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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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no, so don’t get your hopes up, for the blood of the residents of donbass, for the tears of belgorod, crimea, kursk, bryansk, you will answer in full . the supreme commander-in-chief said what are the conditions, sign the surrender, stop everything at once, who will sign the surrender, stefanchuk is the only one. that's all, see you on sunday.
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most of all, as it were, in donetsk, what? it’s
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impressive, here this thin line between war and peace is very invisible, everyone is walking, peaceful life, i was also surprised by this, people are used to all this, that here it is peaceful life, now it’s already war, the brigade was just standing there to withdraw this medical facility in time, hell flew by here, let’s hope that very soon it will come to this mainland...
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if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. they tensed up inside america and outside its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why is it necessary now? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. third in a row, effective strike on the airfield in the ukrainian armed forces, located at a depth of more than 100 km from the line of combat contact, our missile forces struck. filigree. plaguing the enemy's most sensitive military targets deep in his rear is becoming our good tradition. in addition to the destroyed planes and helicopters, of which there are fewer and fewer every day in... ukraine
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, the military infrastructure of airfields is also destroyed, these are runways, and this, oh, how critical for the enemy, repair capacity is also a pain point, warehouses, and, well, enemy manpower at the end after all, the third is by no means superfluous, we look forward to our guys continuing in this spirit. american partners, nezalezhnye are seriously excited, for example, military observer, weapons expert of the american publication forbes, david ax , said that ukrainian aviation suffered unacceptable damage during a series of attacks by the russian army on military airfields, and ax practically shouts through the pages of the publication , they say this shouldn’t happen. this is a real failure of ukrainian air defense. with such results you can't fly far. hysterics the pro-ukrainian forbes expert understands. successful attacks by russian troops on the rear airfields of the ukrainian armed forces certainly call into question the feasibility of supplying american f-16 fighters to ukraine, because in just
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3 days ukraine lost a significant number of aircraft. in the context of the expected transfer of the f-16 and the need to prepare. huge infrastructure for their deployment, such attacks certainly again indicate the vulnerability of such aircraft, because firstly they have limitations related to quality runway and the necessary requirements for their basing, the topic of vulnerability has now become relevant, especially in light of the fact that drones calmly fly literally over the airfield and help the missiles to be aimed at the target by the rocket scientist, the cunning operations that the enemy is preparing, we are, in principle, ready . and no matter what cunning system he built there, so that it would be difficult to detect combat work in the sixteenth, it would be difficult to detect their bases, i think that this secret is open, it will be enough short, we recognize airfields, drones that freely
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carried out guidance on targets, objective control over the destruction of these targets, this also deserves special attention, the same david ax in the same forbes states with disappointment: russian drones over mirgorod and poltava turned out to be inaccessible to mobile phones ukrainian air defense groups and most likely were not even detected. and indeed, judging by these frames, our drone is completely calmly recording what is happening on the ground, it is clear that there is no influence from the enemy . it should also be noted that the distance from the line of combat contact where our uav ended up is more than a hundred kilometers. upgraded equipment or new more... long-range specimens, well, what specific type was used there is still unknown, that is, either a hall or a supercom or eagles, but the fact is that they were able to increase the range of reliable signal reception, also increase the flight range of these particular
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devices , which carried out this guidance, reconnaissance, and accordingly, was formed the so-called reconnaissance-strike circuit, all three precision strikes on airfields... in the deep rear is unique, if only in that only a few minutes passed between the detection of the target and the command to kill, that is, the reconnaissance and missilemen worked perfectly together, without unnecessary delays, approvals, approval, and so on, it was precisely such confident and clear work that our colleague, kp war correspondent sasha kots noted, calling this tandem nothing less than a special command of airfield rippers, coherence has increased, that is... such a synergistic effect, when these hundreds and thousands of drones not only explore space, they find specific targets, issue target designations and instantly work out missiles, the integration has become
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very effective between drones and missile forces, we see how in real time drones show targets and correct strikes . the price of just one fourth-generation heavy fighter with a u-27 varies from 25 to 30 million dollars, that is, ukraine lost at least 150 million worth of aircraft in three days dollars, and also helicopters, airfield infrastructure, and how many irretrievable losses of service personnel, that is, people, so the panic in the registries of western partners is quite understandable, don’t give how much money to gluttons zelensky and company, they will either lose it or steal it easily for...
