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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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continue to try to use this country and its people as a battering ram, a victim of the confrontation with russia. as we see it, the state of affairs, including taking into account what we heard today from mr. prime minister, in kiev they are still ready, not ready, to abandon the idea of ​​waging war to a victorious end. in my opinion, the kiev regime does not allow the very idea of ​​cessation of hostilities because in this case the pretext disappears. to extend martial law, and if martial law has to be lifted, then it will be necessary to carry out elections that did not take place on time for the presidential elections, but the chances of winning them for the ukrainian, ukrainian rulers who have lost their ratings and legitimacy are close to zero. viktor orban's visit caused a flurry of negativity from european politicians; it is also important that from july 1. i wanted to find out which
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is the shortest path to ending the war, to hear the opinion of president vladimir putin on three important issues: what he thinks about the peace initiatives currently available, what he also thinks about the ceasefire and peace negotiations in which their sequence can be carried out. the third thing that interested me was the vision of europe after the war. i am grateful to mr. president for the open and honest conversation. i realized that the positions of the countries are very far from each other, many, many steps need to be taken in order to get closer to ending the war. however, we took the most important step, established contact. i will continue to work in this direction. now there is a short advertisement, immediately after it we are watching a new episode of the senate program. remember what they told you
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can have a sausage anywhere appetite only dad will cut down eat a beastly appetite snack it won't hurt the sausages but our new name will help , t-bank, we change the name without changing ourselves. ebank, he's the only one. hello, this is the senate program, my colleague, vera krasova, and me, vladimir nesterov. we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and
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how they become part of our lives. strengthening the development of the regions' potential and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events right now. a major social decision. which 8 million citizens were waiting for, senators approved the law to return the indexation of pensions to working pensioners. we together, of course, the state duma and the federation with great enthusiasm are adopting this law, long-awaited for the people of our older generation. a train of memory, the end of a long journey through the cities of russia and belarus and the hero city of minsk. 80 years of liberation from fascist invaders. construction of hospitals, road network, housing and communal services. the senators supported. a number of projects in the bryansk region, what else do residents of the region pay attention to? on social networks they noticed that people are not sufficiently informed about the availability of shelters and the addresses of shelters. development strategy the azov region as a new economic impetus for the macroregion, what kind of program is this?
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there will be a lot of results, in every area they are very significant. mountain ranges, alpine lakes, glaciers and rivers. the flow of tourists in the altai territory is breaking all records. we're doing great. conditions have been created by very good , friendly people who are ready to welcome tourists to the territory. the wealth of flora and fauna, the diversity of nature, this region can surprise even the most discerning tourists. outdoor swimming pool, blazing sunshine, you can assume that this is a resort on the sea coast, but no, this is a russian village. the long-awaited law, which was approved by senators. since january 25, the indexation of pensions for working pensioners has been resumed. the document was adopted on behalf of the president. precisely vladimir. putin made a fundamental decision to return indexation to all working pensioners on the same basis as non-working ones. in this case , the calculation of inflation indexation from february 1 will be carried out based on the maximum pension amount for a pensioner, then there is talk about the pension he would
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receive if he were a non-working pensioner. thanks to the fact that the federal assembly worked out and approved the law as quickly as possible, all the necessary funds will be included in the next year’s budget. for a long time. was discussed in the state duma, in the federation council, well, there was simply no opportunity, it seems to me that the president made such a decisive, excuse the taptology, decision when he gave the order: find an opportunity, find funds, this is a matter of social justice, pensioners, who work should also receive indexation of their pensions, and such an opportunity has appeared today, and together, of course, the state duma and the federation council are with great enthusiasm...
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now, on behalf of the president of our country, vladimir vladimovich putin, which he announced at the st. petersburg economic forum, it was decided to develop this law in a very short time in order to index the pensions of working pensioners, starting in 2025, this will, in my opinion, now allow us to attract those personnel into the economy, that is, those specialists who have extensive experience, but... have retired, this will allow them to return to work now, they can receive
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wages and a pension. elena alekseevna, what other socially important initiatives will become laws in the near future? i would note a very important law, which is currently under development; this problem was voiced by valentina ivanovna matvienko at the council of legislators in april of this year, as well as at a meeting with the chairman of the government of the russian federation mikhail vladimovich mishustin.
