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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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the feeling is when you find your great-grandfather, you feel his feat, everything is written about him here, that he received a medal for military merit from him, he is from the uzbek ussr, the karaklopak autonomous soviet socialist republic and the turchuy region, this is to feel the history with your ancestor, this very exciting. also, while traveling through the cities of russia and belarus, project participants shared the stories of the heroes of the great patriotic war of their families. soslan spatalenko tells about the combat journey of the front-line soldier’s grandfather ivan ivanovich salagin to his new friends. this photo is the only one his surviving image. soslan's great-grandfather took part in the defense of moscow. after the war, he restored his native stalingrad. a high school student laid red carnations at the eternal flame at mamayev kurgan in his great-grandfather’s homeland in memory of him. once a project is completed, its own memory path will not end. when i arrive in volgograd, i will immediately go there. in the village i will be able to come to
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his grave, communicate with those who saw my grandfather, who remember him. on july 3, the memory landing landed in minsk. passengers of the legendary express were invited to the parade in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the belarusian land from the nazi invaders. every step along the main avenue of the capital, chikan, parade squads marched. according to tradition, first the students of the cadet corps, then representatives of various clans solemnly marched. belarusian troops, as well as military personnel from russia, china, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, tajikistan and uzbekistan. the celebration of the independence day of the republic ended with a magnificent fireworks display. and now, perhaps, the most emotional stage is the completion of the cultural and educational project "memory train." the results are summed up by the deputy chairman of the federation council, konstantin kosachev. in the traditions of our countries, of course, we worship the memory of those who came before us. and
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thanks to whom we live, this is the meaning of the memory train, to allow you to gain this memory , to truly convince you that you are rightfully its custodians, you have to preserve this memory and carry it into future generations, i am sure that this is so will. 2 weeks of the project will definitely remain in memory. each participant, the guys walked the roads of the exploits of the heroes of the great patriotic war, visited 13 cities, traveled more than 9,000 km. at parting, friends cannot hold back their tears and make a promise that they will definitely meet again. yana panferova, mikhail chuprasov, senate program. this is the senate program, see below. construction of hospitals, road network, housing and communal services. senators supported a number of projects in the bryansk region, ours. what else do
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residents of the region pay attention to? they noticed on social networks that people are not sufficiently informed about the availability of shelters and the addresses of shelters. development strategy of the ozovo region as a new economic impetus for the macroregion, what kind of program is this? there will be a lot of results, in every area they are very significant. mountain ranges, alpine lakes, glaciers and rivers, the flow of tourists in the altai territory is breaking records. we have excellent conditions created by very good and friendly people. people who are ready to welcome tourists to the territory. the wealth of flora and fauna, the diversity of nature, this region can surprise even the most discerning tourists. an outdoor pool, blazing sun, one might assume that this is a seaside resort coast, but no, this is a russian village. russia suspends participation in the work of the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in europe and the payment of membership fees. the statement was adopted on behalf of both chambers of the federal assembly. the document says. that due to restrictions
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regarding russian parliamentarians, constructive dialogue on the organization’s platform is no longer possible, while our legislators are ready to return to work in the assembly if its leadership and a number of member states reconsider their, i quote, russophobic and discriminatory approaches to solving pressing problems of european security. investments in the country's economy over the past year have become record highs; active import substitution has begun in 10 years, senator anatoly artamonov stated this during the consideration of the law on the implementation of the federal budget for 2023 . according to him, the main result was financial support for the implementation of all the goals set by the president. the budget remains socially oriented and is aimed at supporting citizens in key sectors of the economy. senators approved the document. the main result of the execution of the federal budget in the twenty-third year was the financial support for the implementation of all the goals set by the president. all. social
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obligations were fully fulfilled, and this is the main thing, huge funds were allocated for the children's budget, 2.9 trillion rubles. from january 1st. 50% of the subsistence level for children aged 8 to 17 years was allocated another 197 billion rubles. payment of maternity capital, including to new constituent entities of the russian federation, amounted to 426 billion rubles. large funds were allocated for the treatment of our citizens, only for prevention. more than 170 billion rubles were allocated. regional budgets will be given special attention, said the senator, the minister of finance. we need to support the economy in those regions that today have a low
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level of budgetary provision. and such programs in ten regions are working. and here is the ministry of finance, we, as a ministry, which oversees one of the constituent entities of the russian federation, this is kurgan. region we see that for every ruble of investment in the kurgan region we received 5 rubles of private investment, this is good, that is, these are new, which means economic opportunities for the development of the subject, the completion of the first stage of implementation, which means this project, we have now provided for the necessary amounts of funding for the second stage, we have also selected 10 subjects of the russian federation, which means that a new subject of the russian federation has entered ahead . of these regions is khakassia khakassia, so we will continue to develop this tool, we see that it is producing results. as for the numbers, budget revenues amounted to more than 29 trillion rubles, and expenses more than 32 trillion.
