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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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shows summit in astana as an attempt to put out a global fire, destructive mudflows in kyrgyzstan and ninjas from kakand. these and other news from the central asian region are reviewed by robert frantsev after the advertisement. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. yes, you're a virgin. this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t
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radiator protection, electromagnetic suspension, luxury interior for your maximum comfort. jcm8 place first. cystitis problem known to many women. the main cause of cystitis is bacteria. cyston helps fight cystitis. when cystitis, then cyston. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. in mvidirao. what a benefit. tv 55 inches for 54.990. 9 evidio eldorado, chief technical expert. sensoy, senson. sensoy, this is what asian taste sounds like. hello,
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my name is cashboy. i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket. for example, persiel professional color washing powder for rub 1,599. and such debts? regarding credit cards, i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts into one payment, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about installment purchases. kholva - simple installment plans. on avita khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7th. welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and we keep our finger on the pulse. it's going to be hot today. kazakh tourists were accused of setting fire to the entire island. the sco summit in astana is an attempt to put out the global fire. destructive mudflows in kyrgyzstan and ninjas from
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kokand. there's a joke going around on the internet. as emperor alexander ii said, russia has only two allies. the army and kazakh tourists who burn nato islands from a yacht. this is about the fact that it is possible that a vacationer from kazakhstan was still involved in the incident in greece, when someone on a yacht almost burned a hydra with the help of fireworks. it's a whole island. the greeks were especially worried about the priceless forest on this island. as a result , eight kazakhstanis were charged under the criminal article of moral complicity in arson. all passengers on the persifona 2 yacht, cnn reports. the greek authorities turned to kazakhstan for help, since the yacht's tenants immediately left the country after the incident, the greek press reported. among the passengers is kazakh businessman daniyar abulgazin. twenty-first place in kazakhstan's forbes. after the news came out, he released an official statement. i
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express my deep regret regarding the fire that occurred on the greek island of hydra. before we left greece , representatives of the authorities talked to us greek authorities, which were not presented. no claims against me or my guests, it was a complete surprise for us to learn about the accusations that followed in the press upon our return, i categorically deny any wrongdoing, neither i nor my guests committed any actions that could lead to a fire. a declaration was signed in the capital of kazakhstan, which reflects the opinion of 3 billion people, this is how the document adopted at the ostana summit of the shanghai cooperation organization is assessed, abridged. on the shos another expansion of the organization took place in kazakhstan; belarus became its tenth member. today the sco is russia, china, kazakhstan, india, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, iran, tajikistan, pakistan and now minsk. but the circle of dialogue partners is even wider. for the first time,
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a meeting was held at the level of heads of state in the sco++ format. turkish president erdogan, the leaders of azerbaijan and mongolia, high-ranking representatives of qatar and the united arab emirates, and the national leader of turkmenistan arrived in astana. sco asks a new trend that shows how it should be what a real platform for equal dialogue is. the main document, as i already said, is the astonin declaration, in which countries oppose illegal sanctions, call for a ceasefire in the gas sector, and condemn the numerous civilian casualties . the sco countries are in favor of modernizing the un in order to increase the authority of this organization. and the document also contains many specific points from the fight against crime to space exploration and control of artificial intelligence. in fact, we are talking about a new architecture of planetary security, since the old system of international relations is bursting at the seams. conflicts in ukraine, the middle east, and the pacific are all special cases of the general crisis in international
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relations. the sco countries stand for a new , fair, multipolar world order. and while in the west they look at this process, at least with caution, but not without habit. arrogant neglect, let us simply recall that the summit of the uprising brought together the leaders of states where almost half the world's population lives, four nuclear powers, despite the fact that nato has only such... the sco is not a military bloc, like the same alliance, but not an economic one, like the eu. but there is no such terrible dictatorship-bureaucracy. the sco is a platform for multi-level relations. and political consultations, economic projects, of course, security. and here is what unites all participants. external interference in the affairs of the continent is unacceptable. inside, we ourselves will solve everything through dialogue. alim rashidov will tell you what we agreed on, former general secretary of the organization. probably one of the most notable results of the summit in astana was the accession of belarus to the sco. what other key points would you
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highlight? well, first of all, i would like to join in the congratulations to the republic of belarus. now the ostana summit itself, but its results, but i would first of all draw attention to the document itself, the main document is the astana declaration, in which each paragraph has not only a regional, but also a global one. the significance, further, of course, is large the sco initiative on world unity for a just world, harmony and development is important. it is also important that despite three waves of expansion, the sco's original focus on the problems of central asia has not shifted. the region remains the core of the shanghai cooperation organization; it is important to adopt a plan for the practical implementation of the economic development strategy. the sco until 2030, it covers almost all areas of trade and economic cooperation, and, of course, these are
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security issues, which the sco has always paid attention to pays primary attention, here, of course, it is worth paying special attention to the creation on the basis of the regional anti-terrorist structure of the sco of a universal center for countering challenges and security, well, the creation of an anti-terrorist center shozdu. shanb as an independent body. what is the reaction in the west, how do they react to this initiative to build a new, just world order, and what reciprocal steps should be expected from them? and i, naturally , carefully watch what is published there. on the eve of the ostalin summit in the next 48 hours, what i am tracking, so to speak, the western media are trying to present its results as just another. russia’s rivalry and
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another topic, well, the so-called china in central asia, this indicates that the west did not take the initiative for world unity as... eastern wisdom, it says this: when the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together , but in this case we are talking about deeply seriously discussing together what the multipolar world of the future will be like, so the west will not be able... to stand in side and act only as a critic or observer. the ostonin summit, as
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noted, was another triumph of kazakh diplomacy, and we are not talking about organizing such a representative forum, although here everything was on the level. based on the results of the meeting , nurlan eermikbaev was appointed secretary general of the organization. over the years, he served as secretary of the security council of kazakhstan, sending. china, minister of defense of kazakhstan. it will be until 2027. the appointment draws attention to a clear trend. kazakhs occupy leading positions positions in key organizations. here is the list given by political scientist daniyara shimbayev. secretary general of the csto and mangolit asmagambetov, secretary general of the council of internal affairs kairat tsarybai, secretary general of the sco, nurlan germikbaev, chairman of the board of the eurasian economic commission sagintaev, general director of the islamic organization.
