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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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before the end of the preferential mortgage program, russians managed to collect a record number of loans. how will the situation develop? after the abolition of state support, nika inkovaya found out what will happen to housing prices. nika, hello, what trends are already being noted by experts. daria, greetings, well , people’s attention is already switching from the primary market to the secondary market, the experts we interviewed believe that developers will attract customers with discounts, veiled as special offers. rub 578 billion for that amount according to the results of june, russians took out mortgages with state support, over the month the volume increased by a third, preliminary... the data is provided by
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the central bank. compared to june last year, the figure increased almost 1.8 times. according to statistics from the united credit bureau, in may 24, russians took out a record number of housing loans. they accounted for 75% of all mortgage loan issuances. the surge is associated with the completion of mass preferential mortgages for new buildings at 8% and a change in the previous conditions for family program. borrowers rushed to apply for loans according to the old rules. the head of sberbank german gref compared the preferential one. a mortgage with doping that should not be abused, and noted that the program lasted too long. now, i think, we will be sick in the mortgage market for a couple of years in order to bring the market to a normal, equilibrium state, we will all be sick together, the affordability of housing will continue to be disrupted, it will be difficult for developers, because big things have been done, there is a sufficient investment cycle long, and it will be difficult for banks, but in this state.
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conditions changed over time, terms were extended several times, according to the house of the russian federation, during the entire period of implementation of preferential mortgage programs, the russian... bank issued almost 3 million loans to the population worth 11.5 trillion rubles, of which more than one and a half million were for preferential mortgages for new buildings loans amounting to about 6 trillion, while prices for primary housing have increased noticeably over 4 years, in may of the twentieth , the cost per square meter in the country on average was 77,000 rubles, well, in may of the twenty-fourth it reached 154,000, here on the secondary market, real estate prices did not rise so rapidly, as a result the following situation arises: a person who bought
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an apartment from a developer will not be able to sell it or cover the loan debt, central banks have pointed this out more than once. in addition, the state bears significant costs for subsidizing mortgages, the regulator believes. people's attention is switching from the primary market to the secondary market. resale today is cheaper, cheaper taking into account the fact that a fairly expensive mortgage loan without support, in conditions where it is difficult to obtain or for some...
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by the way, according to the central bank, since the beginning of this year, in terms of the number and volume of loans, family mortgages have been ahead of the preferential program at 8%, now the market needs, let’s say, to adapt. and most likely this will be a decrease in demand by 15-20%, but however we are now waiting for new conditions for family mortgages, in prices we are already seeing a slight decline, but this concerns the secondary housing, but for developers it is still difficult to say, they are also still waiting this preferential program for families with children. as for market mortgage rates, according to forecasts, they will begin to fall in the twenty- fifth year. let me remind you that the largest banks have done so several times since the beginning of summer. raised rates for basic programs, although the regulator keeps the key rate at 16%. as a result, the volume of housing loans issued may fall from 20 to 40% by the end of this year. thanks nika, nika inkovaya spoke about the demand for mortgages in russia. great britain has
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a new prime minister, the leader of the labor party, keir starmer. he officially took office as head of the country's cabinet of ministers. having received a mandate for formation of a government from king charles ii. the 61-year-old starmer will now head to downing street to address the nation as prime minister. well, now the british media are publishing photos of the audience of the new british prime minister at buckingen palace. it can be seen that he was received by charles ii. and this is the first photo of keir starmer as prime minister of great britain. well, more about the personality of the new prime minister. in our certificate. keir starmer was born on september 2 , 1962 in london into a working-class family and grew up in the small town of oxted in the south of the country. he graduated with honors from the law faculty of the university of lithuania, studied civil law at oxford college, and wrote articles for the journals
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socialist alternatives and socialist lawyer. after graduation, he began practicing law in the capital of great britain, specializing in human rights. at the beginning of the 2000s he became a queen's counsel, at the end of the 10's. letiya headed the crown prosecution service. starmer joined the labor party as a teenager, and in 2015 he was elected from it to the house of commons 4 years later, successfully re-elected. in the shadow cabinet he was responsible for the party's strategy regarding brexit, which happened in january 2020, during which time he became the leader of the party. after the dissolution of riga's parliament by sunak in may this year, starmer said that a snap vote was a chance to stop the chaos, turn the page and start rebuilding. britain in starmer's program, solving the housing crisis, nationalizing the railways, postal service and water supply companies. in addition, starmer wants to strengthen trade ties with the european union and strengthen the role of nato, introduce large-scale and tough sanctions against russia, use
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moscow’s frozen assets for the needs of kiev, and the leader of the libarists expressed confident support in israel’s war with hamas. the british media have repeatedly called starmer boring, lackluster and not charismatic enough to inspire. people around him, he does not have natural communication skills, critics say, noting that a more suitable role for the future prime minister would be the head of a bank, not a country. starmer is married and has two children. his wife, whose father is of polish-jewish origin, converted to judaism; starmer himself is an atheist. today is the second round of voting in iran's early presidential elections. according to tradition, the country's supreme leader ayatallah khaminiya votes first. so he sets an example for the residents. citizens will be able to vote for one of two candidates, reformer masoud pezashkian or conservative said dzhelili. the focus of their election rhetoric is primarily the welfare of residents. the economic situation in iran is difficult, both politicians they promise to solve the issue of inflation and raise
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the standard of living of the population. let me remind you that the first round took place a week ago, the turnout was about 40%, pezashkian became the leader. a visiting meeting is taking place in st. petersburg today. it is decorated with a mosaic that lomanosov made here. of course, this building is historical, it symbolizes the connection of times. we are very pleased that at the end of last year we established our new
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fourth regional branch; the russian academy of sciences gave us this building, and indeed this place. very a lot, i think this is one of the most important traditions. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but it’s not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs, open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% interest business card.
