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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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briefly about the main thing at this hour: in the avgeevsky direction of a special military operation , another american bradley armored vehicle was hit by strikes from russian nonna mines. our tankers destroyed camouflaged strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. and the fighters of the eastern group of troops thwarted the enemy’s attempts to carry out a rotation near three settlements. yakutia is under special control of 11 fires that are burning near populated areas. in the republic now there are more. twenty natural fires in
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transbaikalia, where there are also dozens of outbreaks, abnormal heat contributes to the spread fire, rains helped in chukotka, the fire area was reduced by four times. tensions are growing in france ahead of the second round of the national assembly elections. the police of the fifth republic banned demonstrations near the parliament building on voting day. on july 7 , about 5,000 gendarmes will take to the streets of paris. let me remind you that after the defeat of his supporters in... the elections to the european parliament, macron dissolved parliament. joe biden publicly admitted defeat at the debate, but tried to justify himself by saying that it was a disastrous 90 minutes on stage, not comparable to a good one. in his opinion the results of the presidency. and now the supporters and friends of the american leader are doing their best to whitewash him. cnn has already announced an interview with the abc television channel and assures that this format will be uncompromisingly sharp, even more difficult than a discussion of countries. in the city of primorsko-okhtarsk.
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this is the krasnodar region. this night, after an attack in the ukrainian armed forces, a residential high-rise building was damaged. six people are in the hospital, two of them are children. the governor announced this. and telegram channels write that one girl died due to her injuries. after, in addition, broken the electrical substation is working, it is being repaired. damage assessment is underway. damaged for residents. houses have prepared places for temporary accommodation. and uaf drones attacked the rostov region that night. according to the head of the region, our air defense villages shot down 10 drones. landscape fires were recorded after the ukrainian air strike. extinguishing work on the left bank of the don in rostov in the azov region. and ukrainian officials are reporting new explosions in the regions of the country. the alarm was declared for everyone. ukraine, so around one o'clock
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in the morning powerful blows woke up the residents black sea-odessa region. there was also a roar in the sumy region in kiev-kherson. i note that high-precision strikes by russian units are carried out only against military and energy facilities in ukraine. they are also hitting the infrastructure that is connected to the supply of the armed forces of ukraine. and in the orekhovsky direction of a special military operation, fighters of the dnepr group of troops knocked out the enemy from fortified. occupied a strategically important height. the ukrainian armed forces units in this section lost track supplies. how our military carried out the operation. our military man will tell you about this correspondent igor pikhanov. kilometers of trenches and broken dugouts are all that remains of the ukrainian militants’ fortified area in the orikhovo direction in the zaporozhye region. russian fighters of the dnepr group of troops knocked out the enemy. the operation made it possible to take control of the strategic heights. strengthening the area was of great importance for the armed forces of ukraine.
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the rotation of fighters was carried out along the surrounding roads, and ammunition was also delivered; now the supply routes for enemy forces have been interrupted. deputy commander of the assault group with the call sign student says the battle for the height was brutal, counterattacks came one after another. our fighters were opposed by trained enemy special forces. thanks to the courage and professionalism of the russian military , the enemy was driven back. the mission here was being prepared specifically for assault operations, we went into the outpost, and we took two prisoners. they didn’t have any special training, the regular ones were mobilized, but when they made a counter-attack, well, they were even more prepared, but they are also afraid anyway, if they are resisted, they run away on their own, neutralizing a large number of militants for the capture of the fortified area rescuing wounded comrades, the student, together with his colleagues, was presented with state awards, he was 25 years old when he joined the armed forces after mobilization, cheryaksky district, i
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worked as a sales consultant, the soldiers of the assault unit are there. rotations from the front line, but even on vacation, work at the training ground continues every day, soldiers hone their skills in destroying enemy firing points. you need to hone your skills, because even a professional makes mistakes, makes mistakes, you need to hone it so that - in a dangerous situation, just muscle memory, you perform the same elements that you practice here 100%. during such training at training grounds, fighters share their experience and develop. new methods of assault work, they are now preparing for the mission, based on the reconnaissance received , they built an exact copy of the enemy positions, they are practicing the capture of the stronghold, the fighters say the key to success is careful preparation. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead zaporozhye region. and in saransk
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, the building of a former shoe factory collapsed. a few days ago, there was a strong fire. workers were repairing the roof, according to one version, building materials caught fire. the fire was quickly extinguished, and now they are finding out why the building collapsed, there were no casualties, almost 100 forest fires are being extinguished in the trans-baikal territory, one of them flared up near a village in the moguchinsky district, we will find out all the details from our correspondent anton kolganov, he is with us live communications, anton, i greet you, tell us what the situation is, whether you can stop the fire near the populated area. yes, tatyana, hello, indeed. the situation in the zavakansky region continues to remain very tense, but fortunately it is possible to avoid the elements from penetrating into populated areas, because a combined group of aerial forest protection is involved, they extinguish from the air, since today such a situation is developing that in the main part
