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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now? i had a bad night, i screwed up, and the president of the world's first economy, the country with the largest military potential, talks about it, explaining his unsuccessful debate with trump.
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the leader also suggested not to take into account these 90 minutes of the stage, but to look at what he has done in 3 and a half years. biden's words leads the politician. well, yeah, forget it, just forget how he screwed up. however, european officials are increasingly expressing the view that current us president joe biden should withdraw from the election race. bloomberg has already written about this, citing sources. biden should make way for someone who has a better chance of defeating trump. preserve the unity of allies in ukraine and nato, the agency said, citing unnamed sources. allies are also worried about how biden will present himself to nato itself in washington. it will start on july 9th. it's really worth worrying about. in general, such really bright people are not visible in the party today, that is, here, by the way, it is also worth noting this kind of rather weak and the work of social elevators within the democratic party. well, kamala haris is being considered as an option.
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although it is worth noting here that as a vice-president she, in general, did not show herself in any way, she rather, yes, quite actively, well, let’s say, oversaw this gender agenda related to minorities there, which regarding changes in the democratic election campaign, well, there is less and less time left, everything that biden actually could, but biden has already done, and the debates really in this case were rather a continuation of that line there, and the policy that he pursued, and well a little more about what biden would like to erase from... memory, he made it clear that he does not plan to withdraw from the election race, the day before he spoke on the south lawn of the white house in front of veterans and members of their families on the occasion of us independence day 4th of july. after the speech, one of those present appealed to the president to continue the election fight, saying that his supporters needed him. i’m with you, i’m not going anywhere, the president spoke about this , his wife jill supports this, and he shifted the blame for the failed debate onto several employees of the president’s office, allegedly doing it wrong. it
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was prepared by the head of state, and cnn moderators are also to blame for failing to verify the allegations that trump made during the debate. for me, a real villain here it seems jill biden, she has the will to power, she is pushing her husband to run even though he is over 80, she wants the leadership of the american people to be carried out to such an extent incoherently. it's been like the last six months. biden will try to take revenge tonight, he will appear on the abc news channel, give an interview without a teleprompter, oh, although not live, however, he is confident. that the performance will be successful,
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no, the day before biden again made the public laugh during an interview radio station in philadelphia, he called himself a black woman, here’s a quote, perhaps we’ll give: i’m proud, as i said, to be the first vice president, the first black woman to serve alongside a black president, well , that’s just a bunch of words, biden said, had he is referring, of course, to his work as vice president during the barack obama administration. here is an important clarification, however, a disclaimer, this, as they say according to freud, in the democratic party they already see ideal replacements for biden, vice president kamala harris, the washington post writes, citing sources, there are increasing signs that many in the democratic party are ready to accept the idea that vice president harris will occupy the first place on their list, the publication said, but in general candidates there ’s not very much there besides kharis, yes, it’s as if there’s nothing to choose from, but... for now,
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let’s move on to the international news page. the anniversary train departed today from khabarovsk to the capital of the baikalomuzhskaya railway, tynda. its passengers, builders and bama veterans, artists and media representatives. whether they were accompanied by the farewell march of the slavs, about a special route about the memories of veterans, about their working youth, pavel marchukov. the history of uskut is inextricably linked with the railway; it was from here that the first kilometers of the baikal-amur mainline began to be laid in 1974. in those years, viktor lakomov headed the construction team named after the seventeenth congress of the all-union leninist young communist league, under his leadership it was possible to lay more than 300 km of bam.
