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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 7, 2024 7:30am-8:00am MSK

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i will get acquainted there, please do not oppose, we ask again, it’s normal, calmly discuss all this, no, no, i understand, that a woman was sleepy, a woman was defending her family, people came in wearing masks or like me, i wasn’t, i was in the office, i didn’t see, but she fought for your house, well done, i think that like any woman, mother, who has children in the apartment, this is probably what everyone would do. yes, and the story with the pillow, you already know that she threw the pillow out of the window, what is this story with the pillow? can you explain? well, i, i don’t know what’s in there to the end, but they conveyed that they were writing papers there, that all this was on the pillow, but absolutely exactly, i’m a wealthy person,
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i’ve earned all this in my life in more than 30 years, and what i have are the only assets, these are... from shares in a factory, which i once started in 1985, from a bankrupt enterprise or a collapsed enterprise, raised it to its feet, made it profitable, tried to do the same in the city beautifully, well, just like in a factory. according to many townspeople, the ex-mayor did not hesitate to use his official resource. not a single city holiday was complete without
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beer factory products, barrels of kvass and foamy drinks and mineral water stood on every corner. in general, everyone was happy with the enterprise. what did you invest in the city, in the development of the city, well, within such modest limits, probably about 50 million rubles of your own funds, well , why did i need these 3 kopecks, you invested 50 million a year in yes in the development of the city, well what did you spend it on? well, for
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various things, the creation of parks, public gardens, well, for charity, yes, this year you also spent your own money, but you bought masks for people for... well, from your spouse, as far as i know, the hospital helped, clinics from gmos, even there you spent your own money to fight covid, well, it turns out that way, yes, as it seemed to us, ivan klein regretted that he had once agreed to become the mayor of tomsk, it turns out you are the third mayor, yes, yes, that’s what they told me, here you are the third mayor, when i went to... i was elected to this position for the first time, they told me then the third will be the third, yes i said yes , okay no, leave me alone i won’t take money, that’s what the former mayor of tomsk said
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alexander makarov promised that he would serve the people selflessly, but ended badly, was convicted, and under klein and makarov, the city never... the main problems were solved - housing and communal services, transport. there are still many commercial companies and carriers on the streets. i’m amazed by the transport history, i looked at these buses under makarov, why it was impossible to create normal transport in the city, why aren’t we like that now? i think that over the last, probably 2-3 years, we have significantly updated transport, that's when it arrived it really was like that. all the equipment that was killed was twenty years old, and i gathered
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this entrepreneurial community of carriers several times, there were a lot of them, they were all scattered, everyone had their own route, everything was planned out, everything, i think we will eventually achieve transport and organize it to the end, what is the state of your housing and communal services, how they are accepted now, i think, you know, no better than... in other cities, a significant part of the urban housing stock is old, pre-renovation construction without major repairs, sewerage, gas and water. it should be noted that klein at one time tried to solve the problems of housing and communal services in his own way, for example, he inaugurated several water pumps in the private sector in the presence of the press and residents. this is the first
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such start. darya fedotova saw how people rejoiced at the forgotten opportunity of round-the-clock access to water. a red ribbon near a pump is not a very common sight for the 20th century, but for residents of shpalnaya and stroevaya streets it is a real event. for many years they waited for the opening of a water supply system here. we have been recruiting for 5 years. and now water supply can appear in each of the 78 houses, so that everyone can be sure of the quality of the supplied water; ivan klein tested it personally. however, the residents of the streets are not bothered by the sleeper and construction smell of iron; for them , the most important thing is that there is simply water. hello. matveevna popova still remembers the ceremonial event to launch
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the column; the woman is now using the mayor’s gift. now the water seems clean, you see, the water seems clean, yes, but when i then go from the sediment, you saw what remains in the bucket, both for me and we wash often buckets, because she is all white, all of them are all black, but this is a city, this is not a village, this is a city, in life i realized long ago that there is death, where no one drowns in beer, they drown... always in water , rivers and seas, straits,
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how much harm there is from them, it is not beer that destroys people, it is water that destroys people, close relatives of ivan klein do not suspect how tomsk really lives, for example, his daughter svetlana, she owns a large plot of land on which costs. ivan grigorievich agreed on the separation of the plot for his daughter svetlana. this section located within the city on a street that has been developed with luxury cottages. here. the site, according to our information, was allocated in violation of legal procedures, that is, in
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tomsk this place is called rublyovka, local rublyovka, well, one of the places can be called local rublyovka, that’s what it’s called, the words of the operative are confirmed by the former chairman of the city audit chamber, because the expensive land was registered by the mayor without going through an official bidding procedure, because the law is federal. today he defines and prescribes the rules about the fact that all the land, so to speak, plots, they are all allocated and put up for auction, is not that is, by its own decision. he could not allocate the land, this is my point of view, so to speak, i believe that he could not do this and did not have, so to speak, the right for one simple reason, because well, this is a violation of the federal, so to speak, law. according to the former auditor of the tomsk accounts chamber, kevano klein had other complaints related to his official activities. sometimes the mayor's office used the money for other