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there are fires that occur, and i ’ll tell you that today we actually have the largest territory engulfed in fire of all the regions of russia - this is... and air forest protection from different regions are also helping, local residents and volunteers are also working, zabaikal-leskhoz, that is, everyone is involved in extinguishing and is not allowing the fire to approach populated areas, but the situation still remains very alarming, tense, because the weather conditions, we have been here all week, literally from monday until this friday ... the air temperature in some areas is over 35, even reaching 40°, and of course, like this, the so -called forest floor, it is all completely dehydrated, that is, it actually, like gunpowder, can ignite simply from any spark, so the situation
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really very alarming, but i must say that, in general, measures are taken very quickly, since those points that are the most alarming in... in terms of the fact that fire can come to populated areas, are moved there promptly immediately there are a lot of paratroopers and paratroopers, they immediately descend from the air at the point of fire in the thermal point and, as it were, localize the fire and do not allow it to come and spread further, but in general, our weather forecasters predict that this temperature will last until july 8 and anticyclone does not give today everyone is working, as they say, in 24x7 mode. tatyana, anton, thanks for the information, anton kolganov
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told us how they fight fires in the trans-baikal territory. and now let's talk about the economy, maria, in a few months in russia they may launch a new system of fines for absence. osaga, this was reported in the russian union of insurers. tell us how these fines will be assigned? tatyana, they will be able to be issued daily thanks to traffic cameras. i’ll tell you more about this a little later, but i’ll start with the topic taxes. the state duma committee on the tax budget considered part of the amendments to the draft tax changes. in particular, he approved the extension of the preferential income tax rate for it companies. 5% until the thirtieth year was initially specified in the draft 27. another important amendment, which was also supported, is automatic exemption from vat for businesses that use a simplified taxation system if the income does not exceed 60 million rubles. per year, but for citizens who pass the gto standards, we decided to increase the personal income tax deduction to 18 thousand rubles per
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year. today, the relevant committee will continue discussing the amendments; the second reading of the draft tax changes in the state duma is scheduled for july 9. in 3-4 months in russia there may be daily fines for the absence of osag, tas was informed about this by the all-russian union of insurers. traffic cameras will help identify drivers without a driver's license. fines will come no less. times a day, let me remind you that now its size is from 500 to 800 rubles. depending on the circumstances. one of the problems is amendments to the code on administrative offenses that will allow the driver to be punished not for every trip, but once during the day. perhaps this amendment will be adopted in the autumn session. there is an opportunity to launch this mechanism before the end of the year. the information system of the central bank of the ministry of internal affairs interacts with this system. technical processes have been worked out. in our opinion, what remains is practical implementation. the european union intends
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to fine the social network x, formerly called twitter, by the end of the year. according to bloomberg, you will have to pay 6% of its global arrived. elon musk's company is accused of violating new content control rules. the eu is now requiring internet platform operators to remove data it labels as prohibited. this must be done at the level of algorithms without litigation. one example of such content was footage of the hamas attack on israel last october . social network x distributed them freely. the company will receive its last official warning before the end of july, and then it will face a fine. saudi arabia cuts august oil prices for asia by 60 cents per barrel. this is a third less than the discount that bloomberg experts interviewed expected. they were counting on 90 cents. such hopes are associated with the latest opec plus meeting, at which a number of participants decided to begin a partial, phased
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restoration of production from october this year. following this news, brand oil prices fell to their lowest level since february. later, representatives of saudi arabia said that the apec plus countries may refuse to increase production, and oil prices have recovered. and at the end of the release, let me remind you that the exchange rate for today is 88 rubles. 12 kopecks, euro 94 rubles 90. 8 kopecks for now that’s all for me, slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, another moment and the machine would have had access to the money for a transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the counting went on for seconds, urgently dictate the number your card so that they can transfer the money to a secure account, i’ll call the bank, i’ll hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up, no talking. british
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the spectator magazine published an issue with an interesting headline: retribution, as the editors called the defeat of the leaders of the usa, france and great britain in the elections. the cover shows biden and macron crushed by a ballot box. let me remind you that the coalition of the president of the fifth republic lost in the elections to the european parliament, and joe biden failed miserably in the debate with trump. and now the ratings of the head of the white house are rapidly falling. and in great britain, in the parliamentary elections , labor won a crushing victory, but its defeat even the head of the ministry of defense, grand shabs, lost his seat, and he was also surpassed by labor candidate andrew lewin. and after all the votes have been counted in the united kingdom, not only the head of government will change, but possibly the entire course of the country. and maris karodilka will tell you everything in detail. this is a battle for you. this company is also for you, i want to change everything, i promise we can become
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better, we will change our establishment beyond recognition, they dreamed of a battle between laborites and conservatives, left and right, if you want change, vote, but it turned out to be just a show, okay, i give up. british journalists are worried, big ben is marking time. so, bigb struck 10, and as of this moment, 40,000 polling stations across britain are closed. according to the calculations , labor is confidently heading towards victory. election night gave way to morning, the results of voting for those whom the residents of foggy britain want to see in parliament became clearer, and this is history, the party. labour, kirmera wins a majority, adding the largest number of seats.
