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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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petals were cut out during surgery on the operating table in order to sew these prosthetic tongues to the roots of the aorta, this required some time, this prosthesis was developed for several years, because it is necessary first of all to study the morphology of the aortic root, take a huge sample, calculate all the sizes, analyze first on computer models, then specifically the pulse... sublifiers, that is, installations that simulate cardiac activity, simulate the operation of this prosthesis, analyze all its shortcomings, because that, unfortunately, in our specialty , shortcomings are unacceptable, for how long we are cooling, well, for now 26, and maybe, thanks to new technologies, planned operations now look like this: examining the patient for act, then making a model of the prosthesis in production and... itself
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intervention, the advantage is that it reduces the operation time, even reducing the operation by half an hour by an hour, this is significant because this is the time of anesthesia, this is the duration of artificial circulation, reducing the risk of complications, patient ivan nikolaevich from the city of ivanovo became the first to receive such an individual prosthesis; by the way, the operation took place on my son’s birthday, so this is somehow a sign. even for me, i think that what was done for my health is a great thing, thanks to this , roughly speaking, on the fifth day i feel fine, like in a film about vysotsky, thank you that i am alive, healthy, i think , in another day i’ll be generally cheerful, i’ll be running around the corridor just like that and i want to come back. to your beloved job. next
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the challenge facing cardiologists is surgery using a new biological heart valve. the percentage of patients who need bioprosthetics is huge, that is, satisfaction with these operations in our country is far from ideal. if previously biovalves were taken from large livestock hearts and transplanted into humans, now the opposite is true. the world's first human pericardium valve was installed in a pig. operation was successfully completed. the human pericardium is much thinner than the pericardium of a pig, horse, or sheep, anyone. and we have a lot of experience; in moscow in 2016, we were the first to start making a valve from the pericardium of a person. but that was during the operation. we took the shell of the heart, cut it out into valves, and he came.
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there will be no valve degradation in the future. the task set by the president of russia is to develop new directions in healthcare and introduce the latest treatment methods. large investments are being made in infrastructure, technology and digitalization.
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samara resident valeria evgrafova has been involved in sports all her life, from wrestling to volleyball. to besides, work is always on your feet. valeria photographer. but in recent years, walking has become unbearably painful for her - an old knee injury, a miniscus tear, has taken its toll. i gradually began to experience anemia in my lower leg, that is , the peroneal nerve passes there and leads to the big toe. my leg began to sag, that is, my foot began to sag, well, in fact, it seemed to be partially paralyzed. here.
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because this opens up new opportunities for me, in particular, this is a chance for a healthy future, our production takes place in isolation wards cell cultures, and from the moment of receipt of biological material, and our biological material is cartilage tissue and blood serum.
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some chronic disease, this tissue practically cannot be restored if in case of injury or in case it is replaced by scar tissue, we take from the patient from the area of ​​​​the less loaded joint, well, a small number of cells using a special minimally invasive operation, we disperse these cells, that is, we crush and after that... we begin to grow in in the same isolation wards that you saw, increasing their number, we again introduce these cells back to the patient, and after two or three days the patient is discharged there, and then his rehabilitation begins, valeria evgrafova
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felt the effect almost immediately, after a few months she began to run cross-countries and participate in tournaments, thanks to this method , my cartilage was completely restored, which now allows me to hope that for another 10-20 years i will not have problems with this, even taking into account the fact that i am actively involved in sports, then there is a femoral one bone, tibia, fibula, this is already a destroyed joint, this is already a joint requiring endoprosthetics. over the past 2 years, such an operation has been performed on more than thirty patients in samara alone; monitoring of them continues, but the results speak for themselves. we saw that the drug really works, and now we are getting a long-term effect. the results there are two years ago and more people, we watch how they play volleyball, how they play football, how they return to normal life, how they do normal their routine everyday activities, which they could not perform before. there is, for example, a patient who, in principle, walked only on crutches, did not go to work, could not
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work and could not move. after we performed this method of surgical treatment and replaced a very large defect, the person went to work. the russian pharmaceutical market is growing steadily; 2/3 of its volume by the end of 2022 was made up of domestic drugs.
