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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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in the application or on the website. and we begin the release with news from iran. reformer masoud pezishkiyan won the presidential election. the ministry of internal affairs of the republic announced this after processing 100% of all ballots. he received 17 million votes. his rival saidili is almost 3 million less. according to official data, the turnout was about 50%. native of west azerbaijan province in northwestern iran.
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after completing his military service, he entered the medical institute. during the war with iraq he served as a military doctor, then continued his studies. in ninety-three he graduated from the university in tehran in the field of cardiac surgery, after which he headed the medical university in tabriz. in ninety-nine, he was appointed deputy head of the country's ministry of health, and later took the position of minister. in 2008, he was first elected to parliament, where he was first vice-speaker from the age of 26. he ran for the presidency twice in 2013. withdrew his candidacy, in 2021 he was not allowed to participate in the elections by the constitutional guard council, the politician classifies him as a representative of the reformist wing, he in particular advocates the resumption of negotiations on an agreement on the lifting of sanctions in exchange for obligations on iran's peaceful nuclear program, its implementation was stopped in 2018 after the us pulled out of the deal. in the zone of the special military operation , units of the vostok group of troops were improved within 24 hours. position along the leading edge.
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artillery and heavy flamethrower systems hit the personnel and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of urozhainy and staromarskaya. the enemy lost 120 fighters. tankers from the north group of troops destroyed military equipment, a strong point and ammunition depots of the enemy. and the calculation of the complex the air defense group dnepr shot down a ukrainian drone reconnaissance aircraft, a unique night flying wing. this is a drone that is equipped with night vision systems and...
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has passed all the tests, this is how the head of the white house answered in an interview with abc tv channel. allegedly, he had already undergone a full medical examination; the question was asked to him in order to find out his physical readiness for the second term. and slovak prime minister robert fitzo appeared in public for the first time since the assassination attempt. he attended a ceremony celebrating the arrival of the enlighteners saints cyril and methodius in great moravia. vidal gave a speech.
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and is dedicated to russian cities, their past and future, and my colleague anna vorunina will tell you everything in detail: journeys from the past through the present and immediately into the future, so russian cities have never been presented at the moscow international biennial of contemporary art. 17 authors, as part of the city code project, exhibited their works on three floors of the shusev museum of architecture and turned it into a timeline. the heart of the project is an exhibition representing modern architecture. the image of russia is built it is in the form of a labyrinth of streets, and all photographs were taken from eye level, so that the visitor has a feeling of his own presence in each city. the author of the photographs, artem dyunze , visited 12 cities to create the exhibition, including donetsk, sevastopol, lugansk and mariupol, and specifically chose buildings that were not among the attractions; it took more than a day to prepare one frame. you look at the light in which you shoot them, wait for the sun.
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write down the time in your notebook, arrive at the right time, when the sun is according to you from the right side, you take a picture and hope that the picture was a success, because del shot everything on film for him and i could only look at the photographs. two to three weeks after i shot them. film, according to the photographer, is a more truthful tool for conveying the natural beauty of architecture. for complete immersion in the atmosphere of cities, the hall is filled with sounds that the authors of the project recorded in markets, near churches, on the streets and even in mines. all of july last year, sound artist, composer, egor tkachenko, recorded the sounds of donbass, which he combined into one sound track, these are the sounds of the city. he recorded in donetsk, lugansk, makeevka, went down into the mines, because donbass is a manufacturing region, and judging by the fact that people don’t even immediately understand that this is not some kind of conversation behind the neighbors’ wall, but this, to what extent i remember it was recorded at the market in donetsk, which means everything worked out for us. but to shape the image of the cities of the future, the organizers invited students, setting
