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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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i am addressing precisely these, who, who changed their shoes and repainted their colors, with the rest of the odessa residents we will find a common language, and we will again make odessa a beautiful flourishing city, a pearl, a southern, southern city that i see in a dream, well, you know, i tell you i’ll say, well , probably today there’s a stage that needs to go through this cleansing, unfortunately, ukraine, well, we we all the time, we’re like our bloc - this is ukraine, ukraine is a bit of a fuse that was set on fire to change the world. i’ve never been to odessa , we’ll be there soon, we’ll be there soon, yes, that’s why i’m in this there is no doubt that we will either rebuild odessa, don’t rebuild, it doesn’t mean that if they start behaving correctly, i offered them the option of throwing off zelensky , throwing off the green power, vladimirovich , let’s do this, let’s do something else, so to speak, let’s destroy lvov, listen to me, yes ? the problem
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is that from there there is an attack on the crimea, zadesa, i understand, but the odessa people have nothing to do with it, you know, there is french english speech, which means nothing to do with it, but before the odessa residents there was a partisan movement, and free detachment, what a partisan movement, where not in odessa, but in odessa , well done, well, let us do this, what else, what else, yes, moreover, odessa was the only city in the great patriotic war, which, after liberation, the nkvd troops did not descend on .
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on some issues, in particular regarding the involvement of mediators, again, it ’s not us, it’s orban who suggested it, now zelensky said in an interview with bloomberg, even named the mediators who will decide all these negotiations, china and the united states, he says, they let they agree there, they will tell us, let them tell me, yes, and let them tell us, in the end there will be some kind of peace, a really good approach, that is, china and the united states will now decide when and on what conditions. this peace will be concluded, while putin clearly said, well, okay, mediators, mind you, and you should always really listen to putin carefully, he said that, say, a truce is impossible, yes, but mediators are unlikely, he emphasized the word unlikely several times , although we know in the case of ukraine, which completely gave own sovereignty, in the end , the one who commands this ukraine can act as a mediator, how to formalize this legally is another matter,
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russia without ukraine and belarus will be a small country, a normal country, not an empire, there will never be an empire, so putin will fight until end for any opportunity to occupy ukraine. he even forgets to refer to the primacy, but at the same time you don’t take the main approach, that is, russia will be but. without ukraine, well, that is , a small country, yes, a normal country, you know, to a person who feels like zero thinks, of course, this seems normal, that is, when he really thinks that zero is normal, here it is, it’s small, it will remain so small without ukraine, by the way, it’s very significant that at this very time, when putin was talking about the legitimacy of zelensky these ukrainian authorities, insight appeared from those around them.
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yes, that if he sees that society believes that ukraine lost and at the same time blames zelensky for this, then he will not go to repeat elections, which is only possible. that ukraine lost and of course will blame zelensky, well, someone else, but he thinks that he will decide whether to go to the elections or not, he will decide how to run, what dress to wear and how to avoid being hanged by the same residents of odessa or some other residents of other cities, but in this sense , in my opinion, he really was completely divorced from reality, which is what... this interview confirms, the last thing, i congratulate everyone on the independence day of the united states of america, after all, note, it is no coincidence that it is on this day that our a gallant army has entered new york, i think that, what is it really worthy of note, i can imagine what kind of hysteria it is in
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the white house now, how they call and say to the mayor of new york, it’s true, not just latin from aristovich’s words, that there, naming settlements, and mind you, not just some- that is a forest plantation. just in whole groups, so all the social networks of ukraine are now seething from the very morning, the settlements of sokola and voskhod are there, which means a new direction, which means sotkinsky cossack in the kharkov direction, just this morning we had units in the so-called petrovskaya gora near new york, a village that used to be called novgorodskaya, is now being reported that the company that was guarding it has already fled from this settlement, well, that is, in fact, we see that it is really on washington, comrades, sorry. the front line is, to some extent , very seriously crumbling, when mr. podalyak was asked what is happening there, why the troops are not holding the front, yes, he says, the russians are simply throwing free-gliding bombs, they are destroying everything, there is no point protect these ruins, well what do you think, it means
