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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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but obviously it's fake. the advice is standard: check and double-check everything, especially information from the internet, and even better, do not answer calls from unfamiliar numbers. alexey kareev, nikolay lomakin, ilya kuznetsov, ada adamova, vesti dezhurnaya part. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part and honest detective. maxim vovchan was in the studio. see you. a powerful storm hit the capital region. in the moscow region, 60% of the monthly precipitation fell in a few hours. most on north and west. wind gusts reached 20 m/s. there was a strong thunderstorm and even hail. nine aircraft landed at sheremesyevo and went to alternate airfields. now around the capital.
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a volley of rain hit, the ministry of emergency situations asks to avoid trees and light structures. at night the storm front will recede, and on saturday the sun will await muscovites. vladimir putin held talks in the kremlin with the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, after which the leaders made a statement to the press. the recording is now on our channel. thank you very much, please dear mr. prime minister, ladies and gentlemen, very intense negotiations with the prime minister of hungary, mr. viktor orbán, have just concluded. it is important that even in the current difficult geopolitical situation we continue the dialogue. as in many previous meetings, we had a really useful one.
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magyarország miniszterelnökével, és megbeszéltük az aktuális kérdéseket. ezekben a nem egyszerű időkben tárgyaltunk a kétoldalú kapcsolatokról, és megbeszéltük a nemzetközi hejzetett is. szeretném kiemelni, hogy oroszország és magyarország együttműködés.
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blok indítása lehetővé teszi azt, hogy a kapacitását az atomerőműnek több mint kétszeresére növeljük. ezáltal az áramellátás az olcsó és nem drága, tiszta energiával biztosítva lesz a magyar gazdaság számára és a magyar vállalatok számára is.
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a harcoknak azért sem akarják, mert ebben az esetben -
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de ennek nem egyszerűen egy rövid idejű felfüggesztése kell legyen a harcoknak, not some kind of pause that the kiev regime could use to recover losses, regroup and rearm. nem egesz egyszerűen egy szünet, amit kijev arra használhat, hogy újra átcsoportosítsa erőit, és helyrehozza helyzetét.
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figyelembe véve azt a tényt, hogy magyarország július elsejétől átvette az
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európai unióban az elnökséget, soros elnökséget, mi orbán viktor miniszterelnök úrral megvitattuk oroszország és az eur ópai unió közötti kapcsolatok helyzetét is, amelyek most mélyponton vannak. bezzeltünk a...
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zelenszki úr, hogyan reagált az ön javaslataira, bike javaslataira. ezt elmondtam az orosz federáció elnökének.
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a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on a business card, alfabank is the best bank for business, this is. program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. on july 1, for a period of one month, the chairmanship of the un security council passed to russia. the meetings began with the approval of the schedule for the upcoming busy work. the russian post-pret then held a press conference for uanovo reporters. as for our program, then... vasily nebendia not only answered questions, but showed such corners, the headquarters of the apartment, where not every employee of the secretariat of a world organization can
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go, completely exclusive. let me , as the chairman of the councils, give you a short, brief tour of not only the security council chamber, which many have seen and know what it looks like, but also the neighboring rooms, which we probably don’t see as a public very often. i'm knocking, the moment is right, this is an ordinary gavel, a non-standard gavel from the president of the general assembly at the beginning of this session, there was some episode when the chairman
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tried to interrupt someone who was speaking at the general assembly and did not want to finish, he began to desperately knock with a gavel, he had this part, a part fell off from here, here it is fixed and flew, flew back, up, up into the screen behind him, excesses happened in... in the security council chamber after one such blind curtains that did not let in daylight covered the windows overlooking the strait from triver, they are on both sides of the famous fresco in support of the world of work of the norwegian artist per krogh. the windows on our right and left, they are curtained, almost all the time, since in the early sixties, there was an attempt on the life of chegi vara, however, not infrequently. there are moments when un diplomats want to remain completely alone, away from the eyes of even the accredited press, you probably heard in the news about closed consultations, now we
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are going to the consultation room of the security council, pay attention to this sign, yes, it would be nice take it off, it says here what it is a gift to the russian federation in 2013, given under vitaly ivanovich churkin, architect alexander konov, 3 years of painstaking work. since then , there has been a russian room in the un security council, this is the consultation room of the security council, only members of the security council and speakers invited to the secretariats sit here, as you can see, this is all done on the basis of northern archangel motives, in the russian front room, that is, in the bright room, of course, there shouldn’t be any twilight, there is such a legend, or maybe not a legend, that here you like to discover windows, don't like the dark.
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his separate office is indeed rare footage straight from there. this office here, it is decorated in accordance with national wishes, traditions, flags, portraits, you see here the portrait of the president, the coat of arms, the flag, you can, of course, hold events here. meetings can be held, but vasily nebenzya has definitely not given television interviews here yet, we are the first, thank you for this interview, as always, we meet during our chairmanship in july, and tell us a secret, within the walls of the un they say that they love russian chairmanship for the reason that we always adhere to the procedure, here’s another thought that came to mind: last
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year the westerners organized...
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the initiative was discussed in an open format, so in 2023, then the members of the council for our so-called open debate, in which can any member of the organization could take part in ways to strengthen effective multilateralism based on the un charter, and the dialogue was interested, it was in demand, it was aimed at looking beyond the horizon of the current crisis, because it is too early or it will end later, we will need... security in the world, in which, undoubtedly, he will also play an important role, what role will it play, how will we arrange a new system, a new system , build this system, what will be the equation security of the future, these are all the topics that we propose to discuss at the meeting on july 16; on july 17 , a debate will be opened on the situation in the middle east, meaning gas, but i think
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there is no need to comment here, because this is the hottest crisis of our time.


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