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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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units of equipment are eliminating the consequences of an explosion at a sewage pumping station in volgograd, the regional ministry of emergency situations reported. it is known that the two dead and three people may be under the rubble. after the explosion , the supporting structures and roof collapsed into the building. according to the investigative committee, the preliminary cause of the emergency is a violation during welding work. local utilities are now restoring sewerage. the windows of the houses closest to the station were damaged, but residents, as reported by medical no help was sought and no evacuation was carried out. now the situation at the front, the village of sookol in the dpr has come under the control of our military. it was liberated by a unit of the center group of forces, and also hit a ukrainian oil refinery and destroyed the bayraktar drone site. the ministry of defense also published footage of an attack on ukrainian s-300s in the koptev area, poltava region. the launches on the target were carried out by the crew of the iskander m operational-tactical missile system. two launchers were destroyed
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, as well as a combat control vehicle, vehicles and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. and about the work of our military, the position and military equipment of the central military district, which operates in the avdeevsky direction, are protected from air attacks by pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun systems. from the line of combat contact, report by alexey baranov. anti-aircraft missiles for...
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weather both night and day, attention, meeting, the target is destructive, the consumption is the same, the crews of the guards tank army of the west group of troops are operating in the svatov direction, this t-90 is working today with closed fire position, which is located about four kilometers from the line of combat contact, mechanics.
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a driver with the call sign taxi driver tells us about working on the front line, which is called direct fire, fear is always present, but in the zone you take cover, rap also drowns out the birds, on the straight line you have a surge of adrenaline, you shout to the whole crew, you can already see the enemy literally at 50 to 100 m. euphoria, you just don’t understand what you’re doing at first, but your head quickly reboots, these shots were taken right on the combat line.
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russia and china decided to establish a grant for joint projects, this was announced by participants in the meeting of the council of the association of medical universities of the two countries, which was held in the city of guangzhou. the results of the meeting were consolidated in communications; an agreement was also signed on the development of cooperation in the field of digital medicine, including using artificial intelligence, as well as on the development of so-called personalized methods of treatment and prevention. in addition, there are plans to create joint educational programs with mutual recognition of diplomas and... simplified exchange of specialists. youth leaders from 100 countries came to moscow for the congress of the international council of the world youth festival. it was held, let me remind you, in sirius in early march, but now its participants will discuss post-festival work, including how to strengthen business contacts made at the event. well, in moscow sokolniki park today there is a family festival picnic, happy together. on the eve of the day of family, love and fidelity, as well as within the framework of the year of the family in russia, it was organized by
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new people party, summer festival dedicated to health. unfortunately, very little attention is paid to the health of mothers after childbirth. launch such a project, it will be a portal, be sure to go to it, look, learn about how to be a healthy mother of a child, we are opening an educational portal, every mother, every woman after the birth of a child can, with the help of this program , restore her psychological and physical health health, well, after the commercials the broadcast will continue the investigation.
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the mystery of the pillow measures what the wife hid in it mayor why the woman fiercely resisted the region’s security forces. hello, eduard petrov is in tomsk. on friday the thirteenth they came to your office, he swears that he gave an illegal order to change the category of the land plot, that is, there should have been normal, multi-story, beautiful new houses, but it turns out that you are the third mayor, they told me the third then it will be, we found about 116 million in violations, i am wealthy... the person has earned all this in life, what i have are shares in the plant, but this
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city, this is not a village, this is a city, familiarize yourself in the corridor, we have already arrived, we are actually carrying out, you are opposing the production of the region, you opposed the employees, did not let them into the apartment, causing bodily harm to an fsb officer, she fought for your house, well done, threw you out the pillow in which the data was located was handcuffed, as it seemed that klein was ruined by a craving for beer, the official allocated an additional plot of land to his family. why all these
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years ivan klein’s business grew by leaps and bounds and what was hidden in his favorite pillow arrested mayor of tomsk. we took over this case and conducted our own investigation.
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last year's international festival crystal tomsk was remembered for a long time by local residents. the main ice sculptures were huge mugs with a foamy drink. there was also a brewer who was rolling a keg. the figures had the logo of the oldest plant. tomskoe beer region. this company was the main sponsor of the new year's event. grandfather tvora rejoiced at the crystal town and took pictures against the backdrop of beer mugs covered with snow. all this splendor every year hosted by the family of tomsk mayor ivan klein. happy new year. he is the beer baron,
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wife of the baroness. at the end of 2020 , there is no one to hold the luxurious crystal festival. a lover of ice-cold beer mugs , sponsor galina klein, is under investigation in the hospital. and her husband, businessman and mayor ivan grigorievich klein, is also under investigation, but in a pre-trial detention center in tomsk. it was there that the ex-head of the city learned from television news that on friday, november 27 , two shuttle buses collided at the nakhimov elizarov intersection near the railway station. to fortunately no one died.
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private drivers drive and transport clients, their movement is similar to dangerous raleighs. ivan klein could also find out that on shpalnaya street, instead of a water supply , there is still a water pump, which he once solemnly opened for local residents.