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stay at tsean for daily rent, vyacheslav volodin inspected the progress of construction of a new cancer center in saratov. the speaker of the state duma is working these days in his constituency. the opening of the medical center is scheduled for october, it is equipped with modern equipment and a laboratory. for early diagnosis and treatment of patients. for the first time in the region , two smart operating rooms will appear, with their help it is possible to conduct teleconsultations in real time. with the opening of the hospital, high-tech medical care will become available to residents of the region. with commissioning with the new modern oncology center, people will now have the opportunity to receive help in saratov. all this is equipped with the most modern equipment. task number one is to prepare a specialist. in the rostov region
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, 10 private houses burned to the ground. the fire area was over 5.00 km. more than 70 specialists and 20 pieces of equipment are working on site. the mi-8 helicopter of the russian ministry of emergency situations carried out four water drops. rescuers managed to stop the fire from spreading further. previously, everything happened due to an electrical short circuit in one of the residential buildings. there were no casualties, well, now to the news of the special operation in the orekhovsk direction, the fighters of the dnepr group of troops knocked the enemy out of the fortified area and occupied a strategically important height. igor pikhanov will tell you how our military carried out the operation. kilometers of trenches and broken dugouts are all that remains of the fortified ukrainian militants in the orikhovo direction in the zaporozhye region. russian fighters of the dnepr group of troops knocked out the enemy. the operation made it possible to take control of the strategic heights. fortified area for the armed forces of ukraine
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was of great importance; fighters were rotated along the surrounding roads, and ammunition was also delivered. now the supply routes for the enemy forces have been interrupted. the deputy commander of the assault group with the call sign student says that the battle for the heights was fierce, counterattacks followed each other. our fighters were opposed by trained enemy special forces. thanks to the courage and professionalism of the russian military , the enemy was driven back. the mission here was being prepared specifically for assault operations; we went into the colony and took two prisoners. they have a special there was no preparation, the regulars were mobilized, but... when they made a counter-offensive, well, these were more prepared, but they are also afraid anyway, if they are repulsed, they run away on their own. for the capture from crepreine, the neutralization of a large number of militants and the rescue of wounded comrades. the student, together with his colleagues , was presented with state awards; he joined the armed forces after
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mobilization at the age of 25, and is now a professional military man. i'm cooperating myself. small village from cheryaksky district, i worked as a salesman consultant. the fighters of the assault unit are on rotation from the front line, but even on vacation, work at the training ground continues every day. soldiers hone their skills in destroying enemy firing points. you need to hone your skills, because even a professional makes mistakes, he makes mistakes, you need to hone it so that even in a dangerous situation, you simply perform the same elements from muscle memory. which you work out here 100%. during such training at training grounds, fighters share their experience and develop new methods of assault work, they are now preparing for the mission, based on the reconnaissance received, they have built an exact copy of the enemy positions, they are practicing the capture of the stronghold, the fighters say the key to success is careful preparation. igor pikhanov, sergey eliseev, lead zaporozhye region.
