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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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army. repelled nine attacks in the suu. the center group liberated the village of sookol in the dpr. zelensky’s formation lost over 2.0 more soldiers and mercenary officers. a tank and six other armored vehicles, as well as 35 gunships, self-propelled guns and missile systems were destroyed. in ukraine, men who have had one hand or fingers amputated are widely recognized as fit for the front. military commissars say this is a moderate dysfunction. they note that without being sent to the front line... with limited
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capabilities, zelensky’s plan for recruits cannot be fulfilled. about how kyiv the authorities are destroying the country's population. stanislav vasichenko. patience is running out; cornered ukrainians are increasingly attacking military commissars. so they destroyed one of the checkpoints where they were catching cannon fodder for the front. one of the bandera commanders, yevgeny dikiy, has already stated that it is time for the zelensky regime to shoot everyone who interferes with the government. it’s lucky for these people that... at the checkpoint, for example, i’m not in command. the happiness of these people is that i was not in command at that checkpoint, i would have opened fire to kill in that situation, believe me, after that such incidents would cease once and for all. the checkpoint was set up in front of the village in one of the most beautiful places in the carpathian natural park. cars were stopped, people were detained, because of this the turks were reduced to zero, and local residents were left without a livelihood. this is not tck, this is not gestapo, private, this is not tck.
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to initiate criminal cases, the choice that nationalists leave to ukrainians is simple, only death for zelensky, which is confirmed by the quote from neo-nazi biletsky, recognized as a terrorist, from billboards, he indicates citizens of square, that a person who is not ready to die for the regime does not deserve to live at all, as a result, the military commissars themselves complain that the whole country has taken up arms against them. this negativity towards ttc, it cuts you right to the heart, they hit you with words, without thinking, with smirks. sometimes it seems to me that
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it was easier on the front line than with our people. it is not surprising that now a whole crowd of security forces are catching draft dodgers. i don't resist. kiev and its police are increasingly driving ukrainians into a corner for failure to appear at the tcc, and in the end they are threatening to take everything away. as soon as the fines will accumulate to 160,000 hryvnia, the bailiffs will get involved and confiscate all the property. this also applies to those who fled abroad. in addition, the kiev authorities began a massive catch. ukrainians with dual citizenship, berliner zeitung reports. and german, american or polish passports no longer protect from the front, if the losers did not give up their independence in time. the western embassy does not interfere; for them, ukrainians are second-class citizens and therefore they allow the zelensky regime to dispose of them at the front. stanislav vasilchenko, alexander porkhunov. news. moscow will demand that international organizations check the new york times information about the murders.
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according to him, this is a common practice. the medic was so shocked that he tried to talk to his commander about it, but nothing changed. the war criminals were not punished. grossa said that similar murders were on the account of the cholsen mercenaries, who are commanded by the american military rhyno leary. moreover, the officer threatened to imprison those who spoke about the atrocities of the mercenary militants. recruiters in the us are open they promise those who go to ukraine that no one will be imprisoned for killing prisoners. kiev
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only approves of this. the desire to help the ukrainian armed forces is fading. kiev is frightened by signs of declining enthusiasm - writes. the head of the institute of international and strategic relations, pascal boniface , noted that the position of the european union may change. the prospect that ukraine will militarily regain the territories it has lost since 2022 is frankly no longer believed by anyone, even if official statements continue
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to remain something of a fantasy. none believes this in the us, no one believes this in military circles. meanwhile, in the european union , the focus is on viktor orban’s visit to moscow and negotiations with vladimir.
