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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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another crime by the ukrainian armed forces. the kiev regime struck residential buildings and civilians in the city of primorsko-okhtarsk. this is the krasnodar region. among the victims are children. let's tell you in more detail. our artillery is burning out western armored vehicles transferred to the ukrainian armed forces. another bradley, which is considered the pride of the american military-industrial complex, has been destroyed. exploded and fortified strongholds, losses to the enemy and in manpower. let's show footage from the front line.
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leibary, now the main thing in the british parliament, the election results and the failure of western elites, are being discussed in europe and the usa journalists, what conclusions do they draw? a vile attack by the ukrainian armed forces on civilians in the city of primorsko-okhtarsk, krasnodar territory; a residential high-rise building was damaged this night after the attack. six people are in the hospital, two of them children, the governor announced. telegram channels claim that one of the girls died from her injuries, but there is no official confirmation yet. in addition, the operation of the electrical substation has been disrupted, it is being repaired, and the damage is being assessed. temporary accommodation places have been prepared for residents of the damaged house. uavs of the ukrainian armed forces attacked the rostov region that night. according to the head of the region, our air defense villages shot down 10 drones. after the ukrainian air strike
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, landscape fires and extinguishing works were recorded on the left bank of the don in rostov in the azov region. the neo-nazis tried to carry out a terrorist attack with a massive pvu using russian means, killing fifty drones. according to the ministry of defense, 10 devices attempted to attack the rostov region. another 14 each, krasnodar region and zaporozhye region. they were all airplane type, that is, for attacks on civilians. kyiv. the regime specifically sends its most powerful drones. and retaliatory strikes on military targets in ukraine. local officials are reporting new explosions in the regions. the alarm was declared throughout the country. so, at about one o'clock in the morning, powerful blows woke up the residents of the black sea region - this is the odessa region. it rumbled, also in the sumy region in kiev-kherson. i note that russian units carry out high-precision strikes only on infrastructure that is associated with the supply of the armed forces of ukraine. about the progress of the special
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military operation in the avdeevka direction , the artilleryman of the group of troops-center destroyed a bradley infantry fighting vehicle and a pick-up truck of the militants. the crew of the nona self-propelled mortar worked the targets. the coordinates were transmitted by the drone operator, having received data on the location of enemy equipment. the fighters moved to the firing point, where they aimed the gun and carried out a series. shots from closed positions. first , an american infantry armored vehicle was destroyed, when a pickup truck arrived to help, it was also shot at with a mortar. and the artillerymen of the north group of troops destroyed the next militant locations. the strike was carried out by self-propelled gaubstas crews using krasnopol precision-guided ammunition. they can be used without shooting. and were illuminated by
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laser target designators from an unmanned vehicle, the enemy tried to respond, but to no avail, so the group’s artillery hit more than one enemy target. we destroy enemy artillery. our list already has one tank, five towed guns, one self-propelled gun, a crab and an incalculable number of mortars destroyed by the enemy. behaves very aggressively, but fortunately they don’t have normal artillerymen, so we’re not particularly afraid, well , within a radius of a kilometer they can’t even really hit there, we defend ourselves little by little, everything works out, our leadership allocates us all the means of rap, that is, we fight with various kamikaze drones, with scouts, and the tankers of the west group of troops defeated the fortified positions of the neo-nazis, they got
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firing positions, and the tankers also hit enemy artillery and armored vehicles, as well as observation posts and ammunition depots militants. and in international news, the british spectator magazine published an issue with an interesting headline: reckoning, as the editors called the defeat of the leaders of the usa, france and great britain in the elections. the cover shows biden and macron crushed by a ballot box. let me remind you that the coalition of the president of the fifth republic lost the elections. to the european parliament, and joe biden failed miserably in the debate with trump, now the ratings of the head of the white house are rapidly falling. and in great britain they won a crushing victory in the parliamentary elections labour, even the head of the ministry of defense grand chaps lost his defeat, his place, and
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he was bypassed by the labor candidate andrew lewin. and after all the votes are counted in the united kingdom , not only the head of government will change, but possibly the course of the country. this battle is for you, this company is also for you, i want to change everything. i promise we can be better. we will change our establishment beyond recognition. they dreamed of a battle between labor and the conservatives.
