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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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in general, the worst is already behind us, and the calm and warm july summer will return to us. are not ready to abandon waging war to the end, since in this case the pretext for extending the martial law regime will disappear, and the chances of winning the elections for the ukrainian leadership are close to zero, and vladimir putin gave this assessment of the situation in ukraine at a press conference following the results meetings with viktor orban, this is what they told reporters after negotiations that lasted almost three hours. thank you very much,
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dear mr. prime minister, ladies and gentlemen, we have just completed very intense negotiations with the prime minister of hungary, mr. viktor orban, it is important that even in the current difficult geopolitical situation we continue the dialogue, as we have had in many previous meetings.
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a harcoknak azért sem akarják, mert ebben az esetben...
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de ennek nem egyszerűen egy rövid idejű felfüggesztése kell legyen a harcoknak.
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tisztelt hölgyeim és uraim, figyelembe véve azt a tényt, hogy magyarország július elsejétől átvette az európai unióban az elnökséget, soros elnökséget, mi orbán viktor miniszterelnök úrral megvitattuk oroszország és az európai unió közötti kapcsolatok helyzetét is, amelyek most mélyponton vannak.
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given that orban cannot represent the european union in negotiations with putin, and brussels excludes any possibility of dialogue with the russian leader, such rhetoric raised eyebrows among hungarian foreign minister petr sejart, who recalled that hungary is still a sovereign country. let me add that the meeting between putin and orban was not officially announced, so this afternoon came as a real shock to many.
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natalya solovyova studied the violent reaction of western politicians. viktor orbán's plane had barely landed. an information storm broke out in moscow in europe. chief european diplomat josep barel was the first to react, calling the visit an exclusively bilateral affair between russia and hungary and calling for the hungarian leader not to be considered the voice of the entire european union. the european commission stated that this trip undermines the unity of the eu. we are talking about reducing tensions, but not about peace. we believe that this undermines unity and the determination we must demonstrate to bring this war to an end. leaving his post. stoltenberg said: they don’t need minsk-3 in nato, they are afraid that orban’s trip will affect the future summit in washington. budapest is capable of blocking the alliance’s decision on ukraine. hungary informed us about this upcoming visit, i expect that when orban attends the summit in washington next week, there will be an opportunity to discuss the negotiations that took place in moscow. while the cortege of russian
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auruses was rushing through the capital to the kremlin, during the race, european officials wrote angry messages in everything accessible. ursula fonder wrote it in just 13 words. appeasement will not stop putin; only unity and determination will pave the way for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in ukraine. viktor orban clearly has his own ideas about how to achieve this world, and without delay, it was with the topic of ukraine that he began the conversation with vladimir putin. the very fact that someone could have an opinion different from his own european leaders led to rabies. case does not represent the european union or the position of the european union. he is using the position of chairman to sow confusion. the european union is united and clearly stands for ukraine and against russian aggression. hungary did not inform other states about travel plans; the press called this a disregard for partners. it’s not customary for a large family to do this. in germany, they held their face with all their might. chancellor scholz, answering questions from journalists about
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whether orban warned him to visit moscow, laughed it off. in the international arena, the european union represented by charles michel and antonio costa. these are the rules. and since he is not a representative of the european council at the international level, suspecting, he decided that he was not obliged to inform about it. 3 days before this, the hungarian prime minister visited kiev, where he invited the ukrainian authorities to agree to a ceasefire in order to speed up peace negotiations, they refused, but orban would not be himself if he had not heard the other side of the conflict. his visit was not officially confirmed by both the kremlin and budapest until the last moment. 72 hours limited to evasive wording that made the west wait tensely. a day before the visit , polish prime minister donald tusk's nerves gave way. the rumors about your visit to moscow cannot be true. or maybe in europe, where viktor orban is already considered the main dissident, the trip caused outrage. many are horrified that the leader who, in their opinion , has done everything in recent years to undermine european
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unity, is now representing the european union for the next 6 months. some, taking advantage of the occasion, even proposed to remove budapest from office. the council should respond to this obvious provocation. thus orbán has lost all right to lead anything, unfortunately the next 6 months will be completely lost. repair and restoration work. the fact that orban shamefully abuses his presidency of the eu council and goes to the kremlin without a mandate is a scandal. it undermines the basic principles of foreign policy: either the hungarian government respects its current role in the european union, or it must step down as chairman. even if there is no rotating eu presidency if you have a mandate to negotiate, you cannot sit back and wait for the war to miraculously end. orban's words addressed to his opponents. and the first photo from the capital of russia with the underline is “
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real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes for only
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100 rubles. hunt, go out to win. introducing a new, perfect taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic, brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai new baltika 7 non-alcoholic feel the perfection. taste. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. when you live at x2 speed, not sparing your stomach. duo for pain and bloating. you are not alone, we are a duo. duo. order from plus pharmacies. gac m8. executive class minivan. a unique radiator grille, electromagnetic suspension, lux class interior for your maximum comfort. jas m8 is
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prime minister dmitry patrushev. let me remind you that in 2018, the president set the task of reducing the discharge of polluted wastewater into the volga by three times over 6 years, as well as ensuring the environmental improvement of lake baikal. for this purpose, construction and reconstruction of more than 140 treatment facilities are underway in 19 regions of the country. the president outlined the time frame within which the measures should be implemented, for which the government has allocated 110 over a six-year period
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. most of all, as it were, in donetsk, which is impressive, is very invisible here. on this thin line between war and peace, everything walking, peaceful life, i was also surprised by this, people got used to all this, that now it’s a peaceful life, now it’s war. the brigade just stood there to transport this medical facility on time, the neod flew there, well, i hope that very soon it will come to this long-suffering land.


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