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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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no. a ceasefire in the special operation zone is impossible without reaching clear and irreversible agreements with kiev. vladimir putin stated this when answering questions from russian journalists following the sco summit in astana. the president believes that it is pointless. contact the verkhovna rada directly, since the majority of deputies are subordinate to the illegal government in ukraine. read more about anastasia efimova’s statements. you can apply only in the current conditions, it will be pointless. presidential response to question about potential contacts with the verkhovna rada of ukraine, which , in conditions where zelensky’s term expired and elections were never held, according to the constitution represents the legitimate government in kiev. vladimir putin spoke with journalists today in astana about the outcome.
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powers in accordance with the constitution of ukraine do not exist, all powers should go to the rada, but it does not take these powers for itself, so of course you can appeal based on the practical situation, from what happens in real life, this is more or less pointless. actually, today, at the sco summit, vladimir putin also recalled the reasons for the ukrainian crisis, this is verbatim. the unceremonious adventurous policy of the united states, where this led, is known, but it is unknown what will happen next in the united states in the fall, elections, and as the debates showed, let’s say, the situation is not easy, in the context of kiev’s prospects, for example, joe biden is eager for further bloodshed, donald trump promises a little not to end the hostilities, but will it be possible that mr. trump, as a presidential candidate, declares that he... is ready and wants to stop the war in
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ukraine, we take this quite seriously, i am not familiar, of course, with his possible proposals on how he is going to do this, and this is of course the key question, but i have no doubt that he says this sincerely, and we support this, as vladimir recalled, when in the spring of 2022 russian troops stood near kiev, western countries ...
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fire, the enemy took advantage of this cessation in order to improve its position, rearm, replenish with by forcibly mobilizing our army and being prepared to continue the armed conflict, we need to ensure that the other side agrees to take steps that are irreversible and acceptable to the russian federation. therefore , it is impossible to propose a ceasefire without reaching this agreement; in general, the previous system of strategic stability in the world today has actually been destroyed and it is unclear whether in the future there is any point in returning to the agreement from which we came, say, on medium- and shorter range or on strategic offensive weapons, or should a new document appear, but if so, who will sign? the principles that
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underlay international stability and security by the united states were destroyed, it was not we who withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty, but this was one of the... cornerstones, we sometimes hear from the united states what they want to resume conversations on this topic, well, it’s not clear, sometimes they want, sometimes they don’t want to, but before before, well, during the last period of president obama’s administration, they gave us signals that they wanted it, then suddenly they became unwilling, now during the election campaign, and one that has such a... very acute domestic political nature, to say that we can now establish some kind of constructive dialogue with the united states, and first of all we need to talk to them about this, it seems to me that everyone present here, and indeed people in general who even slightly follow
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the events taking place, understand this impossible today, we need to wait for the elections in the united states to understand the mood and preference. russia has formulated its proposals; the good will of other interested parties is needed. the united states, and you need to talk to them first of all, mentions that they want to resume negotiations, then they deny it and say they don’t want to, in the conditions of the election campaign, constructive dialogue is impossible. the november vote will reveal the winners and make it clear which pole of the negotiation spectrum washington will be at, but...
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the french hammer guided bomb, but this is how air defense crews work, our military correspondent pavel prokopenko saw. with a deafening thunder, the missile bursts out of the launcher, followed by a fiery tail, and an s-350 anti-aircraft missile system in action. this is the first footage of the s-350 vityaz air defense system operating in the zone.
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vityaz works both against aerodynamic targets, airplanes, helicopters, and ballistic ones. in the finale, among the charged pencils, there are three empty mines - this is recent combat work; all its details, of course, are not worth revealing, but the calculation says that everything went as expected, the task was completed successfully. the vityaz reliably covers the sky over the front line and peaceful cities, the target detection range is up to 300. following the first missile, the second pantsir s, another modern russian complex, immediately leaves. the uniqueness of the shell is that it can detect 30 types of targets and simultaneously work on four objects. the crew works
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in an armored cabin, this is a real decision-making center, where we can show almost nothing. there are secret operating data on the monitors, when overboard +38 is important. so that not only monitors and computers, the air conditioner is working, it would be difficult to work in such heat without it, in combat work everything is decided by the speed of decision-making, if it is a missile flying, then of course it is a split second, you must immediately catch it, immediately identify it , immediately make a decision its direct fire of destruction, the crew and the combat vehicle are a single mechanism, each machine has a soul, so to speak.
