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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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i have a legend that you are here, you like to open the windows, you don’t like the darkness, let’s come, good view, why do you like it, well, because it’s getting brighter, view to the south, manhattan, you don’t like world diplomacy being done in the shadows, probably , it happens differently, after closed consultations or open meetings, the chairman has his separate office at his disposal, indeed. rare shots straight from there, this office, it is decorated in accordance with national wishes, traditions, flags, portraits, see here portrait of the president, coat of arms, flags, of course, meetings can be held here , meetings can be held, but vasily nebenzya has definitely not given television interviews here yet, we are the first, thank you for this interview, as always, we meet during our
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chairmanship in july, reveal the secret, within the walls of the un they say that they really love the russian chairmanship for the reason that we always adhere to the procedure, this idea came to mind, last year the westerners staged a real pantami in the security council hall, addressing you, as the chairman, they didn’t call you chairman, did their good manners return to some extent? this time, too, in discord, the three western permanent members simply thanked, without addressing the chairman, some of them called me chairman every other day, whether this system is, i don’t know yet, of course, we are not in the situation of our chairmanship now only april, but also february twenty-two , when the picture was completely different, but yesterday our british colleagues... could not
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resist saying my ritual words that russia, which violates international law, is unworthy to occupy the chair of the chairman of the security council, but we responded that it is not the uk that should teach us international law, the uk, which has long forgotten about international law in favor of a rules-based order, well, everything is clear with them, that’s why everyone else is so careful . to our chairmanship and are waiting for it, because we have a long history, traditions of chairmanships, all members of the council , including constantly, know that, that we we value, as they say, integrity, that is , the integrity, so to speak, of our chairmanship, we always conduct it in accordance with the rules of procedure, never abused, we do this...
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enough, well, i don’t want to, i don’t want to brag, but enough easy and pleasant for them, we hold a lot of events on the sidelines of this chairmanship, they really like to come to our receptions, by the way, we will have a lot, there will be a lot of events on the sidelines of our chairmanship during july, and events on the sidelines - that’s understandable , but there is the main program, such a crystal lattice of our work. please indicate its key points, what main events await us, and we are waiting for minister sergei lavrov here, in addition to the so-called mandate-report cycle, when topics are discussed that have a frequency of discussion in the security council and each presiding country chooses , selects the so -called signature events that she would like to hold during her chairmanship, the so-called signature events, we will have three of these, here i have there is. cheat sheet, so as not to be mistaken, i
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will now tell you exactly what they are called, firstly, this is an open debate on multilateral cooperation in order to build a more just democratic sustainable world order on july 16, this is a kind of continuation of the discussion that we began during our chairmanship in april 2023, then the council members, on our initiative, discussed in the format of open, so-called open debates, in which anyone can take part.
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we will build this system, what is it like there will be an equation for the security of the future, these are all the topics that we propose to discuss at the meeting on july 16, on july 17 there will be an open debate on the situation in... the middle east, meaning gas, but i think a comment here is unnecessary, because this is the hottest crisis of our time, plus it is possible that this crisis will spill over into the confrontation between israel and lebanon, which will turn it, as we have repeatedly said, from a local crisis into a regional crisis, with a possible projection not only on lebanon, but on other countries. july 19 the third key event will take place, this is the debate on cooperation.
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here are our three main events that we have planned during our chairmanship, very interesting, this is the first event of the discussion on a fair, democratic sustainable world order, do i understand correctly that in essence, well, probably for the first time , the contours of the world order will be announced or outlined is, well, if you like , an antonym to the notorious western...
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it is becoming obsolete in its essence, that the world is becoming polycentric, that there are new centers of power that cannot be ignored, not taken into account when searching for this security equation, the concept, the concept of strategic stability must be formed differently, the sooner our western partners understand and recognize this, the better, nothing is ready for this yet, but i think that we hear voices - we do not count on the west admitting its mistakes, not counting on it, that it will offer us dialogue at this meeting, they are not ready for this yet, but, but we, we let's
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talk about what to think about this a world order that is not based on the dominance of a certain group of countries, but on an equal... balance of interests of entire groups of the country on conditions of equal indivisible security, it is necessary, as for neocolonial practices, this is a topic that, of course, is inconvenient for former colonial and current neocolonial countries, neocolonial practices, unlike classical colonialism, they have not disappeared anywhere, just as the countries of the global south were exploited and continue to be exploited in different forms, the topic is very inconvenient - but it is in demand and not only we are talking about this, not because we want to spite someone, to take revenge, but because, because this all continues. recently, by the way, on the initiative of the same group of friends of the un charter , unilateral, unilateral coercive
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measures were discussed at the general assembly, which have not been discussed there for decades, we constantly talk about this, we say that only sanctions, sanctions are legitimate.
