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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the ministry of defense published footage of an attack on ukrainian s-300s in the koptev area, poltava region. the launches on the target were carried out by the crew of the iskander m operational-tactical missile system. two launchers were destroyed , as well as machine-combat control, motor vehicles and the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. vladimir putin congratulated masoud pezashkian on the occasion of his election as president of iran. pezashkian won the election with more than 53% of the vote in the second round. the ministry of internal affairs of the republic announced this after processing 100% of the ballots. the turnout was about 50%. from the islamic republic, special correspondent for news, vitaly kormatin. there has not been a second round of presidential elections in iran since 2005, from two candidates who, according to everyone.
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the candidates were neck and neck; it is obvious that such competition added interest to the vote. the day before, this was noted by the spiritual leader of iran, alia khaminiya. i heard that people are voting more eagerly this time. praise be to allah if this is true. if this is really the case, then this cannot but rejoice. the president in iran is the second person after the spiritual leader, the winner of the election is masoud pezeshkian, a former field medic and heart surgeon who was iran's health minister from 2001 to 2005. he is called. islamic
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republic, iran. france will limit aid to ukraine if the right comes to power, said the leader of the national rally party, marine lepine. she promised that the head of the cabinet of ministers from her faction would allow kiev to use french weapons to strike russia.
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and in general, protection of the individual, society and the state from illegal attacks. yasnaya polyana estate in the tula region gathered guests from the eighth tolstoy theater festival. the performance was opened by sunday at the alexandrinsky theater. in total, this year there are 13 venues, which will host more than 100 cultural events over 3 days. there is also an extensive children's educational program as well as film screenings. many events
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are dedicated to the year of the family, which is currently being held in russia, and, of course, to the writer leo tolstoy, in whose estate the festival is taking place. in such a place, of course, we treat this very responsibly with great trepidation, so that tolstoy's word, tolstoy's thought, tolstoy's, tolstoy's ideas, feelings, experiences, as it were, tolstoy's, maybe some kind of his prayer was heard today, here some kind of simply i’m not afraid of this word. the atmosphere and the place itself, it’s magical, right when i was on stage, i just felt some kind of connection, uh, because everything here is saturated with fat. there are about 7 thousand abandoned estates in russia, but every year there are fewer and fewer of them, they burn down and fall apart. in the same time the trend towards the restoration of ancient noble estates is gaining momentum. about who these enthusiasts are who are engaged in restoration, why they need it, see
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some baren has arrived, wants here something for yourself build some kind of estate, but live, well , that is, this is such a vacuum between and civil society. and businessmen, now such estates are bought by crazy rich romantics, if a person... of course
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, you can’t count on payback, on a return on investment, but i never planned this, rather, i need this project more than anyone else, today we are the only non-state museum of federal significance in the country. here it is the same staircase from the film unfinished piece for mechanical piano, we squinted a little so that we could stand from the same angle, but it’s still hard to see, the steps have collapsed, everything is overgrown with nettles, in general, now nikita mikhalkov’s paintings look like such documentary evidence of what the pushchen estate looked like back in the seventies of the 20th century, here like now. i understand correctly, we
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are now on the balcony where nikita mikhalkov’s character was shooting from a gun, this is exactly the place where the whole play was played, well, on this concrete foundation, the entrance, so to speak, was built here, wooden gazebo, where its characters, in fact, and... and in the nineteenth year this is all during these there actually these 100 years there were leaks
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in 2019 it all collapsed the whole roof collapsed began right away quickly, quickly and who destroyed this estate -he says this is rubbish, this needs to be demolished, look at these ruins, well, once a contractor came here and he said: these are ruins, let’s demolish everything and build a back block there, it will be the same, people shouldn’t have such a concept, the territory generally occupies 13 hectares, it has been known since the time of ivan the terrible, when these lands were granted to the boyars’ pushcha, well , that’s why, in fact, an abandoned village arose here, and that’s the history of the house itself.
