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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 6, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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here are the final election results, in total we counted 30,530,157 votes, masoud pazashkian scored 53%. following the tragic death of president ibrahim reisi in may , emergency elections were called. of the eighty candidates , six were selected by the council of guardians of the constitution; one of the guards spoke about the selection to the news. we check them for compliance with various databases, for example, availability.
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at the second stage of the international rally of the silk road marathon, the pilots had to drive hundreds of kilometers of dirt roads along the route tomsk-barnaul. who coped with this task better was recognized by stas ryadikoltsev. rally raids are a special type of motorsport. competitors here not only compete, but help each other. the silk road once again proved that mutual assistance and camaraderie are as important as sports results. alexey sverdlov's atv overturned. caught fire,
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other riders came to the rescue, waited for the helicopter and handed the injured rider into the hands of doctors, and the atv burned out completely, the main romantics of the big off-road, of the silk road, motorcycle racers, they are also the most defenseless, falling is not uncommon, and the speed on special stages is up to 140 km/h, self-inflating vests help out, one of my airbags blew off, i had one left in reserve, so i had to slow down very much at the end , so as not to take risks, because without a pillow you can go further. ivan li from st. petersburg conquers the silk road for the first time, and in a special class, when he is also his own mechanic, but the motorcycle racer is not at all alone in his adventures. this is evgeniy tikhonov, our friend, he had to go, but he couldn’t go, he wasn’t admitted because he had some discrepancy in his application, and his wife made him a talisman like this and she said to me: this is for you so that you get to the finish line, but since he didn’t start, she gave him for me, now i’m taking them to the finish line for him for me. ilya shcheglov, a successful dentist from rybensk, for the second summer in a row.
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goes on vacation to meet the unknown adventures of the marathon rally, but the experience accumulated last year did not help today to avoid a fall. it's not a walk, it's still one of the most difficult races in the world, every time, of course , we encounter new difficulties, and even some old ones, but i say that sometimes they remind us of themselves, the same exact decline, last year also at the second or third stage, i immediately admitted it, calmed down, drove off, won, i’m not worried, well, something hurts, i’ll come now. will repair me, then we'll move on, some at full speed, some carefully driving through rivers and streams, such places are always crowded, and pilots have to choose between spectacular splashes to the delight of the public or to save equipment. the ford is always one of the most spectacular shots of the silk road, this is how trucks overcome this water barrier, but a huge crowd of journalists always gathers, this is also a good landmark for athletes, which is probably dangerous here. in the phrase rally-marathon, the main word is, after all, marathon. the silk road has already begun. testing
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the capabilities of equipment and people, so many pilots, despite the excitement of the race, keep in mind the whole difficult path to the finish. we are waiting for further adventures, we are waiting more interesting, more picturesque special stages. but here it was already wow, the car as a whole and people get tired while the race is going on, so i stick to the tactics, four factory teams are fighting for victory in the truck category, the captains of the russian kamaz and the belarusian maz, today it ended in a draw, a unique case, the time of eduard nikolaev and sergei vizovich coincided down to the second, and this is in a marathon rally, where pilots rarely see each other on the track, and gaps are often measured in hours. we promised you that there would be an interesting fight in cargo classification, it has already begun. yes, in fact, today we were also a little surprised by this, that the second section was straight out of zero, that is, drive 100 km of off-road terrain and arrive to see how the swimmers finish together, and so do we. nikolaev has five victories over akari, but he won the silk road only once in 2010, but now
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not only his truck is leading to victory at the finish line, the entire camaster team has almost no time left for sleep, which is especially valuable in racing. there are more tasks, of course, now we need them. for the whole team, for the whole trip of our team, but nevertheless for me it is even more interesting. the rali caravan has covered the first 700 km of the journey and arrived in altai, the places in the standings and the terrain change, but one thing remains unchanged, the silk road, it is more than a race. one hundred sredekul residents ivan lavrikov and karen melikyan, news from barnaul. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, right? girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong. continue! alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. open a free account with alfabank you get up to 10% cashback on
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your business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. for the first time on screens, welcome. your business needs acceleration, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help with business. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when the main trophy is right in front of you from 20 million, every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. hello,
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my name is cashboy. i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket. for example, sber smart tv for 32,990 rubles. and 50% cashback. delicious. the heroic baltic goalkeeper evgeniy latyshonok, the army brazilian moises barbosa and the leader of the spartak defense srdjan babic are those who made this a bright, memorable first-class season. sensoy sensoy, sensoy, this is how asian taste sounds, both on set and in life, my wardrobe is my calling card, i tried an innovative
