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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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farmers must be provided with everything necessary for harvesting, we have already talked about this topic, here is one more detail, a large high-quality selection of russian products should be constantly expanding, and this is a statement by prime minister mikhail mishustin, he held a meeting of the cabinet of ministers, which was dedicated to agriculture economy, our economic observer will continue to do so. level of food security.
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oil, we have enough of all this to supply our partners abroad, the yields of vegetables, potatoes, and fruits have increased noticeably, approximately 11%, now we are recording growth, more and more logistics capacities that can simultaneously accept hundreds of thousands of tons of such agricultural products for the protection. over the past year , over 170 dairy companies and complexes put into operation 49 new reconstructed beef cattle breeding facilities, as follows: active training of personnel for the industry is underway, more than 270 educational programs have been developed as part of additional vocational training. agritourism projects are becoming increasingly popular. overall to complete state programs last year allocated over 440 billion rubles. mikhail mishustin also touched upon the topic of technological sovereignty. by order of the president, we will allocate over half a billion rubles to the country’s leading scientific organizations. which will establish the production
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of chemical products in small volumes, funds in the form of grants will be used to develop technological regulations and design documentation, but such small-scale production will meet the needs of many russian enterprises, a variety of industries, from medicine to the automotive industry, as a result , the positive economic effect will be twice as high as the investment. one of the priority tasks is to help the regions so that living conditions in each of them become better. people received high-quality medical care, modern education, had the opportunity to play sports, attend cultural events, the prime minister noted, more than 3.7 billion rubles are planned to be allocated to the regions for the creation of 20 infrastructure facilities, the bulk of the funds will go towards the construction of medical institutions. minister of agriculture oksana lut noted that the state program for the twenty-third year took fifth place in terms of implementation efficiency; all target indicators, including... the index of
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agricultural production and food industry, wages in the industry and the volume of product exports were achieved. according to preliminary data from rosstat, agricultural production last year increased by 10.2% compared to the base year of 20. the volume of crop production increased by almost 15%. and this was made possible thanks to harvest twenty third year. let me remind you that last year’s grain harvest was the second in the country’s history and amounted to about 150 million tons. and for a whole range of positions. achieved records. it is worth noting the increase in livestock production, which amounted to 3.4% compared to the level of the twentieth year. wages in agriculture in the twenty-third year increased by 16% and amounted to 54,600 rubles. the growth rate of wages in the industry is one of the highest among all sectors of the economy, oksana lut emphasized. regarding the volume of exports of pc products at the end of last year, he reached record levels, increasing at current prices to 43.5%. our products
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are supplied to more than 160 countries of the world, we firmly occupy the first place in the world in the supply of wheat, frozen fish, flour exports for the first time in the history of russia exceeded 1 million tons, having increased by a quarter compared to the twenty-second, in terms of state support for the agricultural industry is still the most popular mechanism remains preferential lending. at the end of the twenty -third year, banks entered into agreements totaling more than one trillion 300 billion rub. today the united kingdom elects members of the house of commons. according to
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sociologists, the tories will face a crushing defeat. they are predicted to receive only 9% of the mandates in the lower house of parliament, which risks becoming the worst result since the beginning of the last century. opponents are predicted to get as many as 470 seats, laborists are already preparing to celebrate their victory, however, the first exit polls will be published only after the polls are closed, but what will happen at midnight moscow time, the overall picture will form overnight, and the preliminary results will become known tomorrow morning. our own correspondent in the uk, alexander khabarov, is following the voting in london. alexander, hello, tell us how the elections are going, we just discussed it behind the scenes. after all, who is better for us, what does a laborist mean for us, for russia, is it good or bad, what will happen next? labor still looks like a pig in a poke, the fact is that during this election campaign they have repeatedly been asked direct questions about what they
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are going to do about the numerous problems that leave them with a legacy ruling conservatives, no one here seems to doubt that the conservatives will lose these elections, so here are the answers to these questions... from the side of the leader of the libarist party, keir starmer , no clear ones have been heard, there are a lot of problems, what concerns the international politics, then, judging by the statements that were made earlier, the policy towards russia will not change for now, the fact is that keir starmer has long stated that they fully support the actions of their predecessors at the head government in relation to the ukrainian conflict, first of all, and the first foreign trip. starmer and his new foreign secretary will most likely travel to the united states of america, where he will attend the nato anniversary summit. as for the domestic agenda, yes, today there is a vote, the leader of the conservative party, prime minister ishi sunok , voted at his polling
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station, but he risks going down in history as the first british prime minister to lose his parliamentary mandate, the fact is that preliminary estimates show that the parliament can not... just put our national health care system on its feet, but make it in place, the party is on the second, this is your chance, not we are proud to say, the country on the first is suitable for the future, a chance to revive our economy, put us higher on
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the international stage. kirstarmer, as you can see, is already balancing on a victorious wave, preparing to move into the british residence tomorrow. prime minister in downing street, but as i said, it is unclear how he will deal with the problems that the outgoing conservatives leave behind. the fact is that this vote in britain is largely a protest, the conservative party ruled the country for 14 years, but was unable to achieve any significant results, except for brexit, the bet on the escalation of the conflict in ukraine clearly did not justify itself, voters are not worried about this at all , they are interested in other things, the situation.
