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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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to communicate with you, briefly about the main thing, to this moment. primorsko-akhtarskie. one girl
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died, but there is no official confirmation of this yet. in the ukrainian army, untrained conscripts are forced to sign contracts with the ukrainian armed forces and are sent to the front line, captured militants of the kiev regime talk about this. the service life in the documents is indicated without an exact end date. those who try to refuse are put under great pressure. it makes no sense for the west to transfer f-16 fighters to ukraine. they will turn into scrap metal. british newspaper telegraph quotes the opinion of military expert david ax. he emphasized that the f-16s would be vulnerable right at the air bases, recalling how our armed forces destroyed five ukrainian armed forces combat aircraft with one missile strike. and in one of the most famous museums in marseille, the civilization of europe and the mediterranean closed part of the exhibition due to the invasion. many
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employees complained of bites, and according to media reports, at least four exhibition halls and many offices were infected. and now about the weather, an orange danger level has been declared in all areas bordering the moscow region regions. the reason for the loads is heavy rainfall and wind that a cold front can bring. when will the elements strike? evgeniy tishkavets will talk about this. the heat will go away, slamming the door loudly, cold. the front that caused the hurricane in st. petersburg will finally make its way to moscow today. to what speed will the wind accelerate in the capital when the weather peaks? how much will the temperature then drop? time for weather news on channel russia 24. i am evgeniy teshkovets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, the central region today is waiting to get rid of heat, but the price for this will be a sharp deterioration in the weather. just the day before , local outbreaks of intra-mass infection began to emerge in the moscow region. cloudiness is not yet
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a front, yet the vertical power of such thunderclouds turned out to be sufficient for the wind underneath them to accelerate to storm speeds and break young trees, for example, there was a large hailstorm in the dmitrovsky region. the nizhny novgorod region also suffered from the disaster on thursday; there was also a windfall here, bad weather led to broken power lines, and some were damaged. roofs of houses. in the suburb of yuzhkorala , a storm tore off the roof of a store and landed on cars parked nearby, but no injuries were reported. in the very capital of the republic, moriel, after a short but intense downpour, some courtyards were flooded. in moscow, the past day did not continue the series of heat records. at vdnkh , the maximum thermometer stopped at +30. just 2° short of
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the extreme value of 1938. but, say, in bryansk and smolensk the meteorological record was rewritten. in the fire of abnormal heat the roads no longer stand up, local motorists are complaining that the asphalt on the volzhsky bridge has begun to ripple, causing subsidence and huge bumps to form on the roadway. now in the atmosphere over the russian plain there is a change in the weather trend. you see, the day before, fields of frontal clouds covered the extreme west of european russia, and now at a speed of about 20 km/h these bodies are making their way deep into the region and around 20-22. hours later the cold front will reach moscow. as a result of this invasion , in almost all western regions of russian the plains will be charged with showers with thunderstorms and squally winds. the heaviest precipitation is expected in the northwest, in some places in the east of the leningrad region, the south of karelia, as
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well as in the novgorod, tver and vologda regions; about half the monthly volume of celestial moisture may fall. let me remind you that on monday the same cold front brought down a terrible storm on... st. petersburg, due to the fact that contrasting temperatures in its zone reached 10°, the wind on the banks of the niva accelerated to almost hurricane levels, 31 m/s. three people died as a result of the disaster person. however, now there will be no conditions for such monstrous impulses. the fact is that temperature contrasts in the front zone have decreased by at least a third, so when it passes through moscow, the wind should not exceed 20-25 m/s. but such a flow is capable of causing a lot of trouble, breaking trees, billboards, and demolishing poorly secured structures. a change in the main atmospheric process will be reflected in the temperature background. tomorrow the abnormal heat will remain only in the east and south of the russian plain. so on the banks of the volga there are columns
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thermometers will rise to +32-37, in the southern regions, perhaps even to +41. but the long-awaited freshness will come to the west; it’s midday here. +2227, however, the cooling effect will not last long, look, in moscow tomorrow it is quite normal for this period +24, but from sunday the thermometer will creep up at the beginning of the new week and will again show anomalous +30. that's all for me, goodbye.
