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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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he received 17 million votes, his opponent said dzhelili almost 3 million less. according to official data, the turnout was about 50%. and panic is growing in the west over the visit of the hungarian prime minister to russia. in the white house and guzdepe, almost simultaneously, as if a carbon copy, this is orban’s trip to moscow. contributes to peace,
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it was stated. washington openly accuses budapest of betraying its allies. orban's decision is called a disservice for the european union. brussels is already proposing to punish hungary and deprive orban of the chairmanship of the eu council. the german press is hysterical, they write that orban is laughing at the west and making europe a laughing stock. responding to the attacks, orban criticized nato. called the alliance policy suicide. and later wenger meath. also canceled a meeting with german colleagues in berlin, there is no need, the head of the department dryly commented. viktor orban is the only european leader who is trying to stop the destruction of ukraine, journalist tucker carlosson said on social media. let me remind you that orban paid a visit to moscow, after which he was subjected to harsh criticism in the west. tucker also noted that europe and the united states are against such visits. and new. armed forces of ukraine in the krasnodar region.
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according to the operational headquarters, drone attacks were recorded in three areas. according to preliminary data, no one was injured. in yeisk, debris from a downed drone damaged a cell phone tower. fuel tanks caught fire in the villages of pavlovskaya and leningradskaya. the city of shibekina in the belgorod region also came under fire from the ukrainian armed forces. a man was injured there and received shrapnel wounds. he was given assistance and hospitalized was not required. head of the region. emergency services are on site. and in ukrainian social networks they report retaliatory strikes from the explosion in the city of sumy. and earlier there were reports of explosions in the odessa region. other details have not yet been provided. our military strikes only at military facilities and that infrastructure that is connected with the supply of the military-industrial complex of the kiev regime. the yasnaya
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polyana estate in the tula region gathered guests from the eighth tolstoy theater festival. the show opened with the sunday performance of the alexandrinsky theater. total this year there are 13 venues where more than 100 cultural events will take place over 3 days. there is also an extensive children's and educational program, as well as film screenings. many events are dedicated to the year of the family, which is currently taking place in our country. and, of course, to the writer leo tolstoy, in whose estate and. there is a festival in such a place, of course, we treat this very responsibly with great trepidation, so that tolstoy’s word, tolstoy’s thought, tolstoy’s ideas, feelings, experiences, as if tolstoy’s, maybe some kind of prayer from him was reported today, heard, there is some kind of simply, i’m not afraid of this word, frantic atmosphere, uh, and the place itself, it’s magical and right when i... was on stage,
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i just felt some kind of connection, because that everything here is saturated with fat, a festive relay train set off from khabarovsk to the amur region, where the capital of the baikal-amur mainline is located, carrying builders and veterans of bam, which turns 50 this year. emotions and stories of train passengers in a report by kirill argach. on the first platform of khabarovsk.
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on the occasion of the holiday , the first builders danced to the songs of those years, those who laid the rails, built the villages in thirty-degree heat in the bitter cold, for many years starting from 1974, that’s all, that’s all, that’s us... at the end of the 20th century, the baikal-amur mainline took first compositions. 50 years is a serious experience, it’s two whole generations, yes, it essentially changed at this construction site, and what was laid became the foundation, which we are
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proud of today, as they say. this relay train will proceed from khabarovsk to tynda, where the second one will arrive the same train from irkutsk, where a big celebration will be held for veterans and railway workers. in 3 days the train will pass through seven stations that are open during the season. construction of the highway is a long journey, 1157 km. kirill rogachev, olim berkinov, lead khabarovsk. and now a short advertisement, later in the program we will conduct the duty department, we will talk about a financial scheme that enriched a bank employee from the nizhny novgorod region by tens of millions of rubles. and the investigation into the case of a maniac from the moscow region. use instant transfers for business
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my legs just go numb. these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angia norm promotes improvement. microcirculation, reducing the risk of blood clots and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. angion, keep the blood vessels normal. business needs acceleration, open a current account on and transfer. pain can be different, the mechanism of pain development is important, what has become the cause of pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition , pintalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pintalgin, we can do without pain. hello, the legal program
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is being broadcast by the duty department. in the studio maxim marchan. an overly effective manager in the nizhny novgorod region sentenced a bank employee who managed to create a financial pyramid right at her workplace. i was looking for pensioners and recruiting them loans, paid off the debts of previous victims, and so on in a circle. at some point the system crashed. details from ekaterina lekhamanova.