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they still use it today. “we didn’t embellish it, but there’s still more to be done, come along, everyone has stove heating, all these houses have stove heating.”
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amazing raw materials. the fact that the mayor of tomsk was detained on friday, november 13, in his office and taken for questioning to the investigative committee, the residents of these wooden huts also found out. this house is most likely over 100 years old. climbing these stairs could break your legs. there is no roof, it’s freezing cold in the entrance. this is how some residents of the city of tomsk live. the residents of this old house also follow the news in the city. bags of food hang on their windows, because it’s already frosty in tomsk. winter 2020, center of tomsk. in the courtyard of a residential building there is a wooden structure and a latrine.
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many people live in such conditions. swords. they all wonder what the high-profile criminal case against mayor ivan klein will end. in the reception hall of the mayor's office there are portraits of all the heads of tomsk. the last two, alexander makarov and nikolai nikolaychuk, were convicted. mayor ivan klein, for the third time in a row, will apparently also end up in the criminal history of the city administration. and his book “my
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destiny to be a tome” immediately became a bestseller. the mayor signed the first page with his own hand and gave it only to respected and close people. now klein’s office, filled with copies of his book, is empty. just recently, investigative actions took place here. three mayors of tomsk all became involved in criminal cases. ivan klein was detained while a work meeting was in progress and he was communicating with his subordinates via the internet.
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flew all over the country. a criminal case has been opened against the mayor of tomsk, ivan klein, under the article of abuse of power. new details in the case of the mayor of tomsk arrested for abuse of power. in tomsk at this moment the issue of arresting the beer baron is being decided. that's exactly how the locals are residents call the mayor of the city ivan klein.
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mayor klein was handcuffed and , accompanied by fsb special forces, taken out of the city administration building. mayor klein spent the entire friday, november 13, interrogated by the regional investigative committee; the mayor was accused of using his official position in favor of the family business. the owners of the tomsk beer plant believe that the enterprise has a so-called sanitary zone - 300 m. mayor klein vetoed the construction of multi-storey buildings on this land and refused to a local businessman.
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verbally agreed with him - let's say, the placement of a complex development on the adjacent land plots that this entrepreneur bought, as a result of which the entrepreneur began to implement the planning project, incurred certain costs, made a decision to the commission, which agreed on all his actions, after some time grigorevich with his the resolution refuses this entrepreneur and one of the reasons i claim is that there is a sanitary protection zone on this site. already for several weeks, mayor ivan klein has been escorted by fsb special forces soldiers from pre-trial detention center to the regional investigative committee.
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now klyan has been removed from the post of mayor of the city and charges have been brought against him. hello. hello. we are from moscow. i didn’t know, i didn’t hear that you were coming, well, i ’m ready to answer if you are ready, of course, our film crew talked with the accused after the next interrogation, observing all safety measures during a difficult pandemic period, we asked several questions, first of all, does he consider himself guilty, well, i... didn’t admit it when interrogated by the investigator, i believe that this was a management decision that
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any leader makes every day, especially the mayor of a big city, more than one or two of these resolutions are born a day , and what is being charged today is my fault.
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our information: ivan klein came to the tomsk brewery in 1985, 2 years later he became the chief engineer, a few years later he headed the enterprise, at the same time he was elected as a deputy of the tomsk regional duma and worked there for four convocations in a row, in october 2013 became mayor of the city and left the post of director of the brewery from that moment. 4
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million per month. the mayor owns three plots of land, a garage box apartment with an area of ​​188 m. the annual income of his wife galina klein for 2019 amounted to 134 million rubles. approximately 11 million per month. she owns a plot of land, the same apartment with an area of ​​188 m2, a share in another apartment, and a garage. fsb employees iiska.
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this is exactly how the multi-storey beautiful entrepreneur developed the arrangement project, which we have for criminal he is involved in the matter, multi-story beautiful new houses. klein gave illegal instructions to the employees who prepared the draft of this resolution that in no case should this be done, as grounds for indicating that the site occupied by tomsk beer has a sanitary protection zone of 300 m, which is necessary for tomsk beer to carrying out its activities.
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we asked ivan klein if he remembers the day when they came to him with handcuffs, friday the thirteenth they came to your office, oddly enough, yes, it’s friday.
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there was no need to break the door, the door was open, but nevertheless, galina ivanovna behaved defiantly, opposed the employees, did not let them into the apartment, and even let her hands go, let her hands go, quite rightly, causing bodily harm to an fsb officer who was in as part of this group, a criminal case was initiated against galinavano under article 318 of the first part of the criminal
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code. which is in our production, go out into the corridor, please, do not counteract, you are counteracting the production area, as it turned out that galina klein did not just fiercely resist the operational group. before opening the apartment door, the beer baroness carried out a special operation; she threw a pillow from her balcony and was caught by her personal driver. at this point, she threw out the pillow that contained information about bank accounts, apparently fearing that it might somehow harm either her or ivan grigorovich.


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