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in the british parliament, this will become known tomorrow morning, and today voting will continue until 10:00
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pm local time. colleagues, yes, thank you, our own correspondent in the region, alexander khabarov, is monitoring the voting in the parliamentary elections in the united kingdom. now let's turn to clients of the information agency aria novosti, with reference to the prosecutor's office of the capital, reports that a us citizen is a certain woodland. sentenced in moscow to 12 and a half years for attempted illegal sale of narcotic drugs. meanwhile, in the united states there is a growing number of those who believe that president joe it's time for biden to stop participating in the election race. his main rival donald trump has no doubt that the head of state will do this in his trump dreams. well, despite all the white house’s statements that... it’s in excellent condition, i’d like to note how trump said this out of the blue, while playing golf, absolutely
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accidentally driving to some strange person, interesting political technologies are used in this manifestation of biden's medical examination, everything is fine, everything is fine, the perfect person, 20 years ahead from the song, more about everything, boris ivanin. biden says he will not leave is a refrain on all american television channels. this is how the white house is trying in absentia to repel another blow from donald trump, which he casually inflicted on his opponent while going to the golf course. old wreck, pile of crap, he's out of the race and that means we have kamala. i think she would be better, but she is so bad, so pathetic, she is so damn bad, you can imagine someone like that having to deal with putin.
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openly call for leaving the presidential race, his fellow congressmen, one after another, both political centenarians themselves, seventy-six-year-old raul grijalva from arizona and seventy-year-old lloyd doggett from texas, they are afraid of trump’s victory, for whom sonova joe’s weakness only plays into his hands, writes the washington post. trump's advisers were privately stunned by how bad it was. biden entered, believing he would be the stronger debater. apparently they want biden to stay on the list, they
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think he's vulnerable and they like him the positions he is in. it is clear that they are not at all encouraged by the prospect of his withdrawal from the race. republicans have already said they will challenge any democratic attempt to replace biden because it undermines the foundations of american democracy. what could be a greater threat to democracy than nomination. candidate after the primary, when millions of ordinary people locally have already chosen their candidate, and now they are trying to replace him at the party congress with the votes of several hundred democratic politicians. this is the biggest the threat to democracy from the american government over the past few years. at a briefing at the white house, reporters the day before poured in questions about joe biden's health and asked to invite the attending physician to the podium, but they were refused in a sharp manner. the press secretary went out of his way to justify the us president's failure at the televised debate. he understands that it was not his best night, he
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understands that people are right to ask questions, but we cannot forget his achievement and what he is capable of, the president has a clear vision and he remains in the race, i have nothing let me tell you, besides this, he remains in the race; however, biden increasingly prefers cloir meetings to public appearances; about a dozen democratic governors were urgently summoned to the white house; several more joined via video conference, but to rally them around. physical condition, the president mentioned that in recent days he had undergone an examination and stated that he was still in good health, knocking on wood for effect. of all the invited governors , only three agreed to speak to the press after the meeting, those who had played along with biden before, as the head of minnesota, the state where black lives mata protests began after the death of african-american george floyd. on their wave, sony
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joe became president, and those who owe their position to him. when gender- based elections became the norm, wes murvy. on the skin of the governor of maryland and kathy hochul, the first woman to serve as governor of new york. president joe biden intends to win. it was an amazing dialogue with the president and vice president. in truth, it was very revealing. we all know that if we we love someone, we don’t lie to these people. however, biden lied as a governor just when he was knocking on wood and talking about a medical examination. he was not there, the policy claims. biden's announcement concerns his brief examination, according to a person familiar with the president's schedule. by the white house physician several days after the debate due to persistent cold symptoms, this examination did not include any serious tests. the mental abilities of the american president are causing more and more ridicule on social networks. another meme about what really the country is ruled by the first lady jill while her husband masters an educational game for kids. although, the more ridiculous the attempt of the head of the white
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house, the more ridiculous the states themselves look on the world stage. boris ivanin and matvey popov, news! last year, banks transferred about a trillion rubles to the russian budget, elvira nabiulina announced this at the financial congress of the bank of russia, our colleague dmitry marok is there, yes, we welcome dmitry to our live broadcast, what topics were discussed on the second day of the congress, tell us the main thing, what other numbers were any interesting ones voiced? yes, colleagues, welcome, the second day of the congress was dedicated to the prospects and risks for the russian economy in the coming years.
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its almost 10 times in the twenty-second year, banks are large payers of taxes and dividends, last year they transferred about a trillion rubles to the budget in the form of taxes and dividends. first deputy chairman of the board of sberbank alexander vidyakhin also spoke today about the role of banks in the economy; he took part in the session on transformation of business models, strategic vision.
