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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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we sorted out this situation for a long time, but it was much easier to come out through a settlement agreement; literally, even during the process of the proceedings , dozens of partners had already appeared who began to take advantage of these new opportunities; now we have attracted thousands of them. the sco is strengthening its position on the world stage, becoming one of the independent centers of the new multipolar world. vladimir putin stated this. at a press conference following the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization in astana. the president has a very busy work agenda today, to for example, they have already spoken with the head of belarus five times. we learn about the most important statements from anastasia efimova. she joins us. yes, anastasia, welcome, we paid a lot of attention today, well, it’s clear to the ukrainian issue, we are waiting for details. in fact , reporters asked a lot of questions about the ukrainian crisis today following the summit, this is what the president answered. you can apply only in
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the current conditions, it will be pointless. the president’s answer to the question about the potential of contacts with the verkhovna rada of ukraine, which in conditions when zelensky’s term expired and elections were never held, according to the constitution it represents the legitimate government in kiev. vladimir putin spoke with journalists today in astana following the results of the sco summit, at which , speaking of the ukrainian crisis , he also spoke out and reminded that moscow has always been open to negotiations, only with whom to conduct them. and thanked foreign partners for constructive proposals for a settlement, but again, negotiate with whom? ukraine? of course, you can contact the rada, but in conditions of usurpation of power by the ruling elite in ukraine, this is meaningless, because the majority of the rada is subordinate to this so -called ruling elite that i mentioned, because it is located illegally. in
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power does not even turn to the constitutional court for confirmation of its powers, because, as i already said, in 2015 the supreme court of ukraine already decided that the presidential term in ukraine is limited to five years and there is no reason to extend the presidential term in accordance does not exist with the constitution of ukraine, but all the powers should. from a practical situation, from what happens in real life, it is more or less meaningless. actually, vladimir putin also recalled the causes of the ukrainian crisis today at the sco summit. this is, literally, the unceremonious adventurous policy of the united states. where this led is known, but what happens next in the united states is unknown.
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achieving this agreement is impossible; the previous system of strategic stability in the world today is virtually destroyed and it is unclear is there any point in returning to the agreement in the future?
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to talk about what we can now establish with the united states, and first of all we need to talk to them about this, some kind of constructive dialogue, it seems to me that everyone present here, and indeed people in general who even slightly follow what is happening events, they understand that this is impossible today, we need to wait for the elections in the united states and understand the mood and preferences of the future administration, we are ready for this. so, once again, to summarize what the president said, russia has formulated its proposals, we need the good will of other interested parties, the united states, and we need to talk to them first, they mention that they want to resume negotiations, then they deny it and say they don’t want to, in the conditions of the election
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campaign, constructive dialogue is impossible, november vote will reveal the winners and make it clear which pole of the negotiation spectrum washington will be at, but we quote, this... travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and get a superkick for air tickets. and this alpha friday, july 5, we are giving 30% cashback on flights to sochi. not just profitable!
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of the sco summit in astana is the economy. participants signed dozens of agreements and discussed promising initiatives. they emphasize that it is necessary to increase calculations for national flights and move away from dollars. well, they also note the growth of goods. the sco economy is showing growth, close ties, according to vladimir putin, the principles of equality bring dividends, so the average gdp of the organization added more than 5% at the end of last year.
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belarus is already eastern europe and this is the official entrance of the shanghai cooperation organization in the full sense of the word to the european continent.
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the plans, vladimir putin emphasizes, are to create within the organization’s own payment and settlement mechanism and not depend on the dollar, adds the president of belarus alexander lukashenko. as a priority issue, belarus is considering the creation of a mechanism for bilateral payments in national currencies and the collective financial institution of the sco. we all say that we are big, we are great, we are really great, there are more of us. in terms of
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purchasing power parity, only in our organization there are two most powerful leaders, china and the russian federation, we all tremble before this dollar, well, let’s finally take certain steps to become less dependent on this dollar. international trade the sco exceeds $8 trillion, as the head noted. kazakhstan's kasym zhamar takaev is a quarter of all world trade. for kazakhstan, russia remains one of the main trade and economic partners. mutual trade turnover exceeded $28 billion. the course, of course, is to further increase indicators. and not only with russia, as a whole within the framework of the unification. kazakhstan proposes to strengthen logistics ties. kazakhstan, as you know, is one of the key links in the eurasian transport system. through our the country is being implemented. 80% of land transit traffic between asia and europe.