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to predict its future activity already at the organismal level, that is, at the level animals, well, then clinical trials on humans. scientists from the russian technological university miraa are working to create a targeted drug for diagnosing and treating cancer. it is necessary to create diagnostic centers so that early detection is a 90% guarantee of the success of further treatment. and we are now working on the development of a new diagnostic
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drug, and not just a radionuclide drug, that is, a radiopharmaceutical that, due to radiation, due to radioactivity of the radionuclide included in this preparation, it would be possible for a doctor to detect a tumor, its size, its localization, its boundaries, and therefore more effectively...
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for secular people to indulge novelists and attract them to themselves is as dangerous as for a meadowsweet farmer to raise rats in his barns, i
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’m happy, i now belong to you, she’s beautiful, this film remained the only directorial work of margarita terikhova, soon the actress began to experience the first manifestations of alzheimer’s disease, she fell ill, but these were the very first manifestations, and they were so... well, slightly noticeable, well , mostly memory loss and some slightly inappropriate behavior due to the fact that she did not understand what was happening to her now or what would happen next in general she is there, and where are we going, and such a disease comes to a family, to any family, absolutely, be it famous people, for example, like my mother, or just ordinary people who also work and have lived all their lives and lived completely unaware maybe even about this disease. this what are you doing? papasnaya on the water, my dear. well, however,
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what follows is uninteresting and incorrect. margarita terikhova has not appeared in public for many years; the disease has changed the entire way of life of the family; a person with dementia requires constant care. of course, it’s very difficult, in the sense that when you know, you see your mother, a beautiful actress, who always knew a lot of the text by heart, and could do it whole. monologues and poems, all this and performed in front of the audience, not only played in plays, acted in films, when suddenly a person in this sense, it can no longer change as if adequately.
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we only managed to figure out how to slow down the course of the disease, but there are many promising developments. we are studying alzheimer's disease. we propose that a key element in the so-called pathogenesis of alzheimer's disease is the destruction of connections between individual cells. that is, alzheimer's disease occurs in the brain, that is, communication between neurons, neurons and other types of cells in the brain is lost. but our project and... our supposed the medicine, it affects neurons, that is, a certain ion channel that opens under the influence of our compound and triggers a certain signaling mechanism, leading to the fact that the cell’s contact with the environment is restored. doctors
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have long known which substances prevent the development of dementia. drugs for the symptomatic treatment of alzheimer's disease, and as a rule, monotropy is started with these groups of drugs in the early stages of treatment of alzheimer's disease, already in later stages, just according to everyone international research is precisely a combination. these components are most effective in helping to slow down the progression of dementia syndrome. the russian pharmaceutical company nova medica is the first to combine them in just one tablet. this is especially important for patients who regularly forget to take their medication. often what is important is not the creation of a new molecule,
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but the creation of a convenient release form. and many manufacturers, including us, are working. to improve the delivery method, to make therapy possible for the patient is more, we call this compliant, to make it easier for the patient to comply with the dosage regimen, by 2030 the share of russian full-cycle drugs on the domestic market should increase to almost 70%. such goals are stated in the government-approved strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical industry, it also provides for the elimination of administrative barriers , the accelerated introduction of new technological... solutions, but scientists and pharmaceutical companies go further, creating innovative drugs for serious diseases that no one else has in the world. world. sergei lukyanov first encountered ankylosing spondylitis when he was still a student; since then he has devoted his life to the study of this autoimmune disease,
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becoming a scientific biologist, academician, and rector of the most authoritative medical school named after. and here is the result of decades of work, registration of the drug he created with the ministry of health. i have been suffering from this disease for more than 40 years. and i have extensive experience, firstly, in the use of various drugs and the ability to compare, understand their effectiveness, limitations, prospects, but, the main thing is, of course, to conduct research, having at hand the constant opportunity to double-check. the idea of ​​​​blood tests that can be taken unlimitedly, without negotiating with anyone, this is very convenient. sineprutuk is like a jet plane versus a maize plant, yes, yes, this is a much more powerful and profound effect and today, probably, this is the only drug that claims to