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the conditions to create their works using artificial intelligence. there was a distribution between the participants, and who would get what, so i got sevastopol, i was very happy about this fact, when i sat and thought. from the concept, i came up with the idea to connect the city with climate change, which is why the level of the world's oceans has risen and the city has sank under water, but this does not prevent the residents from existing peacefully, because they have a protective dome. it is noteworthy that the project itself is mobile and after the end of the exhibition in moscow, all structures will be dismantled and work will go to an exhibition in donetsk. anna voronina, oleg ivanov, alek komarova, news. and the yasnaya polyana estate in the tula region gathered guests. participants of the eighth tolstoy theater festival. the show opened with the play sunday at the alexandrinsky theatre. in total, this year there are 13 venues, which will host more than 100 cultural events over 3 days. there are also extensive children's and educational programs, as well as film screenings. many events are dedicated to the year
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of the family, which takes place in our country, and of course, to the writer leo tolstoy, in whose the estate and the festival itself takes place. in such a place, of course, we are very... and then the stop fake program alexey kazakov will talk about the technologies of the information war against russia and expose the latest ukrainian propaganda. tsypso is closely taking
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on crimea, creating the illusion that protest movements there have radically intensified, but in reality , kiev’s armchair troops are enough to produce frankly clumsy or unsuccessful content. peninsula, we’ll talk about this and more right now in the stopfake program on russia-24. so, let's start with the sensational the story of a resident of sevastopol who was targeted by the security forces for a rather unusual reason. i work at one of the sevastopol car repair enterprises. in june 2024, i posted photographs of military equipment with discussions of their breakdowns in the profile chat. simultaneously with this correspondence in the russian chat. auto mechanics, a very interesting post was published by ukrainian telegram channels. they assured that a large underground station for servicing our combat vehicles had been identified in crimea, and it was reported by someone who had been infiltrated there. an agent of the so-called atesh partisan movement, that is, one might think that the agent turned out
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to be the aforementioned mechanic and he also leaked valuable operational information to the kiev regime, but the solution, on the one hand , is much more prosaic, on the other, in a sense, even funny. tsepso shows us, this is an ordinary local chat, mechanics who discuss where and how the truck can be repaired, and similar negotiations in an open chat, the ukrainian authorities, the ukrainian tsypso tries to pass off as the fact that this is an activity directly already recruited partisans inside russia, who are ready to cooperate with the ukrainian regimes, who are ready to already transmit information to ukraine, and of course, any seemingly everyday communication with friends, with relatives, with neighbors in some local... abstract geolocation and concocted a story about a successful example of industrial espionage. the scheme is as primitive as possible, but in fairness , given a certain development of events, the provocateurs could survive from it a little
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more. employees of the ukrainian special services tried to contact me and offered monetary reward for photo and video recording of russian equipment, as well. for deliberate breakdowns, there is a serious criminal article about sabotage actions, but the guy turned out to be adequate to the offer of cooperation and responded with an unambiguous recommendation to run to tisa before they came. kashniki ironically put the provocateur in his place, although this did not stop the notorious pseudo-partisans from proudly reporting success, as if recruitment and sabotage had already taken place. those, that is, the actions that they carried out in the twenty-second year, partly in the twenty-third, they were associated with the fact that in the liberated territories there remained, well, specially, that means, pre -recruited, pre-abandoned people, but ... after, firstly, the intensification of filtration, yes, which for ukrainian citizens, which occurred , due to the very serious
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intensification of the work of the russian special services, their agents, their entire network suffered greatly, and since this flow of news that was there last year, they, in general, very seriously hooked their audience on them, on these win, that's it now you have to invent it on your knees, build it in some way. of course, the mechanic made conclusions for the future. in the reception, he will undoubtedly refrain from conversations on sensitive topics in public chats, but zelensky’s junta will not abandon attempts to use the crimeans in the dark. here is another characteristic trend, they say, the russian leadership is deliberately driving civilians under missile attacks, and the civilians themselves are allegedly outraged by the irresponsibility of the authorities and are indignant because of unreliable alerts about air threats, although there is evidence there is no mass discontent, apparently, therefore...