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the uzbekistan-afghanistan business forum was held in tashkent, which was dedicated to increasing bilateral trade turnover and investment. today, afghan capital has been involved in work for more than how'. an exhibition opened on the sidelines of the forum, where it was possible to evaluate the electrical, mining and transport products of the taliban economy. the authorities of uzbekistan intend significantly. to increase the state duty on the import of balloons, the initiative was taken by the ministry of ecology, which believes that helium products pollute the environment too much. let me add that now the wholesale price of one ball in the republic is about 3,000 sums, and it can increase 100 times. dombra players of kazakhstan celebrate their professional holiday, generally in on the calendar, republican dombra day
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falls on july 7, but the musicians began congratulating each other on social networks in advance. of course, videos with... it's bad again, it's obvious that not everyone likes such processes, someone is watching with jealousy, or maybe trying to influence. opposition kazakh activist aidos sadykov died in kiev after an attempt on his life, which happened on june 18. we told you that the main suspects of ukrainian investigators are two citizens of kazakhstan with experience in law enforcement, while astana began its investigation, sadykov remained a citizen of the republic, although in his homeland he was wanted for inciting ethnic hatred. sadykov was in intensive care all this time, and coincidentally, the news of his death came on the day of sidzenpina’s state visit to astana
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on the eve of the sco summit. of course, the death of any person is a tragedy, but what if you plan for it? a provocation against kazakhstan, such an attempt to intercept the information agenda, to create a negative background around the country, just at the very moment when leaders are coming to astana russia, china, turkey, iran are not just coming together, but discussing a new fair world order; an amazing coincidence, the chairman of the people's republic of china , xizen ping, also timed a state visit to kazakhstan to coincide with the sco summit. later to tajikistan. in astana, we were greeted incredibly solemnly, fighter jets in the sky, helicopters over the motorcade, a demonstration with flags, children singing songs in chinese in chorus. this attention is understandable, given the level of relations between astana and beijing. china is the main trading partner of kazakhstan and the main buyer of kazakhstani goods.
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the leaders of the two countries took part in a business council meeting with the participation of businesses, including 50 of the largest chinese companies. as a result , 40 agreements worth almost $4 billion were signed, for example, from the important agreements between kazakhstan and the chinese corporation cnpc on a strategic partnership in the field of energy. it includes exploration of promising deposits under existing contracts. and also the heads of kazakhstan and china gave a start to roma cargo transportation along the so -called middle corridor. via video link, takaev and xi took part in the launch ceremony of the trans-caspian ferry. route. in kyrgyzstan, a destructive mudflow occurred in the ozh region. people died. as a result of mud flows , roads and bridges were destroyed and residential buildings were flooded. 10 people died. among the victims are children, including citizens of neighboring kazakhstan. the whole family came to relax at the reservoir and
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the car they were in ended up in the epicenter of the disaster. he was carried away by a mud flow. they searched for the car for more than a day. the children were from... if the bridges had not been raised so high, they would have served as an obstacle, the water would not have accumulated in a narrow place and would have flowed down more slowly. we lost about ten people because of one scammer. this tragedy could have been prevented. ail akmatu and akims must read the documents of the ministry of emergency situations. read more about destructive nature.
