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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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a revolution in britain's party elite. as a result of the elections , the laborites, who had been in the opposition for 14 years, came to power. we will discuss what these results mean and what to expect from the new government live with the head of the center for british studies on iran. in iran , early elections are in full swing. today is the second round of voting. who are they betting on, who will stay up, reformers or conservatives? a storm and thunderstorm front are approaching central russia. in the regions of the european part it was announced warning. let's ask our meteorologists when to expect the elements to strike. a terrorist attack at a defense plant was prevented in samara. as the press service of the fsb regional department reported, the suspect corresponded with a member of a pro-ukrainian terrorist organization and agreed to commit sabotage. the man
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chose a place and prepared homemade incendiary devices; just as he was preparing the terrorist attack, he was detained. the operation was carried out by fsb officers, as well as amon utes fighters from the regional department of the russian guard. on friday night, ukrainian drones attacked krasnodar region. they hit residential buildings in primorsko-okhtarsk. one person died, a six-year-old girl. she was wounded and died in the hospital. five people were injured. our correspondent reports from the scene. the victims are in the hospital, their condition is stable, the residents of the houses have already been placed in a temporary stay center, let me remind you that this night, as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces, two three-story buildings were damaged, we see how the roof was broken, destroying the balcony on the third floor, everyone was knocked out by the wave glass, the head is working in place.
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unfortunately, six people were injured, all were hospitalized, they are in the district , all operational services are involved, to the hospital, all operational services are involved, an operational headquarters has been created, where all information flows, a commission will work in the morning to calculate the casualty assessment. necessary assistance to affected citizens. in addition, the operation of the energy substation, which supplies a significant part of the city, was disrupted. repair and restoration work is currently underway. the territory itself has been fenced off, and special and operational services are working on the spot. more than 300 natural fires are being extinguished in russian regions. this is air forest protection information. according to the department, almost 70 fires were extinguished in one day. in addition to
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transbaikalia and yakutia, the situation is now difficult in buryatia, where the fire has covered more than 20,000 hectares. 43 natural fires are being extinguished in the amur region, here the area is slightly smaller (13,000 hectares), three fires are operating in specially protected areas in the reserves of the irkutsk region, buryatia and yakutia. and now the tense situation with natural fires is now in yakutia, the ministry of emergency situations reports that there there are 123 fires active, their area is 300,000 hectares, from the media. with reference to a source in the emergency services, they even write about a million hectares. in 2021, when the situation with fires was also difficult, this figure of a million hectares was announced much later. now the head of yakutia, aisen nikolaev, is in direct contact with us. aisen sergeevich, hello, this figure that has just appeared with reference to sources, a million hectares, how can you comment on it to what extent it corresponds to reality? good afternoon, the number is of course.
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it is large, it corresponds to reality, to be precise, 992.00 hectares is the area covered by fire since the beginning of the fire season, yeah, today we have had a total of 541 forest fires since the beginning of the season, today there are not 128 of them, today , a fairly large number of fires have been extinguished; 113 forest fires are currently active on the territory of the republic. if you look at the numbers, now it seems that the area of ​​fires is beginning to increase again, the area of ​​active combustion, is this so, what does this dynamics mean? the area covered by the fire is increasing, because we have a significant number of fires, over 60, they are in an area that we do not serve, it is difficult.
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tense in the southwestern and southern part, which just borders the irkutsk territory, the irkutsk region, transbaikalia, the amur region, there, of course, very hot, dry weather has established itself, which is just when the dry thunderstorms that we have every day go to that area,
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it just leads to the appearance of every day dozens of new fires, but if you look at the statistics for today only, then since this morning 13 fires have been extinguished, while five more have been discovered. new fires in the territory monitored by planes and helicopters. sergeevich, earlier this week we discussed that in order to more effectively fight fires , a state of emergency at the federal level was introduced. how effectively, in your opinion , are various departments and divisions currently collaborating in order to keep the fire under control? to date we have cooperation and interaction with structures. federal conservation of rosles ministry of natural resources is at the highest level, we are constantly in contact, additional forces, which the federal air forest protection may be transferring here, we have over one and a half thousand people now employed in extinguishing fires, of which almost 700 people
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, excuse the republic, are professional forest firefighters, and well smes, after the introduction of the regime, now we are also actively interacting, just the day before yesterday the b200 aircraft were active. involved in extinguishing a forest fire that arose not far from one of the villages in the alyokinsky district, and it was precisely the release of water that made it possible to extinguish the crown fire, and to localize the threat of further advance of this fire to a populated area, uh, how far are the fires now located from populated areas and arose is there a threat to any populated areas here? about 10 settlements are now within a fifteen-kilometer zone of forest fires, all of them are being serviced, although i will repeat again, although these forest fires seem to be close, but still there are natural barriers in the form of rivers and lakes, but at the same time,
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of course, a full range of measures are being carried out in order to either localize these fires, but also by counter fires to remove any threat to the populated area. certain, well, prevention was carried out, medical examination of the population so that there were no such, well, cases of deterioration in health, at the same time, we have smoke, of course, these are the features in southern, southwestern yakutia, unfortunately, in a number of settlements, and from worthwhile and enough
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far from forest fires, it is observed, yeah, alexander sergeevich, thank you very much for the interview, but let me remind you that we discussed the situation with forest fires in yakutia live with. now a short advertisement, then we will continue the release. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, appet may help. it helps restore memory and attention. let's get the head working.
