissance from all-earphones failed, we work not only with a machine, we work with small arms, you take a lead and shoot, looking at which direction the target is going, in that direction you take the lead, valkyrie, fury for... the baba iga hexocopter never delivered the ammunition attached to it, it collapsed. with the help of drones, our fighters and rotations disrupt, fly into vehicles with
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personnel as if it were your own home, that’s all. in this footage, a drone is rapidly flying towards an american humvee armored car. the militants' attempt to establish a crossing across the volchie river ended in failure. this is in volchansk. the ukrainian commanders are also trying to bring in reserves there in order to somehow stabilize the situation in their favor. but so far they are consistently losing. the north group in this area defeated several brigades at once within 24 hours. the enemy's losses are not the greatest, but for the ukrainian armed forces they are a significant 225 people. there after all, every fighter is now on the brink. the defense is collapsing, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to transport even mobilized people to the front line. the density of the fire is off the charts. by crossing the same volchie river. a hundred shells or even more can arrive in a day. about 200 men of military age try to leave ukraine every day, such figures were announced in the verkhovna rada; those who were nevertheless sent to the front and
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there are looking for ways to escape, more and more often , newly mobilized soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces surrender to russian captivity. the topic will be continued by stanislav vasilchenko. another escape from ukraine ended in failure. in transcarpathia, 10 men who were fleeing conscription ran into border guards. usa, these draft dodgers are out of luck; they will not go abroad, but straight to the military registration and enlistment offices. kidnappings continue throughout ukraine, tsk and the police work harshly; in case of resistance, they can beat you. women often fall under the hot hand. this ukrainian woman did not stop at the checkpoint; her child became ill; she tried to get to the hospital as soon as possible, but the military commissars caught up with the car and pulled her out.
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an eagle of nazi germany, but with a ukrainian trident, it’s immediately clear who the bounty hunters look up to, hiding from military commissars in apartments will soon be useless, they plan to send subpoenas to all known addresses from the cloner, they will be considered handed over as soon as they arrive...
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machine gun , prisoners of war who decided to lay down their arms and save their lives talk about this. or something else? no, there was preparation, we dug, we trained, yes. kiev knows that the road to the front for those who have never held a weapon in their hands is often the path to one end, but the senseless war continues until the last ukrainian ordered by the west; by the end of the year zelensky plans to send another 2,000 people into the trenches, and his watchdogs will help. carry out your plans. stanislav vasilchenko, ivan kuznetsov, news. well, also in ukraine, among kiev’s allies the number of those who
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believe that ukraine has any chance of winning in the conflict with russia is decreasing. it is clear that analysts are already ringing all the bells about this. and not only analysts, including ukrainian the command, including the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian howl, is felt in some rhetoric, in general, from zelensky himself, which... more about everything, natalya goncharova. ukraine is relying on f-16 fighters, but they will not change the course of the conflict. even warsaw no longer believes in the power of american weapons. the polish publication defense 24 released a material with a bright headline: will the f-16s drop like ducks? despite all the advantages , all the support that these aircraft can receive when performing missions, they remain fourth-generation machines, that is , aircraft that
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russian air defense is quite capable of handling. and russian combat aviation. the power of russian weapons is also indicated by the global south. hymers and patriot systems do not save the ukrainian armed forces from russian glide bombs. in the last week alone, russia has used more than 800 glide bombs against ukraine. this is a guided weapon used beyond the reach of enemy weapons. these bombs allow russia to save tactical missiles and not expose pilots to the risk of being shot down. former us employee. compared the power of the russian ukrainian army, the conclusion is clear: moscow leaves no chance not only for kiev, but also for washington. if you look at the leadership, including the political leadership, i must admit, i would bet on russia, although in terms of numbers on paper, the americans, of course, should be superior to russia simply because they have more of everything. nato will commit its greatest stupidity and its biggest mistake if it accepts ukraine into the alliance. this should not be done
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under any circumstances. the policy is published. an open letter from leading american experts, political scientists and analysts. more than sixty specialists signed the call to refuse kiev. ukraine's approach to the status of a member of the alliance can only make things worse, turning it into a field of long-term confrontation between the world's two leading nuclear powers. meanwhile, in germany they are rushing to make money while ukraine has not yet admitted its defeat. german enterprises began en masse to produce military equipment. blood writes that , for example, doits engine manufacturers and a laser laser manufacturing company have switched to such contracts. tram technicians are the creators of xavi hidraulic hydraulic equipment. germany's arms production must grow and become more significant, because chancellor olav scholz has almost bankrupted everything else. natalya goncharova, lead. the fire in the village of novoivanovskoye in the odentsovo urban district
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of the moscow region was localized to the square. 1600 km. the russian ministry of emergency situations said that the fire spread from the site with pallets to a private house and the cladding of a shopping center, which is located nearby. 60 employees of the ministry of emergency situations and 15 units of equipment. the department emphasized that extinguishing is complicated by the high flammability of materials and abnormally hot weather. according to preliminary information, no one was injured. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history. we value family, strong
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