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these are the data provided by local exit polls. the conservatives are losing, their worst result in more than 100 years. today the british people have spoken, and if the exit poll is to be believed, after 14 long years the british people have voted for change. they chose the labor party and chose the leadership of keir starmer. the forecasts are optimistic, looking at the numbers on the screens, i can say one thing: britain can begin a new chapter. but all these are emotions from the expectation of something new. british experts state that english society has long been split. final public polls opinions that came out on the eve of the exit polls recorded a drop in the ratings of libarists, starmer’s party in its current form
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is too diverse, within it there are both opponents and supporters of brexit, pro-palestinian and...
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everything is prohibitively expensive and dangerous, i don’t understand what they’re talking about our politicians say, nothing changes, it doesn’t matter, those at the helm are getting richer, that’s all, the situation is getting worse, but no one has canceled assistance to ukraine, in total, over 2 years, the british authorities transferred 12 billion pounds sterling to kiev, while over 30% british children live in poverty, the media write, the attitude towards sunuk is understandable; when he came to a morning tv show on election day, he was eclipsed by a porn actress. and wait, however, now, having lost these elections, the head of the conservatives intends to remain the leader of the party, the times’ sources write, otherwise there will be chaos, but along with changes in domestic policy , the uk can change course in foreign policy, experts believe. on election day
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, it was sunok who made an appeal to voters, saying that the libar government would raise taxes and slow down recovery. economy will make britain more vulnerable in times of geopolitical tension, but labor denies all this. and now sports news. alexander, today germany, spain and portugal-france will play in the quarter-finals at the european championships, tell us about the other two matches. tatyana, the other two quarter-finals will be held tomorrow, england, switzerland and turkey, the netherlands will play there. they will become famous today. and two semi-finalists of the european championship in germany. in the first match, 1/4 the hosts of the tournament, the german national team, will play against spain. this match will take place in stuttgart. portugal and france will meet in the other quarter-final today, in hamburg. in the match germany and spain meet the two best teams of the tournament in all statistical game indicators. many consider this match
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to be the hidden final of the european championship. in the semi-finals, the winners of today's matches will face each other. the other two quarter-finals, switzerland-austria and turkey -netherlands, will take place tomorrow. today uefa must make a decision on the scandalous episode involving turkish national team defender mirih demeral. in turkey's victory in the round of 16 against austria, the defender scored a brace and celebrated his team's progress to the quarter-finals with the so-called wolf salute, a gesture considered a symbol of turkish right-wing extremists. the popular german publication bilt writes that demeiral will receive a two-match disqualification, but. for now this information is unofficial. cska moscow beat ofk belgrade big time in the pre-season friendly tournament bratsk cup. the match score was 4:0, the goals were scored by feyzullaev, gaich, deveev and bistrovich. this was cska's first match under the leadership of new head coach mark nikolic, even though the match is still unofficial.
