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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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turns into bread and simply from water and flour, this is magic, the flow of tourists to russian villages is growing every year, interest in remote corners of the country is obvious, according to experts, by 2025 the income from this type of recreation could reach 120 billion rubles. this will be facilitated, among other things, by a new law approved by senators. the initiative will allow farmers to accommodate tourists in guest houses on agricultural lands. when city children come with their families, they can come and have a look. how radishes grow, and if you also milk a goat, this is generally great, but the accommodation itself, of course, also provides additional income for the local population, namely rural tourism workers. altai region, homeland of vasily shukshin, german titov, mikhail kalashnikov, valery zlatukhin, mikhail ivdokimov. their names are known not only in russia, but beyond its borders. the region where these great people were born and created was visited by 2,300 people last year, it is one of the most dynamic... developing
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tourist regions of russia and a record is expected this year. svetlana temirulatova, alexander shedevr and andrey litvin, senate program, altai territory. these were the results of the week in the federation council. see you live. see you on the senate program. kiev is not ready to give up waging war, otherwise the pretext for martial law will disappear, and the chances of winning the elections for the ukrainian leadership are close to zero. this assessment of the situation in ukraine was given by vladimir putin in a statement following his meeting with viktor orban. what. they told reporters that after
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negotiations that lasted almost 3 hours, anastasia efimova knows. direct and honest exchange of views, this is how vladimir putin described the conversation with viktor orban, in part devoted to the international agenda, including the ukrainian conflict. the russian president and the hungarian prime minister met this friday in the kremlin, in the context of budapest's presidency of the european council, as well as viktor orban's trip to kiev earlier this year.
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including taking into account what we heard from russia today, as we see it, the state of affairs, mr. prime minister, in kiev is still ready, not ready, to abandon the idea of ​​conducting war to the bitter end. in my opinion, the kiev regime does not allow the very idea of ​​cessation of hostilities because in this case the pretext for extending martial law disappears, and if it has to be canceled. to hold elections that never took place during martial law means that the presidential elections will have to take place, but the chances of winning them, for the ukrainian ukrainian rulers who have lost their ratings and legitimacy, are close to zero. the russian position on this issue, as vladimir putin recalled, is known, proposals were voiced by the head state during a meeting with the leadership of the foreign policy department, this position is not aimed at...
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russia stands for the complete and final end of the conflict, the conditions for this, as i already said, were set out in my speech at the ministry of foreign affairs. we are talking about the complete withdrawal of all ukrainian troops from the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, from the zaporozhye and kherson regions. there are other conditions, but this is all a subject for sufficiently detailed consideration in the course of possible joint work. viktor orban on
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during the negotiations, of course, he presented the western point of view, which is known to us, vladimir putin noted. this point of view takes into account the interests of ukraine - the president said this, but ignores the opinion of russia.
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important, we consider the main task for the coming six months of our eu presidency to be the fight for peace. now we in europe have been living in the shadow of war for 2 and a half years. this causes enormous difficulties, we cannot feel safe, we see pictures of destruction and suffering. this war has already begun to have an impact on the economic growing our competitiveness. in general, as i already said, europe needs peace. over the past 2 and a half years, we have realized that...
