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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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it is necessary first of all to study the morphology of the aortic root, take a huge sample, calculate all sizes, analyze first on computer models, then in a special pulse duplicator, that is, an installation that simulates cardiac activity, to simulate the operation of this prosthesis, analyze all its shortcomings, because, unfortunately, in our specialty there are shortcomings and unacceptable ones, for how long we are cooling, well, for now 26. thanks to new technologies, planned operations now look like this: examination of the patient for act, then production of a model of the prosthesis in production and the intervention itself. the advantage is that this reduces the operation time, even reducing the operation by half an hour to an hour - this is significant, since this is the time of anesthesia, this is the duration of skilled blood circulation, reducing the risk of complications.
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from the city of ivanovo became the first to receive such an individual prosthesis, by the way, the operation took place on my son’s birthday, this is somehow a sign for me, so i think what was done for my health, this is a great thing, thanks to this i, rudely speaking, on the fifth day i feel normal, like in the film about vysotsko. thank you that i’m alive and healthy, i think in another day i’ll be generally cheerful, i’ll be running the corridor just like that and i want to return to my beloved job. the next challenge facing cardiologists is surgery using a new biological heart valve. the percentage of patients who need bioprosthetics is huge, that is, satisfied. these operations in our
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country, it is far from ideal, if previously biovalves the heart was taken from a large domestic cattle and transplanted to humans, now it’s the other way around, the world’s first valve from the human pericardium was installed in a pig, the operation was successful, the human pericardium is much thinner than the pericardium of a pig, horse, sheep, anyone, we have a lot of experience, in moscow in 2016.
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samara, valeria evgrafova has been involved in sports all her life, from wrestling to volleyball. plus, work is always on your feet. valeria photographer. but in recent years, walking has become unbearably painful for her, due to an old knee injury, a miniscus tear. i have gradually anemia of the lower leg began to occur, that is , the peroneal nerve passes there and leads to the big toe. my leg began to sag, that is, the foot began to sag, well, in fact, it seemed to be partially paralyzed. that is why. i needed to have
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surgery quite urgently, good morning, good afternoon, how are you doing, how are your legs? valeria was offered to participate in trials of a new treatment method that had never been used in russia. the essence of the operation is that cartilage cells are taken from the patient’s knee and grown from them. biomedical products are then injected back into the person. i decided to do this experiment, to kind of participate in this program. because this opens up new opportunities for me, in particular, this is a chance for a healthy future, our production takes place in cell culture isolators, and from the moment the biological material arrives, and our biological material is cartilage tissue and blood serum. before packaging
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the finished product, that is, the cells that are isolated from the charis tissue are called handrocytes, they are grown in incubators at constant... temperatures, humidity. the development of the biotechnology company generium is recognized as one of the most promising areas of regenerative medicine. chondrocytes, unfortunately, do not reproduce; their number gradually decreases with age. if in case of injury or in case of some chronic disease, this tissue practically cannot be restored and is replaced by scar tissue. we take it from the patient. from the area of ​​the less loaded joint, well, a small number of cells with using a special, well, minimally invasive operation, we disperse these cells, that is , we crush them, and after that we begin
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to grow them in those same isolators that you saw, increasing their number, we again introduce these cells back to the patient and the patient two or two later. day he is discharged and then his rehabilitation begins. valeria evgrafova felt the effect almost immediately, and within a few months she began running cross-country and participating in tournaments. thanks to this method, my cartilage was completely restored, which now seems to allow me to hope for that for another 10-20 years i will not have problems with this, even taking into account the fact that i am actively involved in sports, that is , the femur, tibia, fibula . this is a joint that has already been destroyed, this is already a joint that requires endoprosthetics. over the past 2 years, such an operation has been performed on more than thirty patients in samara alone. observation of them continues, but the results speak for themselves. we saw that the drug really works. we are now getting distant results there
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two years ago and more people. we watch how they play volleyball, how they play football, how they return to normal life, how they do the usual routine of their everyday activities that they could not do before. there is, for example, a patient who, in principle, walked only on crutches, did not go to work, could not work and could not move, after we performed this method of surgical treatment, replaced a very large defect, the person returned to work , the russian pharmaceutical market is confident is growing, 2/3 of its volume by the end of 2022 was made up of domestic drugs and...