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we are actively working on connecting the one train-1 track megaproject of the trans-caspian route, the north-south corridor. the synergy of these transport arteries will provide a powerful multiplier effect. in this regard , we attach great importance to the practical implementation of our initiative to create a partner network. kazakhstan will develop in space, or more precisely in matters of its research. china will help here. at the summit sites a document was signed on provision. china is open to knowledge transfer. in the next
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5 years, we will allocate a quota of one thousand people for youth from the countries of the shanghai cooperation organization for internships in... yes, thank you, maria filippova spoke about the economic agenda of the sco summit. russian universities need to increase the number of professional retraining programs for priority sectors
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of the economy. this was stated by the rector of moscow state university viktor sadovnichy, who today was re-elected to the post of head of the russian union.
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chernyshenko also spoke about the development of the network university campuses. we are gradually changing the university environment itself and improving it, primarily through the creation of a network of modern world-class campuses. currently , 17 campus projects covering a wide geography from sakhalin to sakhalin are being implemented on behalf of the president. kaleningrad, this is already more than 2.3 million m of new space for more than 63,000 students, in addition, and the total budget of these projects is more than half a trillion. by order of the president, by the thirtieth year there should be 25 such campuses, by the thirty-fifth year
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their number will increase to 40. conservation traditional. values, health and well-being of the family - these are the main topics of the discussion, which was organized by specialists from the expert institute of social research, who spoke, in particular, about family support tools that have been created in the country in recent years, for example, maternity capital, social contract, family mortgage , on the initiative of the president, another separate national family project will soon appear; according to the plan, it should start operating in january next year. the main task of the project that we set. before you do anything at all, it is to unite families through common affairs. we selected these 1,570 families, and during the spring of this year, from march to june, semi-finals were held throughout the country. and we looked, on the one hand, how athletic they were, how intellectual they were, that is, each family had the opportunity to prove themselves in one of the competitions, there were eight different tasks, plus there was an assessment from senior experts, these are those who
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watched the families throughout the entire assessment day i looked at how well they... understood each other, they respect each other, value each other, are friends, is the whole family involved or is the child simply given a cell phone and he sits playing with it, but seems to be present. a sentence was announced in moscow for us citizen robert woodland; he received 12.5 years in a maximum security colony for attempted drug trafficking. according to the prosecutor's office, in january of this year , woodland took a large batch of prohibited substances from a cache in the moscow region. then he took them to moscow and packaged them there into 49 pieces. an american was detained while trying to hide drugs in caches. based on the evidence presented. attempted illegal sale of narcotic drugs on a large scale.
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on january 3, wuland, following the instructions of the organizer, while in a forested area of ​​the moscow region, took a large batch of the narcotic drug mephedrone from a hiding place, with a total weight of at least 46 g. he transported the drug to an apartment on shirokaya street, where he packaged it. 49 packages for further illegal sale. while trying to place drugs in the cache, he was detained, and miphidron was withdrawn from illegal circulation. the verdict did not enter into legal force. the european union increased duties on electric cars from china from 17 to 38%. the official reason is that beijing allocates government subsidies to support its manufacturers. but i wonder what the reason is, unofficial, perhaps a european manufacturer. they just don’t want to support the chinese economy and it’s simply too difficult to sit still in such realities, that’s how things really are, taras kuchurenko found out.