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the federal budget deficit amounted to 3.2 trillion rubles or 1.9% of gdp, which is lower than the predicted value. taking into account the execution of the federal budget in 2023. the senators prepared a number of recommendations to the government on the formation of a draft budget for the twenty-fifth and twenty- seventh years. summing up the discussion, the speaker of the federation council noted that the most important task had been solved, which made it possible to significantly reduce the financial burden on the regions. we have achieved it together, and the government here is great, they know how to listen, not just listen, hear that we have achieved a historic victory, the subjects of the federation have no commercial, commercial debt at all, only budgetary, loans, infrastructure. loans, just imagine how much money was saved on servicing commercial loans; they went to the needs of the regions, so anton genovich, special thanks for this, for the fact that we managed to do this, such an order was given by vladimir vladimirovich putin,
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the president, it was fulfilled. senators also approved laws on the execution of the budgets of the federal compulsory medical fund. insurance and pension and social insurance fund for the past year. the leadership of the bryansk region appealed to the senators with a request to influence the timing of the construction of an oncology clinic in the region. construction must begin not in 2027, as planned, but next year. the current building of this medical institution does not meet modern requirements. in addition, residents need to update the infectious diseases hospital. this, as well as other pressing issues that concern residents of the region, were discussed in the federation council as part of days of the subject. valentina matvienko drew the attention of the regional leadership to the need.
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to look at emergencies, they say they send basements, basements are often closed, maybe this is an isolated case, networks are always emotions, probably these are individual cases, but if they exist, then even these individual cases must be responded accordingly, but the government’s response is adequate, measures are taken immediately, and both federal and regional authorities are taking measures to ensure security. senators supported a number proposals of the bryansk region in the field of development of the construction complex, housing and communal services, transport infrastructure, so more than 4 billion rubles will be allocated for the construction and reconstruction of three bridges and roads in the region. in recent years , almost 5,000 km
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of roads have already been built or overhauled, and 700 buses have been purchased. how the transport complex in the country will be modernized was discussed at a meeting in the federation council. in particular, they discussed the development of a network of citizen airports. and also about the creation fund for the construction, reconstruction, and overhaul of airfield infrastructure facilities, senator andrei kutepov told us the details. we met within the framework of the transport council. of these, an investor is assigned who is interested in seeing this complex built, in relation to ninety-one
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airfields that connect populated areas when it is difficult to get there except by air, for which project documentation is now being directly prepared, and we we see how the senators who represented their opinions and the opinions of their regions at the council were interested, we found support for almost each of the airports. aviation , the ministry of transport is very actively involved , now the remaining 25 airports between sparsely populated areas, which are in the plan for repairs until the thirtieth year, we must now finally approve them, since we have such a dynamic work in progress, there is a proposal that can be increased that concerns the support fund that is currently being formed, there will be amount to about 10-12 billion, it will already start working this year... probably in the second, in the second half of the year, i hope that from next year it will be fully
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operational. let's continue the topic of regional development. a new economic impetus for the entire macroregion in the south of the country can be given by the development strategy of the ozovo region until 2040. the president ordered the approval of this program by september 1. we’ll talk more about the implementation of large-scale tasks with senator dmitry vorona. dmitry nikolaevich, hello. you are not only among the authors of the idea, you are very active. worked on this topic, promoted it, what activities will be included in the development strategy of the ozovo region until 2040. by the way, well , first of all, this strategy is comprehensive, its necessity was dictated by the fact that the sea of ​​azov again became an internal sea of ​​the russian federation and we needed to form a system for the development of the entire region, what will now change for the original russian regions, for the regions. historically reunited, well, for the republic of crimea, for which the development
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of the sea of ​​azov is also one of the priorities, therefore, we, of course, provided for all the issues there, from agriculture to transport infrastructure, which is already quite complex, of course, these are social issues, and the tourism sector, interaction, cooperation of regions among themselves in terms of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, that is, it is fundamental for us it's important to take advantage of it today. with all the advantages of the inland sea of ​​azov and of course develop it, firstly, restore it at the beginning, because the sea has received quite large environmental problems ukraine, because they were extremely thoughtless about this issue, and now the russian federation is forced to solve this problem in our united regions as well , to restore the state of the sea of ​​azov, so everything will start with the restoration of...
