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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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two people died in volgograd, where an explosion occurred on a sewage pump. the station was informed about this by the investigative committee. according to the department, the preliminary cause of the emergency is a violation during welding work. a criminal case was opened under an article on violation of safety rules. the building's supporting structures collapsed and equipment was damaged. eight people were working at the station at the time of the incident. earlier, the ministry of emergency situations reported three victims. the mayor of volgograd reported the incident to the governor of the volgograd region andrey bochirov. the russian military took control of another populated area. donetsk
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people's republic. a unit of the grouping of forces center liberated the village of sokol , our ministry of defense reported. our correspondent denis alekseev has the latest information on the progress of the special operation. and again iskander, which russian missilemen have been practicing with precision on the infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine for a day in a row. this time it flew to the location of the air defense systems (s-300). combat control vehicles, commanders' vehicles and...
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joint projects, this was announced by participants in the meeting of the council of the association of medical universities of the two countries, which was held in the city of guanjau. the results of the meeting were consolidated in a communiqué; an agreement was also signed on the development of cooperation in the field of digital medicine, including using artificial intelligence, as well as on the development of so-called personalized methods of treatment and prevention. in addition, there are plans to create joint educational programs with mutual recognition of diplomas and simplified exchange. russia has again become about what the tasks are, with whom the chairman of the un security council can manage for the whole of july, about building a dialogue, with whom you should not try, said the permanent representative of russia to the un vasily nebendya, watch the interview with him in the program america with valentin bogdanov in the second half of the hour, immediately after the advertisement about the upcoming second round of parliamentary elections in france tomorrow, our own correspondent, anastasia popova.
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and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners. more profitable with a subscription. the first round of elections did not bring any clarity to the political situation, whether the national association will be able to gain a majority and win, it is difficult to say now, the last days of the hectic election campaign with rallies and appearances in the media, but a historical shift is already visible, the french are no longer constrained. 33%, although we expected more than 36%, this is a lot, but still not enough for absolute majority. however, the trend is obvious: the national association in the first round has gained such strength over the past 10 years that
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if previously they rejoiced in leadership in several southern constituencies and a little in the north, this year’s map shows the scale, absolute dominance, even in corsica. obviously, we cannot agree to enter government if we cannot act. our voters ask us to change our policies, if we cannot change them, we will agree to join... the government just to sit in in the minister's chair, without the ability to act, i think this would be the worst betrayal towards our voters. during her years at the party's helm, heavyweight marine lepine has worked extremely hard to whiten the reputation of the movement founded by her father, jeanne-marie lepine. she changed the name from the national front to the national rally, publicly quarreled with him, first making him honorary chairman, and then expelling him. i gave up on many of the items that i had. key to their program, no more exits from the eu and abandoning the euro, the focus
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is on the purchasing power of the french and improving their well-being, tired of the constant need to tighten their belts, pay more bills and save, people decided to believe her, especially since at the helm is a young, well-spoken man who feels comfortable in this place jordan bardela. my goal is the absolute majority. i call on the french people to stay. real problems of the french people, purchasing power, security and i am the only one in this election who spoke about immigration, there is no need to spend a week talking about anything, we should talk about the daily life of the french, this is my obsession, after the first round he did not celebrate, he collected magazines in paris. votes,
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but the rest were faced with a political triangle, where three candidates entered the second round: right-wing, left-wing and macronists. in about 100 districts the situation will remain this way. for a national association it is easier. in this case, in order to win, it will be enough for them to score above 35. to get a place in the remaining districts where the candidates only two, it will take more than 50%, which means that the chances of the right are reduced, their opponents decided to play on this, but more on that a little later: this is how the results of the first round were celebrated by the extreme left, traditional pogroms in the center of the french capital, for which law enforcement officers were also preparing , shop owners covered it with display plywood. left-wing youth in the police see the enemy as a matter of course, it is considered to fire
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fireworks and throw stones at the guards of order, especially since they are for the right, left-wing rioters set fires trash cans, motorcycles, then they ran away from tear gas and dodged batons. processions in nantes, lyon, caen, not numerous, but loud. a large rally in paris on the place de la république brought together young people who remembered the policeman who died from a bullet a year ago.
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does much better, obviously, we did a lot to increase wages, but a disaster happened, i readily admit it, in 2023 everything collapsed on us, incomes fell, we are at the level of 5.5% of gdp. in '24 we adopted necessary decisions to be at the 5.1% level. in 2027 we will be at the level of 3%, within the limits provided by the european commission. this is generally economic nonsense, minister of economy and finance.