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llama washing gel, it not only removes dirt, but keeps the structure of the fabric soft and delicate, i have a lot of things i wash my favorite with gel - lam, lam - gentle cleanliness. what we bring it back from traveling with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under 20. i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank. it turns out that you can do different ones at once. for money, your own marketplace. it turns out that open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services. from the moscow exchange: when you live at x2 speed, not sparing your stomach, duspalen duo for pain and bloating, you are not alone, us duo, duspatalin duo, order in pharmacies plus, try more this summer, free delivery is a delicious point in yandex food, how
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do you like it, cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%, vtb, together everything will work out, on avito khvatamba. discounts for people from people until july 7th. today is summer, tomorrow is summer, in a month it will also be summer, so that every sunny day is memorable, time needs to be spent actively, participants in the moscow longevity program are sure of this. now the project is working in summer mode, this means even more acquaintances, activities and events. how muscovites of the silver age spend warm holidays days? now we'll tell you. if classes can be done in the fresh air, then it is better
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to do so. this is perhaps the main principle of the moscow longevity summer schedule. 800 sites are open to participants, this is one of them, jauza park. there are a dozen different directions here, from nordic walking to breathing exercises. we got to zumba. this dance is perfect for people. older age, there are no complex pirouettes and high jumps, while all muscle groups are worked out, plasticity and coordination improve, and most importantly such training inspires and encourages. i arrived from vacation yesterday, late in the evening, and ran here in the morning. what is it, why, what does this give you? you can't imagine how the mood lifts, and none of the adversity that everyone has. forgotten in a group of about 30 people, they regularly gather
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twice a week, many of the participants had never danced before, there was no time, i found it in retirement, i’m a free person, the children are big, adults, grandchildren are also grown up, so i can now practice on my own myself and what interests me, the most the main thing is that i have already managed to show myself at some holiday, no, i’m not able to move myself, probably... active pensioners can be found this summer at the most famous sights of the capital. for the second year in a row, the city has been running a longevity charging project. every weekday from 9:30 am right in the center of moscow, citizens of the silver age do morning warm-up together, for their own benefit and as an example for others. turned 86.
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famous athletes conduct training sessions once a week, exercises near the large theater evgeniy medvedev was showing, tatyana tatmyanina was warming up with pensioners on vorobyovy gory. i was very surprised today by the participants of the exercise, how cheerful, cheerful, active they are and...
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the summer direction of moscow pensioners, for those who do not have a dacha or are too far away to get to it, they dig beds right in the city, a sensory garden in order to communicate with the earth, receive energy from the earth, see what plant you planted, how it grows, observe, well, there is time to come weed there, pull the grass, somewhere to water something, every gardener has a small plot here, these are the beds of ekaterina demyano.
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every day , a walking lecture takes place along the streets of the capital together with a guide, all the walks are detailed, for example, four different routes have been developed along ivanovskaya hill alone, which is very necessary.
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the topic is the horns of the hoof, so we discuss mainly ungulates, horned animals, we walk around the zoo along a trajectory that suits our topic, we communicate, walk slowly and leisurely and discuss this topic of ours. house of pioneers - only for pensioners, as the moscow longevity centers are always called, classes here are taught by non-professional teachers and participants. programs independently unite into clubs based on their interests; they are also open here in the summer, and meetings continue. the longevity centers tried to create all the conditions so that even on extremely hot days pensioners would feel comfortable here. quiet living rooms, where participants usually go to read or just sit without fuss, turned into
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cool rooms. it works here from 10 to 80 air conditioner cools the air. we have it here. the room tonometer for measuring blood pressure costs a cooler with water, because when it’s hot, a person can come sit in the comfort zone, cool down according to his needs, spend time here. there are 133 moscow longevity centers in moscow, that’s 5,000 different circles. many participants choose to be physically active. the centers have a gym, changing rooms and showers. for example, yoga and pilates training are regularly held here. now there is a class for back health, i see you have more here there is a tennis table, does it ever disassemble, disassemble, unfold, and here they practice table tennis, at a time when we don’t have classes, but why is there a screen in the gym, why are you watching movies, no, this is for our online classes in the recording in the absence of a coach, we put our fingers, now
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we collect them, we make a rigid position, like this thumb. we adjoin here, and now we have a clearing along which kiy walks. vasily zhiznelubov can practice techniques and calculate the trajectory for days on end. span. he started playing closer to sixty, at first he practiced using videos on the internet, and now he is the leader of the billiards club and gives recommendations to other participants in the project. there are two tables installed in the center, so you can study without haste. billiards is the most... well, one of the best games, where you need to think a lot, know mathematics, physics, uh, be able to calculate all this and anticipate in advance, and another important point, billiards teaches you how to manage emotions and stay calm in any conditions . other board games are also popular among pensioners. here, for example, they gather for rummy
