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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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real chamber of the russian union of auto insurers of customs. you can also use the paid services of commercial companies. if you want to learn more about government services for motorists or how to communicate with traffic police officers, write to us on telegram and suggest topics for the next issues. our instructions.
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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. in krasnoyarsk, fsb operatives and investigators from the investigative committee on grenul with searches to officials and businessmen responsible for the repair and construction of roads into the city. according
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to the security forces, masters of using budget money dissolved more than a billion rubles in the accounts of companies from intermediaries. the city budget supposedly had to overpay so much because of a cartel agreement that road workers entered into. this was officially confirmed by the regional department of the russian federation. searches were carried out in the municipal enterprise of the city of krasnoyarsk, a specialized motor transport enterprise, as well as in promstroy llc. in addition, searches were carried out in management. at the end of june, as part of the investigation into this criminal case, security forces detained two major businessmen from the region. vice-mayor mizhevatel in chelyabinsk arrested a once major manager who is suspected of receiving a large bribe. according to investigators, sergei reprintsev, while still heading the urban planning committee, received 10 million rubles. for assistance in preparing the area layout needed by local businessmen. the topic will be continued by vlada egorova.
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you can’t look for such an optimist in the dock as the former vice-mayor of chelyabinsk. during process, he waved his hand to the journalists when they were handcuffed, and also winked. one can only guess whether he was encouraging himself or those present in the hall. judging by the nautical-style t-shirt, this man is pretty tanned and the man is not going to court, but rather on vacation. the rest, by the way, can be long, in the isolation ward. sergei reprintsev is accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. during the investigation, the court sent him to pre-trial detention. we are accusing reprinets sergei viktorovich of the matter. expulsion of detention for a period of 2 months, the accused understands the ruling, come on, and this is footage of the detention of a former official, the serenity of the country holiday was interrupted by the security forces, it seemed that guests in uniform were not expected in this house, but having already had experience of such detentions, the reprintsev did not resist and even took spare things with them. it is known that the former manager headed the urban planning committee of the chelyabinsk city hall and temporarily acted as vice-mayor. it was during this period, according to investigators, that he illegally enriched himself. according to
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the investigation, the suspect in the period from 2017 to 2019, received through an intermediary from employees of a commercial organization a bribe in the form of money in a total amount of at least 10 million for providing assistance in the preparation, coordination and approval of documentation on planning and land surveying in the soviet district of the city of chelyabinsk. according to some reports, reprintsev could have come to the attention of operatives as part of an investigation into a corruption case against chelyabinsk state duma deputy vitaly pautov. he was detained last fall on suspicion of dacha bribes from the city hall for issuing a permit to build a residential building. it is noteworthy that this is not the first time reprintsev has had to answer to themis. in 2022, he was already involved in a criminal case. reprintsev issued permission to put into operation an unfinished facility without inspecting it and checking documents. the verdict was later overturned and the case was referred for a new trial. this time
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, it is unlikely that the likely corrupt official will be able to get off with a suspended sentence; the article is too serious. for receiving a bribe on an especially large scale, maximum term of 15 years imprisonment. vlada egorova, conductor, duty department. two drug pawnbrokers and touring drug dealers were caught with a large shipment of ecstasy. two young people came to mordovia from volgograd. on the instructions of a curator from the network, they hid packages of drugs in a forest belt on the outskirts of the city, where they were detained. who got the job for the first time, you or me? just for a walk, he saw that i had money. i told him no, once he offered to join me for company. of course, being together is somehow less scary. basically. completely different case, suggested that a lot of people were seized on the territory of saransk? i had 50 with me when i was detained, and it was somewhere around, probably 120, by court decision, both friends had already gone to the detention center.
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there was a serious accident involving a tesla on kutuzovsky prospekt in the capital, three people were injured. judging by the footage taken by eyewitnesses, the famous electric car was completely destroyed. are understanding the circumstances of a fatal accident involving a carsharing vehicle, the driver lost control at high speed, a passenger died, a reckless driver was driving despite only on road signs, but on the internal rental rules; violation there can also result in account blocking. because of such persistent violators, car sharing operators are now testing a new function, forced.