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i receive it, but the estimated cost is 25,000 rubles. so indexation will occur to 25,000 rubles.
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to the inflation rate. if the inflation rate is approved by the state, for example, for simplicity of calculation, 10%, then my pension will be indexed from 2,500 rubles. how can you determine the insurance part? this is your pension minus the fixed part, if your pension is 15,000 rubles. minus the fixed part, which currently amounts to 8.00 rubles. this is your insurance part, which will be indexed to your income level pension system. and finally, the third component is the recalculation of the insurance pension by three pension points, which will take place from august 1, 2025. now the pension point is valued at 133 rubles this year. for twenty. year there will naturally be a revaluation by a higher amount, but nevertheless, if
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this amount remains, then this is about 400 rubles per month, a person will receive an additional supplement to his pension. the innovation will affect almost 8 million people, the same number of citizens in russia now who are already on well-deserved rest, but are still continuing work activity. now the average size of their pension exceeds 17,000 rubles. next year there will be a minimum increase for this category according to government estimates. will be approximately 1,300 rubles. a rather long-awaited topic, a long-awaited law, a decision on indexation of pensions, it, as they say, adds justice to the part that has been talked about all the time, no documents need to be written, everything will be done automatically with the specialists of the social fund. there will be uniform indexation rules for all pensioners, with the same length of service , they will receive the same increase and not work.
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in 2027. there is a category of pensioners who, of course, have gone into the shadows; there are pensioners who have chosen other forms of their economic activity; they quite possibly can return to economics and social work. allows you to add to your experience indicators, to add, in general, official settlement capital, pension capital, so, of course, legal work is always given. your advantage. so, once again, the amount of the annual pension increase will be depend on several conditions: firstly, on the accumulated experience of pension points, and secondly, on the level of inflation over the past period. and finally, i’ll tell you what will happen to the funds that a working pensioner has not received for the last 8 years. as i already reminded above, in 2016 the indexation of pensions for this category of citizens was suspended, but
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it was carried out, but simply not paid. according to the current rules, the amount accumulated during this period is fireproof, it will be. returned after termination of employment, and you can check its size in your personal social fund account. in some localities, pensions are still delivered by post office; branches remain almost the only place where necessary payments are also accepted. at the end of last year , valentina matvienko instructed to study the issue of including russian post in the program for the development of rural areas. we will find out from senator ivan ivstefeev how the modernization of post offices in villages and villages is going. we have listened. reports, and most importantly, proposals that came from deputy governors who are in charge of this area, one of the interesting reports was from the ulyanovsk region, which came up with specific proposals from the nizhny novgorod region, using the example of the omsk region, which i represent, there are also a number of proposals on what needs to be done, how to
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advise, and carry out work together with russian post so that our russian post offices... are located in rural areas, and let’s not forget that about 27 thousand russian post offices are located in rural areas, and this is how as a rule, it affects about 37 million of our residents, the overwhelming majority of whom are , of course, elderly people, the older generation who use these services in the countryside. let’s not forget that more than 4 billion rubles are now being allocated for the modernization of post offices in rural areas, which needs to be done.
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hence the question arose of what we will do with our postmen, who have very little wages, what we will do with the problem of personnel in the countryside, because in addition to the small salary, there is a large understaffing postmen, various programs are being thought through and developed in order to create more comfortable conditions for our postmen. how does the 2024 modernization program differ from previous ones? more funding has been sent. it is for the reconstruction and repair of post offices that issues such as combining, for example, the post office of the russian post office with the mfc, are being considered, so that residents of rural areas can receive a full range of services while being in one place; the issue is also being explored in conjunction with marketplaces, and us on
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the round table was attended by the head of the marketplace association about thinking through joint programs, some kind of joint models, so that the marketplace that is present in the villages, our russian post, the russian state post, so that there is a process of interaction between them, the russian post is ready for this, marketplaces this point is being discussed, but i think they will also be ready for this, we will help them so that this symbiosis happens between business and executive authorities, the ministry of digital development is ready, i i think we just need it again in a narrower way.