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in the future, its activity is already at the organismal level, that is, at the animal level, well, then clinical trials on humans. scientists from the russian technological university miraa are working to create a targeted drug for diagnosing
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and treating cancer. it is necessary to create diagnostic centers so that early detection is a 90% guarantee of the success of further treatment. and we are now working on the development of a new diagnostic drug, and not just a radionuclide, that is, a radiopharmaceutical, and which, due to radiation, due to the radioactivity of the radionuclide included in this drug, would allow the doctor to detect a tumor, its size, its location, its borders, and therefore , treat more effectively. now scientists, together with colleagues from the scientific and medical center of radiology, are testing their idea on mice and hope to interest large pharmaceutical companies in order to enter the clinical trial stage. we believe that our development original due to the use of very
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life-tested, natural ones, i emphasize this, because synthetics are always worse for the body than natural ones, and i ’ll tell you which ones are natural. for all viewers of the soviet union, the reference melady from dartagnan's film the three musketeers. in 2005, the people's artist of russia filmed her directorial. the film the seagull, i ’m leaving for moscow today, and i myself played arkadina,
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annie’s daughter got the role of nina zarechnaya, but no, let me read, it’s my turn, rats, for socialites to cheer novelists and attracting them to oneself is as dangerous as it is for a barnkeeper to raise rats in his barns, i am happy, i now belong to you.
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changed the entire way of life of the family, a person with dementia needs constant care, of course it is very difficult in the sense that when you know, you see your mother, and the beautiful actress, who always knew a lot of text by heart, could do all this in whole monologues and poems performed in front of the audience, not only acted in plays, acted in films, when suddenly a person changes in this sense cannot seem to adequately perceive everything around... there is currently no cure for alzheimer's disease, but the search
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is ongoing. dementia is not a disease, it is a pathological condition, a syndrome that includes many different diseases, including alzheimer's disease. of course, it begins long before the patient is bothered by anything at all. well, in fact, these diseases cause different reasons. first of all, this is brain degeneration. so far, scientists have succeeded. just figure out how slow down the course of the disease, but there are many promising developments. we study alzheimer's disease, we propose that a key element in the so-called pathogenesis of alzheimer's disease is the destruction of connections between individual cells, that is , asgemer disease occurs in the brain, that is, communication between neurons, neurons and other types of cells in the brain is lost. but our project is ours. supposed drug, it acts on neurons, that is, on a specific ion channel that
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opens under the influence of our connection and triggers a certain signaling mechanism, leading to the fact that the cell’s contact with the environment is restored. doctors have long known which substances prevent the development of dementia, but...
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in order to improve the delivery method, to make therapy more possible for the patient, we call this compliant, to make it easier for the patient to comply with the dosage regimen. this year , the share of russian full-cycle drugs on the domestic market should increase to almost 70%. such goals are stated in the approved government strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical industry. it also provides for the elimination of administrative barriers and the accelerated implementation of new technological solutions. but scientists and pharmaceutical companies go further, creating innovative drugs for serious diseases
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that no one else in the world has. sergei lupyanov encountered ankylosing spondylitis for the first time when he was still a student. since then, he has devoted his life to the study of this autoimmune disease, becoming a scientific biologist, academician of the russian academy of sciences, rector of the most authoritative medical school of the pirogovo university, this is the result of decades of work, registration of the drug he created with the ministry of health. i have been suffering from this disease for more than 40 years, i have a lot of experience. firstly, the use of various drugs is an opportunity to compare, understand their effectiveness, limitations, prospects, but the main thing is, of course, to conduct research, having at hand the constant opportunity to double-check ideas on blood tests, which can be taken unlimitedly, without agreeing with anyone, this is very comfortable. sineprutuk -
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it's like a jet plane versus cornbush, that's it, that's it. a much more powerful and profound effect and today, probably, this is the only drug that claims to stop ankylosing spondylitis completely, that is , its progression is not slowed down, not alleviated, but almost completely, like a stop tap , the drug is pressed for the duration of its action while a person is being treated, unfortunately, this is not one injection for life.
