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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the data, and received the document. the faster many people do this, the
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more they do it, the faster this war will end. moreover, only the call of the volga can really help save lives, because the fate of the personnel. the ukrainian command does not care, which is confirmed by the shocking cases witnessed by our soldiers. anastasia ivanova will give examples. anastasi, greetings. hello, alexey. they say that shooting your own people in the back is already commonplace among militants in the ssu. namely, so that they don’t say too much to a wide audience, but don’t tell the truth hide. ideologically charged neo-nazis are already a minority at the front and they are fighting not only with russian fighters, but with ukrainians who were dragged by the villagers into... treating their own brothers-in-arms, it would seem, like insect pests, these guys, giving up positions, run to where eyes are looking, a drone lands next to one of the bushmen, an explosion, the smoke clears, a militant is writhing in pain, without even really understanding what’s going on, his partner cynically shoots him in the head, this
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video really shows their animal the essence of this, fascist ideology, which is in their subcortex, it sits. well, there they are selected for the front, of course, these same mercenaries, i’m not even sure that they are the same ukrainians, most likely they are some alien, driven people, hired people who came from abroad, and who don’t care about them they wanted to attack their uh brothers, but would they have taken it at all, if this was just an isolated case, but no matter how it was, our fighter was called a thief... he didn’t even immediately believe that it was possible to kill those with whom you fight shoulder to shoulder, he says how to get to their position barely vseushnik crawled from the brotherhood, he gave first aid not to the commander, his senior, but to someone just like himself, for this the senior shot him in the back, so he crawled
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wherever he could, asked for water all night, well, who the hell knows, what are they stirring up there, maybe some kind of bait. in the end, the bait turns out to be the militants themselves, who, if not by force, then were deceived into fighting some evil orcs, the commander of the 241st brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, roman kulik , complains about...
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they are trying to get rid of people like mikhail shremeta, for example, he is already over 50 months old he was sitting at checkpoints in vinnitsa, but at some point, without talking, he was sent to shed blood for the zelensky regime, he says, they were easily taken prisoner, since there really was no position, the arrivals were bombarded with grenades. you know, they passed through my department practically, well, most of them, yes, 50
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plus, well, i’m also fifty-three, it’s as if they simply shaved everything, when they tell you to run, and your legs are twisting, well, it’s like it’s not serious either, and according to the medical commission , there was no medical examination, to catch the cleanliness volga, surrendering to the military is a rare piece of luck, the barrage squads are working, the meat assaults are being replenished, zelensky’s office needs victory at any cost. they strive to achieve some kind of success through this. yes, the nato summit, the european union's income, and so on. that is , for the sake of pr success, they sacrifice their people in hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands. and these people are beginning to understand it this way. therefore, many people are really giving up, not all, but many. but there can no longer be a real military brotherhood in their armed forces. because they have behind them detachments from nationalist formations, there have been cases, this is reliably
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known, from the polish armed forces, who are pretending to be mercenaries there, the neo-nazis, repulsed completely, do not spare even civilians, during the evacuation of the dpr elders they drove people up with shots and their apartments were destroyed, civilians hid from vysushniki in the surviving basements after the demolition of houses and waited for ours. heavy fighting began , we lived in the basement of the house... our roof was damaged when russian soldiers came in, we they immediately asked us to be evacuated to a safe place. why didn’t you go deep into the territory of ukraine? well, because all my relatives live in russia and my children live in donetsk in gorlovka. it was impossible to leave this territory on your own; only with the help of russian soldiers could you leave it. our military gives not only a chance for the lives of civilians, but even of militants. ukrainian armed forces who escaped from being shot in the back. anastasia
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ivanova nazi orders. the coat of arms of the united states is attached to a geriatric walker. here so unsightly, the economist magazine, on whose cover this image appeared, evaluates joe biden's presidency. if we take into account the clearly expressed liberal orientation of the publication, the signal is quite clear. even western globalists loyal to the us democratic party consider it necessary for the current head of the american party to leave. despite the white house’s statement that there is no intention to change the candidate, details are in boris ivanin’s material. biden says he won’t leave, sounds like a refrain on all american tv channels, so white the house is trying in absentia to repel another blow from donald trump, which he casually inflicted on his opponent while heading to the golf course. old wreck, a bunch of crap, he's out of the race and that means we have kamala,
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i think she'd be better but she's so bad, so pathetic, she's so damn bad, can you imagine having to deal with something like that with putin? trump is outplaying biden; after their debate, support for the former head of the white house, compared to the current one, increased by as much as 8%, according to recent opinion polls. biden doesn't getting younger, quoting the congressman on screen.
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sleepy joe's weakness only plays into his advantage, writes the washington post. trump's advisers were privately stunned by how poorly biden performed. believing he would be a stronger debater. apparently they want biden to stay on the ticket, they think he's vulnerable and they like where he's at. it is clear that they are not at all encouraged by the prospect of his withdrawal from the race. republicans have already said they will challenge any democratic attempts replace biden because it is undermining. what could be a greater threat to democracy than nominating a candidate after the primary, when millions of ordinary people locally have already chosen their candidate, and now they are trying to replace him at the party congress with the votes of several hundred democratic politicians. this is the biggest threat to democracy from the american government in
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years. at a briefing at the white house the day before, reporters bombarded him with questions about joe biden’s health and asked to be invited to the stand. he understands that it was not the best his night, he understands that people are right to ask questions, but we cannot forget his achievement and what he is capable of, the president has a clear vision and he remains in the race, i have nothing to tell you other than that, he remains in the race however, biden increasingly prefers clerical meetings at the white house to public speeches. about a dozen democratic governors were urgently summoned, several more joined via video link, but it was not possible to rally them around the decrepit leader, states politico. during an hour-long meeting, caused by increased with concerns about his health and political viability, one governor asked biden directly about his physical condition. the president mentioned that
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in recent days he had undergone examinations and stated that he was still in good health , knocking on wood for effect.