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she doesn't care at all. barosheva held the position of head of the client center of one of the banks, at the same time she worked as a manager and was involved in processing loans, but next to the big money, the temptation grew, so to speak, to create a dam to direct the cash flow into her own pockets. according to investigators, during the period from january '18 to november '20 year, the accused bank drew up agreements for consumer loans, using the signature of clients who had not previously applied for the corresponding service, or who had applied for a loan in a smaller amount. in essence, the banker built a financial pyramid. the scheme worked on this principle: the loan was issued to clients, and most of the money went to the adventurer. in order not to attract attention by repaying the loans, she took out a new one, and so on in a circle. the amounts reached up to half a million rubles. the victims did not suspect anything until the threats started coming in. in general, there were only threats, threats, threats, before this happened, if you don’t pay your loans,
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we will send debt collectors to you. amazing cynicism, the enterprising lady pulled off this scheme only with those who absolutely trusted her. among the victims were mostly pensioners and her close friends , for example, irina boronko, her neighbor, at first gave a normal, well, kind of loan that we... needed, it turned out that she then increased it in her own way. we took initially 200,000, she charged me with about 600 plus card 288. in total, baryshev deceived 75 people out of 30 million rubles. where this money is now is still unknown. she was detained literally at the last moment. the builder of a financial pyramid married a turkish citizen and planned. yes, to go abroad, but it didn’t work out to build happiness on someone else’s grief, the foreigner husband announced a divorce as soon as
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he found out about the criminal case, instead of the family nest, the banker will go to a colony, there was a yakomennaya and an admission of guilt to say, i stop here, i repent, i already partially accept mine. the swindler received 6.5 years in a general regime colony, but taking into account the time spent in pre-trial detention, in a few months she can be released. according to the court's decision, now she will have to pay off her old multimillion-dollar debts, but when he does this, the victim does not even dare to guess; no one has found any traces of her criminal condition. ekaterina likhomanova, anton fedotov, news. duty department. already the second person has died as a result of the largest fire in the last 30 years outbreaks of batulism in the country. in the nizhny novgorod region in the city of derzhinsk, despite all the efforts of doctors, a twenty-four-year-old patient died. mass poisoning of lettuce. with spoiled beans spread across several regions of the country. in total , almost half a thousand
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people turned to doctors for help. not everyone was saved. first, the disease claimed the life of a young promising chemist scientist in the kostorom region. and now another patient has died. many of those who ordered salad delivery to their homes are still in serious condition. others already it’s better, but there’s still a long rehabilitation ahead, which could take six months. the case of the acid maniac. researchers near moscow have established. all the details of the adventures of the monster who doused women with sulfuric acid. two victims suffered severe burns. the suspect was quickly caught thanks to cctv footage, as shown by a psychiatric expert.
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splashed out, the acid burned anastasia’s face and hands, it all peeled off, it all turned yellow, it was constantly treated with ointments and medicines. anastasia has chemical burns first, second and third degree, she is still undergoing treatment, droppers, injections, several types of ointment are applied to the skin of her hands, how many operations have been completed, how many more are needed? well, five have already passed, at least three more are ahead, and then
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this number that is ahead may change, because of the situation. the acid maniac was identified and detained in a short time, largely thanks to recordings from cctv cameras. andrei suleymanov led a closed life, previously taught at one of the universities near moscow, during a search chemical substances were found in his house, he allegedly smuggled acid out of the enterprise where he worked. did you pour something on them or what did you do? sulfuric acid. sulfuric acid , if it comes into contact with the skin, causes severe burns that are difficult to treat. when inhaling vapors, it happens once.
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dmitry stepanov, dmitry manyshev, lead, duty department. and yet he went down. after a terrible flood in the orenburg region , vasily kazupin was fired from the post of mayor of orsk. this decision was made by the regional governor denis pasler. in april of this year, orsk found itself one of the first to be hit by the disaster. the water literally washed away the dam, for the construction of which almost a billion rubles were spent from the budget. 7.0 houses were under water. people complained that they could not even get through to the city administration to get any help. the situation became even more tense when people learned that that same
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spring, kazupice’s son bought himself an apartment in saudi arabia for 33 million rubles. the mayor made excuses on the shores of the persian gulf. they say life is also hard, i’m proud that my children achieve everything themselves, my son went to the job where he was invited to saudi arabia, by the way, is not good there either, it’s very hot there. after the dam broke, investigators opened a criminal case for negligence; rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations spent days and days helping flooded victims. a journalist from our program, my colleague andrei ivlev, worked with them in the region. he then asked kazupits.