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celebrate for viktor lakomov, as well as the residents of uskut, as a kind of gift to the anniversary of the construction of the century was the opening of a new station building, it can accommodate 200 passengers, everything here meets modern safety and comfort requirements. there are technologies for mobile citizens here, these are tactile tiles, this is the opportunity to comfortably serve passengers of any class. we did everything to make it beautiful and cozy. complied with all modern standards of passenger service, we hope that in a short time the new station will become the hallmark of the city of uskut. the first new station buildings in uskut was appreciated by bam veterans; they travel along
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the highway on a special relay train. festive rallies are held at each station, those who laid the legendary highway with their own hands in the remote siberian taiga remember those difficult days, and also notice how the bam is now being transformed, it is gratifying to see how the voykal highway works throughout our homeland, very it’s good that this station is gorgeous, stations are being developed, additional ones are being built, new railway tracks are being laid, bridges are being built, tunnels are being decided now the question of the construction of the longest tunnel in severomoisk, which means that our work, the work... of the pioneers, the builders of bam , was not in vain, and it is passed on to the younger generation, which continues to build the baikal-amur highway, exploits it, it works for our homeland, the route of the festive relay train will have 16
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stops in the populated areas of baikal on the amur mainline, the end point will be the capital of bama, the city of indus, at each station veterans of the great construction project, those who have accomplished a feat of labor, will be honored. now economic news in brief: the russian market is supplied with fuel; according to the ministry of energy, gasoline reserves in july reached 2 million tons, and diesel reserves almost 3.5, which is 2.8% more than last year’s values, respectively. the ministry noted that planned repairs at the refinery will not lead to a shortage. in addition, at the end of july, gasoline production will increase by another 15-20 thousand tons. the launch of two oil refineries in the south and central part of the country will have an impact. at the end of june, russians issued poteykas with state support for 578 billion rubles. within a month the volume increased by a third - said in the materials of the central bank. as for the mortgage market as a whole, vtb previously
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estimated that it could exceed 780 billion. the expected growth here is 45%. the surge in demand is associated with the end of massive preferential mortgages and previous conditions. according to the family program, borrowers rushed to apply for loans according to the old rules. retailer all instruments ru went public as part of the ipo, the company was valued at 100 billion rubles. - said in her message. the placement took place at the lower limit of 200 rubles. per share. the share of securities in free circulation will exceed 12% of capital. let me remind you that last year shares of eight new companies began trading on the moscow exchange. this has become a record for the last 11 years. this year on the site.
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chinese cars. it was economic news, briefly. the attention of all the world media today is focused on the meeting of vladimir putin and viktor orban, who arrived in moscow. a direct and honest exchange of views, this is how vladimir
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putin described the conversation with viktor orban, regarding the international agenda, including the ukrainian conflict. russian president and prime minister hungary this friday held a meeting in the kremlin, in the context of budapest's presidency of the european council, as well as viktor orban's trip to kiev at the beginning of this working week, obviously the issue of settlement is key on the agenda . as for russia, i have repeatedly said that we have always been and remain open to discussing the policy of a diplomatic settlement, but on the other side we hear about the reluctance to resolve the issue in exactly this way; ukraine’s sponsors continue to try to use this the country and its people as a battering ram, a victim of the confrontation with russia, as we see the state of affairs. including taking into account what we heard today from mr. prime minister, in kiev they are still ready, not
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ready, to abandon the idea of ​​​​introducing war to a victorious end. in my opinion, the kiev regime does not allow the very idea of ​​cessation of hostilities because in this case the pretext for extending martial law disappears, and if martial law has to be lifted, it means that elections will have to be held, which never took place. on time presidential elections, but the chances of winning them for the ukrainian, ukrainian rulers who have lost their ratings and legitimacy are close to zero. we continue to support the russian position on this issue, as vladimir putin recalled; it is known that proposals were voiced by the head of state during a meeting with the leadership of the foreign ministry ; this position is not aimed at a truce, but at the final end of the conflict.
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ukraine, however, we are grateful to mr. prime minister for visiting moscow, we perceive this as an attempt restore the dialogue and give it some additional impetus. we really need peace. for hungary, the main task of the presidency of the european council is the fight for peace. 2 and a half years in the shadow of war, to quote viktor orban, are causing enormous difficulties in europe, economic, first of all, although...
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suffering, this war has already begun to affect economic growth and our competitiveness. in general, as i already said, europe needs peace. over the past 2 and a half years. we realized that without diplomacy, without communication channels, we cannot we will achieve peace, peace will not come on its own, we need to work for it, just the ways to achieve peace were discussed with mr. president today, in order for the dialogue mentioned by viktor orban to take place, both sides need to be ready for it. moscow has repeatedly stated its position, and moreover,
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proven it. the initialed istanbul agreements are the most striking example of this. ceasefire and peace negotiations in what order they can be held. and the third thing that interested me was the vision of europe after the war. thankful to mr. the president for an open, honest conversation. over the past 2 and a half years , there have been practically no countries that could have contact with the other warring party.