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the appearance of former army club player milos krasic on the field for cska added elements of show and nostalgia to this game. he came on as a substitute in the eighty- ninth minute. krasic played for cska until 2010, the serbian midfielder ended his playing career back in 2018. well, according to the tradition of pre-season unofficial matches , marko nikolic changed everything during the game composition of csk. one of the most talented russian football players of the current generation, alsou abdulina, returns to russia. alsou signed a contract with moscow lokomotiv. the agreement term is 3.5 years. exactly from the locomotive. in the twenty-first year, alsou abdulina left for london chelsea, with whom she became a two-time champion of england. last season, the football player played for paris on loan and became a bronze medalist at the french championship. in lokomotiv alsoo abdulino will play under number thirteen. with chelsea, i have a football contract ended on june 30 , the parties did not renew the agreement. and a big comeback in
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russian hockey. after 8 years of playing in the national hockey league , defenseman nikita zaitsev returns to the khl. he signed a contract with st. petersburg ska. the agreement is for four seasons. last season in the nhl, zaitsev played for chicago and the defenseman also played overseas for toronto. from that. the russian national football team will play a friendly match against the zambian national team in the fall. the match will take place in september or october. on the agreement in principle the russian ambassador to zambia announced the holding of such a match the day before. the african team currently ranks ninetieth in the fifa rankings. and let me also remind you that quite recently the head coach of the russian national team, valery karpin, extended his contract with the rfu for 4 years. last year's quarterfinalist. loldon tournament, the forty-fourth racket of the world roman sofiulin reached the third round of the competition in the suburbs of london. the day before, the russian defeated the representatives of the czech republic,
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number thirty-nine in the world ranking tomas, in four sets mahacha. the meeting lasted just over 2.5 hours. the russian will compete in the 1/8 finals, also known as the fourth round, with the frenchman arthur fis. and also on the eve of the international tennis federation confirmed the participation of roman sofiulin in the paris olympics. in addition to performing in singles. roman entered the doubles event with daniila medvedev. but karen khachanov, who will not go to the olympics, completed his performance at lenboldon. the quarter-finalist of the twenty-first year tournament lost in five sets to world number 220 frenchman quentin alice. in the women's draw at wembledon, three of the four russians advanced. russia's first racket, dara kosatkina, managed to do this most confidently. she did not give up a single game to her opponent from great britain. 6:00 6:00 in just 51 minutes. in addition to kasatkina , anna kalinskaya and lyudmila samsonova also overcame the barriers of the second round of the competition, who
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will play against each other in the next round. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. and the focus of the sco summit in eston was economy. on thursday, participants signed dozens of agreements and discussed promising initiatives. they emphasized that it is necessary to increase payments in national currencies and move away from the dollar. they also noted an increase in trade turnover and other key indicators. and my colleague maria filippova has all the details. the sco economy is growing. close ties, as they say. vladimir putin's principles of equality are paying dividends. thus , the organization’s average gdp increased by more than 5% at the end of last year. industrial production increased by 4.5% with inflation at 2.4%.
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the parameters are good, the president emphasizes , and are indicative against the backdrop of a decline in a number of western economies. in the future of strengthening the sco, the association has added a tenth member: belarus. belarus is already eastern europe and this is a way out.
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in terms of purchasing power, only in our organization there are two most powerful leaders, china and the russian federation, we all tremble before this dollar, well, let’s finally take certain steps to become less dependent on this dollar. the sco's foreign trade exceeds $8 trillion, as noted the head of kazakhstan, kasym zhamar takaev, this is a quarter of all world trade. for kazakhstan, russia remains one of the main trade and economic partners, mutual trade turnover. exceeded $28 billion, the course is, of course, for a further increase in indicators, and not only with russia, as a whole within the framework of the unification. kazakhstan proposes to strengthen logistics ties. kazakhstan, as you know, is one of the key links in the eurasian transport system. 80% of land transport is carried out through our country transit traffic between asia and europe. we are actively working on connecting
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the one belt megaproject. one path of the trans-caspian route of the north-south corridor. the synergy of these transport arteries will provide a powerful multiplier effect. in this regard , we attach great importance to the practical implementation of our initiative to create a partner network of strategic ports and logistics centers. kazakhstan will develop in space, or more precisely in matters of its research. china will help here. a document was signed at the summit sites. china is open to knowledge transfer. in the next 5 years, we will allocate a quota of one thousand people for youth from the shanghai cooperation organization countries for internships in china.
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enrichment in every sense among the initiatives voiced at the summit was the establishment of an investment mechanism within the sco, in particular the creation of a common investment fund. countries are also working to remove trade barriers, as the indian prime minister said, the importance of the shanghai cooperation organization in today's multipolar world will only grow. but all processes direct dependence on that. to what extent is there agreement and mutual understanding among the participants? most of all, it’s like in donetsk, what’s so impressive? here this thin line between war and peace is very imperceptible, everyone is walking, peaceful life, i was also surprised by this.
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