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the youtube channels of russian artists polina gagarina, oleg gazmanova, yulia checherina, grigory leps and vyacheslav manucharov, they were also previously blacklisted by the european union. ukraine is entirely dependent on the supply of western weapons, vladimir zelensky admitted this in an interview with the american agency bloomberg. the country allegedly cannot staff 14 brigades; there is nothing to arm several thousand people with. it was planned that the unit would receive armored vehicles and artillery from the united states, but washington is transferring weapons
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too slowly, zelensky complained. he rejected the initiative of hungarian prime minister viktor orban. let me remind you that invited kiev to cease fire without any conditions so that there would be an opportunity for negotiations. and in lugansk , vtb bank, one of the leaders in the russian financial services market, opened its first office. there are plans to open a branch in the near future. in donetsk in mariupol. with the development of banking infrastructure, local residents and companies have new financial opportunities, and regions are being integrated into the economy of the entire country. from lugansk, reporting by nikolai dolgachev. good afternoon. snezhana, vtb bank. this has never happened in the lugansk region heard. another large federal bank has opened in the region. there is a very profitable cashback service, with which you can return up to 25% for. this is not just another convenient banking office for lugansk, donetsk, zaporozhye and the kherson region, it is a fundamental
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change in the entire banking system, new services and opportunities for people and businesses, just like on the mainland. this story is not only about business, the emergence of the largest banks in new regions is an equalization of opportunities for people. igor nikeev, lugansk resident, works as a driver, vtb client, but before, for any question you had to travel hundreds of kilometers. i had a salary card, i... the opening is official, but without unnecessary pomp, managers continue to accept clients at this time. you know, the president
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called on the largest banks to enter novorussia more boldly, so we quickly organized a wonderful office here. the president’s order has been fulfilled; offices will open in donetsk, mariupol, and melitopol in the near future. there is no shortage of personnel in the region for banking structures; there are people with experience, there are young people who are ready to learn. this office, i wanted to develop further, i really liked the fact that there is a training opportunity here, for me this is the level of, let’s say, working here. in the donbass, zaporozhye and kherson region, the banking services sector is a commercially promising area, because the market is not oversaturated. we were traveling today from rostov, and it was clear that there was not much saturation, to put it mildly, with banking institutions in this area. region, so compare with others, where there are always signs of all banks, they are not visible here, so one,
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of course, one of the tasks is to saturate as much as possible to satisfy the needs of both people and businesses in banking services. in the near future, hundreds of new atms will appear in large cities in small settlements, people can take out car loans, the mortgage program will work, we will have our banks in all new regions, as for the range of services... it will be absolutely the same as - how our banks provide services in moscow or st. petersburg. in the silence of offices, bank managers shape the future of new regions, a prosperous future lugansk, donetsk, zaporozhye and kherson regions. the network of offices is growing rapidly and residents of these regions can now more easily obtain services that were previously unavailable here. nikolay dlagachev, nikolay pyrkh, danil vetrov, lead lugansk. we now have a message with. the fire in the center of moscow was extinguished; a hangar burned over an area of ​​600
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km; 49 firefighters and 13 pieces of equipment worked at the scene of the emergency; a fire train was also involved; according to the ministry of emergency situations , there were no reports of casualties. the state duma adopted in the second third reading a law on changing the basic parameters of the federal budget for the current year. in addition, the deputies discussed. agreements between russia, armenia, kyrgyzstan, belarus and tajikistan. at one time, you and i decided to increase
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funding for our joint universities established in the country. and they talked about this, that it is right to do everything to create conditions for studying the russian language in these countries, our culture, traditions, so that people who know the language and respect our traditions and culture come here. regarding the main parameters budget - these are some of the amendments that were prepared and adopted in the first reading. so the budget deficit is expected to be 2 trillion rubles, which is 1.1% of gdp. the original version discussed a deficit of 9% of gdp. total revenue will slightly exceed 35 trillion rubles, which is 3 billion less than previously planned. for example, a decrease in oil and gas revenues is expected compared to the parameters taken into account
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when forming the budget. expenses will amount to 37.200 billion rubles. this parameter is over. we provide all the instructions of the president in this year, but in the fall we will discuss more targeted amendments that will flow from the tasks that we will solve in the autumn session. once again i would like to thank you for your support and support for the bill. on thursday, the relevant committee began considering amendments to
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the tax budget codes for the second reading, and this consideration will continue on friday. when i say the number 225, it does not correspond to reality, because in many amendments there are several amendments, several amendments, that is, this number in fact, much more, this is what it looks like when it is simply printed normally, this is all that we have to consider with you, this is what was clear, for example, amendments were made that relate to the areas of it and radio electronics, for small tech companies are offered tax incentives. it is also proposed that in 2025–30 , subjects of the russian federation be given the right to introduce reduced rates of income tax for those included in the regional budget. amendments to improve taxation systems can be considered in the second reading on july 9. alena logvinova, andrey stiforov and dmitry novikov. news. electrification of transport, electrochemistry and