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canceled a meeting with german colleagues in berlin. there is no need, said foreign minister peter szijarta. the most popular journalist in the united states, tucker carlson, asks the question: why don’t european leaders want peace? why orban is the only leader in europe trying to stop the complete destruction of ukraine, anyone who opposes. supports evil. natalya goncharova, lead. joe biden failed to convince americans of his sanity and strong memory. the us president gave his first interview after the disastrous debate with trump to abc. i tried to look cheerful, but it didn’t work. the states
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are sliding into a political crisis. cnn has already noted this. the new york times writes that the decrepit biden was painful to watch. with details. denis davidov. the interview was supposed to be shown on sunday morning, but it was rushed to air on friday evening. the abc television channel explained the rush by national interests. the eighty-year-old president was given a viewing party after a disastrous debate with trump. are you willing to undergo an independent medical examination with neurological and cognitive tests and provide the results to the american people. listen, well, i take a cognitive test every day, i not only run a company, but i run the world. and this is not hyperbole, we are the main nation in the world. or other problems, but the journalist is
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so worried about the president’s condition that he asks biden several times about testing his mental abilities. the question that worries many people now is this. that the interview can hardly be called complementary, mr. president, i have never seen a president with a rating of 36% be re-elected. i don't believe that's my approval rating, that's not what our polls show. in the senate
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, democrats are openly, according to the washington post, putting together a coalition against their president. the party's wallets, that is, major sponsors, are also not happy with biden; almost 170 leading us businessmen sent a letter to the white house in which they ask the president not to run for a second term, but the addressee is in a different reality, no messages reach him. i convinced myself of two things: i am the most qualified person to defeat trump, and i know how to achieve this result. if you are convinced that you cannot beat donald trump, you will drop out of the race. it depends if the lord almighty comes down and tells me this. i might do that. the interview lasted just over 20 minutes, and as abc said, nothing came of it. not cut, bets the president's speech was high, perhaps the last opportunity for biden to dispel
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the fears of those who doubt that he will be able to rule america with a firm hand for another 4 years. it makes me sad that he can't even understand the fact that people have questions for him. he was asked about his willingness to take a cognitive test, and he replies that he takes it every day. yes, that may be true, but 75% of americans think he fails this test. interview with. recorded in the library of one of the schools in wisconsin, where biden had a meeting with voters, he took the stage an hour late and was in his repertoire, the american president was carried back to the future. let me state as clearly as possible, i remain in the race. i will beat donald trump, i will beat him again in 2020. and by the way, we will beat him again. in the 2024 scene in front of voters, biden lasted 15 minutes and
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then went to the airport to fly not to the white house, to his home on the coast, to relax. why not make way for someone younger, mr. president, there is a succession plan any ceo. well, by the way, we have a succession plan, but why do i need any proposals now, well, you know me, one way or another? thank you. since the abc interview, biden has received virtually no public messages of support. the question arose on social media: does america need a president? billionaire elon musk called the discussion useful, since, according to him, the united states has not had a president for a long time. denis davidov and timofey mukhin, lead. russia doesn't end anywhere. a grandiose concert with that name took place at vdnkh. it's dedicated official closing of the exhibition.
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during this time it became one of the ten most visited places on our planet, but the most important thing is not even quantity, the most important thing is quality, quality is the emotions and feelings of the people with whom they come to the exhibition. so, olga armyakova will tell you what the forum russia exhibition was memorable for. a line of people - an endless stream and such a picture at the exhibition. russia almost every day, here it is nationwide love and popularity, which seems to
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have exceeded all expectations, and here we see on eve, the achievement of each area, exhibition russia is the friendship of peoples first of all, the exhibition of russia is the homeland, there is nothing like it anywhere else on the planet, in terms of the scale of the plan, so that in one place everything at once, a unique, vast, multifaceted country, in all its glory, from the polar latitudes to gorkavkaz , from primorye to the baltic, a sixth of the land, a journey that begins at this point, pavilion 75 is the heart of russia. the exhibition has been running for 8 months, and it would seem that during this time everything can be seen, however, the scope is such from the atom to space that you can’t get around the pavilions in a week, but it’s not even a matter of scale. the exhibition is constantly updated, becoming a reflection of the big country. the main goal was to show everyone, especially our children, how much has been done in the country. over the past few years, there are so many reasons to be proud, we managed to do this, hear how