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in order to get closer to ending the war, we need to take many, many steps , but we have taken the most important step,
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established contact, and i will continue to work in this direction. journalists, of course, really wanted specifics, tried to ask questions, in particular about kiev’s reaction to the proposals voiced... and by moscow, the very ones that would stop the bloodshed. question for viktor orban translated, but he voiced the answer in his own words at a meeting personally to vladimir putin, and did not repeat it publicly. it seems that ukraine is going to continue to take the longest possible path towards reconciliation. the visit of the head of the hungarian government to moscow was not to the liking of many european politicians. so jose. barel hastened to declare that orban cannot represent the eu in negotiations with putin, and brussels excludes any possibility of dialogue with the russian leader. the head of the hungarian foreign ministry even had to remind that hungary is actually sovereign a country. let me add that the meeting between putin and orban was not officially announced and
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came as a real shock to many. natalya solovyova studied the violent reaction of western politicians. as soon as viktor orban’s plane landed in moscow, an information war broke out in europe. russia and hungary and calling not to consider the hungarian leader as the voice of the entire european union. the european commission stated that this trip undermines the unity of the eu. we are talking about reducing tensions, but not about peace. we believe this undermines unity and sense of purpose, which we must demonstrate so that this war ends. secretary general stoltenberg, who is leaving his post, said that minsk-3 does not need nato to fear that orban’s trip will affect the future summit in washington. budapest is capable of blocking the alliance’s decision on ukraine. hungary informed us about this upcoming visit, i expect that when orban is at the washington summit next week, there will be an opportunity to discuss the negotiations
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that took place in moscow. while the cortege of russian auros raced through the capital, the kremlin, during the race, european officials wrote angry messages on all social networks available to them. ursula fondeen laid. in just 13 words. appeasement will not stop putin; only unity and determination will pave the way for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in ukraine. viktor orban clearly has his own ideas about how exactly to achieve this world, and without delay, it was with the topic of ukraine that he began his conversation with vladimir putin. the very fact that someone can have an opinion different from his own european leaders, infuriated. in moscow, viktor orban in no way represents the european union or the position of the european union. he is using the position of chairman to sow confusion. the european union is united and clearly stands for ukraine and against russian aggression. hungary did not inform other states about plans for a trip to...
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in kiev, where he invited the ukrainian authorities to agree to a ceasefire in order to speed up peace negotiations, they refused, but orban would not be himself if he had not heard the other side of the conflict. his visit before the last moment was not officially confirmed by both the kremlin and budapest. 72 hours were limited to evasive formulations, which forced the west to wait tensely. a day before the visit , polish prime minister donald tusk's nerves gave way. rumors about your visit to moscow cannot be true, or can they? in europe, where victor. orban is already considered the main dissident, the trip caused outrage. many are horrified that a leader they believe
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has done everything in recent years to undermine european unity. now represents european union for the next 6 months. some, taking advantage of the occasion, even proposed removing budapest from office. the council must respond to this clear provocation. thus, orban has lost all right to direct anything, unfortunately, the next 6 months will be completely lost, repair and restoration work. the fact that orban shamefully abuses the presidency of the eu council, goes to the kremlin without a mandate, is a scandal, he undermines the basic principles of foreign policy, or the hungarian government respects its current role in the european union, or it must step down as chairman. even if the eu's rotating presidency does not have a negotiating mandate, we cannot sit back and wait for the war to miraculously end. orban's words addressed by his opponent, and the first photo from the russian capital with the emphasis - this is a peaceful mission, because sitting in comfortable ones. six orders
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of courage, four medals for courage, departmental awards were received today by the participants of the northern military district, almost all of them are already preparing to leave for the places of further training services; for this purpose, during rehabilitation, they simultaneously underwent training. our correspondent stanislav vasilchenko has details. ivan has had the order of courage on his chest from the very beginning of the special operation. the fighter was in the ranks every day, carrying out the most difficult combat missions and would have continued if not for the enemy drone that deprived ivan of his hand. but even with such an injury, the serviceman does not want to leave the armed forces. he completed advanced training courses at the hospital and will soon go to his native khabarovsk, where he will continue to serve, but in military registration and enlistment office plus a title, some kind, plus a salary category, plus there are options for promotion, that is, for us, it’s not like we sit down for one position and sit there. we have an option as well. rise higher, that is, by rank and position, so why not?