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according to preliminary data, the young man was drunk, and this is st. petersburg in the spring of 2024, on the leteyny bridge, a car sharing driver hit a man to death; the media reported that the deceased was an employee of the departmental security of the ministry of transport, putting up a barrier. moscow, a car sharing driver also flies into a bus with passengers at full speed. and i could continue this summary for a long time, car rental service. with its motto , it quickly and inexpensively became an integral part of the life of russians. the service is convenient, but not all drivers get behind the wheel with a clear conscience. traffic police officers are forced to regularly carry out preventive measures and raids. my colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program visited one of them.
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we spoke with the head of the capital's traffic police, alexander bykov, about the situation on the roads regarding accidents involving rented cars. without license, without a driver's license, such cases are identified. without a driver's license, yes. we also identified about 50 such facts. in 2023 , 454 accidents involving rental cars were registered in moscow. 16 dead, 537 injured. for 2024 , the state traffic inspectorate published data for the first 4 months. from january to april, there were 105 traffic accidents involving car sharing. three people were killed and 16 were injured. the need to introduce restrictions for reckless drivers was discussed in capital debtrans. together with the nami research center and the dilimobil service, they came up with an initiative: speed violators on car sharing will be forced to lower their speed. we have developed a project to automatically limit the speed of a car according to the speed limit set on the road. the built-in sensor will evaluate the permitted speed on the road and
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automatically limit the car to the maximum permitted. similar devices are already installed on electric scooters. it is they who do not allow two-wheeled vehicles to accelerate above 25 km/h pilot testing of the device. carsharing cars will be carried out in several stages; it will be tested first at a test site, then in a city. this will allow us to further reduce the number of accidents, minimize the factor of non-compliance with the speed limit, and will also be generally stimulating. all interviewed drivers were almost unanimously in favor. i think, yes, this will help not to violate things and people will receive fewer fines. worth it 100%. because the boys get behind the wheel for the first time, start flying, and i think, yes, that would be good. there are people when they they are in a hurry, they don’t even pay attention to speed. debtrans analysts have found that speeding in car sharing is one of the most common causes of accidents. perhaps the new device will change the speed limit. this anti-rating will, and most importantly , reduce the number of accidents, and the alternative to taxis and public transport will become
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safer. galina hungureeva, vladimir shabalin, vesti dezhurnaya part. a shocking story in krasnodar, where a bakery employee is considered guilty of a double murder and kidnapping. and all this the woman arranged for the clock to count. according to investigators, the lady invited her colleagues to her home, after which she took out a gun and forced her to drink some strange pills. the gun turned out to be a toy, so there was poison ... on the same day , her boss came to visit the alleged killer, she saw the body of one of the victims and tried to escape, but the door was already locked. due to the fact that the woman had not been in touch for a long time, her son, knowing the location of his mother, arrived at the indicated address and, hearing screams relatives asking for help, called law enforcement officers to the scene. arriving law enforcement officers found the body of a second woman in the apartment, also with signs of... violent death. the frightened boss was saved. now experts are finding out what poisoned
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the other guests, and psychiatrists will check the sanity of the probable killer. the case of the acid maniac. researchers near moscow have established all the details of the adventures of the monster, who doused women with sulfuric acid. two victims suffered severe burns. suspect managed to catch him quickly thanks to surveillance camera footage. olga zhurinkova will tell you what the psychiatric examination showed. in the case of the acid maniac, that’s what the journalists called him. it looks like the end will soon be reached. the preliminary investigation against thirty-two-year-old resident of the moscow region andrei suleymanov, who poured acid on women, has been completed. detained for causing damage to the house of citizens of the russian federation. what a magical character they are. in april, he poured acid on sixteen-year-old alina rachkova. the toxic liquid burned through his clothes and corroded the skin on his leg. i heard a muffled sound. and the back of my trouser leg began to stick to me, somewhere closer to the entrance, but i realized
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that something was wrong, i went home, and i said, mom, help me, the acid maniac was tracking his victims in deserted courtyards in it was dark, the moment of the attack on thirty-seven-year-old anastasia labada was caught on surveillance cameras. first, the man watched the woman in the courtyard of the house, making sure that there were no witnesses, he approached from behind and took out a vessel with a poisonous liquid. splashed out. the acid burned anastasia's face and hands. that's all. peels off, it all turns yellow, is constantly treated with ointments, medications, anastasia has chemical burns of the first, second and third degrees, she is still under treatment, ivs, injections on the skin of the hands are applied to several types of ointments, how many operations have been completed, how many more are needed, well, five have already passed, at least three more are ahead, and then this number that is ahead may change, because according to the situation at the moment, not a single or second bass is closed for me. the acid maniac was identified and detained in a short time, largely thanks to recordings from cctv cameras. andrei suleymanov
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led a closed life, previously taught at one of the universities near moscow. during a search , chemical substances were found in his house. he allegedly secretly removed acid from the enterprise where he worked. did we pour something on them or what did we do? sulfuric acid. sulfuric acid , when it comes into contact with the skin, causes severe burns that are difficult to treat. inhalation of pores causes irritation of the mucous membranes membranes of the respiratory tract. it's scary to imagine how much. more bystanders would have been injured if he had not been detained. a psychological and psychiatric examination was carried out, according to which the man was declared insane and in need of compulsory medical measures. the victims of suleymanov's actions, sixteen-year-old alina rachkova and thirty-year-old anastasia labada are still undergoing treatment. anastasia has several operations and a long rehabilitation ahead. olga shurenkova, dmitry stepanov, dmitry manyshev, lead the duty unit. that's all. still, he went down. after a terrible flood in the orenburg region , vasily kozupitsa was fired from the post of mayor of the city of orsk.