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the sensations are accompanied by this, it’s hard to breathe, cough, but in the end it’s as if the person it’s just that the spine becomes rigid, it can end up in a bent state, when a person is unable to straighten up, well, there are a lot of problems. sergei lukyanov searched for a cure for this disease for more than 20 years, tried all the advanced therapy on himself, it really reduced pain and allowed him to live and work fully, but not for long. and now, after years of research, the academician and his team made a discovery that should help to truly forget about all the symptoms of the disease. and we decided to create a drug, which directly destroys cells that cause diseases, these ones, which were mistaken by mistake from such and such their own tissue, but the problem was to find on their surface such distinctive signaling molecules that
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only they have and are absent in other cells, this was devoted to this. the company as a whole is interested in developing interaction with academic partners, because we believe that it is in such collaborations that continuous solutions can be created. the company is searching for cures for diseases that are impossible cure the modern stage of development of science,
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be it rare forms of cancer or spinal muscular atrophy. full cycle production from search.
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not only you, but all the employees who see how i conduct scientific councils, yes, this is a strong drug, but again, you understand, the diversity of people is such that we cannot guarantee that all patients will receive the same effect, and most likely this will happen will not be. currently the drug is registered for one indication and is suitable only for a certain profile of patients, but research expansion of indications continues. specifically with ankylosing spondylitis in russia there are about 30 thousand patients, but if we talk about all axial spondyloarthritis, the ankelasizing form of which is
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ankylosing spondylitis, there may already be up to half a million such patients in the country, and only official statistics tell us about this, it is believed that up to 97% of these patients are carriers of the hla b-27 gene, and our drug is intended for them. and this is the main decision. there are opportunities to combat many other diseases that were previously considered incurable.
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modern technologies. confidence in sustainable operation, reliability and energy efficiency, flexibility for use in any industry, a new quality for your success. transneft, oil pumps.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out, what a fairy tale, without ivan, what began, without deception, without a flint, he quickly imprisoned me in a flint, the noisy ink is magical you'll get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, and beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it's needed, that's what my name is, because i'm not taking you where you fool want, where i need to go , i can’t live without traveling, flint, who doesn’t
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need a pen, who has flint? in your pocket soon, are you used to watching videos online? stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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the russian military destroyed the ukrainian
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complex. 300 in the koptev area - this is the poltava region, as reported by the ministry of defense, the target was struck by the russian operational-tactical iskander m. two launchers, a combat control vehicle, vehicles and personnel of the anti-aircraft missile crews of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. masoud pezeshkian won the presidential elections in iran with 17 million votes. his opponent said djeleli received 2 million fewer votes, the turnout was 50%. the candidate promised that he would pursue a pragmatic foreign policy and will achieve the lifting of sanctions from syran. slovak prime minister robert fica made his first public appearance since the assassination attempt. he attended the celebration of the arrival of the enlightening saints with cyril and methodius in great moravia. he stated that if it were not for his health, he, like orban, would have come to moscow. in buryat, a state of emergency was introduced due to natural fires; approximately 24 were engulfed in fire. more than 30 outbreaks were recorded.
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700 people are leading, in yakutia, since the beginning of the fire season, the fire has already destroyed about a million hectares, it is burning from transbaikalia, there are more than 100 active fires, and aviation is involved in extinguishing them. now there is a short advertisement, immediately after the international review program, about the key events on the world agenda over the past week. the shows summit was held in astana, the organization is consistently turning into a platform for negotiations throughout eurasia. in britain , the conservatives lost their mandate following the parliamentary elections, and france is also preparing for the second round of voting, more on this and more in a few minutes. btb, how do you like it? cool, but save up for a subscription vtb savings account. open a vtb savings account with a rate.


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