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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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he himself stated that he did not do anything that other mercenaries and ukrainians did not do, and he does not really understand why there were complaints against him. evgenia nepot, olga lvukhina and matvey popov, lead. tyksov, i am a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out, what a fairy tale without ivan, what began, without deception, without flint, he imprisoned me in the flint, and you will get the magic ink,
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the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, oh, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, right where it’s needed, here what is my name, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in... soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then the law is there one: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. another record hot day in moscow today day, but rescuers have already begun issuing emergency warnings about showers and thunderstorms that are approaching the central regions of the country. will they be
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the end of a protracted period of abnormal heat, let’s ask our colleague evgeniy tishkovets. evgeny, hello. well, it turns out that we say goodbye to the heat? good evening, colleagues, we will indeed say goodbye to the heat soon, but today it has reached its peak. it can be argued that july 4, 2024 was not only the warmest day since the beginning of this year, but throughout meteorological history of vdnkh. according to data for 17:00, the thermometer is on the reference. vdnh showed +32.8. only 9° left to reach the record. by the way, at the balchik weather station in the center of the capital, the air warmed up to almost +35. the unprecedented heat has already led to the fact that the water temperature in the moscow river has become higher than in the black sea. now it is 24-25° versus 18 in anapa and 22 in gelendzhik. city services continue to systematically water the streets of the capital in order to...
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insects react to climate change towards warming; entomologists drew attention to the fact that due to the heat in the moscow region mantises and spiders can now reproduce. wasps that love warmth, and apparently the capital region has become a comfortable habitat for them. on friday, the east and south of european russia, as well as the urals, most of ugra and yamal, will be under the tutelage of a predominantly sunny, dry anticyclone with a pronounced heat anomaly in the middle volga region. there will be no precipitation only in the arkhangelsk region of the komi republic, the polar region of the urals and the sverdlovsk region. in the rest of the territory, if possible, then only inside.
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rain clouds, which, however, will not change the weather. but where tomorrow the weather will sharply deteriorate and become stormy, it is primarily in the north-west of our country. where very strong thunderstorms will fall in the cold front zone, especially at the junction of the leningrad, novgorod, vologda regions and karelia, where up to 4-60 mm of precipitation is expected. by evening, the front will approach central russia, where it will bring half as much rain with a high probability of local hail, storm winds and flooding in low-lying landforms. in friday daytime air temperature on the kola peninsula will be +15-20. the rest of the russian. north to 25-30 degrees. in central russia the heat will remain thirty degrees, in the south of our country it will be 33:38 sweltering heat. in moscow this evening there is a possibility of intermittent rain and thunderstorms in places. on friday the air will still have time to warm up to +30. but in
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the afternoon on saturday night, with the passage of a cold front, heavy rains and thunderstorms will hit the capital. up to 44 mm of precipitation may fall and... up to half of monthly norm, a squall is likely with gusts up to storm-force 17-22 m/s, and in some places hail with a diameter of up to 3-6 mm. last year, banks transferred about a trillion rubles to the russian budget, elvira nabiulina announced this at the financial congress of the bank of russia. what awaits the key rate, what will inflation be? our colleague, dmitry marok, will tell you. the second day of the congress was devoted to prospects and risks.
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he took part in the session transforming business models strategic vision, and then spoke about how banks can participate in financing long-term projects of the country. we must take on those risks that the state is not ready to cover, on the one hand, on the other hand, this is also a question about the key rate, again, you can criticize the central bank for a long time, but the central bank has no options to act differently, we all understand this, of course, that’s why, strictly speaking, the state makes support programs, in
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sberbank you can take advantage of all the state support programs, more than 23 programs, we represent the state ones, again the tasks the state, in conditions of... high interest rates , supports support programs, excuse the taftology for the development of necessary production. now the economy is showing good dynamics, gdp in the first quarter increased by almost 5.5%. at the same time , phrases about overheating are heard. high growth rates are accompanied by high inflation rates and inflation's unwillingness to slow, which shows that the economy is indeed running into its limits. production capabilities, demand is growing faster than the economy is expanding its potential, this creates additional inflation, we need, again, to go through some period of tight monetary policy in order to bring demand in line with these growing production capabilities. the peak of annual inflation will probably occur in
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mid-summer, then we will see it slow down in august and september; by the end of next year, the central bank promises to bring inflation to the target of 4%. the increase in the key rate in july may be more than 1%, and they agree that the rate will have to be increased representatives of the banking community. why can't you not raise? we see today's inflation estimates, which are updated every month, they are in the range for the twenty -fourth year, 8.9, maybe even 10%, that is, this is far from the target that the central bank set, it is slightly higher.