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this decision was made by the regional governor denis pasler. in april of this year, orsk was one of the first to be hit by the elements. the flood literally washed away the dam for the construction of which almost a billion rubles were spent from the budget. 7.0 houses were under water. people complained that they could not even get through to the city administration to get any help. the situation became even more tense when people found out that that same spring, kazupits’ son had bought one for himself. apartment in saudi arabia for 33 million rubles. the mayor was justified; life on the shores of the persian gulf is also hard. i am proud that my children achieve everything. my son went to work, where he was invited to saudi arabia, by the way, there is no meth there either, it’s very hot there. after the dam broke, investigators opened a criminal case for negligence; rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations spent days and days helping flooded victims. worked with them in the region journalist of our program, my colleague andrey ivlev. he then asked kazupica point-blank:
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were they planning to vacate the mayor’s chair? am i going to retire after this? well , you see, i don’t know how to slam the door at the moment, how, when the time comes, then i’ll think about it. apparently, now the deadline has come, however, his management had to think about kazupica. i've had too much beer, now the former mayor of tomsk ivan klein is free, but just recently his case spilled over into three episodes. what the mayor was found guilty of and why the investigator in the klein case also ended up behind bars. watch this weekend on russia-24 tv channel. investigation of eduard petrov, the mystery of mayor klein's pillow. beer baron, a wealthy mayor, an authoritative man of tomsk, ivan klein, allocated an additional plot of land to his family enterprise. on friday the thirteenth they came to your office. surprisingly. as it turned out, klein was killed by a craving for beer. that is, there should have been new houses there.
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so you don't have gas? no, what kind of gas you don’t see, we are doped. i don't understand. what i'm being accused today of the secret of mayor klein's pillow, what did the mayor's wife hide in it? a woman defended her family, threw out a pillow in which they found bank account details, more than 6 billion rubles. she fought for your home. well done, in tomsk, eduard petrov. in krasnoyarsk, a sentence was passed on the former deputy head of the internal security unit of the regional headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander egorov. installed. that an influential officer took bribes from black lumberjacks in the boguchansky district, for almost 2 million rubles he saved them from checking criminal cases, the court sent him to prison for 12 and a half years. sentence to the laziest maniac in great britain, the court is preparing to put behind bars a fanatic who managed to become a criminal without leaving his own apartment. for years he planned the murder of a tv star and even found an accomplice, who
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he turned out to be and why he foiled the plans to kidnap the presenter, victoria khairulina will tell. this is footage of a police operation to apprehend, perhaps, the laziest maniac in great britain, as the police stormed the lair of the eternal homebody gavin plumb, a desperate fan who planned the kidnapping, bullying and murder of a tv star, and by the wrong hands. shackles on his hands and ankles, a ring on a gag, a video with a kidnapping kit - the main evidence in a criminal case, gagged handcuffs and two bottles of chloroform, all of this. lamp prepared for tv presenter holly willoughby; he did not know her, but he did not miss a single appearance of the beauty on the screen and for years he stubbornly surfed the web in the hope of finding an accomplice. gavin plump led a relatively isolated life, working from home and spending most of his life on the internet, and we saw from his online status, from conversations online, that he spent a lot of time on really
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terrible online forums. on one of the sites, holly's secret admirer finally found a like-minded person. and david nelson wrote a letter that he was ready to bring his plans to life. the stalker immediately proved to his new friend that he was not joking, sent his accomplice the address and car number of the journalist, he did not suspect that nelson was actually a secret police agent, then the prosecutor faced the difficult task of convincing the jury that even without leaving from the apartment, a maniac remains a maniac. gavin plum posed a real threat to society, he was not just a dreamer and our goal was to show that he was not... a lake, that he communicated with like-minded people not for the sake of entertainment. after a lengthy trial, the jury found plumb guilty. now the court has to decide how long the tv star’s fan will be relocated from his home prison to a real one. he will also have a tv there, but he will have to watch it under supervision. the verdict of the laziest kidnapper the potential killer will be announced on july 12.