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deputy ministers of defense anna tseveleva and viktor gorimykin handed over education documents to him and other soldiers, and in a solemn ceremony they also presented state and departmental awards to the military personnel, including six orders of courage and four medals for courage. the russian federation was awarded the first military rank of officer, junior veteran. most military personnel end up in the vishnevsky hospital with severe injuries, which often lead to... the bed capacity of russian military hospitals with almost 2,000 beds. for this purpose
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, new buildings in hospitals and new medical institutions in general are now being built. the treatment and rehabilitation building on the basis of the vishnevsky hospital has a capacity of 100 beds. the latest equipment that is here will be installed, will allow fighters to undergo a full range of diagnostics, but still a special emphasis is placed on rehabilitation, therefore , in addition to rooms for physical therapy, even swimming pools will be built here. the ministry of defense pays special attention to the issue of medicine today. the department is actively working to improve military medical commissions so that soldiers can undergo a full course of treatment and have a clearer selection for military service. our task is not just to organize a military medical commission, to do it. its maximum professional in order to carry out a clear selection of guys, and those who were seriously injured, so that they undergo a full course of follow-up treatment, and the military medical commission determines whether this person is fit for further service, or whether he needs follow-up treatment, and maybe home mobilization . one of the results of the work of the ministry of defense in this direction was a government decree that allows
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donbas volunteers to pass on an equal basis with military personnel of the department of the medical-military commission, and now all fighters will be able to. odessa region, chernomorsk, ochakov, they were used by the british intelligence services to train saboteurs who could engage in mine-laying and sabotage operations, carry out naval raids, they
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were present for many years preceding the special military operation. did not admit that mercenaries were stationed in chernomorsk, they write, they hit civilian infrastructure, but if so, where is the evidence of the existence of certain civilian objects, there is none, the russian military knew where they were hitting, it is reported that in addition to the legionnaires, the port ammunition depot and the soldier training center were destroyed. good luck, it is this territory that they use a for the production of these unmanned boats, b - for launching them, moreover, they can launch them using civilian ships, grain carriers and even pleasure boats, that is, it goes out under the guise of a civilian boat, goes to sea, this bek is thrown from the side, it drifts, then it is activated with the help of a starlink, that’s
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what they do, and the mercenaries are already fighting with civilians, in toretsk, controlled by the ukrainian armed forces, they shot randomly on the windows of citizens' houses. about five black citizens in military uniform ran into this yard, began to shoot at the windows, the garage, the kitchen, everything, in general, all the buildings, and since they were afraid to go down into the basement, they began to throw stun grenades at it, shoot into the basement, fired a shot with rp, but at that time we heard again.
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here are photographs of an american wild goose, which our military destroyed a year ago, although the ukrainian media assured that then they were supposedly beaten in a civilian manner, and periodically we see these obituaries on channels that track them, pop up, it is important to understand that there are often both mercenaries and various instructors who...
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no matter where you are from, come fight for the legion. russia is not just an enemy of ukraine and the entire world. but for some reason , ukraine is disgraced to the whole world. the sushushniki congratulated their american hosts on independence day with intense joy. as a result, it turned out that in this video, even without comments , those captives to washington showed that there was no trace left of their independence. anastasia vanova, olga albukhina, news! new british prime minister keir starmer formed the government of the country in just half a day. davidite is responsible for foreign affairs. from goyana, the media claim that this is the first head of the foreign ministry, whose ancestors were slaves, has not previously been involved in foreign policy, but lemia is a good friend of barack obama, has already
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promised to help the kiev regime strengthen ties with the european union. john hillaly, a political scientist by training, did not work in the military sphere as minister of finance, became the minister of defense; for the first time in the history of great britain , a woman came, rachel reeves, economy. worked at the bank of england, now she has to figure out where to get the money for the reforms promised by labour, but starmer’s predecessor, now former prime minister rishi sunok, moved his things out of the downing street residence in the morning. how the conservatives, led by sunak, suffered a disastrous election defeat? boris ivanin. it's time for reckoning, with this cover published on friday by the british magazine spectator. the conservatives, led by rishi sunak, were crushed by the ballot boxes. for voting, visual the result of the parliamentary elections. the united kingdom united against the ruling party and defeated the tories rejoice guardian. when 10 o'clock struck, the country knew it
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was free of the most despicable government in living memory. the saboteurs, destroyers, bullies, incompetent people, preyers and rude selfish people are gone. among those who lost was the leader of the house of commons, who would not even...