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we approve today’s agenda, but meetings on ukraine are taking place, they requested by countries after the adoption of the agenda, you know our policy. mirror on this matter, if our western colleagues request meetings on ukraine on their own topics, we answer them with our own meeting, we already have it, we have it, we know about it, they hinted to us that such a meeting will be requested from their side, which means it will be requested from ours, while this is not in the program, do you think ukraine itself will request it, turning to you as the chairman, i think it will ask the members of the council, in any, yes, in any case, of course, one of the council members supporting ukraine will...
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in the camp of support for ukraine in europe, in particular
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, there is confusion and vacillation, a lack of understanding of what to do next, an understanding that everything they tried to achieve by supporting ukraine is strangulation russia is not working, and we hear this not only from such, not espionage, of course, but confidential information from western european colleagues, we see this in the press, we see this among analysts who...
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through some intermediaries, but excuse me same it’s all baby talk, no serious attempts - we don’t see starting real negotiations, i think that this whole situation can change and will change as the situation on the contact line changes, the worse it is for them, the louder the voices about the need will sound conversation, about the need for negotiations, about the need to end or at least freeze the conflict, yeah. well, you know our position on freezing the conflict, president putin recently proposed stop the conflict and put forward specific
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conditions, which were also rejected, but the problem is that the further, the worse these conditions will become for those to whom these conditions are offered, well, there is also the question of who to talk to, this is also a question , of course, yes, you said that the situation on the contact line is the most important factor, but this is an internal political factor for the united states itself after all. they are the main actor, the main inspirer, the main co-sponsor, we keep in mind what can change here, depending on who it’s not for you, a specialist in the internal politics of the united states, to answer this question, fortunately for me and for our team, we are not involved in the internal politics of the united states, but of course, we follow what is happening, for us, by and large , there is little difference, who will become president of the united states, i’m not sure what the us policy will be if trump comes to power, who promises to end the conflict from behind. day after day that it will change radically, they
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do not stop in terms of replenishment weapons of ukraine, that is, this does not prevent them from forming new packages, and moreover, this does not prevent ukraine from using these weapons not only far on the line of contact, we know the barbaric, completely terrorist act that was committed, a blow was struck on sevastopol, by attacks , is there any mechanism for, if not bringing this to the level of investigation, then somehow updating this on the naon platform,
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weapons supplied to third countries without the consent of the country, the exporter of these weapons, that they have been violating for a long time, with regard to american arms supplies, then blinken himself proudly said that in fact this is a benefit for america, this is a benefit for the american military-industrial complex, because most of the money for those weapons, which will not grow old in ukraine, she is coming. on the purchase of these weapons from american companies, the fact that they blessed the ukrainians to strike russian territory, they are now trying to cover it all up with arguments that if we, they, for example, they are hitting crimea, this is a sovereign ukrainian territory, so they have the right to dispose of it as they want, but the fact that they are hitting deep into russian territory, its
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territory, and not at military targets, but at civilian ones, they ignore this, recently ... after the strike on sevastopol, first there was a comment from the state department that we do not have reliable data, and then an ugly comment from representatives of the european commission, who stated that the reliability of the data provided by russia on this matter for us tends to zero, this is this it just doesn’t fit into any gates, it’s a disgrace. vasily alekseevich, you have already said that the main crisis and the most dangerous crisis now is the middle east, and the very first meeting was under... our chairmanship on exactly this topic, and it is happening exactly as we said, well, somehow time ago, that is, the crisis is scaling up, first it’s the gas sector, then it’s yemen, then lebanon, what’s next, it didn’t take a prophet to foresee that the resolutions that we adopted on the situation in gas do not work and are not capable
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earn money, we discussed progress in the implementation of resolution 2720, and monitoring. organization, which is unprecedented in history, by the way, therefore this resolution cannot be implemented without a real ceasefire, and not the one invented by the americans in resolution 2735 of the latter, which talks about a ceasefire, which gives a certain three -phase plan for the implementation of this resolution on the details , which no one knows, and we