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by 1%, the regulator says, representatives of the banking community also agree that the rate will still have to be increased. why can't you not raise? we see today's inflation estimates, which are updated every month, they are in the range for the twenty -fourth year, 8, 9, maybe even 10%,
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that is, this is far from the target that the central bank determined, this is slightly above 4%, and this in fact, there is already a threat zone of entering the inflation target for the twenty-fifth year. another pressing issue that is being discussed. all over russia have registered to retake the unified state exam in one of the subjects. the most popular were social studies, computer science and russian. this
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is the first time this opportunity has been offered to everyone. previously , only those who did not receive even the minimum score could do this. starting this year , those who already have a passing result can improve one of their results, but would like to go even higher. at the same time, those taking the test take risks, because the previous result is canceled. the vast majority already have good results in hand, but they have a purpose improve these results. among these guys there are, so to speak, high-scorers, those guys who have more than 91 points, we have 27 of them in moscow, it’s surprising that among them there are those guys who have 98 and 99 points. we wish these guys great success, we hope this initiative. lives, it will allow the children to go through this difficult period more calmly. this desire of graduates is understandable; in regional universities,
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in the capital, this year there is a high competition for admission, traditionally the moscow institute of physics and technology, a higher school, is in the lead economics, mgimo, mifi, baumanka and moscow state university. novosibirsk university, the ural state law university are popular, and kazan also has high passing scores. and tomsk, in total we have allocated 621,321 budget places this year, and this is of course a very good level, if we take the ratio of the number of school graduates and the number of budget places in universities, while we separately make sure that these budget places are distributed accordingly between economic and social sectors, according to requests, in general distributed. by region. the head of the ministry of education and science valery folkov also noted that foreigners have an increased interest in russian education. the number of students from
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abroad is increasing; there are more preliminary applications for the quota this year than last year. among the most interested are applicants from algeria, syria, china, kazakhstan and uzbekistan. the russian higher education system is traditionally one of the most popular in the world. we today. visiting the russia exhibition, where today is the day of national priority family, he said that in in the near future there are plans to develop recommendations for parents, which will spell out the basic principles of education,
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which will, among other things, help develop the skills of children from an early age until adulthood, the program will be called from zero to 18. including those values ​​and those installations in many ways about which the board. they said, therefore, we will also develop such a program, from zero to 18, so that every parent has a reminder and knows about all the opportunities that the state provides today in order to so that decisions about the birth of the second, and third, and fourth and subsequent children can be made calmly. today in moscow is another record hot day, but rescuers have already begun to issue emergency warnings about showers and thunderstorms that are approaching the central regions of the country. will they be the end of a protracted period of abnormal heat, let’s ask our
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colleague evgeniy chishkhovets. evgeniy, hello, so it turns out we’re saying goodbye to the heat? good evening, colleagues, we’ll really say goodbye to the heat soon, but today she reached the peak. it can be argued that july 4, 2024 was not only the warmest day since the beginning of this year, but in the entire meteorological history of vdnkh. according to data for 17:00 , the thermometer at the vdnh reference weather station showed +32.8. only 9° left. by the way, at the balchik weather station in the center of the capital, the air warmed up to almost +35. the unprecedented heat has already led to the fact that the water temperature in the moscow river has become higher than in the black sea. now it is 24-25° versus 18 in anapa and 22 in gelendzhik. city services continue systematically water the streets of the capital in order to somehow cool the hot asphalt. in moscow
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, the asphalt is melting, it stood on... insects react to climate change towards warming, entomologists drew attention to the fact that due to the heat in the moscow region , praying mantises and wasp spiders, which love warmth, can now breed, and apparently the capital region has become for them a comfortable place to live. on friday, the east and south of european russia, as well as the urals, most of ugra and amala, will be under the tutelage of predominantly sunny and sultry anticyclone with a pronounced heat anomaly in the middle volga region. only in the arkhangelsk region, the komi republic, the polar urals and the sverdlovsk region will there be no precipitation. in the rest of the territory, if possible, then only intramass and a very mosaic heap of rain clouds, which, however, will not
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make any difference to the weather. and here. where tomorrow the weather will sharply deteriorate and become stormy, it will be primarily in the north-west of our country, where very strong thunderstorms will fall in the zone of the cold front, especially at the junction leningrad, novgorod, vologda regions and karelia, where up to 4-60 mm of precipitation is expected. by evening, the front will approach central russia, where it will bring half as much rain with a high probability of local hail, storm winds and flooding in low-lying landforms. on friday, the daytime air temperature on the kola peninsula will be +15-20, in the rest of the russian north up to 25-30 degrees. in central russia the heat will remain thirty degrees, in the south of our country it will be 33-38 degrees of sweltering heat. in moscow today in the evening, intermittent rain and thunderstorms are possible in places. on friday the air will still have time to warm up to +30. but in the afternoon on saturday night when
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a cold front passes. the capital will be hit by heavy rains with thunderstorms, up to 44 mm of precipitation or up to half of the monthly norm may fall, a squall with pre-storm gusts of 17-22 m/s, and in some places hail with a diameter of up to 3-6 mm is likely. the operating principle of a wind tunnel is simple, the air flow should...
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the sco is strengthening its position on the world stage, becoming one of the independent centers a new multipolar world, vladimir putin announced this at a press conference following the results.


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