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primorye sounds, conquer the heights of chukotka, take a photo in the blooming gardens of buryatia as a souvenir, in one place we have collected, as it were, not just the achievements of each region, but actually business cards , a bright kaleidoscope of centuries-old traditions, original rituals, ancient epics, our heritage, and now the legacy of the exhibition, about their work informally, every ministry and department is here. remained in the coordination center of the government, this is its branch at vdnkh. the cabinet of ministers held meetings discussing national projects, and for some, the russia exhibition became part of family history. last summer we walked in moscow at vdnh and jokingly dreamed that it would be nice to have a wedding in moscow. and it turned out to be a wedding for the whole country, and even in the traditions of the komi people. and soli sergey from sektavkara became husband and wife at vdnkh, like almost 300 other loving couples. perhaps the best results in the year of the family, which was solemnly opened here too. but if we talk about the results,
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over 18 million people visited the exhibition, which is every eighth resident of russia. with friends. decided to leave, we had to get up very early at 5:00 in the morning to get to moscow, stand in line, when we entered, we realized, of course, that it was not in vain, daria and vladimir from tula became the four millionth visitors, from the exhibition management receiving a travel gift wineries of the krasnodar region, so russia made dreams come true. i came and i’m so interested that i don’t even want to leave here. the exhibition, although it is finishing its work, part of the exposition will disperse to the regions, but this is the end. only the first chapter, the forum directorate will simply change its registration from vdnkh to the expo center, and a new national center russia will now appear there. olga armikova, nikita korneev, artyom davidov, maria dementieva, yana streblyanskaya and alexander dvornikov. news. the first batch was sent to the front line from rostov to dano non-alcoholic drink to support the strength
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of fighters. the unique formula was developed by the baltika company, which came under state control. a drink with vitamins is supplied free of charge to the special operation zone. veronica bogma will tell you how they appreciated the new product. the first batch of soft drink for our own, bottled at the rostov baltika plant, is being shipped; out of 10 million bottles that are going to the front, 100,000 will go today. they will be distributed free of charge, but in principle they are not for sale. neither baltika nor any other organization. this product does not have customer, dealer, plan, there are people who came up with it, made it, gave it as a gift, without particularly advertising it, as they say now, socially responsible decisions, we pour a drink for our own, which will go to our soldiers in the northern military district zone, and we clearly understand how important ours is now mission, how difficult it is for our soldiers there, and we would like
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to send this drink to them so that they can restore their strength, the drink is unique, the original recipe does not coincide with any of the already existing ones. it was composed by baltic technologists, which not so long ago came under state control, non-alcoholic, but brewed using the same strict and verified technological norms and standards as for conventional products. the leading quality engineer with the telling name of the brewer speaks about the organalyptic properties of the drink. the taste of lime gives refreshment, it is such a refreshing effect, the drink is sweet, pleasant, refreshing, mint, cooling, aftertaste. this is not beer, not lemonade, not a tonic, they especially emphasize not an energy drink, the drink invigorates for its own people, but does not depress the nervous system, all the vitamins are here groups b, as well as c and e, fat-soluble a and d3, the sugar and carbonation content is minimal, one bottle contains 90% of the daily caffeine requirement, and not only, of course, we put our souls into it, naturally, because
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after all, this the drink will go specifically to our guys in the northern military district zone so that... and he could support them, he could nourish them with these vitamins and give them energy, his own are not only colleagues from the baltic who went to fight, but in general everyone who is in front line, almost every employee of the plant among of our own, there behind the ribbon there is someone completely dear and our own, greetings from home, from relatives, so that this sip gives energy, strength, memories of relatives, with soul... rostov took the baton of st. petersburg, where at the head enterprises for production the production of the drink began in early june; of all the divisions of the baltic, the don plant is geographically the closest to its own. convenient logistics will make it possible to quickly and flexibly respond to requests and, if necessary, increase supplies.