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schools today are again filled with graduates; those who were not satisfied with their unified state exam scores came. about the new rules anastasia. after completing all the exams, log in again. for ilya it’s already a little easier, he decided to improve unified state examination result in english, i’m a little short of points for admission, this is very cool, and thanks to this, maybe i’ll be able to fulfill my dream, what a dream, to enroll in gemo, anxiety, stress, poor health can prevent you from concentrating and passing well exam, especially if he was first in line. most likely, i was nervous about the exam itself, that’s why now i have a second attempt, thank you for showing up, i really needed it.
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unified state examination in russian language, computer science, social studies, physics, chemistry, as well as foreign languages, the remaining subjects will be written on friday. in this particular moscow school , about 200 students are retaking exams today, and in just 2 days , more than 11 thousand capital graduates will take the unified state exam again. and another 10,500 students all over russia in total. people exercise their right to a second chance. the most people who want to rewrite social studies are over 31. computer science is in second place - a little more than 21. russian language is in third place - 12,000 graduates. because i was feeling unwell. still, it had an effect strongly. now i'm here for a retake. i hope for a good score. this year, universities are ready to accept the largest number of applicants for budget places in recent years - 621. this. of course, a very good level, if we take the ratio of the number of school graduates and the number of budget places at universities,
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while we separately ensure that these budget places are appropriately distributed between sectors of the economy and social sphere, according to requests, they are generally distributed among the regions. results of retaking the unified state exam, graduates will know before july 17 that they will have time to submit all the necessary documents to universities. anastasia. the european union increased duties on electric cars from china from 17 to 38%. the official reason is that beijing allocates government subsidies to support its manufacturers. but the unofficial one seems to be a competitive fighter, but is this so, taras kuchurenko will tell you. chinese electric cars are pushing out competitors on all fronts. over the past 3 years alone, imports of such machines into the eu have increased more than sevenfold. up to 11.5 billion dollars, europeans are pragmatic, why overpay for your own when you can get
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a similar car from kaner for 20% cheaper. officials from the european commission did not like this situation, they accused beijing of supporting local automakers and even created a group that began investigating such a terrible crime for them. the european commission did not say how the evidence was collected, but the verdict was confidently delivered in june, the accused is absolutely guilty. punishment duties on chinese electric cars from 17 to 38%, to carry out the sentence on july 4. without these steps, european brands are not ready honestly win the fight for buyers against their chinese counterparts. the current lineup of electric cars from leading chinese brands consists of cars that are not only equal in some scientific and design developments and superior to their direct european competitors. and before that, but at the level of 10%, how the new fee will work depends on
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various factors, for example, the european commission will give relief to those chinese manufacturers who admitted receiving government subsidies, for them the duty will not exceed 21%, who refused to share data, will receive the maximum tariff. i don't think tariffs will stop chinese cars from entering the european market as they are extremely competitive in terms of value for money. berlin believes that the eu could suffer seriously, in particular german companies that produce electric cars in china. beijing has already announced that the country has many levers to respond, for example, by banning the import of pork from europe. last year it reached almost $2 billion. in the long term in the long run, these tariffs will harm both sides. in addition, increasing tariffs
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will harm not only european consumers, but also the healthy development of the european automobile industry. trade wars between china and the eu can have a positive impact on the russian automobile market, according to the russian automobile dealers association. all the sanctions that the european union, and maybe the united states, apply today, yes, are in relation to chinese automakers, but they are generally pushed towards our russian market. this means that the chinese manufacturers will feel that the russian market is more positive for them today, or maybe... a reason to introduce duties on electric cars, then explaining the new initiative will be much more difficult, as bloomberg writes, the european commission intends to establish duties on all personal parcels, sent also outside the eu. currently in europe there is a free threshold for goods up to 150 euros. the initiative will primarily hit large chinese retailers. taras
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kucherenko, yulia sokolova, lead. from the head pain there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. the delicious calendar returns to the tasty point. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback, bonuses, meat sauce, hot sytin, fills with meat and noodles, pre-lunch, warm sunset over the roofs of the dachas, fills life with joy, pre-lunch, when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives inside of us, but this is a real superpower, more joyful