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try more this summer. free delivery from a delicious point in yandex food. loved ones always choose free shipping by clicking on the megamarket. this is your personal pick-up point. and you won't have to cancel your summer plans. there is no need to go anywhere, stand in line to order, or juggle shopping on the way home. click delivery works like this. click the order is completed. he goes to the nearest dark store. already order from the dark store. stored for 5 days. click and in 15-30 minutes order at your home for free. delivery on click. this is your personal pick-up point, catch the moments of summer with the megamarket. gac m8 is a luxury minivan. unique radiator grille, electromagnetic suspension, interior lux class for your maximum
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comfort. jac m8 is the first place. sensoy, sensoy, sensoy, that's what asian taste sounds like, go to the moss exhibition! or maybe come to me, better at a tasty spot, check out the clips, a real reason to meet, a superbox with clips of hello kitty and her friends, have time to buy and win a trip, for the first time on the screens, meet, khvatamba has arrived and discounts for people from people, only until july 7 hvatamba so much. everything from cabinets to auto goods on avito, connect
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sberp subscription more categories of cashback on choice, access to vokko films and tv series and music in sound, and also cashback up to 70% in the mega market, in sberbank it’s more profitable with prime. alexander nikolaevich, july 16 in buenos, no, i have ice deluxe, which means there is no third, i have big hit. electric cars from china, for some brands they now reach 38%. and the official
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reason is that beijing allocates government subsidies to support its manufacturers, and this allegedly violates the principles of fair competition. in the meantime, the eu’s decision is temporary, this is what china’s response will be, taras kucharenko found out. chinese electric cars are pushing out competitors on all fronts; in the last 3 years alone, imports of such cars into the eu have grown more than sevenfold to $11.5 billion. europe is pragmatic, why overpay for yours when you can get a similar car from china for 20% cheaper. officials from the european commission did not like this situation. they accused beijing of supporting local automakers and even created a group that began investigating such a terrible crime for them. the european commission did not say how the evidence was collected, but the verdict was in june carried out confidently. the accused is 100% guilty. punishments were sent to the chinese. electric cars from 17 to 38%, to carry out the sentence on july 4. without
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these steps, european brands are not ready to honestly win the battle for customers against their chinese counterparts. the current lineup of electric cars from leading chinese brands consists of cars that are not only not inferior, but also superior in some scientific and design developments to their direct european competitors. there were duties in the eu before, but at the level of 10%. how the new fee will work, depends on various factors, for example, the european commission will give relief to those chinese manufacturers who admitted to receiving government subsidies, for them the duty will not exceed 21%, those who refused to share data will receive the maximum tariff. i don't think tariffs will stop chinese cars from entering the european market as they are extremely competitive in terms of value for money, even despite the tariffs. the decision of the officials once again. confirmed that there is no smell of european unity in the union, for the rights to join or refuse trade war with china, france
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and germany clashed. paris is an ardent supporter of tariffs, berlin believes that the eu could be seriously harmed, in particular german companies that produce electric cars in china. beijing has already announced that the country has many levers to respond, for example, by banning the import of pork from europe. last year it reached almost $2 billion. in the long term, these. in addition, for european consumers, but also for healthy ones, the increase in duties will harm not only the development of the european automobile industry. trade wars between china and the eu can have a positive impact on the russian automobile market, according to russian automobile dealers in the association. all the sanctions that the european union, and maybe the united states, are applying today, and in relation to chinese automakers, well, they are generally pushing them towards our russian market. this means that chinese manufacturers will feel that the russian market for
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them today is more positive, and perhaps therefore a higher priority. if the eu found a formal reason to introduce duties on electric cars, then explaining the new initiative will be much more difficult; as bloomberg writes, the european commission intends to establish duties on all personal parcels sent outside the eu. currently in europe there is a free threshold for goods up to 150 euros. populated areas. the company is located on four vessels, work is in full swing under other special control of the government, the district and the ministry for the development of the far east. how much petroleum products and food must be delivered this season and what is the difference from the past? this was found out by vladimir sirodkin. 190,000 tons of petroleum products will be delivered during the current navigation to chukotka, of which 150.
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this is diesel, 27. aviation kerosene about 13. ton. personal gasoline, this volume exceeds last year’s by about 8%; experts attribute the increase in imports to the increased needs of enterprises. most of the tankers will leave murmansk along the northern sea route; only 50,000 tons of oil products will be delivered from primorye. about 280,000 tons of solid fuel will be imported; the main consumer is chukot energy. coal will be different yes, that is, he will be part of zerianovsk. deposits, some will be from deposits, let's say, others, yes, some will be general hard coal, which we do not mine, some of the coal that our mine will produce, because our coal from the mine will go directly to the upper reaches of our rivers, that is, we mine it well, we will use it here too,
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food navigation is already gaining momentum, as in past years , about 20 thousand will be delivered to the district. they are primarily intended for county municipalities. there is a subsidy that is allocated to districts to provide socially significant products to the population. this means that 900 million are provided for this year. this means that 545 million have already been paid to the operators who import. and sell socially significant products, well , every year it was decided not to import products from kamchatka this year, as last year’s experiment with a batch of vegetables from our neighbors showed, the potatoes and carrots in the warehouses did not retain their commercial qualities, they didn’t come out here in a certain condition
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is up to navigation, which means we won’t take risks, for now we are purchasing pakistan according to that old scheme. china, primorye, where the vegetables come from. all cargo going to the chokhodka within the framework of the northern delivery is under the control of the ministry of eastern development. a weekly meeting is held online under the leadership of first deputy minister gadzhimagomet guseinov, where the movement of ships and trains is monitored. the situation at the eastern testing site is so tense, but nevertheless regarding goods related to northern delivery. green light at the control, they all must arrive on time for food ensuring security in our territory is the main task. a special hotline has been created for entrepreneurs working within the framework of the northern delivery in chukotka. in case of delays with food cargo, they can make a request using a certain form so that the regional government can track the route of the container and, if
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necessary, take control of it to the final delivery point. this should ensure smooth operation.