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the noble family of afrosimov, their son andrei , the famous moscow pavlovich afrosimov became its owners, he settled here, and he settled here with his wife, ekaterina alexandrovna rimskaya korsykova, alexander alexandrovich alyabyev was in love with her. he dedicates most of his romances to ekaterina alexandrovna, who is already married to andrei pavlovitch, moreover, he visits this... house several times during the life of andrei pavlovich, in all likelihood they were friends, they were both participants in the war of 812, and after the death of andrei pavlovich, who was also buried here on the territory of this estate , and ekaterina alexandrovna became alyabiv’s wife. this is where you and i are.
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the conservation project for this opika was created literally in 2020, it’s literally been there for a few years, we created it, so to speak, in order to save the most valuable, just because there is something to save the most valuable cultural heritage site, what is conservation, is it emergency work, is it
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temporary roofs, temporary roofs, this is what we now see on this building. the work of the entire entire team of caring residents was carried out literally from the moment of destruction in 2019 in 20 2 years so in an amicable way two maximum 3 years the roof is there is a fireproof roof and something can be saved the first truly significant stage
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was the formation of the pushchino branch of the all-russian society protection of monuments. because it is completely clear that with personalities, as if our organizations and government bodies were not functioning, then we began to work on documentation, at the same time we began to collect money for the development of the project, how much was needed, about 3 million was needed, so, but relatively speaking, we understood that firstly , most likely it will be the highest budget, unfortunately, everything is very complicated, because the owner of the russian academy of sciences, it has its own property relations within, it is very difficult for them, for themselves, it’s not just like that... what did they leave there like if only they had this monument there is no way to deal with it, as you agree with the state, with the owners, you are not just there, that is , some people from the street, as if they came, we will now mothball everything here for you, but
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as far as you are allowed to do this, second how involved is the state in this, or is it all of this? there is, but we, as such a non-profit society, without making money from this, a non-profit society, we write all these letters as a group, that’s not luck, that’s the authority, we as a society can write, they’ll listen to us faster than than an ordinary ordinary citizen, we take, hire, because we are from...
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every brick, so to speak, we are one of the first guests in the four-star hotel khrabrova estate, all the buildings here are new, because from the estate of the obolensky princes to the beginning of the 21st century and nothing remained except the trees. which are 300 years old and churches, now the noble nest is being revived by sergei ladochkin, sergei alekseevich, i ’ll take you for a ride now, super, it’s a great honor for me that such a beautiful lady is taking me for a ride around
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the old estate, your story, yes, we we specially purchased such electric cars so that the party could accommodate our guests. who will park in the parking lot, get out of the car, a party will drive up in an electric car and take them around the territory, to those complexes, yes, that we recreated for our guests at the estate of the obalensky princes; until recently , a huge hogweed grew here, now they have already rolled out a lawn here. done, here on the right here we have a barnyard, where there is a meat shop, a dairy shop, a cheese factory, yes, that means we will have it on the other side. for horses, just recently, if they take a camera here, there was nothing, it was
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a dried-up puddle, you can’t even call it a swamp, then everything was overgrown, with overgrown trees, there were some refrigerators lying around, old car parts, there were some... then we pulled out the engines from there, there was only one embankment left, if you see, this is... an embankment, here it is in the 15th century, that is, this is an artificial pond, which evgeniy petrovich obolensky, and with his family, they dug it out and fished here crucian carp. during my school years, when i was at school, i always i liked reading the history of the russian nobility, russian noble society. in particular , leo tolstoy's book "war and peace", which told stories, life, military actions of the patriotic war of 1812, later,
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when i had already graduated from college, was engaged in business, began to engage in business and socio-political activities, i had a great desire to do everything this is the time to restore some kind of estate, which is located in the moscow region, so that civil society people can...