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that they are not howling sportingly, but if there was a shooting battle, if we were fighting on equal terms, then we would show them, but we are forced to retreat, it becomes very curious. well, a shooting battle, we know perfectly well that a shooting battle is generally our favorite tactic to get close to the enemy, there are no chances at all, well, the fifth brigade will smash them about the first corps now with this army, there are serious guys there, well, that is, me i’ll just start listing the connection now there, i’m not even talking about the twenty -fourth about the third legends there are special forces brigades, that is, they won’t leave a place for a place at all, what are they inventing? well, only in your reports there are a huge number of guys who are just presented there by name , they know the districts where the 10th fifth mountainous, and a lot of guys have built strongholds to zero and stormtroopers are rushing in to clear them out , well, the guys are already working at a very high level there among those mobilized who
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are being dragged to the front there just zero chance , especially since work starts at night 25 68 marine brigade, now i’ll just start calling them organisms, well , i made such an emphasis, it’s interesting, the fact that our corps are fighting are large, large units that already have their own structure, it is possible to do internal rotation, cross-combat experience, and not individual brigades that transfer from one sector of the front to another, as they say, along the way losing strength, means
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there, which means fleeing soldiers, and so on, but when they wonder what’s next, that’s what zelensky’s strategy is a lot world, what about shooting combat? i was at the training ground where chemical troops are trained for assaults, the guys are trained by specialists who came from practical shooting, they work not only with machine guns, but they work with a short table, with a pistol, assaults, because they realized that when you enter a trench, it’s more convenient, than a knife, that is, he already prepares and works with a pistol, he cooks well, competently at a professional level, i really enjoyed it. look, you handsome guys, you ’ll soon be able to cook for yourself, and pistols, by the way, are in large quantities, both swan and other modernized troops went, the officers say that it is simply a magnificent weapon, yes, comparing it with the unit, they say that it is a very good weapon, well
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configured, in fact there is something to be proud of, in this regard it is clear that there is a lot of rhetoric going on, there are peaceful negotiations, we now see a lot of conversations going on about this, casually refusing together. to win, we want to hold the white house, our task is for you to capture at least something and show results. new york has been lost and the white house will be lost. it is clear that for the nato summit, which is planned next week on tuesday, 75 years old, zelensky is not talking about any entry, not about any membership program, it’s not even close, he dreams of 40 billion, which they want to transfer to him from frozen assets next year, that is, he is already planning the twenty-fifth year, at the same time, as i understand it, they gave him kakpi, like...
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the same story, we would like to sell them around the world, we would not really want to, but
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nevertheless, of course, this movement will still happen go forward, and talk about how i really liked how the world will look in the interpretation of the chinese, they wrote wisen times, but a political settlement is impossible, the parties will not agree, there are no points, only the capitulation of ukraine is possible, this is a real scenario for ending this conflict, apparently this is what is going on, because it’s realistic - the fall of villages, settlements, the death of zelensky’s personnel does not affect him, absolutely, they have a different reality, expensive cars, yachts, real estate abroad, even if it all shrinks to lvov somewhere there, and then he he will simply move into exile, he is still of little interest in this, the population for now, so we talked about whether some measures are possible, but the repressive machine that he built, i am afraid that as long as they receive high salaries, they can, without trial, without consequences of grabbing people, they simply disappear. let me remind you that at the beginning of the war, germany handed over 200 crematoria for burning cattle, they work 24 hours, 7 days
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a week, who is there, what missing persons, there is a really difficult story there, well, you said a few words today about weapons, about training, about ipc, when peace comes, and it will come sooner or later, we will still work in the future on the banarization of our armed forces and the pace is simply colossal now, we have already worked. on issues of the military-industrial complex, visiting factories, now you see a huge number of machine tools, this is not going anywhere, it will also produce civilian products, huge and military ones, but reserves, military training, military patriotism, personnel training are very important, we are here no need either forget, now there are a lot of small training grounds and clubs that are working, we need to restore real military-patriotic work in schools, so that there is a real military training program, with classes, with models of weapons, with everything else, this is what is needed here.