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chinese electric cars are pushing out competitors on all fronts, just in the last 3 years imports of such vehicles into the eu increased more than sevenfold to $11.5 billion. residents of europe are pragmatic, why overpay for theirs when you can get a similar car from china for 20% cheaper. officials from the european commission did not like this situation. they accused beijing of supporting local automakers and even created a group that began investigating such a terrible crime for them. the european commission did not say how the evidence was collected, but the verdict was confidently delivered in june, the accused is 100% guilty. punishments were sent to chinese electric cars from 17 to 38%, to carry out the sentence on july 4. without these steps , european ones. brands are not ready to honestly win the battle for customers against their chinese counterparts. the current lineup of electric cars from leading chinese brands consists of cars that are not only not
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inferior, but also superior in some scientific and design developments to their direct european competitors. there were duties in the eu before, but at the level of 10%. how the new fee will work depends on various factors, for example, the european commission will give relief to those chinese to manufacturers. who admitted receiving government subsidies, for them the duty will not exceed 21%. those who refuse to share data will receive the maximum tariff. i don't think tariffs will stop chinese cars from entering the european market as they are extremely competitive in terms of value for money, even despite the tariffs. the decision of the officials once again confirmed that there is no smell of european unity in the union; france clashed over the rights to enter into or refuse a trade war with china. germany. paris is an ardent supporter duties berlin believes that the eu could suffer seriously. in particular, german companies that produce electric cars in china. beijing has already announced that the country has
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many levers to respond, for example, by banning the import of pork from europe. last year it reached almost $2 billion. in the long run, these tariffs will hurt both sides. in addition, increasing duties will harm not only european consumers, but also healthy ones. and maybe the usa, but in relation to chinese automakers, well, they are being pushed into in general, to our russian market, this means that chinese manufacturers will feel that the russian market for them today is... more positive, and maybe therefore a higher priority. if the eu has found a formal reason to introduce duties on electric cars, then explaining the new initiative will be much
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more difficult, as bloomberg writes, the european commission intends to establish duties on all personal parcels sent outside the eu. currently in europe there is a free threshold for goods up to 150 euros. the initiative will strike first by major chinese retailers. taras kuchurenko, yulia sokolova, lead. ukraine is entirely dependent on the supply of western weapons, vladimir zelensky admitted this in an interview with the american agency bloomberg. according to the head of the kiev regime, the country allegedly cannot staff 14 brigades, each consisting of several thousand people; these military personnel have nothing to arm them with. it was planned that the units would receive armored vehicles and artillery from the united states, but washington is transferring weapons too slowly, zelensky complains about this. he rejected initiative of hungarian prime minister viktor orban. let me remind you that he proposed to kiev to cease fire without any conditions so that there would be an opportunity for negotiations. the record for ozimakh in the krasnodar territory
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was presented in one of the districts. before the start of harvesting, the breeders manually thresh several ears of corn; with an experienced eye , they immediately confirm the record; at the wave of a flag, two combine harvesters bite into the experimental plot; after a few minutes they... disappear in a cloud of dust. this golden kuban field is like an olympic one stadium. today this is the site for setting a record. this is a kuban school variety. today is his graduation, which will thunder throughout the country. the record-breaking variety is named after the kuban breeding school. it was developed by the lukyanenko national grain center just a few years ago. the legend of domestic selection lyudmila bespalova estimates its potential at 130 cents per hectare. this is the variety that...
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selection base: realizing the potential of a variety is the task of agriculturalists and scientific chemists; they coped with it, for example, with domestic the farm was provided with protective equipment and fertilizers by the shchelkovo agrokhim enterprise. by the way, its plant protection technology was also used to set the previous record. these records... stimulate us to move on, we have become the largest grain exporting country, but we, of course, did not stop there, we have enormous potential, and i, as a chemist here, being in this field, want to say that, of course, half of this harvest is the result of competent, precise, targeted and prudent use of chemical plant protection products and chemical fertilizers, they are non-lymical...
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we have already applied fertilizers to the soil so that the soil tests, according to these analyzes , can achieve a good harvest. agricultural scientists call records the engine of progress. a representative from the russian book of records adds: agriculture is one of the most technologically advanced industries; for example, one smartphone is enough to set a record. each combine is connected to lonas, and at any second i can find out where the combine was and how much wheat it collected. the scales showed threshed by combines. 10 hectares of field pulled almost 11 tons per hectare, the exact figure of 109.7 centners was written into the certificate and handed to the head of the farm. last year's record of 103 centners was beaten with a margin, however, judging by the dynamics of development of russian agriculture, the current one will not last long. andrey malyony vadim zhaleev, news.
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