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the russian president is being increasingly ridiculed on social networks, another meme that the country is actually run by the first lady jill, while her husband is mastering an educational game for kids, although the more ridiculous the attempt of the head of the white house, the more ridiculous they themselves look states on the world stage. boris ivanin and matvey popov, news. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. russian relocants supposedly don’t want to return. home, the liberal media are rushing to interrupt news about the real fate of those who escaped from russia, why can’t anyone who doesn’t fit into their headlines? remember what they told you
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calendar delicious. every day, a new favorite product at a super price. only in the app it’s delicious, period. on avito khvatamba. discounts for people from people until july 7th. in the alpha travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets, this alpha friday, july 5th we are giving 30% cashback on flights to sochi, not just profitable, alpha profitable! many things begin to improve, a sense of prospects appears and even feelings grow. optimism, that’s exactly how the last wave of relaxants from russia is now living, according to an undesirable new newspaper. the publication published material from sociologist nika kostenko, who, with reference to certain
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studies, is trying to prove that life in immigration has many advantages. but in fact , it’s not difficult to guess to whom these characters actually address their cards, they clearly noticed and reacted to the broadcast of our programs about disappointed russians, who, whether in london or in ... the foxes , tirelessly complain about their hard lot, and some, without even being ashamed, throw hysterics on camera, but it is undesirable for publications and foreign agents to try to sell the reader a completely different picture, they say difficulties, emigrants , the alarmists have already been overcome, the children have gone to school in a new country, business connections and even work have appeared, but such positive theses are easily broken by the harsh reality, which will once again be confirmed by evgenia petrukhina. evgeniya, dear evening, but there are specific examples. yes, there really are a lot of examples, but the liberal media don’t really notice them. a foreign agent who is ready to return to moscow and, as he himself writes,
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decorate the garden ring with his presence. having fled russia after the start of the svo, agent actor semeon treskunov publicly states that he is looking for a job that will allow him to survive. he is even ready, apparently, to work in russia, but under a secret pseudonym, that is, when his pocket is empty, he looks towards his homeland. and in november of twenty-three it was in a different way, here treskunov wrote that he was quoted: “it’s a shame to be russian, it’s a shame for russia and the army, it’s a shame for the eagle on the passport, that’s it, or here’s the agent treskunov about the russians, that if they ran out of food, they would start there is human flesh, but just the other day treskunova apparently ceased to be stifled by hatred of russia. amazing metamorphoses are taking place in the consciousness of the foreign agent. "he felt comfortable. to sunny spain, but the sun, he’s still not a plant, he doesn’t feed on photosynthesis, the man realized,
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that he just... got his finger in the roof of his mouth sometime now , now he’s trying to get through, that it’s typical to return anonymously to russia and continue to work here, the same rescunovs, well, now they’re biting their elbows, looking for a new country, now most likely this character , boris zoltarevsky, who collaborated with the extremist fbk, and then fled through the upper lar to georgia. well , only they are no longer waiting for him there, they literally tore the man away from the plate of khinkali, in georgia they adopted a number of laws that complicate the life of people like zlatorevsky, this the law on agents, and zlatarevsky not only collaborated with extremists, he was also an active member of the jehovah's witnesses sect, he is such a straight-up sectarian, i switched from one sect to another
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political sect. they are filtered on the border with georgia, coals fall off, burning the fingers of all sorts of relocants, as they say that georgia has become a part of their life, that it is a wonderful country, that they have already fallen in love with georgian music, of course, khinkali, where would we be without this, especially if they are paid for by your curators, here the liberal media they are trying to calm down the relocants crying on the tabilist terraces, feeding them success stories of other people who escaped from russia. “ just don’t make any sudden moves, don’t come back home, here’s the new newspaper europe, an organization recognized as undesirable in russia, publishing some statistics, saying that less and less of those who left are ready to return to their homeland, they supposedly found their comfort zone abroad, maybe they found it, but how many are there, this is an isolated story, they are in no way connected with any trends, i know other success stories of a person who is here in
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moscow, he had "... an excellent business, his own law firm, now in the suburbs of brussels he sells vegetables, his dubious statistics about relocants, a new newspaper supports photographs of a certain sociologist kostenko, they say these are her conclusions, and where are at least the questionnaires of respondents, where real data from social surveys, more than a million people left russia, statistics that claim to be the most absurd, and only 16% returned, but how interesting is the sociologist...
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but darya herself says that london is not for her soul. i don’t find it funny because that’s how it is here. it’s not cool, apparently, remember, that it specialist who went to georgia through the upper lars, but it turned out to be not as satisfying as in moscow, and now he has to work 16 hours a day. these are the real stories that the liberal
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press, whose task is to hold back, is afraid of. lokantov is abroad, because if they flee to russia, and many want to, then the self-deception of people with beautiful faces in the supposedly ideal west will finally collapse. evgenia petrukhina, and the downside of emigration. “the basis of international stability and security was destroyed by the united states, russia had to react, including in the military sphere. vladimir putin said this today during a conversation with journalists following the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization in astana. during the press approach, the president managed to answer many questions from our colleagues on the current agenda: what the head of state said without cuts" further on our air.


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