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victoria khairulina, lead the duty department. today at 18:15, don't miss the final episode. our program, here are its main topics. life sentence for former auditor yuri chekin. in khantemansiysk , the person who ordered the murder of the district prosecutor was sentenced. the criminal hid from investigation for more than 20 years. where yuri chekin set up a bunker for himself with a porn studio and a gym and how he became a millionaire without going outside or using the internet. what is his niece, who cried during the announcement, hiding? sentence and what other crimes chekin was involved in, selfish motive, unwillingness to repay debts. only we have previously unknown details of the high-profile case. about the finale of the high-profile trial of alexandra mostovaya. a new twist in the case of a racer-swindler in the volgograd region
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, the arrest of her lover kristina gvozdyova, who abandoned his family for her and lost his business. i believe that i did a good deed, and the guilty person will be punished. could vladislav kutukov also be involved in the creation of a financial pyramid or is he? became another victim of the fatal beauty, so was it love or was each step of the glamorous diva just another deception? tobacco case in the kaliningrad region, a former deputy of the legislative assembly is being tried for smuggling cigarettes. where the underground workshop was located and how illegal products were sold not only in russia, but abroad. after arriving in the lithuanian...
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leningrad region, the investigation of andrei romanov. internet scammers have launched a new scheme; they create digital doubles of famous russians and on their behalf calling potential victims. many people succumb to the persuasion of deepfakes; scammers obtain data from government services or online banking accounts. alexey karev found out how to avoid leaks. stock markets are about to crash.
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look, here you are holding the phone and there at the bottom of the screen, yes, there is some kind of, i don’t know, there is a figure of a man, you need to press. gazmanov immediately suspected something was wrong and sounded the alarm. contact nikos, but i called him from another phone and immediately got to them again, some man already picked up the phone, and there was some kind of noise like in a call center, i found nikos’s assistant and i say, like this and like this, she says how nikos couldn’t call you now, he’s actually sleeping now, the ending is happy, now the artist has a new phone and new passwords, that’s why a large-scale hack happened safronov still doesn’t understand, i don't know the wi-fi password. i don’t know anything at all, i’m so far away, i have assistants. cybersecurity experts are confident that criminals do not need to resort to any
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tricks to obtain our personal data. we leak information almost every minute, we can lose it when registering on any website, and also connect by connecting to the internet at the airport or in some large shopping centers. this is the same as taking a fraudster by the hand and walking up to him to enter his pin code. but obviously it's fake. the advice is standard: check and double-check everything, especially information from the internet, and even better, do not answer calls from unfamiliar numbers.
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alexey kareev, nikolay lomakin, ilya kuznetsov, ada adamova, lead, duty department. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels led by the duty department and an honest detective. maxim vovchan was in the studio. see you.
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new attacks by the armed forces of ukraine in the krasnodar region, according to the operational headquarters, a drone attack has been recorded. in three districts, according to preliminary data, no one was injured; in yeisk, debris from a downed drone damaged a cell phone tower; in the villages of pavlovskaya and leningradskaya , fuel tanks caught fire. the city of shibekina, belgorod region, also came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces; a man was injured there and received shrapnel wounds. he has already received help no hospitalization was required. the head of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, spoke about the damage to eleven houses and
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the nama power line. operational service is working. ukrainian social networks report retaliatory strikes, such as explosions in the city of summy earlier in the odessa region. other details have not yet been provided. and our military only hits military facilities and the infrastructure that is tied to supplying the military-industrial complex of the kiev regime. tankers from the north group of forces attacked armored vehicles at strong points enemy ammunition depots.


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