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united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. now that the voices given, and the results are known, the people of britain are talking about choice. the forecasts
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are optimistic, looking at the numbers on the screens, i can say one thing: britain can start a new chapter. but all these are emotions from the expectation of something new. british experts state that it is english. starmer in her current form is too diverse, within her are both opponents and supporters of brexit, a pro-palestinian and pro-israeli faction, leftists and centrists, almost half of the voters vote for laborites, for only one reason - to throw the torah out of downing street, comment on the situation analytics and it’s too early to rejoice at the new. i think that the worst things will happen under the laborites are as follows: israel will definitely not be lucky with them, muslims will be unlucky, islamophobia under them will increase greatly in the country, but the conservatives have also sown a lot of problems. while in power, the conservatives canceled the payment of benefits for large families, limited disability benefits, while housing prices in
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britain rose sharply, there is a catastrophe with homelessness in the country, and the crime rate has reached an extreme level, and this is just the tip of the iceberg, the british say. changed in a total of 2 years of power britain transferred 12 billion pounds sterling to kiev, while over 30% of british children live in poverty, the media write, the attitude towards sunuk is understandable, coming to the morning tv show on election day, it was overshadowed by a porn actress, a conversation literally half naked,
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british viewers liked becca holt more , the prime minister had to sit in the corner, smile awkwardly and wait, however, now, having lost this election, the head of the conservatives intends to stay... the times, otherwise there will be chaos, but along with changes in domestic politics , the uk can change course and external, experts believe. on election day , it was sunok who made an appeal to voters. said that the libar government would raise taxes and slow down the economic recovery and make britain more vulnerable in a period of geopolitical tension, but labor denies all this. marjarodilka, news. and in saransk , the building of a former shoe factory collapsed. a few days ago there was a strong fire there. workers were repairing the roof; according to one version, building materials caught fire. the fire was quickly extinguished. and now they are investigating why the building collapsed, but there were no casualties. about six natural fires in transbaikalia are raging near populated areas;
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they are kept under control by the main villages thrown into these areas. so one of the fires approached the village of kudecha, this is in the moguchinsky district, and they managed to turn it around. the fire does not threaten residential buildings. in total, more than 100 forest fires have been recorded in the region, 1,500 people are fighting them, including aviation, seven helicopters, and one b200 plane from the ministry of emergency situations. but use them to their full potential. and now economic news maria profile the state duma committee is currently discussing amendments
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to the draft tax changes, tell us, are there any results already? tatyana, the review will continue today, but some of them have already been approved. now i’ll tell you more. the state duma committee on the tax budget reviewed some of the amendments to the draft tax changes, in particular, approved the extension of the preferential income tax rate for an it company. 5% until the thirtieth year, initially the draft indicated the twenty- seventh year, the committee also agreed with a change in the methodology for calculating the production tax mineral resources in relation to coal, the cut-off price, above which a premium will be charged, will increase from 100 to 120 dollars per ton for thermal coal and from 140 to 167 for coal. now coal prices are quite low with today's coal prices and those predicted for the next years.
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there will be no additional withdrawals from the coal industry as a result of the transition to the formulas that are provided for here, and moreover, in relation to energy coal, accordingly, the mineral extraction tax will not increase in relation to those supplies that go to the domestic market, therefore there will be no additional indexation of housing and communal services tariffs in connection with the mineral extraction tax. today, the relevant committee will continue discussing the amendments; the second reading of the draft tax changes in the state duma is scheduled for july 9. belarus has ratified a free trade agreement between iran and the states of the eurasian economic union. the republic hopes that it will allow belarusian exporters to increase supplies of products to the iranian market by eliminating duties. at the same time, trade turnover between the two countries has recently shown positive dynamics. in the twenty-second year it was about 100 million dollars, but last year it grew by about 40%. a digital basis for the implementation of the spark mechanism in individual housing. construction will become a portal to the domf system. this was reported by the press service of domf. the site provides for
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interaction between all participants in the transaction ; a register of more than 1,200 contractors and more than one and a half thousand projects is already available. previously, the state duma adopted a bill that allows individuals, when concluding the corresponding construction contract , transfer money to a special bank account until all obligations are closed. previously, a similar protection system was in effect only for apartment buildings; the russian federation expects that thanks to the spread of billing sparks to the izh segment, the share of russians who prefer the construction of private houses with the involvement of professional contractors will triple to 39%. the chinese manufacturer of special equipment zumleon intends to localize production in russia. as tas agency was informed by the company, the choice is underway between several regions. the final decision will depend on where it turns out to be cheaper to deliver. parts components. according to the manufacturer’s own estimates, its share in our market last year reached 26%,