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that is, there should have been new houses there, that is, you don’t have gas, no, what kind of gas you don’t see, we heat with wood, i don’t understand what i’m being accused of today, the secret of mayor klein’s pillow, that in... it was beating for your home
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well done, in tomsk, eduard petrov. in krasnoyarsk, a sentence was passed on the former deputy head of the internal security unit of the regional headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander egorov. it was established that an influential officer took bribes from black loggers in the baguchany region. saved almost 2 million rubles from inspections of criminal cases, the court sent him to a colony for 12 and a half years. vice-mayor mezhevatel in chelyabinsk arrested a once major manager who is suspected of receiving a large bribe. according to investigators, sergei reprintsev, still heading the committee urban planning, received 10 million rubles. for assistance in preparing the area layout needed by local businessmen. the topic will be continued by vlada egorova. you can’t look for such an optimist in the dock as the former vice-mayor of chelyabinsk. during the trial , he waved to the journalists when they were handcuffed, and also winked. one can only guess whether he was encouraging himself or
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those present in the hall. judging by the nautical-style t-shirt, this fairly tanned man was not going to court, but rather on vacation. rest, by the way, can be long in the isolation ward. sergei reprintsev is accused of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. during the investigation, the court sent him to pre-trial detention. we are accusing reprinets sergei viktorovich of the intersection of imprisonment for a period of... and this is footage of the detention of a former official, the serenity of a country holiday was interrupted by security forces, it seems they were not expecting guests in uniform in this house, but having already had experience of such detentions, the reprinces did not resist became and even took with him replacement things. it is known that the former manager headed the urban planning committee of the chelyabinsk city hall temporarily acting as vice-mayor. it was during this period, according to investigators, that he illegally enriched himself. according to the investigation , the suspect. from 2017 to 2019 , he received, through an intermediary, from employees of a commercial organization a bribe in the form of money in a total amount of at least 10 million rubles for
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providing assistance in the preparation, coordination and approval of documentation for the planning of territory in the soviet district of the city of chelyabinsk. according to some data , in the field of view of operatives, reprintsev could to become part of a department investigation into corruption against chelyabinsk state duma deputy vitaly pautov. he was detained last fall on suspicion of giving a bribe to the city hall for issuing a permit to build a residential building. it is noteworthy that this is not the first time reprintsev has had to answer to femido. in 2024, he was already involved in a criminal case for corruption. then he was given a suspended sentence of one and a half years for abuse of power. according to investigators, while in the position of vice-mayor, reprintsev issued permission to put into operation unfinished object without inspecting it and checking documents. the verdict was later overturned and the case was referred for a new trial. this time, get off with a suspended sentence from a likely corrupt official. it’s unlikely to work, the article is too serious, for receiving a bribe on an especially large scale, the maximum sentence is 15 years in prison. vlad egorov is in charge of the duty unit. a former
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federation council employee was found guilty of murdering his parents. the moscow city court handed down a verdict in a high-profile criminal case, alexey kanovalov until the last, he tried to confuse the investigation into the fact that his intelligent and loving son was a murderer; until the last, neither neighbors nor family friends believed. what caused the cold-blooded massacre and what was the solution. seconds before the announcement of the verdict, the face of alexei kanovalov, accused of killing his own parents, shows complete indifference to his future fate, the former employee of the federation council has been holding back his emotions since the very moment of his arrest for comparison, here is footage from the day of his arrest in february 2023, and yet before this kanovalov, on the contrary, is desperate did everything to confuse the investigation, he was the first to call the security forces to the scene of the double murder, stated that he had found the bodies of victor’s parents and... kanovalov’s parents