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molecular electronics, as well as hydrogen fuel cells. according to international experts in the uk, voting in early parliamentary elections is ending, polling stations will close in less than
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an hour, from that moment the exit poll results will become known and the counting of votes will begin. he is following the progress of the elections. at the residence of the british prime minister on downing street is all ready to welcome the new head of government, stands for journalists have been installed, although in recent years they appear here quite often, and the country's prime ministers also change often. by the way, these elections are also early, although it is extremely doubtful that such a political venture will bring the ruling conservative party any additional chances of success. during the 14 years of rule of the conservative party. the only thing that distinguished itself was brexit, the economy, healthcare, social sphere, everything is in a sad state, the bet is on escalation ukrainian conflict had only a negative effect, but in the view of the pre
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“we definitely led this company with smiles on our faces with cheerfulness in our actions, because we were confident in the changes that we needed to make, and frankly, also in the outcome of the elections. we
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have gone through 14 years of chaos, discord and failure, we need to put an end to this. in a desperate attempt to retain at least some additional seats in parliament, the leadership of the conservative party brought in the heavy artillery, or rather, the long-dead cannon. in the person of former prime minister johnson." i head to the polling station, where i am about to cast my vote against the nightmarish prospect of a party more left-leaning than at any time since the second world war, with more unrest, illegal migration, a senseless disenfranchised flight to brussels, and of course, with high taxes. boris johnson was in every sense easy to vote after he was miserably expelled from big-time politics for systematic lies, but he did not stand for election. almost 80 conservative mps who decided in advance not to participate in the collective defeat. a significant portion of the votes that do not
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trust the main parties of voters were picked up by opposition politician nigil farage. today he drove around his district in a military vehicle. farage's reform party is in third place in the polls, almost equal to the conservatives, but it is far from this success materializing into parliamentary mandates.
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with dummy characters, the shameful departure of the prime minister from normandy and others outright blunders. in this list, the icing on the cake was the adult model with whom ri shunok waited for his turn on the morning tv show. this unexpected partnership has generated a lot of comments. how. just when you thought things couldn't get any worse for arisha sunok in this election. rishi sunak's campaign ends as honorably as it began. this morning he shares a studio with britain's most tattooed mum. an exciting period in the life of british politicians leaves only one inhabitant of the prime minister's office indifferent. residences on downing street. david cameron brought lari the cat here, and he has already outlasted four prime ministers here. democratic cat procedures. they don’t touch it, except for the frequent change of owners, but lari is already used to it. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, lead great britain. in france
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, the national rally party will not get at least 50 parliamentary seats, which are needed for an absolute majority in parliament. sociologists have published a forecast for the second round of elections, voting on sunday. it is assumed that the marin party lepin will win, but with a more modest result than in the first round. all because of the agreement between the new popular front coalition and the movement of emmanuel macron. 130 left-wing politicians and 82 pro-presidential candidates withdrew their candidacies in favor of more successful competitors. the goal is to prevent the national unification from winning. in any case, the presidential party will only take third place, payback for the failed economic policy and anti-russian sanctions. the question is who will form the coalition government, publication.
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deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko spoke about the most in-demand professions on the russian labor market. the top three are engineering specialties. recently , almost 100% of university graduates in these areas have been employed. chernyshenko also spoke about the development of a network of university campuses. we are gradually changing the university environment itself, improving it, primarily through the creation of a network of modern campuses around the world. currently , 17 campus projects are being implemented on behalf of the president with the widest geography from sakhalin to kaliningrad, this is already more than 2.3 million square meters of new space for more than 63 thousand students, in addition, and the total budget of these projects is more than half a trillion, on behalf of the president, by the thirtieth year such
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campuses should... well, now footage from the capital of bangladesh in dhaka, hundreds of university students marched, protesters blocked roads, dissatisfied with the system of distributing jobs in government institutions for graduates. more and more russians prefer private houses to apartments, find out what project to choose. benefits and receive you can now get a mortgage using a new service on government services. all details after a short advertisement in the program instructions. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets. and this alpha friday, july 5th
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