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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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direction. orban's mission the prime minister of hungary , the situation that developed in kiev, flew to moscow just 3 days after his visit to kiev. we are following the progress of negotiations in the kremlin with statements by vladimir putin and viktor orban. a six-year-old girl died as a result of an attack by ukrainian drones in the krasnodar region. they hit residential buildings in primorsko-okhtarsk. a report from our correspondent in the region from the scene of the event. thank you.
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a revolution in britain's party elite. as a result of the elections, the laborites, who were in the opposition for 14 years, come to power. about what say these results and what to expect from the new government? in iran, early elections are in full swing. today is the second round of voting. who are they betting on who will dress up, reformists or conservatives? a storm and thunderstorm are approaching central russia. front in the regions of the european part a warning has been announced, how powerful will the new disaster strike be? at these moments , vladimir putin is holding negotiations with viktor orban. the prime minister of hungary is in moscow on a working visit, this time orban came to the russian capital not only as a long-time partner, but also as president of the european council. vladimir putin stated this before the start. meetings, discussing, among other things,
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the situation in ukraine. we will learn all the details from anastasia efimova, she will join the broadcast. anastasia, greetings, vladimir putin also noted that he is going to share with orban the nuances of his proposals for a settlement, peaceful regulation in ukraine. what is known at this moment? yes, dash, well, it is reliably known that the negotiations have been going on for the second hour, and this of course, definitely not the limit. we have something to talk about, the words of the russian president, voiced in the kremlin.
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not relationships in numbers, viktor orban also calculated. the current meeting of the leaders of russia and hungary, according to him, is the eleventh, and the first after a long break; before that , the hungarian prime minister came on a visit in february 2022 before the start of a special military operation, so the current visit is much more special than the previous one, and this seems to be understands the whole world. i am very grateful to you that even in such difficult conditions you agreed to accept me.
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i must tell you that the number of countries that can talk to the other side of the conflict is rapidly running out. soon hungary will apparently become the only country in europe that... topics important for europe - the formulation of viktor orban. the position of the european partners is the words of vladimir putin, who expressed the hope that the prime minister of hungary will give the opportunity to get acquainted with this very position. as dmitry peskov clarified, if they wish, the leaders will be able to communicate in theta tet, that is, without delegations. moscow, how is it it has been repeatedly emphasized that we are always open to dialogue; it is no coincidence that the head of the russian state summed up the public part of the current negotiations with the phrase: “i am at your disposal.” anastasia, thank you, anastasia efimova
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spoke about how the visit of the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, to moscow is going. but it was clear from the very beginning that the negotiations would be difficult and lengthy. even at the beginning of the meeting, dmitry peskov said that negotiations between vladimir putin and viktor orban would last at least 2-3 hours. told me all the details presidential press secretary dmitry peskov in an interview with the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin. we understand that this is orban’s own initiative to come to moscow, right? yes, this was indeed an initiative of the hungarian side. moreover, all this was gone, as they say, off the wheels. yes, it all arrived very quickly, literally the day before yesterday. continuation of such a visit, well, now urgent news is coming from the donetsk people's republic, it came under fire from ukraine and, as reported the head of the republic, denis pushilin, according to preliminary data, two people died as a result of the kiev aggression, 15 more,
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including girls and a teenager, were injured, this is the footage denis pushilin is now publishing on his telegram channel, it is reported that two employees were killed in volnovakha. starmer took office as prime minister of great britain, he had already attended an audience at buckingen palace, where he received a mandate to form a government from king charles ii, and then went to his new office on downing street, where he spoke to supporters and journalists. i have just returned from buckingham palace, where i accepted the invitation of his majesty the king to form the next government of this great nation. i would like to thank the outgoing prime minister. his achievements as
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britain's first asian prime minister cannot be underestimated and we must recognize the hard work and commitment that accompanied his time as leader. our own correspondent in the united kingdom will talk about how the transition of power takes place in britain, alexander khabarov. richa sunok returned from his district to the official residence of the british prime ministers on downing street in a sad mood. the early elections he appointed brought about.
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during his working day as prime minister, starmer will be shown bomb shelters, explained the details of the protocol for the use of nuclear weapons, and will also be introduced to terrorist and other threats to the country's security and told about operations to prevent them. the head of government will appoint key ministers of his cabinet. for a long time
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keir starmer and his team will not have to enjoy victory. in the near future , the government should outline its priorities and present a list of legislative initiatives. in addition, the outgoing ... conservatives left a heavy legacy in the form of numerous problems in the economy and social sphere. the defeated conservative party now becomes the main opposition force in parliament. as a result of the elections.