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people, only until july 7 khvatamba on so many things, from smartphones to sneakers on avito. go to the moss exhibition, or maybe come to me, better at a tasty point, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, superbox with clips hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, travel with alphabank, choose where to fly in the alpha travel service and receive super cashback on air tickets. this alpha friday, july 5th, we are giving 30% cashback on flights to sochi. not just profitable, alpha profitable. the fall of the tories, the parliamentary elections in great britain that began today promise
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to be a failure for the conservatives, which means that for the first time in 14 years there may be a change of power in the united kingdom. absolutely all pre-election polls show that the laborites will overtake the conservatives, and by a wide margin, according to the latest poll by the company, taking into account the current rules for the distribution of votes according to... the manifesto, so they called change, changes, because this is exactly what the electorate expects from them, among the priorities is, of course, overcoming the internal political,
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internal economic, socio-economic crisis, crisis in living standards, overcoming these high rates of inflation, and even on british television they prefer to broadcast naked women first, rather than their own premiere, so on the morning show decides:
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tripped up by the conservative and nigel farage by returning to big politics. farage, the brexit ideologist, announced in early june that he would again lead the right-wing reform party uk, the former one he founded.
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thanks to boris johnson, who, as prime minister, relaxed at parties during the period of strict lockdown, in the end he was replaced, as we remember, by list tras, the record holder for the longest tenure as prime minister, in 45 days the board managed to announce reforms of the country’s tax system and cancel the announced ones reforms, bring down the pound exchange rate and ratings... well, the list goes on for a long time. rishi sunok came next. at the end of may, he announced his intention to hold general elections on july 4, despite the fact that the previous parliament
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met in december 1919, therefore, the prime minister had until december. the final votes will be counted by the morning of july 5, and if labor wins, then on friday its leader keir starmer should arrive at buckingham palace for an audience with king charles ii, from where he will emerge as prime minister.
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can you imagine such people dealing with putin? trump is outplaying biden; after their debate, support for the former head of the white house increased by as much as 8% compared to the current one, according to recent opinion polls. biden is not getting any younger, congressmen are quoted on the screen; republicans, as well as the democrats, have no illusions. i’ll be honest, everyone comes on the air and says wonderful things, but behind the scenes there is total panic, people are greeted with messages in instant messengers.
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trump's advisers privately stunned by how poorly biden performed, believing he would be a stronger debater. they seem to want biden to stay on the ticket, they think he's vulnerable and they like where he's at, and they're not at all excited about the prospect of him dropping out of the race. republicans have already said they will challenge any democratic effort to replace biden because it is disruptive. what could be a greater threat to democracy than nominating a candidate after the primary, when millions of ordinary people locally have already chosen their candidate, and now they are trying to replace him at the party convention with the votes of several hundred democratic politicians, this is the biggest threat to democracy from the american government in the last few years, at a briefing in the white house, reporters the day before were bombarded with questions about health joe biden
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was asked to invite his attending physician to the podium.
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vice president. president joe biden intends to win. it was an amazing dialogue with the president and , to be honest, it was very frank, we all know that if we love someone, we don’t lie to these people, but biden lied as a governor, even when he was knocking on wood and talking about a medical examination, there was none, the policy claims. biden's statement refers to his brief examination by a white house physician a few days after the debate for lingering cold symptoms that did not include any major tests, according to a person familiar with the president's schedule. the mental capacity
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of the american... it's a big information evening, that's what it's about we will tell you in the next hour: they save lives on the brink of death, when everything around is burning , seconds count, evacuation groups pull out our wounded from the front line, the daily feat of military doctors. our drones guide iskanders in
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real time. russia!


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