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to the population, first of all, what is happening now, here these days there are very serious shellings of the city of energodar, employees of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant are suffering, that is, this is also an environmental threat.
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and from this comes economic development and economic restoration, its full integration, and industry, of course, social implementation of all projects, we are trying today to make it as comfortable as possible for people to live on our territory, but again, unfortunately, taking into account the curfew and taking into account the restrictions that the martial law imposes, but the economy is developing very well, regional budgets are being exceeded, i can reveal... a little secret, in this case, operational connections are being restored, enterprises are being restored, large enterprises are being launched on our territory regions, the recreational sector is being restored, tourism is already being launched, tourism is already quite good, serious, today there are reports from the sea of ​​azov, from the coast
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and the zaporozhye region and the dpr, in which a fairly large number of vacationers are visible, but for... some others goals here, if we talk about transport infrastructure in general, then first of all, of course, it is necessary to complete the creation of a land corridor, a land bridge across the territory of our regions, to complete the railway part, that is, already the automobile part has been built, it requires modernization and expansion in certain places, and the government is dealing with this issue, but now the pressing issue is,
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of course, the full launch of railway traffic, primarily freight. across the territory of our regions, the next point is the launch of port and sea ports and port infrastructure, which should begin to fully ensure cargo turnover and also passenger turnover, passenger flow, because we are planning to restore ferry connections with krasnodar territory, with the rostov region, with the republic of crimea, when they talked about the airport at a meeting in the federation council, i saw it in the program. development of airports in the cities of kherson and zaporozhye, here i have already expressed the wish that i understand that these airports also need to be developed, but until these cities are under our control, then of course the priority is still to decide to launch airport of either melitopol or berdyansk, this will actually be the construction of airports with almost
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zero, because, after all, the war had its impact and affected the infrastructure. our regions, so in this situation it will be quite a long process, well, in general , to solve, firstly, the strategic issue of which of the two airports to restore, secondly , engineering solutions, and thirdly, let’s say, cost estimates and so on, issues, allocation financing, stages of financing, and so on. the upper house discussed measures of state support for domestic cinematography. senator lelia gumerova stated that the relevant committee of the council the federation is ready for further work. improving legislation to promote bright, talented films for children and youth in the regions of the country. yes, indeed, the topic of developing the film industry is one of the priorities on the agenda of the federation council. i would like to remind you that this topic was considered at the presidential council chaired by valentina ivanovna matvienko, as a result of which
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a specific list of the president’s instructions was issued, and with regard to improvement. legislation i would like to say that it was on the instructions of the president that we made changes to the law, and it has already been adopted on full state funding of films for children and youth, now the next stage, together with the relevant department we are completing work on a similar area on state funding of animated films for our children, this is certainly cinema, animation,
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but the author of the idea, literary basis, script has a special role, and how is the thematic selection carried out, is the social agenda and modern challenges taken into account? today the relevant department has identified 14 priority areas, these are, first of all , topics that relate to family, traditional family values, our heroes, these are topics that are specifically aimed at educating young people, shaping their worldview in the spirit of... traditional values, as i have already noted, of course, very high
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-level experts should participate in the selection of these films, we discussed this topic separately at the federation council, made our proposals that teachers and psychologists should be involved as experts the opinion of the children themselves, and of course those experts about whom the film was made, if it’s about teachers, about our doctors, about the heroes of special... military operations, then of course, first of all, from their lips we should hear expert assessments, i am glad that the ministry of culture they hear us in this direction, they support us, moreover, we agreed that we will also attract experts through our regions, propose them to the expert council, and how the regions can participate in the promotion of domestic films for children is not enough. .. to make a good film, it is important to bring it to a specific viewer, in this regard, we see that systematic work should be built
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between the ministry of education, the ministry of culture, the ministry of science of higher education, and here, as they say , a whole range of issues, but on the one hand this is bringing information to our educational institutions, which films are recommended for viewing today, because in just the third year... 251 domestic films were filmed , among them a lot of films that could be useful for our children, for our youth audience, here is the systematic basis for visiting such films in classes, maybe entire schools, organizing screenings like this is, of course, a very important story, moreover, today the regions, the russian federation themselves have actively joined the agenda, the creation of films stands out...