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construction and, of course, systematic maintenance, well , there are such dams in kyrgyzstan, especially in the southern regions, in the kuliya area, they were built for a very long time platinum on the zhalsay river and... let's say, from the eleventh to the seventeenth year , 125 teleprotective structures were put into operation, mainly in the southern regions, vysokoul, talas, noryn regions. in general , 17 people have died in kyrgyzstan since mid-spring. during this time , 250 similar natural disasters were registered. in general, the most destructive mudflows in the history of central asia date back to the soviet era. one can recall the terrible disaster of 1900.7, when there was also little from the city of kozylkia in the south of kyrgyzstan remained, or july 1963 was already kazakhstan, then mudflows destroyed the natural
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dam of lake isyk, which led to large-scale flooding, but the modern period in the history of central asia remembers several devastating disasters. in the summer of 2015 , the gorno-badokhshan autonomous region of tajikistan was seriously affected by the resettlement. it flooded with powerful streams of water mixed with mud. hundreds of residential buildings, highways, power lines and hectares of farmland were destroyed. in addition, the infrastructure barely survived hydroelectric power plant died in odin, killing six people. also in 2015, a mudflow seriously frightened the residents of kazakhstan’s almaty. the high water covered the city with stones, fallen tree trunks, and layers of eroded soil in which cars sank. in general, everything looked really scary, and it’s even more surprising that no one was ultimately hurt. in july twenty-first. in 2019 , the landslides claimed the lives of eight citizens of uzbekistan. then the kanasai river in the namangan region of the republic overflowed its banks. the disaster transformed several populated areas points into impassable swamps, collapsed bridges
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, leaving hundreds of families without access to public amenities. however, more casualties were avoided thanks to timely evacuation. in any case, selye and central asia are fortunately far from the gloomy world records for power. in august 2010, with the course of mudflows in the chinese province of gansu. over 1,200 people were killed; the cause of the tragedy was the loss of half the annual norm of precipitation in just 40 minutes. in january 2011, hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of rocks and dirt fell on mountainous part of the brazilian state of rio de janeiro, where more than 600 people died and thousands more were left homeless. this natural disaster is considered the largest in the history of the country. and in other news: turkmenistan will supply. gas to iraq, in transit through iran. agreements were reached at negotiations in ashkabad. as noted, the turkmen side is ready to sell 10 billion cubic meters of fuel annually. to expand volumes, the iranians can
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build a section of a new pipeline and three gas compression stations in turkmenistan stations. an underground tunnel was discovered on the border of uzbekistan and kazakhstan, which was used for illegal supplies of medicines. this, as our regular viewers know, is a typical method of smuggling and craftsmen for the region. there are plenty of such routes; in this case, the length of the tunnel was as much as 310 m, and for convenience it was equipped with lighting. in astana , administrative fines were issued to video bloggers who drove around the city, converting a luxury crossover into a swimming pool on wheels. the guys definitely had fun they collected a decent amount of time and likes on social networks, but law enforcement agencies considered that their creative violated traffic rules . kyrgyzstan's special services prevented the attempt by force. seizure of power in the country, reports the state committee for national security. the destructive group planned to organize mass riots with the death of people and seize power, the department said. five
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people were detained. during the searches, homemade bombs, weapons, ammunition, bulletproof vests, walkie-talkies and even police uniforms were found. and in in uzbekistan, social networks were blown up by a man who has already been named ipman from kakand. ipman is. a martial arts master from a movie, a master from kokand is quite real, someone filmed a man who probably works as a loader, demonstrating the brilliant technique of the martial art winchun, using his own cart as a projectile. and we remain in uzbekistan. we already talked last week about a charity exhibition of paintings generated by artificial intelligence based on the impressions and fantasies of blind children. the exhibition has ended. creative auction. a total of 20 works were presented, and the exhibition was visited by thousands of people during this time. the concept amazed the guests. during the exhibition, psychologists and journalists compared the created paintings with
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the stories. the children themselves. on june 29 , an auction was held at which all the paintings were sold. in total, more than 150 million sums were collected. the most expensive lot was the painting "the lost tale", which was purchased by a guest from china. this painting depicts high mountains and waterfalls, symbolizing friendship and the eternal passage of time. that's all for us. see you as usual next week at the asia center. take care of yourself.
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in two villages of the krasnodar region, after an attack by the druns in the armed forces of ukraine , fuel tanks caught fire, ukrainian drones also hit... a state of emergency was introduced in buryat due to natural fires, about 24 were engulfed in fire. more than 30 outbreaks were recorded. 700 people are fighting the elements. in yakutia, since the beginning of the fire season, flames have already destroyed about a million hectares. transbaikalia is also burning. there are more than 100 active fires
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being put out. aviation slovak prime minister robert fitso appeared in public for the first time after the assassination attempt; he attended the celebration of the arrival of the enlighteners saints cyril and methodius in great moravia; he said that if it were not for his health, he, like orban, would have come to moscow. masoud piteshkian is the leader in the presidential elections in iran, he received 17 million votes, his rival said jelili received... fewer votes, according to preliminary data the turnout was 50%. tomorrow the second round will take place in france next parliamentary elections. most observers believe that although the outcome of the second round is quite obvious, surprises are still possible. and all the details are in the program france with anastasia popova, the second round after a short advertisement.


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