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mikhail razvazhaev is already in the know and explains as clearly as possible where the legs of such a narrative come from, so that everything is more or less reliable, they say that we are volunteers, we are social activists, a person climbs in internet. how many times have they used the shell of public organizations, this was also during the shelling of donetsk, when they called on people to take to the streets, in this place there should have been an arrival, that is, they use the supposedly protest public under the guise of public organization, although this is a ukrainian chick sitting here to kill and bury these people. however, the main practical tasks of tsipso are still aimed at working with the domestic western audience. we are talking about the endless
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demonization of our armed forces. according to the ukropomoyek version, they attacked with an aerial bomb a harmless civilian object, namely the terminal of the novaya pochta company in kharkov. emotions are intensified according to proprietary training manuals with an emphasis on the affected ordinary people who were unlucky enough to fall under the shock wave. at that time, as the main thing, is traditionally hushed up. note the gigantic height. holy crap, a column of black smoke directly at the place of arrival, could civilian parcels really catch fire like that? the strangest thing that catches your eye, or rather hits your ear, is the absence of sound, that is, the absence of sound, which indicates that there is an explosion of ammunition, that is, they are trying to give out a beautiful picture of some kind of fire, and they say that russia hits civilian infrastructure, that is , in addition to the smoke of this fire, we are we don’t see anything in the picture, and most importantly, we don’t hear anything in this picture, that is... for us, they deliberately revealed most of the content of the content, namely the sound, which,
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in fact, describes what is happening there, and the consequences of the explosion extremely eloquent, a huge building built on the entire block literally turned inside out, which would hardly have happened without numerous secondary detonations, in general, the new post office is ideal for storing military cargo supplying militants, warehouses with an area of ​​​​about 6000 km built along a direct road to the very front... edge in the leptsov area, the distance is only 25 km, so a car with ammunition will reach you in half an hour. in addition, in about 20 hours, 64 km are covered towards another important site near the city of volchansk. the delivery of weapons to the warehouses themselves is also well established. according to available data, they are transported, including underground, taking advantage of the fact that the academician borbashov metro station is located right next to the warehouse premises, from which, with just one change, there is a path to... and in addition, the choice of a new post office
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due to the fact that it can be, well, at least somehow covered by air defense. there is enough space in the neighboring vacant lots to accommodate anti-aircraft missile systems. it has already been discovered many times, videos and other evidence have been posted that the new post office is used for storing ammunition, for...
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terrible force is attributed when they hit the so-called peaceful infrastructure, but at the same time they denounce their effect as purely propaganda when they are used on the front line, as if bombs have some kind of selective principle of action, and the militants of the ukrainian armed forces for them, they are not magically vulnerable, but footage from the special operation zone says the opposite, take for example the arrival of a three-ton gift in hangars with equipment in the area of ​​​​the settlement of slobozhanskoye, kharkov region or at a control point near the village of novgorodskoye, which has been renamed ; the visit of such a bomb to ukrainian nazis to new york, although especially the above-mentioned leptsy, where she, even slightly deviating from the goal, burned the camouflaged location of the defenders. we remember that throughout the winter, there last year, the beginning this year, spring, especially during the battles for
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avdiivka, the ukrainian side generally wrote off all its failures. on aerial bombs, especially since there is a lot of footage of objective control, in which it is clear that with a successful hit , such a bomb can demolish buildings of several floors, and naturally, those who are in them, in these buildings, obviously have a different opinion about this type of weapon, than just a propaganda effect. against such a background , anyone sane would be simply ashamed to question the effectiveness of the fabs, but it is precisely sanity professional...themselves are noticeably lacking, or they have simply not yet come to terms with the fact that russian weapons have too many advantages. one of them is the range of the fab (3,000 aircraft are dropped at an altitude of up to 16 km, and thanks to the planning and correction module, they fly up to 70 on their own wings), this allows pilots to strike without exposing themselves to return fire, since the coverage area of ​​the vast majority