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essentially give the americans carte blanche to buy a pig in a poke. when we provide an opportunity to do something that they don’t know about members of the council, and they constantly referred to the fact that israel agreed with this resolution and this approach, which disavowed this not only in words, although in words it says similar things, but in deeds, because the operation in rafah continues, there is no ceasefire no, now the arrows are turning to hamas, which proposed to discuss. hamas does not comply, what is the defect of this resolution, besides this? the point is that now, if someone proposes a ceasefire resolution, our american partners will tell us why we need a new resolution, we have a resolution that spells out a ceasefire, as you wanted, that is, unfortunately, this resolution is also a spoiler for all subsequent
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instruments of the council that can be applied to the situation in gaza. yesterday there was a meeting of the committee on relations with the host country, another, uh, systemic violation by the united states of its obligations not only to.
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means that we suffer here from communicating with ordinary americans, because for the most part they are normal, pleasant, nice people, but those who determine the policy of the united states in relation to nothing changes fundamentally, this is not russia, they are even...
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traveled around the country without permission, for those who were of a lower rank, a lower position , there was a notification system, then it became permissive, and then they simply closed travel for everyone outside the twenty-five-mile zone, except for me, the driver and the translator, and which of course is funny in itself, and our calls, when anatoly ivanovich antonov had the same situation and... in washington raises this topic, almost the same with nuances, they raise this topic in the state department, he says: about the un, let’s not talk about representation, that’s a different story, we have bilateral
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relations, let’s discuss it with you, but representation is a priority, let they are discussing this with the office of foreign missions in new york, well, you understand it all, it’s like a turnover, throwing the ball into someone else’s half of the field, that is, the situation is stalemate in this sense, but there is a deficit. communication you have personally here at the un no, that is, everyone communicates with you, everyone not only at the un, why in the city, i have many american friends, yes, but how do you build relationships with the representatives, you always say that they are good, often outside the hall, where do they go, good, good or bad, this is the so-called value judgment, i won’t, i won’t, well, there is a group of people with whom i don’t communicate, who don’t communicate with you, you communicate with everyone and are ready, if you speak about those with whom we do not communicate at all are europeans.
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believe that in this way they contribute contribution to supporting ukraine, obviously, i don’t know how else to explain it, but again it all depends on the person, there are people there, there are smarter people, there are less smart people, of course, with the people i was with i knew each other before, i communicate, yes, they don’t shy away from me and don’t shy away, but with this young shoot that arrived here after the twenty-second year, no, and of course they often... present a pathetic sight, all their initiatives, they all revolve around how to pour even more in russia, no matter what is discussed, even topics that have no direct or indirect
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relation to what is happening in ukraine, it is always touched upon by someone, although it must be said that the temperature has subsided recently, they are tired of themselves, rather they are like this already the ritual spells that they are obliged to pronounce from time to time are getting tired of fanaticism, as they said in one famous story,
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three people may remain under the rubble after an explosion at a sewerage pumping station in volgograd. this is reported in emergency services. according to the investigative committee, two people died.
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load bearings collapsed into the building. structure, and equipment was damaged. based on this fact, the investigative authorities of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the volgograd region opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime provided for in article 216 of the criminal code of the russian federation, that is, violation of safety rules during work. currently , an investigative team is working at the scene of the incident, a complex of investigations is being carried out actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. as one of the versions of the reasons. violations during welding operations are considered. another settlement in the dpr was taken under control by the russian military. a unit of the center group of troops liberated the village of sookol. the enemy lost up to 415 troops and three armored vehicles, including an american bradley, the russian ministry of defense reported. also, according to the military, our troops hit a ukrainian oil refinery and storage facility fuel, aviation weapons warehouse.


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