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hungary is one of very few such countries. that is why i was in kiev, because now the question was transferred to... viktor orban, but in his own words he voiced the answer personally to vladimir putin at the meeting. i did not repeat it publicly. it seems that ukraine is going to continue to take the longest possible path towards reconciliation. russians before completion preferential mortgage programs managed to accumulate
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a record number of loans. well, how will the situation develop after the cancellation? state support and what will happen to housing prices - our colleague nika yankova found out. rub 578 billion russians took out mortgages with state support for this amount at the end of june. within a month the volume increased by a third. preliminary data are provided by the central bank. when compared with june last year, the figure increased almost 1.8 times. according to statistics from the united credit bureau, in may twenty on the fourth, russians took out a record number of housing loans, 75% of them were received.
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if we are all together, the availability of housing will continue to be disrupted, it will be difficult for developers, because big things have been done, the investment cycle there is quite long, and it will not be easy for banks, but it is extremely necessary to bring the economic organism into this state, into an equilibrium state, i don’t think that there will be some very dramatic consequences here, but there will be consequences, a program of preferential mortgages on new buildings at 8%, which ended on 1 july, worked from spring until... restrictions as a temporary support measure. the conditions changed over time, and the terms were extended several times. according to the house of the russian federation, during the implementation of preferential mortgage programs , russian banks issued almost 3 million loans worth 11.5 trillion rubles to the population. of these, for preferential mortgages on new buildings, more than one and a half million loans amount to about 6
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trillion. at the same time, prices for primary housing have increased significantly over 4 years. in may of the twentieth the cost per square meter. here on the secondary in the market, real estate prices did not rise so rapidly, as a result , the following situation arises: a person who bought an apartment from a developer will not be able to sell it to cover the loan debt, central banks have pointed this out more than once. in addition, the state bears significant costs for subsidizing mortgages, the regulator believes. people's attention is switching from the primary market to the secondary market. the secondary market today is cheaper, cheaper taking into account the fact that a quite expensive mortgage loan without government support, and in conditions where it is difficult to obtain or for some categories for now... it’s not possible to get a preferential loan for a new building at all, attention is switched to cheaper secondary properties, some with mortgage loans, somewhere without, but nevertheless
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the switch in demand is obvious, and we we will see discounts, but from developers who will be covered under some special programs. the preferential mortgage for new buildings has ended, but other programs with state support continue to operate in the country, for example, it and family mortgages, by the way, according to the central bank. with at the beginning of this year, in terms of the number and volume of issuances, family mortgages are ahead of the preferential program at 8%. now the market needs, let’s say , to adapt, and most likely this will be a decrease in demand by 15-20%. but, however, we are now waiting for new conditions for family mortgages, in prices we are already seeing a slight decline, but this concerns the secondary housing, but it is still difficult for developers to say, they are also still waiting for this preferential program for families with children. as for market mortgage rates, they are forecast to begin to fall already in the twenty-fifth year. let me remind you that the largest banks have raised rates on basic programs several times since the beginning of summer, although
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the regulator maintains the key rate at 16%. as a result, the volume of housing loans issued may fall from 20 to 40% by the end of this year. the first arctic express, a train carrying cargo through arkhang, departed from moscow today. in this case, it will become the shortest route by water; navigation along it is now possible all year round. we win in creating an independent safe route, passing through the waters of russian waters , first of all, and of friendly countries, and most importantly, this is a non-transshipment route. if previously transportation in southeast asia always went through a european port from the ranch with transshipment in bremerhan in rotterdam, yes, now that’s what we see. what was presented by colleagues is a direct route from the ports of china to the port of arkhangelsk. the issues of safe operation of reactors and the procedure for conducting inspections at nuclear
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power plants were discussed today by representatives of rostechnadzor and chinese specialists. the purpose of the visit of the delegation from the prc was to study russian experience in operating fast neutron reactors. at the end of the meeting, the parties signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of regulating the safety of thermonuclear fusion. earlier, chinese specialists visited the key ones. better than a nuclear power plant, which is the only one in the world today that is not only declared, but also manufactured and operated in the russian federation. russia occupies a leading position in