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a minority and they are fighting not only with russian fighters, but with ukrainians who were forcibly dragged to the front line. the attitude, it would seem, towards their own brothers-in-arms is like insect pests. these guys, handing over... his partner cynically shoots him in the head. this video really shows their animal essence, the fascist ideology that probably sits in their subcortex. well , there, of course, these same mercenaries are selected for the front, i’m not even sure that they are the same ones. the ukrainians themselves, most likely these are some newcomers, persecuted people, hired people
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who came from abroad, and who did not care about their brothers, but to collect or in general, if this was still an isolated case, but no matter how so, our fighter call sign thief didn’t even immediately believe that it was possible to kill those with whom you fight shoulder to shoulder, tells how a vssushnik from his brothers-in-arms barely crawled to their position. first aid was provided not to the commander, his senior, but to someone just like himself, for this the senior shot him in the back, so he crawled wherever he could, asked for water all night, but who the hell knows what they’re stirring up there, maybe some kind of bait, the bait in the end turns out to be the militants themselves, who, if not by force, then were deceived into fighting some evil orcs, the commander of a company from the 241st brigade... roman kulik complains, the bosses they set obviously impossible tasks, but in the end
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none are accomplished, and for this they can be shot. in the ssu there are elite units that, let’s say, enjoy very large allowances from their superiors, they are rotated normally, they are paid normally, they have normal rest. in return for this, they, of course, must provide, let’s say, conditions so that these unfortunate people, who... are rowed and sent to slaughter, do not say too much anywhere, do not run away anywhere, and if they suddenly do something , then they were killed. get rid of they are trying from people like mikhail shremeta, for example, he was already 50 months old at checkpoints in vinnitsa, but at some point , without talking, he was sent to shed blood for the zelensky regime, he says, they were taken prisoner easily, since there was really no position , arrivals, they threw grenades, they were wounded. and so they took us prisoner, offered to surrender, we surrendered, there was no position,
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i don’t know why they did that there, that is, two dugouts, one for eight people, the second for three people, this man with a lost look too captive dryer, he says he only knows how to disassemble and reassemble a machine gun, so he wasn’t really able to fight, and pain in the back and legs is a hindrance, age is making itself felt, i have had some success in my department thanks to this, before the nato summit, before the meeting of the european union, and so on further,
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that is, for the sake of pr successes, they sacrifice their people in hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, and these people begin to understand it this way, so many, not all, but many actually surrender, and there is no longer any real fighting brotherhood in their armed forces maybe, because they have detachments from nationalist formations behind them.
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russian railways not only completely restored the pre-pandemic volume of passenger traffic, but also exceeded it. the summer season promises to be active,
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with 61 million people planned to transfer from may to september. weather in general russian railways hope to reach the maximum figure. in the entire history of long-distance and suburban communications, oleg belozerov said in an interview with our channel. in long-distance transportation, in general , we are making a very significant increase in transportation, we have already exceeded transportation volumes during a pandemic, our main concerns, of course, are movement to the south, uh, we provide about 12 million seats for transportation. passengers, separately these are children's groups, specialized, because these are special requirements, special trains, we form all trains with air conditioning, with dry closets, the third stage of modernization of the eastern training ground will allow us to achieve the goal of increasing the carrying volume to 210 million tons by the year 1930 and 270 by 2032 ,
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contracts are currently being signed with contractors, and other preparatory work is underway. job: implementation of the project is tentatively estimated at 3.700 billion rubles. what will be the financing mechanism? did the head of russian railways say? there are no federal budget funds there at all. there are not only funds from russian railways inside, but also, as i already said, for the four largest projects there is bank financing through a contractor, that is, the contractor is building a facility for us. only in the thirty-second year we begin to pay them for the constructed objects. the east is an important direction for russia, cargo volumes the amount of goods transported in this direction is constantly growing; these include ore, fertilizers, coal, petroleum products and much more. based on the results of the twenty-third year, russian railways predicted that the increase in the direction of china would be 10%. the
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result was 40%. transported more than 160 million tons. this is a record. another large-scale project , the high-speed railway route between moscow and st. petersburg , has already been designed by 60%, oleg belozerov said in an interview. together with senara and ural locomotives, we conduct research, develop design documentation, well, at the moment , about 40 systems have already been fully approved, 27 systems, we are currently finalizing, in terms of volume - this is well on the order.
