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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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prime minister of slovakia robert fica appeared in public for the first time after the assassination attempt. he attended the celebration of the arrival of the enlighteners saints cyril and methodius in great moravia, and said that if it were not for his health, he would have come to moscow just like orban. masoud piteshkian is the leader in the presidential elections in iran, he received 17 million votes, his rival said jelili received 2 million votes less. according to preliminary data, the turnout was 50%. tomorrow in france there will be a second round outside the regular parliamentary elections. majority observers believe that although the outcome of the second round is quite obvious, a surprise is still possible. and all the details are in the program france with anastasia popova, the second round after a short advertisement. buy
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a cooperberg glm 4580 dishwasher with auto-opening and a digital beam on the floor at a discount on yandex market. the sauce is meaty, rich, hot, filling the meat and noodles. viklunch fills life with joy. rambolova.
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hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, real hunting is when the prey is almost within your reach hands, when the main trophy of 20 million is right in front of you, every 15 minutes. for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, that's gold. for the first time on screens, welcome. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba on so many things, from smartphones to sneakers. gac m8. executive class minivan. unique radiator grille. electromagnetic suspension,
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luxury interior and for your maximum comfort. jcm8, place of the first. does your business need acceleration? urgently! use instant transfers for business from vtb and the money will immediately go to any bank. open a current account at and your business will gain momentum. vtb, we help business! one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge, and now she surfs the internet all the time. hurry up to connect megapower to unlimited before the end of summer, so that the internet does not end, only in the megaphone. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. yes, you are a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen. what are you doing wrong,
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continue, alfabank has the best program loyalty for entrepreneurs, open a free account with alfabank and receive up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. hello, my name is cashboy. i help you buy with maximum profit at the mega market. for example, power frying pan for rub 1,599. and 30% cashback. sportmaster prices are half the price for world and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. try more this summer. free delivery artful point in yandex food. i am chef kote aganezov. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes. and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria. now it's definitely delicious. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? with bonuses, your next avito
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trip will go as planned with cashback bonuses. the first round of elections did not bring any clarity to the political situation, it is difficult to say now whether the national union will be able to gain a majority and win, the last days of the hectic election campaign with rallies and appearances in the media, but a historical shift is already visible, the french are no longer shy vote for the edge of the wrong, polls predicted first place 33%, although they were counting on...
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having first made him an honorary chairman, and then expelled him, abandoned many points that were the key to their program, no more exits from the eu and abandonment of the euro, in focus on the purchasing power of the french and the improvement of their well-being, tired of the constant need to tighten their belts, pay
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more for bills and save, people decided to believe her, especially since at the helm is a young, well-spoken, calmly feeling in this place is jordan bardela. my goal is the absolute majority. i call on the french people to remain mobilized. and i have decided, on the basis of this absolute majority, to form a government of national unity to implement the restoration project that i presented to the country. i am the only one in this election who spoke about the real problems of the french people, purchasing power, security and immigration. there's no need to waste a week talking about anything. we must talk about the daily life of a frenchman. situation for national unification is complex, some candidates, of course, entered parliament immediately from the first round, such as marine lepin, who received more than 50% of the votes, but the rest
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were faced with a political triangle, where three candidates entered the second round, right, left and macronists, in about 100 districts the situation will remain this way, for... it is taken for granted that it is considered to be shelling . left-wing youth in the police see the enemy, the guards themselves fire fireworks and throw stones, especially since they are for the right, left-wing rioters set fire to trash cans, motorcycles,
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then they ran away from the tear gas and dodged the batons. processions in nantes, lyon, caen, few in number but loud. large rally. in paris, on the place de la république, young people gathered to remember a teenager of algerian origin who died from a police bullet a year ago in the suburbs of the capital, who was stopped by police for numerous violations of traffic rules and used weapons, for migrants, for all acceptance, for minorities, for open borders, adoption of all universal social assistance, repeal of pension reform, such a left-wing program would cost the budget billions in additional expenses, experts say. let me remind you that we borrow 740 million euros on the market every day. indeed, the national unification program involves, i can’t give an exact figure right now, hundreds of billions of additional expenses. national front - 200-250. these programs simply will not be
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implemented. unfortunately, i think voters are well aware of this . the french have someone to thank for such a state of the economy, from which macron, nor his economy minister bruno lumer. having failed to bring russia to its knees, he could not get out. everything could have been done much better. obviously, we did a lot to increase wages, but disaster struck. i readily admit this. in 2023, everything fell on us, incomes fell, we are at the level of 5.5% of gdp. in 2024, we made the necessary decisions to be at the 5.1% level. in 2027 we will be at the level of 3%, within the limits provided by the european commission. this is generally economic nonsense. the minister of economy and finance did everything possible to solve the crisis during the pandemic. they say thank you in quotation marks to macron for that. the state of political chaos into which france plunged just before the olympics, after the european elections and after
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the sudden dissolution of parliament. we risk having an uncontrollable parliament, and i think the president of the republic should at least take the maximum term of 40 days, because if we rush the elections, if we stir up the people, we risk having an uncontrollable parliament, and we won't be able to dissolve it for a year, so there's no rush due to the lack of voters. his father tried to protect his son from attacks, saying that macron had long complained that the national assembly had become uncontrollable. the decision to dissolve was not a result of the european elections. he already talked to me about this 2 months ago, in fact he believed that the national assembly had become uncontrollable. but macron is counting on the fact that it is the presidential movement that will receive the majority. was not justified. third place - disastrous 22% relative loss most are forced to seek compromises.