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stop ankylosing spondylitis completely, that is, its progression does not slow down, does not i was relieved, but... almost completely like a stop tap is pressed for the duration of the drug while the person is being treated, unfortunately, this is not one injection for life, the drug must be used constantly, but while it is being used, the disease does not progress, this is very important. ankylosing spondylitis is a serious disease in which the human immune system attacks its own cells at the points where muscles attach to bones. and this reduces the flexibility of the spine, it becomes like a bamboo stick, and the person is essentially disabled, because mobility is lost, they were very strong. the sensations are accompanied by this, it is difficult to breathe, cough, but in the end, as if the person not only becomes rigid, the spine
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may find itself in a bent state, when the person is not able to straighten up, well, there are a lot of problems. sergei lukyanov searched for a cure for this disease for more than 20 years, tried all the advanced therapy on himself, it really reduced pain and allowed him to live and work fully, but not for long. and now, after years of research, the academician and his team made a discovery that should help to truly forget about all the symptoms of the disease. and we decided to create a drug that directly destroys cells that cause diseases, these ones that mistakenly attack their own tissue, but the problem was to find on their surface such distinctive signaling molecules that only they have and are absent in other cells, like this was.
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the company as a whole is interested in developing interaction with academic partners, because we believe that it is in such collaborations can create discontinuous solutions. the company is searching for drugs for diseases that cannot be cured at the current stage of scientific development, be it rare forms of cancer or spinal muscular atrophy, full-cycle production. from the search for a molecule to the mass release of the finished drug. scientists were able to quickly and effectively develop a monoclonal antibody that
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targets this particular population of t lymphocytes, and thus we created , together with the university of pirogovo, a drug with international non-proprietary name blue rod. it took more years of work to synthesize an antibody similar to a human one, which... would be perceived by the body as foreign, then they conducted studies on animals, now the stage of clinical trials, which have now entered the third phase. clinical studies demonstrated the effectiveness of the drug in comparison with placebo and a favorable safety profile. however, clinical studies are not ending now, despite receiving the registration certificate, we continue the third phase of clinical trials, and in order to obtain the widest possible one.
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it is believed that up to 97% of these patients are carriers of the hlab-27 gene, and our drug is intended for them. and this is the main thing,
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the solution to one problem launched a whole direction in scientific research, the approach that scientists from the university of pirogovo discovered can really form the basis of a potentially huge line of a wide variety of breakthrough original products. we are working we are currently working on new drugs and really hope that in the near future we will be able to talk about some new discoveries. and the method invented by scientists opens up opportunities to combat many other diseases that were previously considered incurable.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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four emercom employees were injured during the repeated shelling of this town. at night, specialists arrived to extinguish the fire after the first arrivals, when the city came under a new attack. two rescuers were hospitalized with chip wounds, a fire truck was destroyed. prior to this, nine residents of gorlovka were injured, one death was reported. local residents call the shelling one of the most massive in recent times. 10 residential buildings were damaged, some of them burned down, and there were wrecked cars. in just the past 24 hours, neo-nazis hit
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civilian targets of the donetsk people's republic more than 40 times. republic, firing almost 170 shells. and the western media pretend that they allegedly did not know about the kiev regime’s abuse of the civilian population of donbass as prisoners. with such meade's spokeswoman issued a statement. maria zakharova commented on the publication in the american edition of the new york times. with reference to a foreign doctor who is in ukraine, the journalist cites the story of a russian prisoner. he was killed by ukrainian nationalists in response to a request. medical care, and this is far from an isolated case. maria zakharova emphasized: the russian side has repeatedly presented reports on torture by the ukrainian armed forces. that’s why the press’s attempts to pretend that they knew nothing about this were called, quote, ridiculous. and on in the ovdeevsk direction: people and equipment are protected from air attacks by the central military district's security forces. the sappers of the southern group are protected.


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