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cube tournaments. this competition combines the features of card games and dominoes. look here. how many chips, 106 chips, and all these, and you have all these different combinations, yes, your head is working, working, working, this is very important, i even know from myself, if i don’t play, yes, here i am there’s already some kind of stagnation in my brain, so i’ll play, it’s the same in my life, i’m starting to react quickly, combine quickly, the guitar is yellow, you hug me tenderly. while bards are singing in one hall, in the next room there is rehearsal of pop compositions. there are also theater studios, dance classes and even a flute club. there are countless creative associations in the moscow longevity project. pensioners have spacious workshops at their disposal. here they draw, make something, or do
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handicrafts. why do you come here if, well, you can knit at home? well, i'm alone at home. there’s still communication here, people, then we help each other, we tell each other if something is suddenly wrong, then a person wants to learn how to knit a collar for himself, that’s the first one your collar is here, no, no, already the second one, you can gather without a purpose at all, this is a gazebo club, the participants come just to have tea, before there were benches, grandmothers sat at the entrance, now you sit alone and wait for the next grandmother to pass by, with her... to get involved a little, here we immediately have an option, those who want to come here and talk about what you are discussing, who has something interesting, maybe finished a book, maybe?
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use gadgets automatically, explain operating principles to grandparents the internet can be difficult for them, they actually lost their temper, then they said: that ’s enough, go study, our teacher is great, but he explains, well, i don’t know how, everything is clear, now i teach them, in some longevity centers , the project participants themselves help other pensioners understand the applications. alexander petrov has worked with computers all his life, he is ready to answer any question about gadgets, most often they ask simple things, but recently
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the number of such questions has increased, for example, how can i pay my rent through phone without going to the savings bank, or how can i find out my medical card, thanks to that... over the past year, in the top age categories of victims of telephone and internet scammers, pensioners have ceased to be number one, the average age of fraud victims has decreased to middle age, of course, we associate this with the efforts of the moscow longevity project in the development... of digital literacy, a general culture of safe older generation playing, lectures, training and master classes. everyday life of capital pensioners
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everything gets busier, especially in the summer, but the longer a person remains active both physically and socially, the better he feels. in the capital, the average life expectancy is growing, now it is 78 years, although in 2010 it was only 70; the contribution of moscow longevity here is considerable. penoplex slabs provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex - effective thermal insulation. sensoy, this is what
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asian taste sounds like. lift-52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. does your business need acceleration? open your account account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb helps with action. will our money fly away too? yours is safe here in any of 185 countries. uniform conditions for roaming with beeline in almost all countries of the world. belain is the best. safe operator, under the silver foil there is a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, ideal, plumbeer,
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khvatamba, discounts for people from people until july 7. 7 days fly by unnoticed, but not for the liver, because hyptral is active from the first week of use. the liver is tired, it’s time for hyptral, order from pharmacies plus. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. yes, this is not a business at all. but you didn’t listen, because you are everything. if you're doing it wrong, keep going! alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. i am chef kote aganezov. on my blog i share simple and quick recipes. and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious,
9:57 pm
slanna petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and access to the money would have been fraudulent for a transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the count was running for seconds, urgently dictate your number. cards so that they can transfer money to a secure account, i’ll call the bank and hang up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, so that to extract money from you, hang up without talking, fixes, i, traveler, aeronaut, jean
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ivan. and so we go out, what a fairy tale, without ivan, what began, without deception and without flint, whether i was imprisoned, a self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, beat , you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to go, i can’t live without travel, flint, the one who has flint in his pocket doesn’t need a pen, soon, we got used to watching videos on the network, it stopped working, install, open,
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watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
10:00 pm
the army repelled nine. the center group liberated the village of sokol in the dpr. the west, south and east groups occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost over 2 thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. a tank and six other armored vehicles, as well as 35 galbits, self-propelled guns and missile systems were destroyed. mainly produced in the usa, france and germany. air defense forces shot down 55 combatants.


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