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veronica bogma, eduart elin, vladimir shamakov, galina pilipenko, nadezhda klimovich and denis denisov. news: rostov-nadon. target 300. 3 artillery high-explosive fragmentation fuse fragmentation charge fully
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charged. the corps became a guards corps - the corps' documents are somewhere in the presidential administration of the guards, the brigade and the 1472 motorcycle regiment became guards. and at the same time, the lieutenant general is also a guardsman himself? well, lieutenant general, that is, i started serving in the guards military unit, once upon a time, i served for a very long time in the fourth guards tank division, proud of it. now, as soon as the corps receives the rank of guards, i will also attach a guards badge to my ceremonial uniform, if we take history in general, military history, yes, when the guards
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units appeared, there, after all, the monetary pleasure was higher, the uniform was different, and the military man, if was wounded, returning to his unit, during the war, he should have been returned only to the guards unit, there really is pride, especially to receive the regiment, brigade, and corps, i hope, the rank of guards here for... well, then i was wounded, i was in the hospital, while i was in the hospital, i was offered the eighth army, i went to the eighth army and continued to fight, i was wounded like a shrapnel wound in the leg
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in the forest, i showed the tanks where to go to the firing line, where to fire where , because at first we were sitting in a trench watching, when i saw that a tank was coming out to shoot for the second or third time along the same route, well, i kind of had to run there and tell him that this was impossible, that his... he was still a colonel then, no, when he was wounded he was a general, already a general, but when they started, i was still a colonel, i didn’t get to georgia, i didn’t have time to go to afghanistan, i graduated from college in 1990, everyone there wrote reports to afghanistan, but they managed to withdraw the troops, we didn’t get there, it’s like, syria, well, i i think that this war is the most serious, the most terrible war that the russian army has participated in. throughout its existence, it was, let’s say, not easy there in syria, but now the war in syria is perceived as a child’s play, let’s just say, there we had an advantage in
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the air is overwhelming, the advantage in artillery, the advantage in reconnaissance, and here , well, the enemy is strong and cunning, as they say, so here, well, the full power of our armed forces has to be used to win, well, the war in chechnya, well, the north caucasus - this is counter-terrorism, counter-guerrilla actions , they are completely. it upsets me when some people at home begin to think that everything is over, the enemy is defeated, fleeing, they have nothing to fight with, they have nothing, so when i drive, i see a completely different picture, the enemy is serious, they are well staffed, they have the equipment, the shells have been delivered, technical innovations also arrive regularly from all over the world, from all nato countries, so it’s definitely too early to relax. i can only confirm all this, because well, from the captured weapons that were in the case, starting there are american machine guns, machine guns, polish machine guns, i even got a bulgarian pkm, there are
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various grenade launchers, artillery we all see, all nato, any nato artillery, all of it is there, all the reconnaissance means are there, another difficulty in war is that on the other side the same slavs as we are fighting, new reinforcements are already being felt, who have become? recruit ukrainians, our last two or three attacks were successful, if earlier we attacked and there were, well, cases more than once when an enemy machine gunner in a strong point shoots until the end until he is killed, now it turned out that he was either taken prisoner or to finish off those who are already in bondage and from there, well, either get out or don’t get out, as if it were their choice, that is, the quality began to change, that is, they ground down the more stubborn ones. well, partly, yes, they still come across, when you communicate with prisoners, it means that a month ago it was still like this, this is such a stubborn natsik, he
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became a stronghold. he sits there, everyone else will shoot until he is killed, as long as he is alive, they will not run away from the strong point, will not surrender, will not go anywhere, he has the right to shoot any of them, there is even a video of how ukrainian there, i don’t know who, shoots his soldier with a pistol, how would we film it all with a quadcopter, it’s all there, but understanding that a simple soldier would have a pistol like as a rule he can’t, then it’s at least some kind of sergeant, and he shot his own. serviceman, while this stubborn guy is in the stronghold, they do not give up and do not run away, due to which we overcome their numerical advantage, they receive the most modern nato developments, by and large , they use ukraine as a testing ground, they test all the innovations here, but we still we are crushing them, due to the courage of russian soldier-officers, mainly due to courage,
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due to the use of high-precision...
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and how is it, adrenaline, it is not yet you try, you won’t feel it, yes, but in reality, when you do it all yourself, you know it all yourself, then to the soldier on the radio, when you tell him, i have one soldier, you say, talk to us, you say, when we hear your voice, we
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feel calmer, calmer, calmer. what speed are you going at? well, when the car is moving with a strawl, the speed is about 12-15 km per hour, because if the booster car goes too fast, then the mines that the mines will fall back, that is, it goes like a plow, a mine once, well, it lifts the ground and the mine falls , and if quickly drive then the mine will fall back, the drones will fall first. we reconnaissance from the air, so all the actions that are carried out are coordinated from the air, the copter went to the support with a drop, yes, but it is walking in a fairly strong wind for it,
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moving ahead. eighty, he deliberately goes at speed, so that he doesn’t stay, yes, because if he jumps forward, then the motorized fighter will get lost, but there’s a field trail, with a heavy machine gun, the infantry supports the tank so that no one jumps out and can’t. with an rpg, hit a car, motorcycle league, what? it’s dragging on you, which means that our machine gun was screwed on by the landing force, not the landing force and the dshk on top, the dshk screwed it on itself, yes, yes, yes, yes, they’ve modified it, yes, they’ve modified it, yes, yes, they’ve installed smoke, yes, to hide the tank, i added it.


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