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macron ordered to study each electoral district and see with whom an alliance could be formed. in the presidential camp, where they so vehemently called for voting against both the right and the left, where over and over again in all interviews they tried to discredit and challenge the program, where they labeled the extreme right, where they so threatened with civil war, they suddenly changed their shoes. tactical alliance - macron announced. the right is on the cusp of power, tonight is like no other.
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in all circumstances, our instructions remain simple, direct and clear: not one extra vote, not one extra seat for national unity. what always worked, suddenly, for users of this political technology tool, failed. polls showed that voters of the mokronists and leftists did not approve of such a situational alliance. 3/4 in response to such a demarche. politicians were told that they would no longer listen to their advice on who to vote for, the media controlled by the president’s friends rushed to save situation, macron’s statement was leaked to the press that he will not work together with the left, he is simply using it, we will not lead together with unconquered france, their decision to withdraw their candidacies does not mean that we need to enter into an alliance with them. the left, which always called him arrogant, irresponsible, a dictator and a monarch, hastened to disown working with macron, here for the sake of the seats...
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a few months, as during brexit, we learn that russian hackers were extremely active during the election period. such
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people are usually isolated from society, but so far president macron has been isolated from the french. charlie ebdoo publishes a cartoon of a drowning president urging people to go vote. he got so played that he lost all his supporters, writes liberation. the élysée palace has often been called the ivory tower , speaking of the loneliness of presidents, but over the past 7 years it has been the élysée. the tradition took on a tenfold magnitude thanks to the head of state himself. macron's innate personal audacity became the cast-iron core which pulls him down. because the. despite the fact that politics is, of course, a matter of personal ambition and charisma, it is also teamwork, which implies the ability to create an environment and organize a party. emmanuel macron never considered himself capable of this, as a result he found himself in the center of a storm that he himself provoked, and now, when he turns around, he sees that he is left completely alone. not to vote for
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the left - called on the head of the ministry of internal affairs gerald dermanan, who without... fights islamists, supports the police in bad neighborhoods, constantly working to expel illegal migrants. in the movement, macron dryly said that this was his personal opinion. the french president and his european colleagues are angry at him for making such a flamboyant advertisement for the extreme right. i hope that for the sake of france, but also for the sake of europe, yesterday's agreement between the political parties and above all the mobilizations of progressive and republican france will put the brakes on the far right. how did this happen in spain? a year ago, from macron to the eu everything have distanced themselves, except that the german chancellor scholz sends him rays of support every day and says that he is keeping his fingers crossed for him. we are discussing a situation that is truly depressing, i am keeping my fingers crossed that the french, whom i love and appreciate so much, manage to prevent the emergence of a government led by a right-wing populist party. macron does not leave
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the elysee palace and puzzles over strategy, nothing better than throwing himself into arms. he has not yet come up with the left, prime minister otal curtsied to them and said that suspends until the fall the reform to reduce unemployment benefits, for which he was criticized in his own camp for inconsistency, republicans quarrel among themselves, former labor minister xovier bertrand publicly humiliated the leader of his party, eric sjoti. we know why he went to the national association, because he thought that he would have a ministerial position, a car, a driver, flashing lights, this was his life's dream.