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purposes. we found in the identified violations there. in my opinion, my memory serves me right, about 116 million violations that we identified, rubles, are not ineffective. some representatives of public organizations do not remember with kind words the seven-year reign of the singing baron and are confident that the investigation will have other episodes in the case of ivan klein. when ivan grigorievich headed the administration, alone. with the stroke of a feast , construction permits began to be revoked there within six months, just almost en masse from all builders in the city of tomsk, people under the previous mayor receives a permit, klein comes, and the person has already invested 30-50 million there, the permit is taken away from him, and people are still in the courts, i am sure that now there will be a line lining up with statements, with appeals to
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law enforcement agencies, i think this is not the last episode that we will soon learn about ivan grigorievich there. all of these houses have stove heating. all these houses have stove heating. amazing raw materials. but let's return to the arrested mayor of tomsk ivan klein. during our meeting, the mayor complained to the fact that during all the years of his tenure as
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the head of the city, he never visited the tomsk pre-trial detention center. once in the cell, he was surprised by the conditions of detention: the window was broken, the pipes were leaking and humming, in general , the pre-trial detention center was in need of urgent repairs; now he experienced first-hand what it was like to be arrested. klein will continue to prove his innocence in court. i sincerely really don’t understand, i read the indictments, i think that my actions damaged the interests of the municipality, in which i violated the interests, the interests of the municipality, the interests of the tamich people, and i defended the interests, i sincerely do not understand the violation of this, the deputy
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is accusing me today. the directors left this plant. our film crew was present during the investigative actions in the mayor’s office, that’s what we paid attention to. ivan klein told us that he does not drink, there is vodka and cognac in his refrigerator, and behind this door there is
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a large safe in which there were 3 million rubles and unfinished alcohol. in ivan's rest room. klein was left with an unopened package containing circulation of his book "my destiny to be a sword". these copies remained unsigned. the ice figures of the international festival crystal tomsk melted last year, and
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there may not be a new holiday, because the main sponsors, the beer baroness, galina klein, are under investigation in the hospital, and the beer baron, ex-mayor ivan klein, is under investigation in the season. the regional investigative committee continues to investigate a high-profile criminal case against the head of the city. tomsk ivan klein, and the mayor’s defense is preparing for trials. in life, i realized long ago, lies death, where? no one drowns in beer; they always drown in water. rivers and seas, straits, how much harm they cause, it is not beer that destroys people. it's water that destroys people, it's not beer that destroys people, it's water that destroys people, yes, goodbye.
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this is how we saw the criminal case of the mayor of tomsk ivan klein and found out that the family was hiding in his favorite pillow. this was our investigation from the tomsk region. it's up to you to draw conclusions. see you on the russia-24 tv channel. on december 30, 2021, the soviet district court found the suspended mayor of tomsk ivan klein guilty of abuse of power and illegal entrepreneurship. finally , based on the totality of the crime , the punishment will be imprisonment for 2 years and a fine of 200,000 rubles. most of this period. klein actually served his time, first in pre-trial detention, and then under house arrest due to cancer. his wife galina, who attacked security forces during a search,
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was also sentenced to two years in prison. true, conditionally, with a two-year probationary period. the prosecutor's office of the tomsk region considered the punishment for the former mayor tomsk, too soft, wanted to toughen it up. in response to this verdict, the state prosecutor filed an appeal, in which he pointed out the excessive leniency of the imposed punishment and disagreement with certain conclusions of the court. however , it was not possible to send klein to jail; in turn , the defense of the beer baron filed a cassation appeal in february 2023; the convict was able to give a prepared speech. i'm here today to learn.
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in a criminal case, klein fell for bribes. in production of a subordinate colonel there was a criminal case of tax evasion. and reyfiev allegedly decided
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to get money from. a businessman behind its closure, a high-ranking investigator was detained while transferring 42 million rubles. arefiev and his bribe-giver were transported to moscow , arrested, and then, for the sake of objectivity, the process was transferred to another region, the kemerovo region. hearings in the case began on august 7 , 2023.
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four employees of the ministry of emergency situations were injured during repeated shelling of gurlovka that night, specialists arrived to extinguish the fire after. the first arrivals when the city came under a new attack. two rescuers were hospitalized with shrapnel wounds, and a fire truck was destroyed. prior to this, nine residents of gurlovka were injured, one death was reported. local residents call the shelling one of the most massive in recent times. 10 residential buildings were damaged, some of them burned down, and there were also wrecked cars. in just the past 24 hours, there have been more neo-nazis.


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