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the ministry of culture needs a lot of different all this should be in accordance with the permitting plan for all this, but i completely agree with you, yes, that is, we are located on land of federal cultural heritage significance, and accordingly, this land plot was issued to the administration of the dmitrovsky district to a charitable restoration fund.
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history, because nikolai petrovich, for some reason he was sure that in this estate there was a portal to the future, and he was looking for this portal all the time, and the guests who come here to me, and in the evening, when it becomes it gets dark, the lights turn on, sometimes it happens that there is a flashing with... colors and people are like this, what is it, the prince of darkness has come, like, i say, well, of course, this is nikolai petrovich obolensky, he is like the keeper of this estate, a noble one, he
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comes to visit, monitor and check the progress of work, when the khrabrova estate opens, this is a separate pride of our estate, this is a museum, artifacts that we found here during excavations, and the fact that here, when they recreated an early lost estate complex, these items were found , coins, yes, which were lost here at one time, so this museum will be private. at one time, in 1941 , the fascist invaders, the nazis, were here for 4 days in
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the village of khrabrova. just took one of the nazi attacks on the ussr, here in this mass grave are buried those soldiers who defended the village of khrabrovo, dmitrov region from the fascist invaders, we completely restored the fence, painted it, restored the monument, planted tetui so that the residents of the village of khrabrovo could come here. to lay flowers on may 9, behind me is the pokrovsky church, and this is a monument of federal cultural heritage significance, and it is not included in the ensemble of the early lost buildings of the estate of the obolensky princes, but
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a charitable restoration fund. helps this temple in order to restore it. it turns out that you rented this land for 49 years under some kind of preferential program, but as far as i know, for example, if the rent is for a ruble, for this you need to restore something, but you didn’t have much to restore, you it was only possible to build from scratch, so what are your conditions? no, this is not preferential, this is a lease of a land plot, there are about 6 hectares, we pay for it, it has a cadastral value of this land plot, we pay, that is, this, well, i would not say that this is of course some kind a fantastically huge amount, yes, but still this is money that goes to the budget of the moscow region of the dmitrov district, but excuse me, this is not very profitable, you are investing a huge amount of your money in something that essentially does not belong to you, this is like a cry from the heart, yes, that is
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, this is patronage, and what we are... creating, building, yes, of course, if the land plot is owned, the investor will have more rights to this land plot, you will have more powers, now we have no powers, that is, at any moment the contract with us can be terminated, at any moment some sanctions can be applied to us, yes, that is , this is a huge risk for businessmen, for philanthropists who want to recreate, yes, restore architectural monuments, therefore, many do not undertake it; it would be more profitable to rent any other plot of land, relatively speaking, some former pioneer camp or just an open field, build a hotel there from scratch, in general, immediately become a plus, when tourists come, dig it too the rod, relatively speaking, all this would be cheaper than coordinating the construction of all these structures according to some historical plans, and it will never pay off, every sneeze, every step, every tree, god forbid we sleep on something . or
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suddenly something falls with the wind, immediately inspections come to us, of course, if this were not a land of cultural heritage of federal significance, a survey for a land plot, it would be a thousand times cheaper to build all this, to do it, well, you have obviously already spent hundreds of millions of rubles there, but how are you, that is, are you investing here from some other business of yours, or yes, yes, that is , well, taking into account the fact that i have been involved in business all my... life, only for the last, probably about 12 years, i have been involved in social and political activities, as a member public chamber, and as a philanthropist, as well, as a general social activist, so yes, of course, that is, i have accumulated capital, which i don’t know, well , i earned my first serious money there at the age of 26, that is, i’m 50 now, this year i will be 51,
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of course. i have accumulated funds that i invest and am ready to invest further in the restoration of estates located in the moscow region, because well, i want to leave something behind for our generation, for my daughter, for my son, for other people, yes, so that people knew, yes, that such estates existed, that this was russian culture, russian art, russian history. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but it’s not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs.


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