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if you look at the percentage of votes cast, then in terms of popularity among voters the liberal democrats are in fourth place, in the third is nigel farage's reform party. this politician advocates a peaceful resolution of the ukrainian conflict. for the first time in his career, he became a member of the british parliament. considering that we had no money, no campaign structure , virtually nothing throughout the country, we are going to take second place in hundreds of constituencies, how many seats we want to get, i don’t know, but the fact that this happened in such a short time period of time suggests that something very important is happening now, this is not just disappointment in conservative party, there is a huge gap in british politics on the centre-right and it is my job to fill it, as an independent.
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rhetoric puts the welfare of the residents first. the economic situation in the country is difficult; both politicians promise to solve the issue of
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inflation and raise the standard of living of the population. let me remind you that the first round took place a week ago, the turnout was about 40%. pezashkian became the leader. 29.00 residents of the primorsko-akhtarsky district in the krasnodar territory are left without power supply due to an attack by the ukrainian armed forces. ukrainian drones struck. a six-year-old girl died in a residential building; according to updated data, 16 people turned to doctors for help, and anna sorokina will tell the consequences. this is what the house looks like after the attack, it is now impossible to approach the scene of the emergency, investigators from the operational service are working there, it is also necessary to find out whether it is safe to be there and how soon people will be able to return to their homes. the roof and balconies were destroyed, windows were broken, cars and the playground were strewn with fragments, just everything on the ground, in the entrance about... residents they let me into the apartment for a few minutes to pick up
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essentials, retired major alexei kisel took the neighbors into the basement, there was an explosion, i had the keys to the basement, i opened the basement, everyone was brought down here and waited there. more than twenty people are in a temporary accommodation center, the city commission is interviewing the victims, who needs what kind of help. we were ready to receive people, we have rooms for accommodation. the investigative committee opened a criminal case, a criminal case was opened for a terrorist
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act following an attack by armed forces ukraine to the city of primorsko-akhtargsk in the krasnodar territory. as a result of these criminal actions, several people were injured, including two children. a six-year-old girl later died in hospital from her injuries. the infrastructure of the electrical substation was damaged by the attack and 30 thousand residents have no electricity. the shock wave was so strong that... part of the metal fence was thrown across the road and knocked over onto high-voltage wires. electricians are now restoring power. socially significant objects are powered by spare lines. restore supply. in ukraine, there are new protests against mobilization; people, tired of senseless demands, are already blocking highways to prevent military commissars from entering their cities and towns. conscripts are forced to sign contracts with the armed forces of ukraine, ukrainian
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prisoners talk about this. for most of them, giving up was the only way to return to normal life. bropa great, they ignored the murderers, began to behave aggressively, for which they paid with the face of one of the employees, the victim apparently suffered for a long time will remember this kind, sincere meeting. he showed promise in sports, but on his way he met a stranger. you definitely won’t envy this tough guy from the city of khmelnitsky; he stumbled
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out of the blue and left the race. throughout ukraine, the cars of shopping mall employees continue to burn. perhaps the air conditioner exploded, or the wiring shorted? they just sat stupidly in their holes and didn’t even get up, didn’t come out at all. we didn't hear anything from these explosions. and this is the confession of another ukrainian prisoner. vladimir kravchuk, like thousands of others, was sent to the front by force without any military training. hypertension of the first degree, vision -8 - is not a reason to remain unlucky. that's how vladimir is.
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with such a bouquet of illness, kravchuk turned out to be fit for duty at the front, or rather at its very front line, after 7 days he was wounded, abandoned by the command and voluntarily surrendered , because he wanted to live. these listeners’ lives also turned out to be more important than zelensky’s idea of ​​ukrafirur, so when they were surrounded, they made the only right decision, to surrender before us.