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of western air defense systems, well, be it nesamc or iriste, it does not exceed 50 km. in addition, fabs, as already... it was said that they do not need pinpoint guidance on the target, their striking force ensures the guaranteed destruction of enemy personnel within a forty-meter radius, in turn, at a distance from 40 to 160 m, militants cannot avoid severe concussion, and fragments fly as far as 260 m, not losing damaging characteristics, when the favs are working off, this is hell on earth , and why is this being done, well, this is it? directed to the rear, they create an alternative picture for the ukrainian viewer, for the internal viewer who does not know what is happening
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at the front, which needs a dose of reassurance, meanwhile, the strength and effectiveness of our high-explosive air bombs have ceased to be disputed by the institute for the study of war loyal to kiev, and this, by the way, is not the first case of obvious divergence between ukrainian western temniks. here, for example, is an article by the new york times, whose authors recognized the high level of ingenuity of the russian military, which began to use motorcycles and buggies for offensive operations. for comparison, the headline of a well-known newspaper, where they still laugh strainedly at the know-how of russian attack aircraft for obvious reasons, the filming does not show any means of objective control, which clearly confirms the success. such an attack when dodging artillery fire or fpv drones? from the point of view of common sense, the most mobile equipment, which is motorcycles, has now found its application precisely for the reason that, roughly speaking, it survives on the battlefield, a modern battlefield, saturated with reconnaissance means, weapons of destruction, either very protected equipment survives, or very fast.
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the ukrainian side is trying to ridicule, but she, as they say, repeats the same rake on which they have already repeatedly jumped... when they ridiculed the grilles on tanks, then they began to make them themselves, barbecues, the same thing, they began to do the same, install nets and so on, well that is, when they first laugh, and then begin to repeat this experiment, well, russian missiles , perhaps, no longer surprise anyone with their effectiveness; several days ago they worked in dnepropetrovsk, where, as enemy propaganda stated, a shopping center was damaged, although it pictures obviously aroused skepticism among adequate people, because for a direct missile hit the destruction... was too insignificant, the facade partially collapsed, glass was broken, but nothing more, looking at the damaged shopping center, it is obvious that this is a secondary, secondary effect of the hit. and it is clear that this building , judging by the damage it received far from being directly hit by the missile, is most likely celestial damage or a traditional
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air defense missile, which repeatedly caused damage to the building in the immediate vicinity of the target that is being hit russian weapons. one way or another, the intrigue did not last long, not even half an hour had passed since the arrival, when footage from eyewitnesses was widely distributed on telegram channels, which you... the totalitarian ukrainian censorship clearly recorded where all four missiles hit one after another. the building is well known to our viewers from the svo windings and has previously been repeatedly struck by the same iskanders. this is the dnepropetrovsk yuzhmazh plant, which once produced trolleybuses, racks for passenger aircraft and a wheeled tractor, but its main his profile was and remains the military industry. as available. information from various sources, of course, the assembly of alha-type missiles, neptune anti-ship missiles, and attack
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drones of various types is currently underway there, and accordingly, the importance of defeating these cephs is, well , difficult to exaggerate, because it is these alha-type missiles that are fired at belgorod, and missiles like neptune are now being adapted for attacks on ground targets; the armed forces of ukraine are trying to transport... energy facilities, oil storage facilities, and far beyond borders, because their range, in principle, is not small, which is why stopping such production is an extremely important task, in short, demilitarization continues, in order for the remnants of the military-industrial complex facilities to somehow work, kiev needs more and more money, the question is where take them, ukrainian newspapers are sharing good news, they say over 2 billion dollars were allocated by the international monetary fund, and another 40 billion in financial assistance, well, it seems, was agreed upon by nato countries, from the expected summer... according to default it seems independent still saved, but few people think at what cost. the current tranche of vefa is nothing more than an attempt to repay the loan