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were once successful diplomats; according to neighbors, they were an intelligent, quiet family. the first thing investigators noticed at the crime scene was the condition of the apartment. all things are in their places, which means that no one was going to rob the spouses. in addition, shortly before the death, the owners were engaged in normal activities. household chores, that is, there were no strangers nearby, well, it was wide open the door wide open without any signs of forced entry only added to the suspicions that were shared throughout the day by residents of the area, there were no breaks, well, as they say now, yes, well, just some kind of revenge , the news of the arrest of the alleged killer came like a bolt from the blue, it turned out to be an unlikely avenger, not a business partner and not a visiting robber, the person who reported the incident to the police, the son of the murdered, during interrogation he fully admitted guilt. reported that the motive was long-term disagreements with his parents. many neighbors were shocked by the cruelty, with which the murder was committed. according to open sources, alexey kanovalov lived
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quite well. it was registered on him and his family. real estate with a total area of ​​2000 km, it is possible that it was the assets that could have caused the disagreement, but apparently they were so well hidden from outside eyes that after the confession, even the neighbors refused to believe what had happened. this is not him, no, this is not him, an ideal family, ideal, and he adored them all his life, we wish we had children like that. and now, a year and a half after the arrest, the moscow city court completed its consideration. criminal case against alexey kanovalov. what became the main motive for the brutal reprisal against his own parents, the thirst for profit or old family conflicts, remains a mystery. the court found alexey kanovalov guilty of double murder. he will spend the next 16 years in a maximum security penal colony. fyodor eliseev, lead, duty department. another scandalous well-known business guru was caught for
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tax fraud. this time re'. so far it hasn’t happened, but the hero of the video keeps silence, but in numerous media his name flashes every now and then, this is not at all connected with the character’s generosity, on the contrary, the reason is such that it makes one doubt gossanov’s solvency. the federal tax service filed a lawsuit in the moscow arbitration court with a demand to foreclose on the property of blogger huseyn gasanov for his debts totaling 112 million rubles. this is stated in the court's ruling on accepting the claim for
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proceedings. most likely debts. before the tax office, huseyn hasanov saved for more than one year; at the same time, the blogger selflessly boasted about internet personal wealth. this video was recorded several years ago. gosanov shows the public his fleet of vehicles, his interlocutors calculate the cost of transport. aventador 20, that’s somewhere around 11 31, gelik 16, that’s 31 + 47, yes, we haven’t counted how many there are for a long time. it turned out to be about a million dollars, and gasanov also owns apartments in moscow city for the price. several tens of millions of rubles. now the federal tax service demands that the wealth accumulated over years of antics on the internet be seized and turned into state income. it looks like to the sad ending of the path to success. evagasanov started in 2017. then the blogger became famous as the organizer of cruel and sometimes immoral pranks. so, under his strict guidance , the lady pesters random passers-by, asking for help with transporting a mattress in which a lifeless body is hidden. what to do,
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come on, come on, it’s heavy, what are you talking about, you didn’t see anything, i didn’t see anything, come on, what to do, what are you talking about, dude, the organizer of this dubious fun is watching the process from safe places, periodically adding their comments to the content, this action on the screen, however, does not become more interesting, after the draw they gave way to outright hooliganism and violation of the law, in samara hasanov, together with his retinue, organized a night race. with the shooting from the car window, who did the shooting anyway? the evening ended with a scandal with the nightclub security , and the blogger acted as a hero behind the broad backs of his security guards. gossanov was deprived of his driver's license several times; he drove around moscow in an suv painted in the colors of official vehicles. investigative committee. unexpectedly , the internet bully settled down, began to pretend
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to be a serious businessman and established... his own course, in which he promised to reveal the secrets of wealth. if you don’t move forward a single step, you don’t need to be offended and blame everyone around you. the knowledge that i give, i received from my own experience, and was not read in books or bought at popular courses. this is why i know that tasks and practices definitely work. it turned out so-so: potential millionaires paid tens of thousands to the coach, but he assures that they have only become poorer. we bought it. we were sitting somehow, well... the studio was very fun, we were like, let's buy the most expensive course, well , the very version of this course, we bought it, after some time we went into the office, it turned out that the course had already been completed without us, that's it where the money went is unclear, now gosanov will be asked questions about money in court, if you remember the stories of other famous bloggers, it becomes clear that you can’t get off with jokes, for example, valeria chkalina, known on the internet under the nickname lerchik, after tax fraud barely.


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