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decides that drivers, when selling, immediately deregister the car with the traffic police, and not 10 days after contacting the department. an important nuance. the federal law comes into force on march 1 , 2025. there's a short commercial now, we'll be back soon, don't switch. slana petrovna. good afternoon. your bank's security service. another moment and they would have had access to the money and machined a suspicious transaction on your account. svetlana petrovna turned on the scout. seconds counted. urgently dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account. i called the bank and hung up. he doesn't seem to be anyone. to get money out of you, hang up without talking,
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who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we get bored, what’s a fairy tale without ivan, uh, what? i wanted to, without deception and without a flint, you imprisoned me in the lights , a pen, magic ink, you can get it, the main thing is van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname , where necessary, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to go. “ i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon,
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if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, beyond its borders, the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
7:23 pm
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alpha travel and get a super cash on air tickets, this alpha friday, july 5, we are giving 30% cashback on flights to sochi, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. almost 2 weeks of travel, thousands of kilometers, cities of the hero of russia and belarus, involvement in the events of the great patriotic and incredible emotions of the participants, it’s all about the memory train. this year, a large-scale cultural and educational project was completed in minsk. it is no coincidence and very symbolic that this coincided with the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the capital of belarus from nazi troops. jaana ponferova will talk about this, as well as the most interesting things from the last week. the memory train
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completes its route. solemn. the closing ceremony of the project took place in minsk. over the past week, the guys visited seven cities in russia and belarus. perhaps, one of the most eventful was the visit to the city of hero moscow. participants in the cultural and educational project laid flowers at the eternal flame at the kremlin wall, in memory of the 5 million soldiers who fell unknown. a separate point was kubenka near moscow, the speaker of the upper house greeted the project participants. i'm sure each of you. my heart will keep this journey, because six cities in belarus, six cities in russia, this is the memory of our common history, our traditions, culture, this is also important because we see how some states are trying to rewrite, distort history, belittle the role of the soviet army, and
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belittle the role of the people. our country's victory over fascism, we cannot allow this, we must pass on this historical truth, this memory from generation to generation, i am sure that you will definitely do this, then the route program includes a walk through patriot park, the memory road museum, and a gallery with a length of 1418 steps, literally every day of the great patriotic war, from the defense of the bresse fortress in moscow, is created here in detail. stalingrad on on the road of life to the poster leningrad, visitors can plunge into the atmosphere of the tragic beginning of the war before the march of soviet troops to berlin. in the gallery everyone could find information about their ancestor, the hero. belol saporboev from uzbekistan shows the biography of his great-grandfather, says he did not even expect to find information about a heroic ancestor thousands of kilometers from his native karakalpakstan. this is the feeling when you find your
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great-grandfather and... you feel his feat, everything is written about him here, that he received a medal from him for military merits, he is from the uzbek ussr, karakalak autonomous soviet socialist republic, and turtyursky region, it is to feel the history with your ancestor, it is very exciting. also, while traveling through the cities of russia and belarus, the project participants shared the stories of the heroes of the great patriotic war of their families. saslan spotarenko tells about the combat path of the grandfather of the front-line soldier ivan ivanovich salagin to his new friends. this photograph is the only surviving image of him. soslan's great-grandfather took part in the defense of moscow. after the war, he restored his native stalingrad. a high school student laid red carnations at the eternal flame at mamayev kurgan in the homeland of his great-grandfather, in memory of him. once a project is completed, its own memory path will not end. when i arrive in volgograd, i will immediately go there to the village, i will be able to come to his grave, communicate with those who saw mine.


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