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a transparent tourist train will operate - said oleg belozerov, it will be possible to ride on one in december 2025. were you hiding behind the trees somewhere? the flint is lit here. ivan, i can’t live without traveling, soon. according to surveys, more than half of russians want to live in their own home; only a third want to live in apartments. the main advantage of a private house is, of course, area, fresh air and silence.
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we'll talk about the new service that helps make this dream come true in 5 minutes. we will tell you the instructions in the program: select a suitable project, find a reliable developer and even find money for a new home. all this can be done on the portal stroim.dom.rf, developer , superservice operator institute for development in the housing sphere, state company domrf together with the ministry of construction and the ministry of digital development of russia. the superservice for legal construction was created jointly with the ministry of construction of russia named after digital development of russia. last year we integrated it with the portal public services, therefore. in fact, it outlines a single customer path, both for receiving government services and for receiving commercial services. public services mean, of course, obtaining construction permits and adding technical specifications. changes in infrastructure connections and other services. from the point of view of commercial services, the most popular is the choice of a private house project, checking the contractor, and receiving recommendations for the construction
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of a private house, and of course, choosing a mortgage loan. the portal can be viewed without authorization, but in order to fully use it, you need to log in using your government services account. then the site will be able to select a project taking into account the region in which you want to build and... what support measures are available to you? there is a large selection on the portal, more than a thousand projects and almost 900 contractors. all contractors undergo reliability checks, so you can be sure that they will complete the work within the agreed time frame. in addition, the portal has the opportunity to build your house using sparks, that is, you transfer money to a special bank account, and the contractor will receive it only when he completes all the work. this year. the first projects have appeared on the stroimrf portal that can be built using scroo accounts, and out of more than a thousand projects that are presented on the portal, we already have 173 such projects, their number
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is replenished every day, this allows citizens to transfer money to a bank account and their contractor will receive only after the construction of the house is completed, thereby construction becomes even more transparent and safe, both for the contractor and, of course, for our main client, this... superservice is closely related to government services. a special page on the state portal contains everything that may be useful in selecting and registering a land plot for putting a house into operation, including concluding agreements with suppliers of electricity, gas and water. there you can also assign an address to your new home so that you can obtain permanent registration there. our service is integrated with state services portal. and you can. in fact, from our portal, or from the government services portal, you can start that very client journey of building your own house, and to make it as clear and transparent as possible, on
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the state services portal you can get the key services that the state provides, on the portal we are building a house rf, accordingly, you can receive services for building your own home, choosing a contractor, obtaining collateral services, choosing a mortgage loan, and so on. portal stroim.dom.rr. worth adding bookmarks, it the functionality will be constantly expanding, there you can find not only builders, but also those who will help with repairs, landscaping the site, installing fences, gates and so on, that is, gradually the portal will have everything to make life in your own home on your own land as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. now our task, well, besides, of course, is to increase the number of participants in the super service itself, as suppliers, and not only limit ourselves to contractors, banks, etc., but also to those who can be architects develop projects, atypical projects are added to the system, in addition, we want to create within the system, we are already completing this functionality, the opportunity
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for the user to increase the controllability of the process, that is, from the moment of receiving a loan to the moment of completion of construction, he must clearly understand what is happening with his home, that is, at what stage the developer is, how the materials were delivered, whether networks are connected or not connected, for this purpose ... a special control panel will be created in his personal account, which will allow you to see it. so, let’s repeat the main thing: 13,000 people have already taken advantage of the personal recommendations of the portal stroim.dom.rf. with its help you can find well-thought-out house designs, reliable contractors, and learn about support measures in force in your region. the site will even teach you to speak the same language with developers. it contains a glossary of construction terms. the portal will also be useful for those who already live in their own home. so. there will be services related to home ownership. do you have any questions, would you like to know more about how you can to obtain land for construction or what support measures are currently in place for those who
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want to build a house for their family? write to us in telegram, we will find out everything from the experts and tell you in the next issues of our instructions.
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in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a folk one, we love traditions, we honor our history. we value family, strong
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relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition, we are used to watching videos in network, stopped working, install, open, watch russian channels, all series. movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
4:58 am
russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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5:00 am
a ceasefire in the special operation zone is impossible without achieving clear and irreversible agreements with kiev about this... vladimir putin answering questions russian journalists following the sco summit in astana. the president believes that it is pointless to appeal directly to the verkhovna rada, since the majority of deputies are subordinate to the illegal government in ukraine. read more about anastasia efimov’s statements. you can apply only in the current conditions, it will be pointless. the president's response to...


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