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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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and we start with the latest reports on the progress of the special military operation. the crews of the heavy flamethrower systems of the sun destroyed the fortified strongholds of the militants. the shooting was carried out using modern topographic and geodetic referencing systems. the enemy had no chance. the thermoboric projectile landed exactly in the specified area and when it hit, it killed all living things. what did the drone's camera record? having fired a salvo, the fighters immediately transferred.
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mainly from drones, everything basically from the very beginning everyone has a moral the spirit is good, fighting, everyone is charged, everyone is ready, 20 more russian children were brought home from syria, all of them will undergo a full medical examination in federal clinics. in addition, psychologists will work with the children and help them establish contact with their families. all children endured the flight satisfactorily until... return to
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the territory of the russian federation, the children, after being received from the camp, were examined by specialists from the ministry of health, everyone’s condition was satisfactory, there were no serious deviations affecting our transportation not found. let me remind you that the humanitarian mission to repatriate russian children from the countries of the middle east has been carried out since 2018, in total more than 500 children returned home, the operation is coordinated by the office of the commissioner for children's rights, as you prepared... we are doing this on behalf of the president. employees of the office of the children's obbudsman , together with representatives of the russian center for sudmekspertiza, were in northeastern syria for several days. we visited refugee camps and took blood samples from 69 children to conduct genetic dna studies with purpose. assertions of kinship with our
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russian citizens. we pay special attention to the health and adaptation of returning children. in total, taking into account today’s group , 566 children from syria, iraq, pakistan and turkey have already been returned to russia. and in washington, on the eve of the anniversary nato summit, protests took place against the alliance. demonstrators are demanding the closure of us military bases around the world and the dissolution of alliances. in addition, the protesters are against the supply of weapons to israel. the action takes place in one of the churches, on the wall which hung anti-war posters and banners. and now footage of telegram channels from the usa. in santa barbara county, powerful forest fires cannot be extinguished. the authorities announced the evacuation of the population based on preliminary data. over the past 2 days , several firefighters have already died. france will hold a second round of parliamentary elections. the main intrigue is whether the right, led by marina, will be able to. get an absolute majority. on
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the eve of the vote, a rally of illegal immigrants took place in paris. they refuse to leave the sleeping republic; the situation is more than tense. in addition, some officials said they may refuse to obey the right if they come to power. let me remind you that in the first round the national union won, after which macron called for uniting against the right, and the left supported the idea. and then, after the commercial, our broadcast will continue eduard petrov’s investigation into the box. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. the sber thank you loyalty program has been updated. pay any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. choose
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the mystery of mayor klein's pillow, what did the mayor's wife hide in it and why did the woman fiercely resist the region's security forces? hello, eduard petrov is in tomsk. the 13th of november. on friday the thirteenth they came to your office, it is clear that klein gave an illegal instruction to change categories land plot, that is, there should have been normal, multi-story, beautiful new houses, but it turns out that you are the third mayor,
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they told me then that he will be the third, we found about 116 million in violations. i am a wealthy person, i earned all this in my life. what i have are shares in the plant, but this is a city, this is not a village, this is a city, a city, familiarize yourself in the corridor, we have already arrived, we are actually carrying out, you are facing opposition. law enforcement. in the midst of the leading two measures came into view
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working day they came to him with handcuffs. as it seemed that klein’s craving for beer had ruined him, the official allocated an additional plot of land to his family enterprise. why has ivan klein’s business grown by leaps and bounds all these years and what was hidden in the favorite pillow of the arrested mayor of tomsk? we took over this case and conducted our own investigation.
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last year's international festival crystal tomsk was remembered for a long time by local residents. the main ice sculptures were huge mugs with a foamy drink. there was also a brewer who was rolling a keg. on the figures there was a logo of the oldest plant in the region, tomskoe beer. this company was the main sponsor of the new year's event. grandfather tvora rejoiced at the crystal town and took pictures against the backdrop of beer circles covered with snow. all this splendor was arranged every year by the family of the mayor of tomsk ivan klein.
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happy new year. he is the beer baron, wife of the baroness. at the end of 2020 , there is no one to hold the luxurious crystal festival. a lover of ice-cold beer mugs , sponsor galina klein, is under investigation in the hospital. and her husband, a businessman and mayor ivan grigorievich klein, also under investigation, but in the tomsk pre-trial detention center. it was there that the ex-head of the city learned from television news that on november 27, friday, at the nakhimov intersection. two shuttle buses collided in the elizarov area near the railway station,
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fortunately no one was killed, something didn’t work out, in many ways the mood of the residents today depends on you. there has been no safe public transport in tomsk for a long time; private drivers drive through the streets and transport clients, their movement looks like a dangerous rally.