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very popular films , should be supported, who today are participating in the creation of such , including on a grant basis. and now the department is also discussing that those regions, altai and its absolutely cinematic beauty. every year this region attracts everything more tourists. this season the number of travelers has increased by almost 20%. medical and health-improving, ecological tourism is actively developing, and more recently rural tourism. this is facilitated, among other things , by a new law approved by senators. it allows you to accommodate vacationers on
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agricultural lands. more than 4 billion rubles were invested in the development of tourism in the altai territory. including more than 150 million. this is the amount of the resort fee. where the collected funds have already been sent, as well as the most picturesque serpentine road in russia, not a classic village and nature untouched by man. in the report of our special correspondent svetlana temerbulatova. the region is a thousand lakes. the purest mountain and medicinal salty. in total , there are more than 13.00 reservoirs in the altai territory. this is a crimson lake with an amazing color of water, and the famous light one, where snow-white swans spend the winter. for example, this lake is called utkul. it is interesting because the water here is so clean that you can catch crayfish. the wealth of flora and fauna, the diversity of nature from the steppes to the foothills. this one is siberian. he's mesmerizing travelers with picturesque landscapes. ecologically, the clean altai region is considered a siberian health resort. there are more than twenty sanatoriums here. city, resort
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belokurikha, pearl, altaisk. the altai territory has been participating in the experiment since 2018, and the period for its implementation was extended by the federation council until next year. previously, tourists in the region were charged 30 rubles. later it was increased to 50. during this period , a total of about 225 million rubles were collected. at 152 of them, additional infrastructure has already been built and extensive improvements have been made territory. now we are on the central site of the resort square.
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there was nothing here before. the improvement began with the guest route; the area was landscaped, benches, trash cans, and sidewalk fencing were installed. now builders are putting in order the central promenade and the embankment of the belokurikha river. the main thing that every tourist should do is climb mount tserkovka, like this. this tradition appeared from the first year of the creation of the cable car, its length is 2 km, the entire path can be walked leisurely in 25 minutes, while admire the beauty of the blond woman from a dizzying height. 15 minutes from the resort town there is another tourist cluster called belokurikho-gornaya. a steep, winding, most picturesque serpentine road in the country leads to it. construction of a new ski resort with a health complex is already underway there. belokurikha 2 is ours. let's
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just say, our innovation, volumes and investments, the quality of the hotel complexes there, just the health complexes and sanatorium resorts, they are very impressive. the altai territory is unique in its natural and climatic conditions; we have excellent conditions, very good friendly people who are ready to welcome tourists on the territory of the altai territory. it is planned to invest up to 50 billion private investments in the development of tourism in the altai territory until 2030, so travelers have more and more new recreation options. the pool is scorching in the sun, one might assume that this is a resort on the sea coast, but no, this is a russian village, of course, not entirely traditional, this is a village bochkari, it is officially recognized as the best village in the altai territory and for good reason. in the village, where 1,800 people live, there is a new school, a first-aid post with modern equipment, a hotel and a whole spa complex, even an ice arena, and local boys play hockey there for free, all this was built with funds from a huge enterprise that
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produces drinks, russia , for altai, what fields, what nature, it’s just, here’s gold, gold altai is, it’s about health, about longevity, we constantly talk about this at the master class. alexey manyukov left city life in veliky novgorod 8 years ago and moved with his family to a village in the altai territory, here he bakes bread in a real russian oven and teaches this to children and tourists. you knead together, together you make some kind of decoration, put it in the oven, it all turns into bread and just out of water. flour,
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this is magic, the flow of tours to russian villages is growing every year, the interest in remote corners of the country is obvious, according to experts, by 2025 the income from this type of recreation could reach 120 billion rub. this will be facilitated, including by a new law approved by senators, the initiative will allow farmers to accommodate tourists in guest houses on agricultural lands. when city children and families come, they can go and see how the radishes grow, and what if they also have a kazoo? milking is generally great, but the accommodation itself, of course, also provides additional income for the local population, namely rural tourism workers. altai region, homeland of vasily shukshin, german titov, mikhail kalashnikov, valery zlatukhin, mikhail ivdokimov. their names known not only in russia, but beyond its borders. the region where these great people were born and worked was visited by 2,300 people last year. this is one of the most dynamic.


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