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and now continues to grow. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you that the exchange rate for today is the dollar is 88 rubles. 12 kopecks, euro 94 rubles, 98 kopecks. and that's all i have for now. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia. another one was destroyed in ukraine. ukrainian armed forces fighter. series of successful attacks on enemy airfields have been going on for several days. american experts are sounding the alarm, otherwise there will be no sense in supplying nato aircraft. my colleague stanislav bernowald will talk about the effectiveness of our reconnaissance and strike systems. the third consecutive effective strike on an airfield in the ukrainian armed forces, located at a depth of more than 100 km from the line of combat contact
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, was carried out by our missile forces. filigree . a nightmare and the most sensitive military. enemy targets deep in his rear become our good tradition, in addition to the destroyed planes and helicopters, which are becoming less and less every day in ukraine, the military infrastructure of airfields is also destroyed, these are runways, and this, oh, how critical for the enemy, repair capacities, also a sore point, fuel and lubricant warehouses, well, life the strength of the enemy, in the end, the third is by no means superfluous, we look forward to our guys continuing in the same spirit. american partners, the independent ones... david, for example, is seriously excited, for example, military observer and weapons expert for the american publication forbes ex stated that ukrainian aviation suffered unacceptable damage during a series of attacks by the russian army on military airfields, and then ex practically shouted through the pages of the publication: they say this should not happen, this is a real failure of ukrainian air defense, with such results they say you cannot fly far. the hysteria
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of the pro-ukrainian forbes expert is understandable, the successful attacks of russian troops. rear airfields of the ukrainian armed forces, certainly question the feasibility of supplying american f-16 fighters to ukraine, because in just 3 days ukraine lost a significant number airplanes. in the context of the expected transfer of f16s and the need to prepare airfield infrastructure to accommodate them. such attacks , of course, again indicate the vulnerability of such aircraft, because firstly, they have limitations related to the quality of takeoff and landing.
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i think that this secret is an open secret, it will be quite short, we recognize airfields, drones that freely carried out targeting and objective control over the destruction of these targets, this also deserves a separate attention. the same david ax in the same forbes states with disappointment that russian drones over mirgorod and poltava turned out to be inaccessible to mobile groups of ukrainian air defense and most likely were not even detected. indeed, judging by these frames, our uav is quite calmly recording what is happening on the ground, it is clear that there is no influence from the enemy, it is impossible not to note the distance from the line of combat contact where our uav ended up, this is more than a hundred kilometers, pumped up equipment or new longer-flying specimens, well, what specific type was used there is still
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unknown, that is, either a hall or a supercom or eagles, but the fact is that they were able to... the reconnaissance and rocket scientists worked together without unnecessary delays, approvals, approvals, and so on further, it was precisely such confident and clear work that our colleague, military correspondent of the kp sasha kot noted, calling this tandem nothing less than a special command of airfield rippers, coherence has increased, that is, such a synergistic effect, when these hundreds and thousands
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drones don't just explore space, they find specific targets. give out target designations and instantly work out missiles, the integration has become very effective between drones and missile forces, we see how in real time drones show targets and correct the strikes of the same counters, the price of just one heavy fighter of the fourth generation su-27 varies from 25 to 30 million dollars, that is, ukraine lost at least 100 aircraft in three days
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. trocars are pushing out competitors on all fronts, over the last 3 years alone, imports of such vehicles into the eu have grown more than sevenfold to $11.5 billion. residents of europe are pragmatic, why overpay for theirs when you can get a similar car from china for 20% cheaper. officials from the european commission did not like this situation. they accused beijing of supporting local automakers and even created a group that began investigating such a terrible crime for them. they didn’t tell the european commission about collecting evidence, but the verdict was confidently delivered in june, the accused 100% guilty. punishments were imposed on chinese electric cars from 17 to 38%,
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the sentence will be executed on july 4. without these steps, european brands are not ready to honestly win the battle for customers against their chinese counterparts. the current lineup of electric cars from leading chinese brands consists of cars that are not only not inferior, but in some scientific and design developments even superior to their direct european competitors. there were duties in the eu before, but at the level of 10%. how the new fee will work depends on various factors, e.g. the european commission will give relief to those chinese manufacturers who admitted to receiving government subsidies; for them the duty will not exceed 21%; those who refused to share data will receive the maximum tariff. i don't think tariffs will stop chinese cars. enter the european market as they are extremely competitive in terms of price/quality ratio, even despite the tariffs. the decision of the officials once again confirmed: there is no