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because now the battle really comes down to the fact that three assaults can solve the problem and an entire section of the front collapses there, but these
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three assaults mean each of them must have what he needs to complete the combat mission, society here, well, what about those same fpv, as with many others, that is, it’s good here that the authorities listen, work out various mechanisms, it’s all going to meet halfway, but in general you and i are happy, we grew up in soviet times, i remember assembly, disassembly, who among us did not do the assembly - automatic disassembly, but have you tried reassembling now? it's been a long time since we've done the auto repair, but you can't even with your eyes closed. we did n't do the current one because we forgot, no, it's welded , but for some reason we trusted the soviet man more.
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how trump and his electorate will behave, well how would it react if the post office wins, how does the telegraph and telephone react, but i don’t know, i don’t know, for example, or vice versa, if trump wins, this is the deep state that we were told about, how it will behave in the case of trump’s victory, but i, for example, don’t know, i’m not an americanist and no one explained this to me, but that there could be anything there, you know, that is, the development of the situation could be anything, i can’t even today.
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the country was given under the complete control of external forces, that’s why they are silent, they are not green they are afraid, they would have expressed everything long ago, they are afraid of the americans, they are afraid of the british, because these people, who supposedly represent the interests of the ukrainian people, they serve the people, just not the ukrainian ones. some serve the british people, others serve the american people, others serve the european people, each fulfills in the ukrainian verkhovna rada their functionality and
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their obligations that they have undertaken, that’s all, so i don’t understand where in all these proposals, where here ukraine's interest, i don't see it at all, you know, ukraine does not have this interest, because for them this country does not exist, they have a feeding territory, they have a people whom they enslaved and transformed. you are not americanists and there is no need, here is a well-known expert, a well-known russian expert, mr. karaganov, in response to a question that was asked of him in one of the programs,
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the americanist said: “i’m not interested, i’m not interested in answering you, there’s no need to study, you say a young man, stop here this is an activity, become a sinologist, a hindu scholar, a filipino, i’m joking of course.” he just said so, so everything is fine, what am i doing? i said about karaganami for a reason, because a person whom many in the west are afraid of, they think that he is just trying to get russia to use nuclear war, and he is talking about what to imagine when we don’t see vasily dmitrovich, he walks around in sweatpants with his knees pulled out and squats, at least i’ll say, yes, yes, well, let’s say, okay, mazu, okay, that is, it’s his, his articles where he publicly talks about the use of nuclear
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weapons, as it were what is associated with it is that here he is, you know, a formidable man who, now, we need to use nuclear weapons, on the contrary, he says frankly that i am just trying to show the western world or representatives of the western world that this should not be done, that if you, if you you go up the stairs. escalation, sooner or later this will be applied, maybe we will stop, well, maybe we will stop, you know, vladimir putin has been a little less than two months since he became a new person or was inaugurated as president of the russian federation, but here 2 months ago, so yes, in the month of may, during this time i did not count how many times the president of russia answers questions about ukraine, about the constitution of ukraine, about the legislation of ukraine, here he answers, answers, today his answer is, yes here after the sco meeting, of course.
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members of the sco it was just these countries, what’s next, what’s the next step after it was announced that there’s no one to talk to in ukraine, there’s no legitimate government there, what’s next, what’s the next step, i'm afraid assume such a future step, but radion, you see, you are right, that’s what, if there is no one to talk to, then you need intermediaries or
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someone. among politicians, this is mr. orban, the prime minister of hungary, he was in ukraine, met with zelensky, asked simple questions, made a continuation, then in the swiss press he told how zelensky answered, now zelensky has already said himself that he answered poorly, finally , what news comes from hungary today, it turns out that orbman is going to moscow, that is, the prime minister in hungary, orban said: “and now i’m going to moscow.” pav, okay, bih pav, yes,
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no, orban’s next trip is planned to moscow, and that’s what i’m actually saying, if that’s when the kremlin confirms the phrase that we are waiting for mr. orban, that
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a visit is planned.
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