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the world in the field of nuclear energy. i had opportunity to get acquainted with the operation of your nuclear power plants and reactors. the visit left a deep impression on me: you demonstrate the highest level of safe operation. in the nizhny novgorod region , a patient with batulism died in a hospital in dzerzhinsk, the victim was a 24-year-old young man, he was hospitalized in june in extremely serious condition, and this is not the first, second case of the death of a patient with such a diagnosis. on june 28 , the death of a patient who was hospitalized with signs of botulism was confirmed, 17 june in extremely serious condition. death occurred due to a number of reasons among. who have botulism, but this infection was not the root cause. doctors took all necessary operational measures, including consultations with federal colleagues from the national medical institute. earlier
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, a twenty-one-year-old resident of kostroma died from the consequences caused by a rare dangerous bacterium. the poison botolaxin travels through the nervous system and is 375 times thousands stronger than the venom of the rattlesnake, which is the most commonly poisoned. they end up in intensive care and are there under the machine artificial ventilation. in mid- june , more than 300 people were in hospitals across the country under the supervision of specialists, more than forty of whom were connected to the cvl. the day before , one patient was discharged from a hospital in volgograd. four more completed treatment in kazan. and this is how the situation stands today. currently undergoing inpatient treatment in medical organizations. there are 54 patients with. populism - of which 14 patients are on artificial ventilation. people turned to doctors for help with symptoms of butulism residents of moscow, st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod
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and volgograd regions, as well as kazan. before the poisoning, all victims ordered tuna salad through a service kitchen in the area. by court decision, the service was suspended. the general director of the company, the head of the quality department, as well as the commercial director of the bean manufacturer have been placed under house arrest, and the cook who prepared the poisonous dishes is now in season. due to the approach of a thunderstorm front, parks in moscow are closed. restaurants were also asked for time. suspend the work of summer verandas, weather forecasters promise them a strong thunderstorm with heavy rain and squally winds in the coming hours. our meteorologist, evgeniy tishkavets, is monitoring the situation. yes, evgeny, welcome again, well, where is this storm front already, so much noise, but so far nothing. good evening, colleagues, the main zone of bad weather has so far passed through the west, south and north of the moscow region, literally the front has not reached moscow 10-15 km, well, in the capital the weather has even cleared up a little now, but the cold front
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has not yet arrived. his last word, however, considering the imminent onset of twilight, i would still reduce the degree of danger of the weather, as well as the degree of temperature. the disaster has already struck the moscow region; from the northern western regions of the region there were reports of powerful , threatening downpours that heavily flooded zelenograd and solnechnogorsk. a merciless wind raged in klin istra, istra and other cities, and thick hail also occurred in the north of the region. in the vicinity of dmitrov, they even noticed something similar to death. in the footage you can actually see how a cumulus rain cloud begins to form at the base vortex funnel. moscow still remains in the warm sector of the cyclone and the sun is even peeking out in some places, and the only thunderstorm flare passed only in the east, barely touching the megapolis. now
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there are major clusters on weather radars. rain clouds are observed along the periphery of the moscow region, lines of atmospheric instability stuck in parallel flows pass through the upper volga region and the western half of the moscow region, squalls were recorded along the cold atmospheric front, in pre-storm wind gusts of 17 m/s, and contrasting temperatures reach 10°. so in the tver region, the thermometer readings have already dropped to +17, in the east of the moscow region today the air managed to warm up to... while visibility in showers deteriorated to 2 km. the cold frontal system will erode as darkness approaches, slowly pushing eastward and will pass the capital around 21:00. in moscow , the air temperature over the last 2 hours has dropped by as much as 5° and is +23. the sky is gloomy, but there are no dangerous phenomena, so far there is no precipitation. in the evening and at midnight they still make noise
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flashing rain is even possible. thunderstorm gusty wind. as a result of the passage of the front, it will become noticeably fresher. tomorrow , sunny and dry weather will prevail in the western and southern territories of european russia. in the russian north +17:22, in the nenesky district 25 degrees celsius. in coma the temperature is up to 28-33. in central russia it is noticeably fresher up to 20-25°. in chernozem plus 25-30. in the middle volga region, lower reaches of the don, in the urals and donbass - 30-35. in the caspian sea up to 33-38° heat. with the onset of saturday, the storm in moscow will stop, the weather will improve, it will become fresher and more comfortable. the weekend will be sunny and dry, at night +11:16, during the day on saturday +21:24, on sunday - +24:27. at the beginning of next week, when the weather is warmer , the anticyclone will retain its position on the banks of the moscow river. at twilight it will be +13:18,
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during the daytime it will be +2. in kyiv they are not ready to refuse.


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