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in a humiliating defeat on the worst night for the conservatives in the history of a general election, the former prime minister squandered a majority of 26,195 votes in a constituency where the conservative position had always been unshakable. but the best results in history were shown by the british liberal democrats, who are not part of the bipartisan consensus. they have more than seventy seats, they even won the constituencies of former conservative prime ministers, theresa may and david cameron. for the first time, the head of the party became a member of parliament. voters
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fled from the conservatives anywhere to the laborites to farage's reform party and voted for the lib dems because they the ideas resonated with the electorate of the ruling party. we see these trends in other countries, for example in france. in particular, people liked the way farage spoke out against it.
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leading companies rose to a one-week high, the british pound strengthened against the dollar and euro. many eu leaders also expressed confidence in their congratulations to kirustamer, but brussels made it clear that there was no talk of london returning to the european union. we look forward to working with the new uk government to address a wide range of issues and further development of relations. we are also committed to a positive agenda, including faithful and timely implementation.
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news. in the krasnodar territory , the consequences of the attack in the control center are being eliminated. on friday night , ukrainian drones hit a residential building in primorsko-okhtarsk. a six-year-old girl died. 16 people were injured, and about 30 thousand more were left without electricity. anna sorokina with details. this is what the house damaged by the attack looks like now; you can’t go inside yet. the commission has not yet confirmed the safety of the building. the yard is dotted debris and among. eyewitnesses found them very interesting with an inscription in ukrainian. experts are finding out what and how the ukrainian armed forces hit a residential building in primorsko-akhtarsky. i saw two drones coming very low, and after about 15 minutes our air defense began to work. air conditioners and balconies were torn out, part of the roof collapsed, falling bricks and fragments of roofing damaged parked cars. the rubble is now being cleared at the site. there are 30 apartments in the building, two
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were damaged more than the others, the impact collapsed the ceiling, the entrances were destroyed, the residents we managed to take only the essentials and leave the building almost by touch, crumbling from concrete and glass. just a hall, people ran out and some ran out and that’s it. in the house opposite the twisted door, the glass was broken out, i was sleeping, it boomed, that shock wave was there, he removed the window. spyatel, the townspeople heard the first sounds of the attack after midnight, eyewitnesses filmed the moment of the impact. listen, something was bombed, a gas station was blown up, it was probably deafening, just what is called, with a flame, such a discharge rang out, we ourselves were covered with some kind of shock wave, we stopped hearing anything. alexey kisel took the neighbors to the basement, where the residents of the house spent several hours waiting out the danger.
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i had the keys to the basement, i opened the basement. everyone came down here and waited there, some of the residents went to stay with relatives, more than twenty people are in a temporary accommodation center, they settled us down, gave us the opportunity to rest, to recover, seven people are under the supervision of doctors, among them there are children, a six-year-old girl died from injuries , regional authorities will pay financial assistance to her family, as well as injured and lost property, according to the ministry of defense this night over the krasnodar region was destroyed... russia was instructed to take exhaustive measures to identify persons from among the armed forces of ukraine who gave and executed criminal orders to attack civilian objects, their actions will be given a criminal legal assessment. according to preliminary estimates by experts, the house can be restored, there are no obstacles to the further use of the house, the structure is strong, everyone wants to go home,
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some still have documents there. homemade animals and so on, we will carry out all these moments manually, the local substation was also damaged by the night attack, 30 thousand residents lost electricity, specialists from neighboring areas came to the aid of electricians. anna sarukina, valery pyatov, mikhail kertoki, andrey malyovan and anna nekos. news. krasnodar region.


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