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welcome to asia, this is where the heart beats continent. richa sonok will resign from the post of prime minister of great britain from the post of leader of the conservative party after its defeat in the early parliamentary elections. he stated this at...
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which will officially appoint his highest post in the country, after which he, already as head of government, will arrive at the prime minister's residence on downing street. rishi sunok retained his seat in parliament and, at least for now, remains the leader of the conservative party. he took responsibility for the defeat himself. tonight the british people have delivered a damning verdict. we have a lot to learn and a lot to reflect on. i take myself responsibly. for my loss, i apologize to the many good, hard-working conservative candidates who lost tonight despite their tireless efforts, local success and dedication to their constituents. as a result of the elections , many prominent conservatives lost their parliamentary mandates, among them the now former leader of the house of commons penny mordand and the minister of defense in
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the sunak government, according to the number of deputies, the conservative party remains the main opposition. fill it up. former leader
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of the libra party jeremy corbyn entered the house of commons as an independent candidate; he also called for dialogue with russia. the position of keir starmer and him. foreign policy team is not much different from his predecessors. this concerns the ukrainian conflict, the war in the gas sector. observers have already noticed that, despite the victory, labor showed the worst results in all constituencies, where a significant part muslim population. starmer will be expected to appoint key cabinet ministers today. he won't have to celebrate for long. the departing conservatives left a difficult legacy with more. born on september 2, 1962 in london in
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a working-class family, grew up in a small town in the south of the country, graduated with honors from the law faculty of the university of leith from... civil law at oxford college, wrote articles for socialist alternative magazines and a socialist lawyer, after graduation he began legal practice in the capital uk, specialization in human rights. at the beginning of the 2000s he became a king's lawyer, and at the end of the decade he headed the royal prosecutor's service. starmer joined the labor party as a teenager; in 2015, he was elected from it to the house of commons , 4 years later, and was successfully re-elected. in the shadow cabinet he was responsible for the party's strategy. brexit attitude, which happened in january 2020, became the leader of the party during that period. following the dissolution of parliament by rich sunak in may this year, starmer said that as an emergency voting is a chance to stop the chaos, turn the page and start rebuilding britain. starmer's program includes solving the housing crisis, nationalizing the railways, postal service and
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water supply companies. in addition, starmer wants to strengthen trade ties with the european union and strengthen the role of nato. carry out large-scale and tough sanctions against russia, use frozen assets of moscow for the needs of kiev, and the leader of the libarists expressed confident support for israel’s war with hamas. british media repeatedly they called starmer boring, lackluster and not charismatic enough to inspire people around him. he lacks natural communication skills, critics say, noting that a more suitable role for a future prime minister would be as head of a bank, not a country. starmer is married and has two children, his wife being of polish-jewish descent on his father's side. converted to judaism. starmer himself is an atheist. and we will discuss the situation that developed after the elections in britain a little later on our broadcast with the head of the center for british studies iran. now it's short. advertising, stay with us! on june 28th there is a parade of planets,
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sportmaster application, turn on the activity tracker and receive bonuses for steps. tariff 24 is all you need this summer. 30 gb of internet, mts music, and unused communication minutes can be exchanged for a ride on mts jurend scooters, all for 399 rubles in the first month. uncle dim, will you pay? there are a lot of benefits in your life, you’ll pay for it yourself, try more this summer, free delivery at a clever point in yandex food, on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. the best innovative startups for energy, industry, transport and construction. the first festival of technological entrepreneurship energo-technofest started in kronstatt. the authors of the most effective developments will receive the first investments and support of large companies.
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dmitry akimov will tell you about the most interesting projects. the energy technofest is being held for the first time, but there are already thousands of participants. young entrepreneurs, students, scientists, in a word, inventors, those who will move science and industry forward, have gathered here. to share your ideas and present new developments. hundreds of startups, the latest technologies and equipment that oil workers, builders and utilities are waiting for right now. this is an in-line robot, its task is dive, go inside any pipeline, be it oil, gas or housing and communal services, any. and carry out internal video inspection and diagnostics of the pipeline for the subject. or another example, russian companies have already ordered more than a hundred such installations for analyzing the composition of oil. currently on
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our market. there are no such installations in russia, and we use analogues, well, not analogues, but imported installations, this is import substitution, and also water purification devices, industrial robots, charging stations for electric vehicles, all of these are not just developments, but ready-made solutions that are being implemented into production right now, because we, as kulibins, can come up with a lot of interesting things, implementation... a technological showcase of innovations for various sectors of energy, industry, transport construction, among its startup participants energy-technohub st. petersburg, which has already received support from 1,600 beginning and experienced entrepreneurs, as far as...
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the industry is mature, but we have so many interesting technological challenges, such a place, such a space for creativity, creating everything new, creating something that, accordingly, does not yet exist in the world, therefore, what is being created here, what is being created by these students and technological entrepreneurs, is already in demand abroad, namely industry and energy today are the locomotives for the development of new innovative developments.
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to release their innovative projects, from the authors of more than 250 ideas, the best were chosen at the festival, the winning team received a million rubles from gazprom neft to launch their business. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev, news from st. petersburg. in our country, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records; if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions,
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honor our history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. are you used to watching videos online? stopped working? we install, open, watch russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. look, look in the app or on the website.
1:30 pm
russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. now economic news in brief: russians based on results june issued mortgages with state support for 578 billion rubles. within a month, the volume increased by a third, the material says.


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