7:50 am
start a wonderful life with a sberm subscription, get more cashback for purchases. and also access to movies and music in zber is more profitable with prime, that world blockbusters are on the yandex market, what were you waiting for, maybe a smartphone was on sale at a discount of 16%, but this has never happened before, russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in in one glass, try the real russian cold ice cream, great, incredible taste. gacm8, executive class minivan, unique radiator grille, electromagnetic suspension, classy interior. for your maximum comfort jc m8 place first for the first time on screens
7:51 am
meet on avito, khvatamba has arrived on avito , discounts to people from people, only until july 7 , khvatamba on so many things from smartphones to sneakers on avito. soy sensoy, sensoy, that's what asian flavor sounds like, try more this summer, free delivery from delicious spot in yandex food. magnet, wafer candies, tsar maiden, 29.99. magnet - the price is what you need. hello, my name is cashboy. i help you buy with maximum profit on... when buying
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a used car, the main issue, of course, is technical, the new owner is afraid get a broken car at an inflated price, but another nuance and many buyers miss is the legal frequency, what if the car is in excellent condition, but you can’t drive it...
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using the online services of the official website of the state traffic inspectorate gbd.rf, any a citizen can implement it in the public domain in a few clicks. vehicles, driver's licenses, and also obtain information about unpaid fines for violations in the field of road safety , and by identification number vehicle, so to speak, vin number, in the online vehicle check service you can find out the entire history of registration actions in the state traffic inspectorate with a particular vehicle, obtain information on its participation in a road accident, here, in addition to the vin number, verification can also be carried out by body numbers or... whether there are restrictions on registration actions, and whether it has a diagnostic technical
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inspection card or not. the traffic police website has useful links to other government services. firstly, to the portal of the federal notary chamber. it contains a register of notifications about the pledge of movable property, that is, you can find out whether it is possible to buy such a car at all, or whether it has not yet been paid for. another source of information can be the website of the russian union of auto insurers, where you can find out whether the pasaga car is insured when a diagnostic card was issued for the car? the portal of the federal customs service has an open set of data on vehicles transported into the country. if you don’t have time to piece together the car’s legal picture, many marketplaces offer paid services for searching the car’s history. usually there are...
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what to pay attention to first of all are restrictions on registration actions, if they are installed, then the car will not be able to be used, you can find out about such surprises on the main website for car owners gbd.rf. to minimize risks when buying and selling a car, you can use the service transaction with a letter of credit for government services. with such a deal salesman. will receive the money only if the buyer is able to register the car himself. a letter of credit transaction allows you to reserve funds
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in a special bank account. the funds will be transferred to the seller only after the buyer registers the car with the state traffic inspectorate. the buyer is given 5 days to register the vehicle with the traffic police. if the traffic police refuses to register the vehicle, the bank will offer to revoke the buyer’s letter of credit or extend its validity until eliminating the cause of failure. if the buyer does not visit the unit within 5 days. the money will be transferred to the seller, thus the buyer is guaranteed to receive his vehicle, and the seller his money. let's repeat the main thing, the main site where you can find out whether a car has any restrictions, gbd.rf, the information on it is often enough to understand the legal frequency of the car, but if you wish, you can collect data from the federal notary chamber of the russian union
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of auto insurers , customs. you can also use paid services of commercial companies. if you want to learn more about government services for motorists or how to communicate with traffic police officers, write to us on telegram, suggest topics for the next issues, our instructions. tyksov, i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we come out talking, what a fairy tale, without ivan, what began, without deception, without flint, i was imprisoned in the flint, the pen, the self-written magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing , van, hurry up, so
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give me the horse. mechanical, but yourself beat your head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in his pocket , soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. they tensed up inside america and outside its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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welcome to asia, this is where the heart beats continent. to spend time with children, we watch russian cartoons and children's programs, watch them in the app or on the website.
8:00 am
another crime of the ukrainian armed forces, kyiv. struck residential buildings and civilians in the city of primorsko-okhtarsk - this is the krasnodar region ; among the victims were children, we will tell you in more detail. our artillery is burning out western armored vehicles transferred to the ukrainian armed forces, another bradley, which is considered the pride of the american military-industrial complex, destroyed, fortified strong points blown up, losses to the enemy and in manpower, we will show footage from the front line.


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