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that has already been issued, that is, 86% of these funds that will be allocated, if this is allocated, they will be used to repay previous debts, no one is particularly aware of this doesn’t say, the huge amount of debt that ukraine has accumulated is now extremely difficult for it to service, so again there are new loans, and these are... exactly loans, these are not grants that are given for something, for for beautiful eyes, and for ukraine to pursue, so to speak, the values ​​of europe, this is precisely a loan, these are debt obligations that will need to be fulfilled by the current generation of ukrainians, and by no other generation of ukrainians in the future. you don’t have to look far for specific cases, for example, to comply with the notorious eu standards, ukraine must, quote, increase the sustainability of its energy sector, but so far this is only expressed in growth. for electricity, a month ago they almost doubled from 2.5 hryvnia to more than four, the cost of gas is also steadily growing; if before the maidan a cubic meter cost 93 kopecks,
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now it costs almost 8 hryvnia. everything is clear with gasoline, recently the excise tax on it was increased from 230 to 242 euros, and then they plan to gradually increase it to 359. tax increases have also been announced, vat, which is currently 20%, will jump by another two or three, and the military. the fee will rise from 1.5% to 5. finally, smokers will also be adjusted to european requirements. next year, the cigarette excise tax should immediately rise by 23%, after which it will be tied to the euro and more will be added 5% annually. there have already been reports in the press that in ukraine they want to reconsider the philosophy of social payments due to a lack of money; state employees and other salaries are already being paid at the expense of the american taxpayer at the expense of the same imf. where do they get money for doctors, for... teachers, for those who sweep streets and yards, well , they take it according to these standards, so the imf, if they pay you money, if an american pays you
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money, then you should do his job , he is your employer, not the state, not like that, there is no such thing as the state of ukraine, this is not your employer, now to a piece of misinformation that can hardly be called new, because at one time it already surfaced on social networks, but now it has become popular again, which means it’s time to sort it out. the black-and-white photograph was allegedly taken in 1939 at a joint parade of the red army and the wehrmacht in brest, after which it was mainly poles who accompanied it with poisonous comments: black deaths, the red plague, that is, fascism and communism kissing over the corpse of poland, although the obvious historical inaccuracy immediately catches the eye , shoulder straps on a soviet uniform military personnel simply do not correspond to the stated time, since the decree on insignia for personnel was signed by the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr only 4 years ago. in 1943, and this is not the only characteristic nuance, as for the joint parade, this is a very old speculation, well, which is based on the fact that in general... according to
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the german-soviet agreement, the city of brest, accordingly, returned to the belarusian ussr , the withdrawal of german troops took place, which was formalized in some, let’s say, solemn, some in a solemn manner, although it is clear that no special celebrations took place there, and he was welcomed by the soviet side, which took over the city from the german side, according to the agreement. so, the conclusion suggests itself that the photo is staged and indeed, here is the original, not black and white, but color, russian reenactors in sevastopol, recreated the decisive battle for the liberation of crimea, which , let me remind you, took place in 1944, hence the shoulder straps, which are absolutely in such a historical context appropriate and do not sin against the truth, well, there was a touching explanation for the kiss, it’s a very beautiful story, the spouses, reenactors, husband and wife, she
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wears... a red army suit, he wears a wehrmacht suit, there we don’t know anything about their political beliefs, who they are, what they, but they decided to take such a romantic family photo, or somewhere they were caught by an unknown photographer, and this shot was taken in 2007 in sevastopol, it was cropped a little, made black and white, so it was retouched as a historical one and launched as fake, well, somewhere in romania. all this was launched, as if it were the thirty-ninth year, in general, appreciate what a spacious fantasy, so you can pass off zelensky in the role of napoleon as a real conqueror of europe, someone will most likely believe it, and if you are serious about information hygiene, as practice shows, must be observed even in small things in order to guarantee protection from ridiculous fakes, which we will certainly continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia24 tv channel.
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if everything looks like the wild west, then the law is there one: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation, tension inside america and beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that... is difficult to understand, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but it’s not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue at alfabank. the best
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