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navigation has started in chukotka. the port has already accepted onadar. vessel. food, construction materials, and special equipment are delivered to the region. the company is under special control of the district government and the ministry for the development of the far east. from the region, reporting by vladimir sirotkin. 190. tone petroleum products will be delivered during the current navigation to chukotka. of these, 150,000 are diesel, 27,000 aviation kerosene and about 13,000 tons of various gasolines. this volume exceeds approximately last year. by 8%. experts explain the increase in imports by the increased needs of enterprises. most tankers will leave murmansk along the northern sea route. only 50,000 tons of petroleum products will be imported from primorye. about 280,000 tons of solid fuel will be imported. the main consumer of chukotenergo. the coal will be different, yes, that is, it will be part of it
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zyryanovsky deposit, some will be from... deposits, let's say, others, yes, some in general is hard coal, which we do not mine, part of the coal that our mine produces, because our coal from the mine will go directly to the upper reaches of our rivers, then we get it, well, we’ll use it here too, food navigation is already gaining momentum, as in past years , about 20 thousand tons of product will be delivered to the district, including about 700 tons of social... significant ones, they come first are intended for municipalities of the district, there is a subsidy that is allocated in the region to provide socially significant products to the population, which means that this year 900 million are provided, which means that 545 million have already been paid
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to operators who import and sell socially significant products, well that's ... it was decided not to import the product from kamchatka this year, as last year’s experiment with a batch of vegetables from our neighbors showed, the potatoes and carrots in the warehouses did not retain their commercial qualities, they did not remain in a certain condition until navigation, which means we won’t take risks while we purchase according to that old scheme from pakistan, china, primorye, from there... all cargo going to chukotka as part of the northern delivery is under the control of the ministry of eastern development, a weekly meeting is held online under the leadership of first deputy minister,
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the need to take control of it to the form so that the regional government can track the route of the container in case they can make an application for a certain final delivery point, this should ensure the uninterrupted operation of all links in chains of northern delivery. vladimir sirotkin, arseny gusev, leading chukotka. when buying a used car, the main issue , of course, is technical: the new owner is afraid of getting a broken, faulty car at an inflated price. but another nuance that many buyers miss is legal purity. what if the car is in excellent condition, but you cannot drive it.
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maria kudryavtseva will tell you how to figure it out in the program instructions. you want to buy a used car, you have already found a suitable and cheap option, and why does it cost less? the rest, if everything is in order with the technical side. how to make sure that there are no legal surprises with the car, about that in five. minutes we will tell you the instructions in the program. the traffic police website can seriously help a future car owner; it has a service for checking a car using a database of registration actions. using the vin of the car, you can find out its history of deregistration and find out whether there are restrictions on registration, that is, you will understand whether it will be possible to register the car yourself or not. in addition, traffic police services will help you find out whether car outstanding fines? by using. online services of the official website of the state traffic inspectorate gbd.rf, any citizen can in the public domain, in a few clicks , carry out inspections of vehicles,
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driver’s licenses, and also obtain information about unpaid fines for violations in the field of road safety . using the vehicle identification number, so to speak, the vin number, in the online car check service you can find out the entire history of registration actions in the state traffic inspectorate with one vehicle or another. information on her participation in traffic accidents, here, in addition to the vin number, the check can also be carried out using the body or highway numbers, to find out whether she is listed by law enforcement agencies on the federal wanted list, whether there are restrictions on registration actions, and whether she has diagnostic technical inspection card or not. the traffic police website has useful links to other government services. firstly, to the portal of the federal notary chamber. the registry is located on it. notification about the pledge of movable property, that is, you can find out whether it is possible to buy such a car at all, or whether the banks have not yet paid for it. another source
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of information can be the website of the russian union of auto insurers, where you can find out whether posag’s car is insured when a diagnostic card was issued for the car. on the portal of the federal customs service there is a set of data on vehicles transported into the country. if you don't have time. legal portrait of the car piece by piece, then on many trading platforms there are paid services for searching the history of a car, usually they contain the same data that can be found in open free sources, they are just collected in one place, the fact is that people often save these 99 rubles, do not pay for them , and actually end up in trouble, there are also forensic services, and as a rule, i have... independent ones as part of the selection of a car or a separate check for the criminality of the car, and these specialists also, for a small fee, help to find out the entire history of the car and whether it exists
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some criminal tails? what to pay attention to first of all are restrictions on registration actions, if they are installed, then the car will not be able to be used, and such surprises can be found on the main website for car owners gbd.rf, in order to minimize risks when buying and selling a car, you can use the deal service with a letter of credit for government services. in such a transaction , the seller will receive money only if the buyer is able to register the car himself. a transaction with a letter of credit allows you to reserve funds in a special bank account. the funds will be transferred to the seller only after the buyers have registered the car with the state traffic inspectorate. the buyer is given 5 days to register the vehicle with the traffic police; if the traffic police refuses to register the vehicle, the bank will offer to revoke the buyer.
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or extend its validity period until the cause of the refusal is eliminated. if the buyer does not visit the state traffic inspectorate within 5 days, the money will be transferred to the seller. thus, the buyer is guaranteed to receive his vehicle, and the seller his money. let's repeat the main thing. the main site to find out if a car has any gbd.rf restrictions. the information on it is often enough to understand legally. frequency of the car, but if you wish, you can collect data from the federal notary chamber of the russian union of auto insurers, customs, and you can also use the paid services of commercial companies. would you like to learn more about government services for motorists or how to communicate with traffic police officers, write to us in telegram, suggest topics for the next issues. our instructions.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country
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of gas stations. to bring russian digital solutions to a new height, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like?
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arrived here in order to discuss all the nuances of the situation that has developed in the kiev direction. "orbán's mission hungary arrived in moscow just 3 days after his visit to kiev. we are following the progress of negotiations in the kremlin with statements by vladimir putin and viktor orban. a six-year-old girl died as a result of a ukrainian drone attack in the krasnodar territory that hit residential buildings in primorsko-okhtarsk. report from the scene from our correspondent in the region. thank you.


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