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ivan klein could also find out what’s on the street with a sleeper instead of a water supply , there is still a water pump, which he once solemnly opened for local residents, they still use it today, we... did not embellish it, but there is even more to be done, come tusan. all of these houses have stove heating. all these houses have stove heating.
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amazing raw materials. the residents of these wooden sheds also learned that the mayor of tomsk was detained on friday, november 13, in his office and taken for questioning to the investigative committee. this house is most likely over 100 years old, going up the this ladder, you could break your legs. there is no roof, the entrance is freezing cold, this is how some residents of the city of tomsk live. the residents of this old house also follow the news in the city.
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bags of food hang on their windows, because it’s already frosty in tomsk. winter 2020, the center of tomsk, in the courtyard of a residential building there is a wooden structure and latrines. many residents of tammy live in similar conditions; they are all interested in how the high-profile criminal case against mayor ivan klein will end. in the reception hall of the mayor's office hang portraits of all the heads
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of tomsk, the last two, alexander makarov and nikolai nikolaychuk were convicted. mayor ivan klein, for the third time in a row, will apparently also end up in the criminal history of the city administration, and his book “my destiny to be a tomsk” immediately became a bestseller. the mayor signed the first page with his own hand and gave it only to respected and close people. now klein’s office, filled with copies of his book, is empty. just recently, investigative actions took place here. three mayors of tomsk all became involved in criminal cases. ivan klein was detained while work was going on meeting, and he communicated with his subordinates via the internet. ivanovich, november 13, 2020
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regarding. this fsb operational footage spread throughout the country. a criminal case has been initiated against myr tomsk ivan klein. article of abuse of power. new details in the case of the mayor of tomsk arrested for abuse of power. in tomsk at this moment the issue of arresting the beer baron is being decided. this is what local residents call the mayor of the city, ivan klein.
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mayor klein was handcuffed and, accompanied by fsb special forces, taken out of city ​​administration buildings. all friday , november 13th mayor klein. was interrogated by the regional investigative committee, the mayor was accused of using his official position in favor of the family business, the owners of the plant, tomsk beer, believe that the enterprise has a so-called sanitary zone, 300 m. mayor klein vetoed the construction
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of multi-story houses on this land and refused to build housing for a local businessman. the entrepreneur did not agree with this decision and contacted law enforcement agencies. the investigation considered that the mayor acted.
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hello, hello, we are from moscow, to say that you will not communicate with us , your position, maybe i didn’t know, i didn’t hear, so come, i’m ready to answer, if our film crew is ready, of course. i talked with the accused after the next interrogation, observing all safety measures during a difficult pandemic period, we asked several questions, first
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of all, does he consider himself guilty? well, i didn’t admit it when interrogated by the investigator, i believe that it was a management decision that any leader, especially the mayor, receives this day. in a large city , more than one or two of these resolutions are born a day, and what is charged today is my fault, abuse of power, when i acted in the interests of the majority of the population, on three counts the entrepreneur was refused to transfer the purpose of the land plot from one of them
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, a few years later he headed the enterprise, at the same time he was elected as a deputy of the tomsk regional duma and worked there for four convocations in a row. in october 2013 became
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mayor of the city and left the post of director of the brewery. from now on, the head of production is ivan klein’s wife, galina. ivan klein owns 51% of the shares of ojsc tomskoe beer. for 2019, he declared 291 million rubles. this is 24 million per month. the mayor owns three. plot of land, the same apartment with an area of ​​188 m2, a share in another apartment, and also per month, she owns a garage. fsb and iska officers collected strong evidence of guilt. they saw personal interest in his actions, even while serving as mayor, he never forgot i carefully guarded about my family business.
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beautiful new houses, yes, that’s exactly how multi-storey beautiful houses were developed by an entrepreneur, which we have attached to the criminal case, multi-storey, beautiful new houses. klein gave illegal instructions to the employees who prepared the draft of this resolution that under no circumstances should this be done as a basis for specifying what to establish.
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the site occupied by tomsk beer has a sanitary protection zone of 300 m, which is necessary for tomsk beer to implement of its activities. or we ivan klein, does he remember the day when they came to him with handcuffs? and on friday the thirteenth they came to your office, oddly enough, dvar, yes, it’s friday the thirteenth, it happened, friday the thirteenth, you didn’t feel that something would happen on that friday, there was no such feeling, yes, you know , to be honest, i didn’t sleep well at night, that is, they didn’t think that your day
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would end in handcuffs. and leave the office? no, of course, i asked, guys, i say, listen, come on, i won’t run away, i’ll do it myself i’ll leave the office, that’s all, but unfortunately, they have their own service, why are you offended, well, for the injustice, why are crooks believed, but normal people are not, on friday the thirteenth, while mayor klein was being interrogated, another task force tried to get into his apartment , detectives wanted to search the home.
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