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we risk getting an ungovernable parliament and i think that the president of the republic should at least take the maximum term of 40 days, because if we rush through the elections, if we stir up people, that his father tried to protect his son from attacks, saying, that macron had long complained that the national assembly had become uncontrollable. the decision to dissolve was not a result of the european elections, he already spoke to me about this 2 months ago, in fact he believed that the national assembly had become uncontrollable. but macron’s calculation that the presidential movement would receive a majority did not
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come true. third place - a disastrous 22% loss of the relative majority. look for compromises. macron ordered to study each electoral district and see with whom an alliance could be formed. in the presidential camp, where they so ardently called for voting against the right, and against the left, where over and over again in all interviews they tried to discredit and challenge the program, where they labeled the extreme right, where they threatened so much with civil war, they suddenly changed their shoes. tactical alliance - macron announced, promised to withdraw the candidacies of his people, where they are third in favor of the left, and the left, in turn, from... or the same thing, together, drawing votes from the national unification, they called this traditional political trick, the barrier republican front. 60 candidates of the coalition together for the republic will be removed from the election race in the second round of parliamentary elections in france, to prevent the victory of the opposition party national rally. the lesson is that
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with the far right on the cusp of power, tonight is like no other. in all circumstances, our instructions remain simple, direct and clear: not one extra vote, not one extra seat for national unity. what always worked, suddenly for users of this political technology tool, failed. polls showed that voters of the mokronists and leftists did not approve of such a situational alliance. in response to such a demarche from politicians, 3/4 said that they would no longer listen to their advice on who to vote for. controlled by friends of the president. the media rushed to save the situation. macron's statement was leaked to the press that he would not work with the left, he would simply use it. we will not lead with an unconquered france. their decision to withdraw their candidacies does not mean that we need to form an alliance with them. they hastened to disown working with macron and the left, who always called him arrogant, irresponsible, a dictator and a monarch. and then, for the sake of the seats, they agreed to go
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side by side with him to the elections. we cannot fight the far right by uniting with the macronists. participation in a government of national unity is out of the question. all these chaotic throwings ended with the fact that after long mathematical calculations, 220 representatives of the left-wing imacronists withdrew their candidacies in favor of each other in order to put a barrier to the right. this is a referendum. do you want to be in power in were there ultra-rightists in france? do we want our country, the country of hugo, sahl, walter, to be ruled by the lepin family?
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during election periods, such people are usually isolated from society, but so far president macron has been isolated from the french. charlie and bdo publishes a cartoon of a drowning president calling for people to go vote. he got so played that he lost all his supporters, writes liberation. the elysee palace was often called the ivory tower , speaking of the loneliness of presidents. but over the past 7 years this elysee tradition took on a tenfold scale, thanks to the head of state himself. congenital. macron’s personal audacity has become the cast-iron core that pulls him down, because, despite the fact that politics is, of course, a matter of personal ambition and charisma, it is also teamwork, which implies the ability to create an environment and organize a party. emmanuel macron never considered himself capable of this, as a result he found himself at the center of a storm that
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he himself provoked, and now, when he turns around, he sees that he is left behind. completely alone. do not vote for the left - urged the head of the ministry of internal affairs, gerald dermanan, who endlessly fights islamists, supports the police in bad neighborhoods, and constantly works to accommodate illegal migrants. in the movement , macron dryly said that this was his personal opinion. the french president and his european colleagues are angry at him for making such a flamboyant advertisement for the far right. i hope that for the good of france, as well as for the sake of europe, yesterday's agreement between the political parties and before. total mobilization progressive and republican france will slow down the far right, as happened in spain a year ago. everyone in the eu distanced themselves from macron, except perhaps the german chancellor schulz. sends him rays of support every day and says that she is keeping her fingers crossed for him. we are discussing a situation that is truly depressing, i am keeping my fingers crossed that the french, whom i
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love and appreciate so much, manage to prevent the emergence of a government led by a right-wing populist party. macron does not leave the elysee palace and puzzles over strategy, he has not yet come up with anything better than throwing himself into the arms of the left. prime minister atal curtsied to them and said that he was suspending them until the fall. he did not remain in debt, he promised to initiate the expulsion of bertrand from the party, the french are already dizzy from all these squabbles. unfortunately, people are tired of politics, they
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no longer believe in it, they go to extremes, for me it’s the same thing, in both cases it’s really plague and cholera and there’s nothing better here, we’re disappointed, we don’t understand where we’re going. however, the turnout in the first round was surprisingly extremely high, almost 67%. i haven’t remembered such indicators since 1981 . everything will be decided this weekend, the french will elect a new parliament of the country, which will have to coexist with the president of the republic, what will emmanuel macron do in this case? the question is interesting, the results will be announced on sunday evening. there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askaffen when your head hurts. attacking credit
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the magnet application, play this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. on july 1, for a period of one month, the chairmanship of the un security council passed to russia. the meetings began with the approval of the schedule for the upcoming busy work. the russian permanent representative then held a press conference for the uno.
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reporters. as for our program, vasily nebenzia not only answered questions, but showed corners of the headquarters where not every employee of the secretariat of the world organization can get, completely exclusive. let me, as the chairman of the council, give you a short, brief tour of not only the security council chamber, which many have seen and know what it looks like, but also the neighboring rooms. which, probably, the public has not seen so often, sees, if seen at all, this is what vasily nebenzya himself sees, being in the chair chairman, permanent and non-permanent members of the security council, change places every month, the order is determined in the order of the english alphabet, before us there was south korea, after us there will be sierra leone, but for the whole month the main symbols of the chairmanship are in the hands of the russian permanent representative, what is at your fingertips, at your disposal i have in my hand the composition of the
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united nations, the rules of procedure.
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alexander konov. 3 years of painstaking work, since then there has been a russian room in the un security council. this is the security council consultation room. only members of the council sit here security and invited speakers from the secretariat. as you can see, this is all done on the basis of northern arkhangelsk motifs. and in the russian front room, that is, in the light room, of course, there should be no twilight. there is such a legend, or maybe not a legend, that
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you love here. open the windows, don’t like the dark, come over, good view, why do you like it, well, because it’s getting brighter, view of the south of manhattan, you don’t like the affairs of world diplomacy being done in the shadows, it probably happens differently after closed consultations or open meetings are at the disposal of the chairman of the security council, his separate office, indeed, rare footage directly from there, so... meetings can be held, but vasily nebenzya has definitely not given television interviews here yet, we are the first, thank you for this interview, as always we...


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