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die in the hundreds every day without understanding what. zelensky himself is already complaining to his masters about colossal losses on the fronts, but he is not going to stop. the senseless and merciless ukrainian mobilization continues. stanislav bernwalt, ivan kuznetsov, sergey mukhlaev, news. moscow is expecting hail showers today. during a thunderstorm, wind gusts can reach 27 m/s. forecasters do not even rule out the possibility of death. the ministry of transport of the moscow region called on people to refuse to travel by personal transport, if possible, not to go out, and if the trip cannot be postponed, then be very careful, especially in pedestrian areas, but in the meantime, the north-west, the moscow region has already been overtaken by hurricane orkhan, these are the shots now published in telegram channels, in klin, istra and other cities there is a thunderstorm, judging
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by these videos of hail, quite strong hail now in some areas in the region, visibility on the roads has sharply decreased, in addition, they report that there are cases of failures in the power supply and, of course, trees are falling down. on july 12 , the boxing tournament night of champions will take place in serpukhov iba, which will feature two title fights, the interim wba world title. an arena with at least 10,000 spectator seats will be built in the city especially for this event. today there was a press conference before the fights, which was attended by my colleague danil makhalin. there has never been an event of this magnitude in boxing in our country. never, because viewers have the opportunity to watch not only high-level fights, but also see how two belts for the title of interim world champion according to wuba are played out
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featherweight in brijra, this is the weight between the first heavy and heavy categories, all this against the backdrop of the long-awaited lifting of sanctions on russian boxers from organizations such as the wbo and ibf, they see that the iba and... the russians are two medalists of the last summer olympics in tokyo , albert batargaziev and muslim gadzhimagomedov, each of them has never lost in the professional ring,
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this time as part of the night of iba champions, chinese zhang chausini and irishman johnno kerrell will box against them. he is good, yes, he is considered number two, there is a champion, american, he is number two, we want to take this ticket from him and become a contender for the world champion, here we already have...
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daria, good afternoon, they have dropped a little, and i’ll tell you more about this now. cars are gradually becoming cheaper, and at the end of the first half of the year, prices went down for both new and used cars. for example, in june, a car from a showroom could be purchased for an average of 3,600,000 rubles. compared to june, compared to january -3%. a used car cost approximately 2 million rubles. this is 8%. if you look at more. short-term statistics from may to june , volvo, genesis, skoda fabia and peugeot 308 used cars became more available. according to
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industry players, demand throughout the country continues to remain at a good level, but there is no increase in traffic at dealership centers. one of the reasons is the high cost of loans. the supply in the new segment is increasing as dealer networks are being developed in china. brands throughout russia, their volume of supply is growing accordingly, their level of availability on the market, plus, accordingly, a little the preferences of russian users are probably changing; they are ready to invest in a new car, which has dealer support, which has a factory warranty, rather than using a properly supported car, which, in addition, may have certain difficulties in obtaining spare parts. according to statistics from the ministry of industry and trade, in the first 6 months, sales of new cars increased by more than 60%. russians purchased almost 845,000
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cars, the electric vehicle market exceeded 11,000 units, an increase of 137%. analysts believe the market stimulates the import of new cars, but soon the country will launch several more production units and the volume of imported cars will decrease, while ours will grow. the most popular russian ones. the car is a lada vesta; more than 15 thousand cars were sold during may, this is the highest result in the history of this model. in total, in the first half of the year , sales of lato cars increased by one and a half times. avtovas occupies a leading position with us on a par with chinese manufacturers, the so-called top four chinese manufacturers who show good sales, your car is going at a good pace, it has gradually recovered. the opportunity to produce cars, they are cheaper than others, they began to be equipped with those options that in the previous time, for the previous year and a half,
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it was impossible to equip cars, this is in the first place. concerns options for safety, and of course for the environment. in many regions, changes have already occurred both in the volume of supply and in the composition of brand models. for example, the novosibirsk and omsk regions showed a decrease in the average cost of a new car by more than a third and approached the total level in the country. at the beginning of summer, first deputy prime minister denis manturov said that the production volume of russian cars in russia this year could grow by a quarter and exceed 900 units, despite the fact that the industry strategy fixed 839,000 units. the work of the automobile industry was stabilized last year, following which production increased by 16% compared to 2022. the market buys the volume that is produced, and more and more is being produced. our first factor is naftovas, which has globally solved the supply problems auto components and significantly increases
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production. grant's cars have no competitors at all when compared with new cars. as for the market size, by the end of 2024 it could reach one and a half million cars, which is also better than the initial forecast of 1,300,000.
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but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in your pocket, soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition
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of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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now economic news, briefly. the russian market is supplied with fuel. according to the ministry of energy, gasoline reserves in july reached 2 million tons, and diesel reserves almost 3.5. this is 2.8% more than last year’s values. respectively. the ministry noted that planned repairs at the refinery will not lead to a shortage. also at the end. in july , gasoline production will increase by another 15-20,000 tons. the launch of two oil refineries in the south and central part of the country will have an impact. at the end of june, russians took out mortgages with state support for 578 billion rubles. over the month, the volume increased by a third , as stated in the materials of the central bank. as for the mortgage market as a whole, vtb previously estimated that it could exceed 780 billion. here.


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