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everything will be decided this weekend, the french will elect a new parliament of the country, which will have to coexist with the president of the republic, which in this case, what will emmanuel macron do? the question is interesting, the results will be announced on sunday evening. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but it’s not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best
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loyalty program for entrepreneurs, open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback . with a business card alfabank is the best bank for business, for the first time on the screens, meet on avito, on avito, khvatamba has arrived discounts to people from people, only up to 7 july hvatamba for so many things, from smartphones to sneakers on avito, more discounts with a magnit card, a set of royal cuchen cutlery 199 rubles 99 kopecks. buy and win prizes and a million rubles for a great summer. magnet real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes, for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win, stoloto! at persil we take stain removal to the next level with deep clean plus technology. enzymes work on the surface and
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from the inside of the fabric, let the memories remain, not stains on things. once. calm, just calm. hello, my name is cashboy. i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket. for example. discount 500 rubles on everything using the promotional code cashboy gac m8 executive class minivan. unique radiator grille. electromagnetic suspension, luxury interior, for your maximum comfort. jcm8, place of the first. i am chef kote aganezov. on
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my blog i share simple and quick recipes. and to make it even tastier, it’s important the right sauce. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. try more this summer. the chief expert in technology wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out you can get it at 20%, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out you can in different ones at once, for money your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of: 20% financial services financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif
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52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us. but this a real superpower. more joyful moments with holy spring water with fruity flavors. the source of joy is in you. business needs acceleration, open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help with business. on avito khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. russian medicine has entered the space race, which is not a year, but a breakthrough. and now the world's first medicine with a unique mechanism of action has already been registered for ankylosing spondylitis, which has always been considered
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incurable. registration indicates that the drug, at least at this stage , has been recognized as effective, that those ideas, those developments that we have been living with for the last decades, they were not in vain, they went.
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there was confusion in all countries, in russia it actually gave impetus to the development of medicine and made it possible to introduce technologies that had previously turned out to be unattainable. any new treatment method that is used in traumatology or orthopedics is met with caution, as well as in all surgery that exists, however, it always arouses interest and attracts us, as doctors try, search, hope and believe in new technologies.
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9 am in the operating room of the institute of urology of sechinov university, the patient is 48, during a random examination they discovered a tumor in her right kidney, we are trying not to remove the entire kidney, but to make an organ. and it’s more convenient to perceive - it’s a three-dimensional image, especially when we can combine all phases of a ct scan in one three-dimensional image, that is, we get
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an absolutely accurate one. understanding the location of the tumor, the relationship with large vessels, this gives us faster performance of operations, this allows us to do it safely, because we initially know how the vessels that feed the tumor are located. 3d modeling in surgery has been used since the beginning of 2010, but foreign software was used for this. in 2010, it was an innovation that you could actually use some kind of computer help, because the doctor would sit down and just look at the cats at these gray pictures and... try in his head to understand where he was, where, how, what was going on . however, the work of foreign computer programs modeling, was limited for users from russia due to sanctions back in 2014, this became an incentive to develop their system, where they attracted leading russian programmers and artificial intelligence specialists, and as a result created a web service that won silver at the largest in europe digital awards, teagline awards. and there are similar ones abroad,
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because the services, when we... studied, but they cost about 300 euros for one construction, and there a person does it with his hands, as we understand, that is, these are manual constructions, but via the internet, that is, and we get what is the problem with manual construction, there is one construction - it takes an hour and a half for a person, that is, he cannot do a lot, that is, for one clinic it turns out that one separate person is needed who will only deal with with these constructions, and thanks to this service you can just throw it in, it will build it for itself and you can... immediately twist it, almost in front of the patient. the russian program builds a 3d model of the organ in 5 minutes, the operation itself lasts no longer than an hour, within a couple of days the patient will go home, and sechinov university scientists will continue to work to make operations as safe as possible. we are very actively engaged in scientific work, studying various aspects of cardiac surgery, trying to eliminate various shortcomings using scientific methods. in february, at sechinov
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university, for the first time, an operation was performed to eliminate the pathology of an aortic aneurysm using new technologies. and our main task was to reduce both the operation time and improve the quality of this prosthesis, because you yourself understand if perform this intraoperatively, it will not be of adequate quality.
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logia of the aortic root, take a huge sample, calculate all sizes, analyze first on computer models, then in a special pulse duplicator, that is , an installation that simulates cardiac activity, simulate the operation of this prosthesis, analyze all its shortcomings, because unfortunately in our specialties have disadvantages and are unacceptable, that’s how much we cool, well, for now it’s 26, or maybe? thanks to new technologies, elective surgery is now look like this: examining the patient for act, then making a model of the prosthesis in production and the intervention itself. the advantage is that this reduces the operation time, even reducing the operation by half an hour by an hour, this is significant because this is the time of anesthesia, this is the duration of artificial circulation, reducing the risk of complications, patient ivan nikolaevich.


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