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smell of european unity in the union, for the right to join or refuse france and germany have clashed in a trade war with china. paris is an ardent supporter of duties, berlin believes that the eu could be seriously harmed, in particular german companies that produce electric cars in china. beijing has already announced, the country has it. there are many levers to respond to, for example, banning the import of pork from europe. last year it reached almost $2 billion. in the long run, these tariffs will hurt both sides. in addition, increasing duties will harm not only european consumers, but also to the healthy development of the european automotive industry. trade wars between china and the eu can have a positive impact on the russian automobile market, according to russian automobile dealers in the association. all the sanctions that apply. today the european union, and maybe the united states, yes in relation to chinese automakers, but they are generally pushed towards our russian market, this
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means that chinese manufacturers will feel that the russian market is more positive for them today, and it may therefore be a higher priority, if the eu has found a formal reason to introduce duties on electric cars, then explaining the new initiative will be much more difficult, as bloomberg writes, the european commission on... the winners of these pairs face each other. so, today the first two semi-finalists of the european championship in germany will become known. the hosts
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of the tournament will play in the first match at the 1/4 stage. team germany vs spain. this match will take place in stuttgart. portugal and france will meet in the other quarter-final today, in hamburg. in the match, germany and spain meet the two best teams of the tournament in all statistical game indicators. many consider this match to be the hidden final of the championship. europe. in the semi-finals, the winners of today's matches will face each other. the other two quarter finals. switzerland, austria and turkey the netherlands will take place tomorrow. and today uefa must make a decision on the scandalous episode involving turkish national team defender hadimeral. in turkey's victorious 1/8 final match against austria, the defender scored a double and celebrated his team's one- quarter finish with the so-called wolf salute, a gesture that is considered a symbol of the turkish right. as part of the pre-season friendly
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tournament, the brotherhood cup, the match score was 4:0, the goals were scored by feyzullaev, gaich, deveev and bistrovich. this was cska's first match under the leadership of new head coach mark nikolic, even though the match is still unofficial. the appearance of former army club player milos krasic on the field for cska added elements of show and nostalgia to this game. he came on as a substitute in the 89th minute. krasic played for cska until 2010, and serbian playing career. the defender finished back in 2018. well, according to the tradition of pre-season unofficial matches, marko nikolic changed the entire csk lineup during the game. one of the most talented russian football players of the current generation, alsou abdulina, returns to russia. alsou signed a contract with moscow lokomotiv, the agreement period is 3.5 years. it was from the locomotive that in 2021 alsou abdulina left for london chelsea, with whom she became
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a two-time champion. last season , the football player played for the football club paris on loan and became a bronze medalist at the french championship. in lokomotiv , alsou abdulina will wear number thirteen. with chelsea, the football contract ended on june 30 and the parties did not renew the agreement. and a big comeback in russian hockey. after 8 years of playing in the national hockey league , defenseman nikita zaitsev returns to the khl. zaitsev signed a contract with st. petersburg skaam, an agreement. the russian national football team will play a friendly match against the zambian national team in the fall; the match will take place in september or october. the russian ambassador to zambia announced an agreement in principle to hold this match the day before. the african team currently ranks ninetieth in the fifa rankings. and
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let me also remind you that i was recently the head coach. our team valery karpin extended his contract with the rfu for 4 years. last year's quarterfinalist of the wembledon tournament, the forty -fourth racket of the world, roman sofiulin, reached the third round of the competition in the suburbs of london. the day before, the russian defeated the representative of the czech republic, number thirty-nine, in four sets world ranking by tomas machac. the meeting lasted just over 2.5 hours. for a ticket to the 18th final, also known as the fourth round. the russian will compete with the frenchman arthur fis. and also on... the international tennis federation confirmed the participation of roman sofiulin in the paris olympics. in addition to performing in singles, roman has been announced to participate in doubles together with daniil medvedev. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. it is clear to everyone that russia is not
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a country of gas stations. there will be more than exactly what the figure helps, you are incomparably original in their questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like?
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most of all, as if in donetsk, what is impressive, here it is very imperceptible is the thin line between war and peace, everyone is walking, peaceful life, i was also surprised by this, people are accustomed to all this, that here it is.


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